


Originally posted by saltymcpepper

then give us quickcast

You can have QC when you wear cloth and CON isn't your secondary stat and you don't have instant ANYTHING.




Originally posted by klavrynd

1.60? better bring some mid love ffs

heh, didnt you saw? mid did get "uber" love.

Skald Changes
- Significantly reduced the cost of Warcry, Battle Whoop, and Stunning Shoutlines to be comparable to other classes.

allrighty :D


<gets a slap in the face and mezzed at clipping range>

I sure hope they don't finish off 1.60 without giving the other realms some luvin' aswell...

Hats looks nice though, but what about horned wiking helm? And the pointy hat, can you poke peoples eyes with it so they can't see?

Eye of Odin


P1MP-MODE woooo :D

that hat addition is freaking awesome tho, i don't care how much they beef up albion because when im wearing the p1mp gear nothing can stop me :D


klavrynd... I find your whining about friars to be immensely funny...

Coming from a _berserker_ or do you not like the thought of anyone doing damage close to yours? (when you're unbuffed and they're self-buffed).

Methinks yer compensating.

Anyway - spiritmasters got life transfers - that's mid lovin (just didn't make the patch notes), the skald changes, and you get santa hats!

(oh and if you're complaining about sorcerer extra range - try using a mezz on someone that closes from clipping range to 1500 at mach 5 and then hits an insta...
not that the range matters on hibs since they'll insta-lull at 2300 and use their castable when they hit 1500)

Makes sorcerers a bit better at a standoff - but otherwise range is little use.


My GOD! finally something to go with my pinkish epic armor, pimp hats!!

oh.. and finally something for making peeps listen when we're on relic and keep raids! /cg listen :D

oh.. and /pat on the back of albs, no whine, they got something atleast, now ungimp my warrior! oh wait, they did, watch out for the new horde of PIMP WARRIORS! :clap:


Nerf albs and their recent abundance of luvin'.

As for warriors, I have an active US account as well, the melee damage increase is insignificant, and is a feeble attempt at making warriors a finished class.


As if there werent enough albs already...
Now every moron is gonna go alb for sure, in time its stuff like this that ruin the game...
Alb lovin needed lol lol lol...even if albs were weaker then the rest, they still have the numbers ( and they use them, so dont come with fg vs fg ) to rule.


As if there werent enough albs already...
Now every moron is gonna go alb for sure, in time its stuff like this that ruin the game...
Alb lovin needed lol lol lol...even if albs were weaker then the rest, they still have the numbers ( and they use them, so dont come with fg vs fg ) to rule.

I wouldnt mind if tey gave loving to scouts, but certainly not to cabbys or wizards, the #1 realm point whores.


<just loves to see his gimpy classes getting better and better>


Originally posted by Quemine
[BI sure hope they don't finish off 1.60 without giving the other realms some luvin' aswell...



This is the balancing patch.

Hibs got theirs in 1.51

Mid got theirs in 1.54

Alb gets theirs in 1.60

Sorry, the only loving Mid should get in 1.60 is the kind of rough loving Berserkers are gonna get when they have to bend over and forfeit the lubricant.


Nice, as usual loads of people getting excited about some tiny little change in their char, meaning they may just last o.005 secs longer in next zerg.

Battlegrounds for 15-19!!!!!
having to take keep, getting xp for it!!!!!!


Should see all BG's used alot more.


What exactly is the realm wide class balancing that Mythic allegedly gave Midgard in 1.54? methinks ur smoking toe good stuff again.

Anyway I think everything in that patch is fine and dandy cept a 1875 range Mez which I do think is overkill, its the longest range CC in game and its also got the largest area effect, it WILL be overpowering and I very much doubt it will make the final cut.

Regarding Hats dont get too excited they are only Cloth and at present have no Armour Factor. Absolutely useless in RvR but nice to wear on special occasions and Guild Meetings :D

And I dont think the Alb balancing is the follow up to this alleged Hib/Mid balancing that has allegedly come before. I think its the first stage and Mid/Hib will come shortly after. There has never been this big an attention placed on a single realm in any past patch note soimo its the start of something not the end.


LMAO.. seen the firby wearing the Antler hat lolz thats so funny :D




........................nerf :(



there were undocumented tweaks to the spiritmaster, but overall mids don't need love........

you got Bonedancers and Savages.........

when u see how overpowered these two classes are, honestly you wont be bothered by the albion tweaks.

Kerram Darktyde

I love the way Sorcs are getting bigger and bigger Targets put on them...

If i am still playing in 1.6 then I know which class my buddies and I will be killing first :) Sorcs = 0 rps coz you will be sleeping every battle :)

Mean I know :) but I think mythic are complete idiots thier recent additions to game have been very bad and they fix a fix they fixed in each patch..

We think CC is runing game so we will add ways of countering it
Next patch CC Increase number of CC spells add duration to current CC spells and add range and AE range.... ER how dam stupid are these people..

And if they are doing all realms like they say doing one realm at a time is stupid.. they should do some of each realm at once.


Originally posted by Elrond/Ruffting
that crafting thing sucks, if they are going to make changes like that then they should also make creating grey items faster the higher your skill levels, and move its qual cap to 99-100

Heh, the day that 99%/100% become trivial to make is the day I respec my craft skill back to 0.


To the people who are whining, remember it is just 1.60b and not live on the servers, so there can and probably will be more updates before go live.

It looks like changes will be happening to midgard this patch as well, as they have reduced the value of celerity by a large amount (on herald spell lists), the opinion of IGN seers is that it is due to that fact they may also have changed it to instant cast or longer duration. At the the very least it proves changes are being planned.

I am not going to get excited or disapointed til the final patch notes come out, not one ending with an a,b,c,d ......x,y,z


Coming from a _berserker_ or do you not like the thought of anyone doing damage close to yours? (when you're unbuffed and they're self-buffed).


been looking at my damage logs a bit ,and it seems like the style everyone's still yelling bloody murder about (that is doublefrost) does not seem to get over 200 damage on lvl50ies in epic gear, 150 being the rough average . This is with capped str (200), 50+8 in both axe and laxe, and 99%qua axes (double bladed and weighted bearded)

i get outdamage and outlasted by friars, champs, hero's, armsmen, mercs and bm's . Infils hit up to 10 dmg less then i'm hitting them for and have xx damage dot's on top

it's about time that people start to understand that zerk is NOT the damage dealer people want to make it


Klav couple things:

#1 Albion currently have a 20% melee bonus granted from 3 relics
#2 +Qui directly efects Styled Damage negatively
#3 Alb is Slash resistant across the boards

I think #1 is the biggest factor re Friars and Infils atm and I do believe you and would be interested in seeing some damage logsof buffed/unbuffed RvR or even duels (you can duel me anytime to do some logs) :D


Okay some comments: Mids be silent I dunno really what all this uberlove you need is, Skalds got their shouts reduced which should be considered very nice.
And they usually do albion, midgard, hibernia for balancing.

Something that makes me wonder though, Buffbot loving?
Ability to make a buffbot with only one computer?

Friar changes are good, anything to make em specc out of that horribly resist buffs and staff.

Sorc Mezz might be a little over the top but dunno, doubt we will see many pure mind specced sorcs running around anyhow.

9 sec mincer shout doesn't bother me as they got a new pretty nice ability to play with their drums so they will still be drumwhores.

Clerics changes, well buffbot love as I said. Smite me slowly all non smiters.

A new empty BG but that levelling thing looks nice though.

To bad there is about 0.1% chance I will still be playing when this patch hits europe. Stop whining everyone though.


Krusha ya smartass, its not a typo :D

Norse Zerks cap 200 Str unbuffed :D

70 base +10 creation +45 levels +75 items = 200 :D


cap is 300.. but typos happen right?
125 base + 75 (50*1.5) = 200 capped str

#1 Albion currently have a 20% melee bonus granted from 3 relics
#2 +Qui directly efects Styled Damage negatively

150 avg damage on a style that caps at 475 approx is pretty sad, with or without relics, with or without high qui

#3 Alb is Slash resistant across the boards
i thought alb was neutral to slash, and hib tanks weak to slash and still i do piss all damage on both



there's some others on the guardian board...

basically Jelinar (the BM team lead) took almost identically specced BM and Zerker and compared damage...

As for 'only hitting for 200' I'm lucky if I break 100.

Friars will hit for over 200 yes - with a 5.5 speed weapon, not with a 4.2 speed axe hitting every 3.5 second (before any hastes etc. are applied)

Polearmsmen will also hit quite hard... with their 6.0 poles.

Glass houses.. stones... something or other.


Originally posted by dakeyras

This is the balancing patch.

Hibs got theirs in 1.51
Mid got theirs in 1.54
Alb gets theirs in 1.60

How did Hib get loving in 1.51 ? Just looked through the patch notes, theres one or two new things per realm.. and some changes in Hib to bring the classes and spells the same as the other two realms.

Nerf Alb !!! Im bitter :)


Hehe aye Klav now Krusha THAT was a typo :D meant to say neutral across the boards of course :D

btw interesting info:

Sorcs : Cloth Armour, Self BT, Caster HP, Int/Dex/Qui with Levels

[b/Castable AE Mez[/b] (44 Mind Spec)
Range: 1500 (to be 1850)
Radius: 400
Duration: 72 seconds
Cast Time: 3 secs
QC: 1 Min timer (that right?)

Healers : Chain Armour, Hybrid HP, Pie/Con/Str with Levels

Insta AE Mez (47 Spec Pac)
Range: 1500
Radius: 150
Duration: 31 seconds
Cast Time: Insta
Timer: 20 Min

Casted (44 Spec Pac)
Range: 1500
Radius: 350
Duration: 65 seconds
Cast Time : 3 secs

These are just the facts regarding the top end AE Mez of each class and some of their defining characteristics.

Con/HP - Healer > Sorc
Dex - Sorc > Healer
Armour - Healer > Sorc (Chain >> Absorb Buff and Bladeturn)
Mez Duration - Sorc > Healer
Mez Range - Sorc > Healer
Mez AE range - Sorc > Healer
Insta vs QC - Sorc > Healer (considering the reuseability of it)

I make it 5:2 to the Sorceror, have I missed anything out? :D


ah yes, the sorcerer has more bullets.

Shame the Healer has the gun ;)

Try quickcasting a mezz at range 1500 against a charging skald....
will the skald get into his insta-range before the sorcerer casts it (and interrupt)?

Almost certainly...

Apply same to healer with skald friend :) The sorcerer can't cast his mezz on the move _that's the big thing with instas_ Group a sorcerer with a minstrel and he's still got to stop, face and quickcast - rather than tap a button on the move.

Bards don't even need someone else to give them speed :) (although as we're told none of the bards actually use insta-mezz, they just insta-amnesia to interrupt... which will still work since its range 2300 which is a fair bit longer than the sorcerers mezz.. and give them ample time to jog into range, stop and cast.)

If you're worried about the duration as a healer - use your single target instastun, and then cast the mezz. Bards will use amnesia/castable for the same effect.

Edit: missed a bit - sounding too bitter :)

Now, don't get me wrong - I think with these changes the Sorcerer might just be on par...

Running fight - victory to the bard/healer.
Standoff - victory to the sorcerer.

Throw in the dying quicker as a sorcerer in exchange for being able to do some pitiful ranged damage rather than pitiful melee damage.

(if you're going for good mezzing... if you start bringing in full body specced sorcerers then we might as well compare to rejuv healers, battle bards, shaman buffbots and void eldritches - it's pointless).

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