1.56b REVANGE !!! (eat that assasins)



Hmm. This is kinda irritating. Why can't we all just get along?

It seems like the people who play infs to win are pissed off, and the people who are desparate to win but DON'T play the latest uber-class are gloating.


ahh sorry for the spem but that was blowing steam off :) i feel so much better now :)


Ppl mostly got owned by buff botted stealthers (note I said STEALTHER not ASSASIN, everybody in exc nows how godly some mincer or scout or hunter can be once buff botted) and then now come to laugh can´t say I really appreciate that tbh.

IMO kudos @ Mythic at wot they did on warriors and hunters, should have done already. (Now we´ll hear whines about how other archers can´t kill hunters etc) And kudos @ Mythic too as they took out assasin´s IP, not that sure about evade 50% stuff since I still need to know about the formula of evade chance.

Only certain things should be addressed:

1. No IP but on pure tanks or hybrids but not on rogues, rogues should never got IP (rogue = stealthers)

2. Address the freaking aug.acuity bug on NSs! Actually aug.acuity does absolutly nothing on us (yes not even int increase which is useless to us anyway, 0)

3. I´ll be happy then, IP shouldn´t have been given to other than pure tanks IMO (they getting lotsa of luvs lately but they deserved it)


I use a buffbot i admit but only because sbs use it to i fight fire with fire i cant beat an buffed sb with me unbuffed but ive im buffed im up to par, So i hope they fix buffbots ill be happy then


The problem is that all class features should require that the person actually be present, or at the very least the person being present should make alot of difference. Like a bard who switches songs depending on situation is much better than a bard who just plays end or speed while on af.

Buffs arent like that, they require no user input once they have been cast and an afk buffer is just as good a buffer and someone who concentrates all their effort on buffing (not that it would require much concentration). (this is with regard to buffing, I realise that chars with buffs also contribute in other ways, but that is not the topic of buffbots)

What would be cool would be something like giving buffers short duration buff shouts or something that boost their buffs. Like a shout that brings all af buffs you are running up by 50% for 30 secs with a 2 min recast timer ... basically make a buffer who isnt afk able to contribute more than someone who is afk in the pk.

They should also have buffs allow rps leeching to reduce the benefit of pk buffbots, in fact thats all you need. It should be recognised that when a buffbotted player kills you, you have been killed by 2 players and the rps should be split accordingly. Anyway, Mythic arent going to "fix" buffbots as it will mean loads of cancelled buff bot accounts.


I honestly hope they put into consideration what class actually is worse leveling than others aswell :)

i don't think it's anything wrong with them tuning every classes, just that they don't do it for a wrong reason, people spending more time playing this game should get an advantage in my oppinion.

Up until now it seems that hunters have had a rough time, but from my pov, this assassin nerf is not a big nerf afterall. just some fine-tuned necessty.



Oh ho ho ho, BS!!!!!! No way in hell any assasin is gonna be able to solo aussie now lol...

You backstab aussie (150 dmg -80)
Aussie slams you
Aussie shoots you with his bow (1200 dmg
You purge all bad spells from your body
You try to IP but you forget they took it AHAHAHAH!!!!
Aussie hits you with his sword (100dmg)
You are dead!!
Aussie laffs!!!





but aussie got buffbot as i heard
what about us the scouts without the buffbot ?
you can still gang me =P


even if an SB gets PA+CD off and with luck get him down to 10% hp, he still got IP etc etc etc!!! I bet he even could melee me down in that patch(since scouts got IP, f4gz;P). Then again the evade thing wont affect SBs as much as infilts... Wish they would nerf dragonfang...


Originally posted by old.Krusha
no way in hell they will nerf dragonfang....

*Runs off to start a "NERF DRAGONFANG" thread*


/em looks at the running sharma

well seriously as so many has saaid before (lvl50 style , only style thats good in the thrust line) AND Mythic has stated that they wont do another re-specc unless its something -really- big (like the armor resists which affected all) and if they do nerf the DF.. what do you think 99% of the infi's will do and who will you cry on to climb the battlements ;) (yes the same infi that you wouldnt grp has left the building becasue you all cried nerf ;))


from an assassins point of view, IP on a archer is not a problem really.
the stun on CS is by far long enough to kill him.


its not even a nerf it just makes assassins killable


Bleh. Attitudes of people make me want to quit DAOC.

Pity I can't really.


i mean, damn, only a 50% chance to make an attack that hit do absolutely crap all, poor guys :)


Originally posted by old.chesnor

No its not.

In every game like this, classes have roles. Tanks (the name is a give away) wear the heaviest armour, pure meatshields. The only classes that should be capable of killing tanks in melee is other tanks. Tanks are traditionally weak to ranged attacks and spells. Assassins (especially buffbotted assassins) were so insanely powerful that they could toe to toe with the heaviest tanks in the game, and come out on top....Explain the logic in that ?

buffs working and make speccing to 46 in a enhance line worthwile?

Btw When you say "Tanks (the name is a give away)" do you know what your talking about? Heavily armoured yes, heavy firepower hmm no thats casters? "meatshields" would imply they protect others via their body, they take hits, doesn't imply they should be the gods at dishing it out...

Someone runs out of a building and chucks some explosive inside a tank /onto tracks, your tank is screwed.

" Tanks are traditionally weak to ranged attacks and spells. "

Cheap IP, Purge, Determination, Epic Armour, Avoidance of Magic, (soon spellcrafting) -> tanks aren't that weak versus ranged attacks


Originally posted by Meatballs

buffs working and make speccing to 46 in a enhance line worthwile?

Btw When you say "Tanks (the name is a give away)" do you know what your talking about? Heavily armoured yes, heavy firepower hmm no thats casters? "meatshields" would imply they protect others via their body, they take hits, doesn't imply they should be the gods at dishing it out...

Someone runs out of a building and chucks some explosive inside a tank /onto tracks, your tank is screwed.

" Tanks are traditionally weak to ranged attacks and spells. "

Cheap IP, Purge, Determination, Epic Armour, Avoidance of Magic, (soon spellcrafting) -> tanks aren't that weak versus ranged attacks

My point was tanks are weak at range because they can't do any meaningful dmg until they melee. So any class that can kite tanks, can easily kill tanks e.g. casters. Even with all the RAs you talk about, a tank can't kill a caster until they get into melee, up close. If the caster lets the tanks gets close, then of course they die. No non-tank class should be able to routinely melee a tank and win, defeats the object of having tank classes in the first place.

And not sure what your buffs thing meant, but you rarely see tanks with buffbots. Because a full set of top line buffs don't actually make much difference to a tanks survivability, again due to the fact that they can only dmg when they melee. Without the advantage of stealth, its kind of hard for tanks to close an enemy down without people doing the stun/mezz/nuke or stealth/run away bit.


well casters are weak at range then whenever a tank decides to use IP/purge when chasing them down (and these come back for virtually every other large battle). Woot i just nuked that tank for 1400 damage! IP! Now its all meaningless! 3 swings - dead. And weak at melee, and weak at surviving.

Casters dont let tanks get close, theres bog all they can do to stop it. Cant even kill some tanks with 4 lvl50 nukes and then MoC PBAOE 3-4 times. Oh and the kiting? It takes ~11-12 nukes atm with level50 dd/snare to kill a tank 1-1 who has IP/FA etc, and also a lot of running off/sprinting. (Someone gimme power relics <sob>)

Buffs not helping tanks survivability is crap too, especially when they getting upwards of 2000hp, (which makes IP even more effective).

Infiltrators are crap at range too remember. Theres no reason infiltrators shouldn't be able to kill tanks, being higher realm level, or having the correct damage type, or being buffed (by group member or bot), they should have a harder time if they miss pa, and poison being on a 1 minute immunity timer wouldn't be too bad, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't be able to kill them.


Originally posted by Meatballs
well casters are weak at range then whenever a tank decides to use IP/purge when chasing them down (and these come back for virtually every other large battle). Woot i just nuked that tank for 1400 damage! IP! Now its all meaningless! 3 swings - dead. And weak at melee, and weak at surviving.

Casters dont let tanks get close, theres bog all they can do to stop it. Cant even kill some tanks with 4 lvl50 nukes and then MoC PBAOE 3-4 times. Oh and the kiting? It takes ~11-12 nukes atm with level50 dd/snare to kill a tank 1-1 who has IP/FA etc, and also a lot of running off/sprinting. (Someone gimme power relics <sob>)

Buffs not helping tanks survivability is crap too, especially when they getting upwards of 2000hp, (which makes IP even more effective).

Infiltrators are crap at range too remember. Theres no reason infiltrators shouldn't be able to kill tanks, being higher realm level, or having the correct damage type, or being buffed (by group member or bot), they should have a harder time if they miss pa, and poison being on a 1 minute immunity timer wouldn't be too bad, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't be able to kill them.

Well. Lots of accumptions here. Tanks with IP, yeah once every 30mins. Casters not letting tanks get close? Well, most casters have some form of CC. Basically a good caster won't let a tank get close, most have speed and/or CC. Even if the caster can't kill the tank (because of resists/high hp), they can leg it and the tank will never catch them.

I'm not saying infils shouldn't be able to kill tanks ever. Circumstances in this game count for more than skills or classes or even levels. I just believe, when all things are equal, a tank and an assassin meleeing it out will result in one thing. Dead assassin. Thats how it should be. Assassins just shouldn't be capable of killing tanks. This nerf is acknowledgement of that fact. This will hopefully mean that when assassins DO kill tanks, its because the tank played really, really badly, and the assassin played really, really well. Not because the assassin class is overpowered.

And come on, with RAs, a 70ish% chance to evade (which assassins don't have to spec, and is based off DEX/QUI, your best stats) is amazing. Tanks have to spec shield/parry, and it is based off DEX, which is a tertiary stat for most tanks. Kind of really annoying to spend 1/3 of your TOTAL skill points in shield, start fighting an infiltrator and not block ONCE, while they evade several times....


"with RAs, a 70ish% chance to evade (which assassins don't have to spec" errr RAs are basically a form of spec (o_O)

Tanks get plate which they dont have to spec for neither, and con as a base stat, and higher hp table, and higher damage table which they dont have to spec for. They also get a basechance to block and parry as well without speccing. Tanks can survive nowadays with 5+ people on them for over 15 seconds especially bloody heros omg do they ever die?!

And IP once every 30 mins is basically every 2nd largish fight.

Purge breaks the CC and makes the tanks immune, anyone breaking the CC makes them immune (how often have you seen someone break someones CC and they go STRAIGHT for the caster?). Casters spells cost endurance too, we dont always have a full endurance bar to flee on, hell we probably lost most of it fleeing from all the other tanks we're meant to flee from rather than kill.

On wizzy you get single cast root (unless earth), at point blank q/c that could easily be 2 swings by a meleer before you get outta range. Oh and casters believe it or not, are affected by cc too - only we die three times quicker when someone decides to put their target on us and finish us off.


On a related note, thanks for "distracting" (ie getting killed by) those hibs allowing me to get away the other day Meatballs :)


you get helmets, thats almost as ugly as 'the bucket' though :p


yay @ assasins no ip.
yay @ less evade... never fucking evade in rvr anyway.

now give some uber unreal RA in place of IP that will boost assasins to 999% effectiveness, or something :p

you know mythic will do it, its just a matter of time! :clap: :rolleyes: :p MuAHah^$£(&*^")£(


I have a hooded cloa k

since we all know how ugly that hat is, youre kind of gimped with a hooded cloak. Albs can actually concentrate on hitting you now


hey, if I wanted to be pretty I'd play a norse...

Besides, I look cool with my chooded cloak (hides the ugly lighthouse helmet)


come to think of it, i think i'd rather wear 'the bucket'...

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