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Savages got nerfed.
I always said i would do this.
I always said i would do this.
Hohoho.Originally posted by Sharma
Savages got nerfed.
I always said i would do this.
Horsma is stlong skald. And one of the few mids speaking sense.Originally posted by horsma
cry me a river...
can you honestly say that savage's dont need nerf?
And yes, my main char is in midgard.
Originally posted by Hargh
I'm from Midgard and fine with it. More love to skalds and thanes and nerf savages even more. Anything to encourage diversity in groups. IF it could be acheived to get 8 different types to make the perfect RvR group then I would cheer.
Oh and in answer to whether it will demoralise americans - I don't care. If it will demoralise english servers and have ppl leave midgard - no chance.
LAxe was a worse nerf x20 and we still cane it in RvR and have pretty good server population.
Originally posted by ssera
yeah the LA nerf was bad, but people still had the chance to roll uber Savages. Now that they're gone, what are people gonna play...?
Originally posted by case-rigantis
i`m sure most of the people here can`t have actually ever played midgard it`s hilarious hearing all the mids crying nerf and oh my god our characters are so weak
i play on mid/exc for a change atm and couldn`t beleive how powerful and well made the characters are
since with shop bought armour and weapons and with no knowedge of the classes i can virtually chain kill low oranges playing:
Skald (getting more loving)
SM (omg not overpowered at all)
Thane(gets more loving aswell lol)
have a savage at level 22 atm so not really able to comment what i can say though is at level 22 doing 120+ damage against purple cons per hit OMFG!!
there is maybe 1 tank class in alb able to chain solo oranges at level 24 and that`s probably the paladin
mids whine loudest this thread only proves that so shut up with all your albs whining cause mid nerf as if mids don`t need a nerf
Originally posted by case-rigantis
since with shop bought armour and weapons and with no knowedge of the classes i can virtually chain kill low oranges playing:
Skald (getting more loving)
SM (omg not overpowered at all)
Thane(gets more loving aswell lol)
Originally posted by -Nxs-
60 sec pets will rock - expect that to be nerfed before 1.65 goes finalsame with the necro changes, well im not leveling my earth theurg of SC-ing my necro armour just yet.
Funny you should mention that, I've rolled a savage on Galahad, a /level 30 realm and just last week they had 5 relics and could've easily taken the 6th if they'd wanted, not only that but two times in one week they were able to take EVERY keep in all frontiers. A /level 30 realm that can cause that much damage has to say something about Midgard.Originally posted by Tesla Monkor
I mean, look at the Midgard servers in the US. Over HALF of them are already /level 30 and have serious player issues. And the nerfs continue regardless.
Originally posted by Ottar
> IMO the nerf isnt big enough...
Seen the numbers coming from Pendragon? Using 3 of the last savagery buffs (dps, haste, evade), the current 30 s cycle will cost around 600 hp (buffed), which is about 230% when compared to current cost. Thats 20 hp per second, 40 hp per round assuming 2s attack cycle. Or self-damage about equivalent to damage output of a skald DDs. After they get upgraded 2nd shout and both shouts on 15s timer.
Actual logs show that average 1fg vs 1fg fight lasts somewhere around 1.5 minutes. Thats 90s. During that period, savage with 3 buffs up will sustain total self-damage of 1800 hp.
Positive effect of savagery buffs is increased damage done due to dps buff plus increased damage due to haste buff minus potential increased damage from healer Purity of Attack line haste, plus less damage taken due to evade buff.
In other words, to make it worthwhile at all to use or for that matter spec into savagery, a savage must take less and or/make more than 1800 hp more damage per fight with selfbuffs than he would have done without.. Thats the point where savagery buffs will -start- to pay off having specced 49 levels in a specline.
Too early to tell about 2h weaponskill nerf. Isnt known yet how the reduction is calculated. If its percentage-based, 2h savages might remain marginally viable. More likely tho that they just moved 2h savage to a hybrid damage table. Numbers that Ive seen so far seem to indicate a post-nerf 2h savage has about the same ws as skalds do.
So, all in all, another great victory for albion and hibernia. Keep up the good work.
I wish it was equatable... then at least I'd be good in RvR ;-)Originally posted by mavericky
Please, you are surely not trying to compare level 20 PvE to how effective a class is in end game RvR???
Originally posted by PJS
Roll on 1.65
oh and while we're at it. SM's are taking the piss atm. They may as well be necros in shade form while their pet is alive.
You target spiritmaster
You perform your Perforate Artery perfectly
Pet steps in front and takes the blow
You hit pet for xxx damage
You perform your Garotte perfectly
Pet steps in front and takes the blow
You hit pet for xx damage
You perform your Achilles Heel perfectly
Pet steps in front and takes the blow
You hit pet for xx damage
Isnt there a timer on intercept when it fires til it can be used again? Shouldnt the pet have the same timer limitation or remove the timer from players also?