1.56b REVANGE !!! (eat that assasins)



Its not off the rogue chart liste, its off assasin chart, minstrels/scouts/hunters/rangers all still get it. Remove it from the game entirerly or nerf it (wants IP to be affected by disease at least).


And more HP than any other class in the game

You have to be joking right ? right ? lol few armsman can get over 1600 hit points unbuffed, fully equipped without getting a whole load of realm abilities, yet any half decent dwarf, trolls or firbolg race can easily get way more and heros get thousands of hits with there silly reindeer ability.

Plate armour hardly makes up for a fraction of those extra hit points, and worthless when most enemies use crush weapons anyway.


Removing ip from all assassins=good thing, as someone else said should only be pure tanks and hybrids with access to that , so thats a thumbs up from me

Evade capped at 50%= good thing as well, this will only affect assassins using buffbots, so thats also a good thing

Considering what they could have done, as Liste said, dmg decrease etc, these 'nerfs' bring to balance issues that have given assassins the upper hand for many moons, dont bother me at all, good decisions on the whole in this patch, the regular infs/sbs etc wont be bothered at all by this but the uber buffbot oo i pled an inf to 50 at tanglers, whats that pa button do? brigade will be pissed, my words to them, oh well teach you to jump on the bandwagon :rolleyes:

And Warrior love for Brannor, awwww bet you grinned when u read the patch notes ;)

edit for typos


Originally posted by Fafnir
Give us evade ffs, even the thanes in then new rvr dungeon have evade. And perhaps same hits as an sb, i want to have more hits than a healer. :)

Huh? We have more hits than SBs... atleast I do if and when I cap my items and get some more RRs.


love the changes and all that, but to cast abit rain on your parade:
hunter/warrior fixes were cheap-shots. They could undoubtedly have done something a bit more constructive there ^^

Generic Poster

IP shouldn't be in the game, at all. It doesn't fit in with the role-playing part, of what this game is supposed to be.

Even FA should be an action, which takes 5seconds or so to perform. Dropping out of combat, hitting FA and going back into combat is as bad as IP.

Assassins without IP is good, but I'm more worried about Mythics infamous undocumented nerfs. I just hope they don't do a 'scout' with assassins.

I won't complain about Dragonfang being nerfed though :p


I actually very much disagree Arnor. When I first read about it, I thought like you, hey this change seems a bit lame, nothing concrete to rely. But then you look at the other "fixes" that have been done in similar cases, adding different stupid timered abilities that clog up the QB and only actually balancing things once every 10/15/30mins when they are used. Flurry, Tripple Wield, etc. Those were the cheap fixes.

Upfront raising Hunter and Warrior weapskill (or similar), once you can actually parse the logs not read in text, is far more concrete and real than only occasionally used abilities that rarely make much sense. This will increase their damage every single swing, of every fight, not be a dmg add once per 30mins or per 2mins. This is a GOOD fix in theory, how good depends on the results shown by tests, but it's introduced in a proper way atleast. No clogging of QBs, no fiddling with timers, no rendering old specs useless due to specline changes, just more dmg as asked.

WTG Mythic.

As for the Assassin nerfs, I wouldn't really call them nerfs. So there is a cap at Evade rate... as good as every other form of defense, stat, resistance has a cap. Where they placed it is naturally affecting Assassins alot but to say that "only" 15% above their base ability is a nasty cap would be untrue. Removing IP from them makes sense in a sense, but doesn't in another sense with EVERY other class but healers having it. Shouldn't archers loose this though? Not saying Archers need more nerfs but. It will serve to make the assassin class more in line with what it's meant to do though, thats good, but don't doubt that those 30 RRP totally freed up won't be put to nasty use elsewhere. From that aspect I can't see it as a too direct nerf either, just defining how their role.


Originally posted by old.Charonel
ok, but does an insta cast wolf actually "feel" right for a hunter? charming beasts feels right, but instacasting a wolf!?, regardless of whether it's usefull or not, i dont think it's a good idea, i'd personally rather that they just fixed hunters almightily crappy bow damage rather than go around giving instacast pets :rolleyes:

You never played a hunter have you ??....Generaly its a pain in the arse for a hunter to find a decent pet.. we cant charm all kind of critters you know. And then if we do find one we have to let it go the sec we need to stealth, making the pet useless.. no I like this fix alot thank you very much

Generic Poster

Looks like FA has been tweaked also, you cannot use it for 10seconds after combat. So assassins have no form of 'insta' heal, post 1.55.

The smart assassin will kite tanks, but that gives his opponent a chance to use FA2 and have IP.

Assassins should never have been able to solo tanks, their targets should be archers and casters. Archers should have casters and casters have tanks. Healers shouldn't be able to solo anyone.

Somewhere along the line Mythic lost the plot and tried making every class Uber.


Originally posted by Kagato.

Ok but what about Armsman who are also nothing but weapons and styles?

Yeah yeah but atm you out dmg a warrior by fare...Now the warrior finaly get's on par.. bad for you .. maybe..but long overdue


Nerf, Nerf, Nerf! When will they fucking stop nerfing ? There are no need to nerf anyone for any reason. So what they do more damage and are dangerous, so are real life assassins as well. I just hate when game companies nerf, nerf and nerf its bad for everyone and all people. What about people that have played there assassins for a long time and now get nerfed ? Are Mystic going to incoperate a way fore these people to convert to another class ? No ofcourse not they have just spent countless of hours playing a character that is now nerfed. ITS so fucking lame to nerf any character its no big deal if some one is better than others live with it!

And no I dont have any assasin chars at all! Nerfing is just so lame and freaky.


Originally posted by Gandir
Nerf, Nerf, Nerf! When will they fucking stop nerfing ? There are no need to nerf anyone for any reason. So what they do more damage and are dangerous, so are real life assassins as well. I just hate when game companies nerf, nerf and nerf its bad for everyone and all people. What about people that have played there assassins for a long time and now get nerfed ? Are Mystic going to incoperate a way fore these people to convert to another class ? No ofcourse not they have just spent countless of hours playing a character that is now nerfed. ITS so fucking lame to nerf any character its no big deal if some one is better than others live with it!

And no I dont have any assasin chars at all! Nerfing is just so lame and freaky.

lol i play both an SB and warrior.. and i welcome the assassin changes with open arms... now all we need is 1.56c when fingers crossed they nurf dragonfang :D

as for the hunter additions.. wtg mythic about flippin time.. might actually start to see some more hunters in the frontier to deal with alb/hibs explosion of casters recently..

one thing i would like to see is a change to how evade is calculated :D make it so it takes weapons skill into the formula.. ie an assassin will evade say a healer/cleric alot.. but evade a pure tank alot less due to the massive difference in weapon skill.. that would be a welcome addition imho... no more mid tanks getting owned by solo infils before they even get 10 metres from mpk..


This patch will work great,will probably mean more buffbots and even more assassin ''zergs'' :)


Wow, now my thane is the only gimped toon at midgard! Im so happy :) Nice to be special.


Well - I don't as much mind loosing IP (wich I've only just gotten) - but the prospect of my evades being capped annoys me because that was what I had in mind for my shadowzerker.

Actually good thing that I've started to loose interest in my Shadowblade now :)
maybe when we get closer to 1.56 I will have rerolled some other class (or game :) )

But I fear that these assassins "tweaks" are the result of all the buffbot using assassins that can go up vs. a pure tanks.

Just say about time to hunter and warriors though.


hm. yes, i think IP is wrong on archers/minstrels, stilll. Well, some other time, they'll lose it, i guess.

the damage boost the hunter and warrior gets, IS a good boost. its passive, and you get it no matter how you spec, so yes. its a direct loving.

the insta pet seems a bit out of place. make it summon like every other pet class do. or at least out of combat (im sure they will tweek that in a later patch. insta pet in combat is just silly :) )

as someone stated somewhere, the evade cap wont really affect you much, unless you have a buffbot AND dodger. if you keep your buffbot, respec your dodger :)

hm, no. i wouldnt like that to be nerfed, unless they took a good look and compared left axe to dual wield.
IF they change that style, i would demand a class respec, since that is a serious character alteration.


GOA: can we please have 1.56b tomorrow? please?

From my hunter's point of view this is GREAT! AWESOME! (good thing i saved spec points for 32 beastcraft exactely.) That will be my level 41 insta shout wolf chasing you down!, and my 44 specced boosted spear that chops you to pieces!

As for the IP nerf to my SB, well i mostly used IP for fighting other assasins, so no biggie.

About dodger im certainly getting mop instead now, evade 7 might be 35% base chance to evade, but high dex & qui also gives you higher evade.

In all an excelent patch, no reason what so ever to retire my sb, and his 14 points in IP is going into mop instead. And now my hunter will finally be able to chew up infils, cause he still have IP :p

I was looking forward to the different arrow types in 1.52, but 1.56b will be the patch im crying for.. GOA PLEASE HURRY :)


"There's no way to sugar coat this - these steps will make Assassins less effective in direct combat."

I don't really mind the IP and evade changes but the "less effective in direct combat' bit has got me worried!!

It is hard enough to get into a group with an assassin class at the moment.....


Less effective menat those changes, no IP less evade at RvR.

Why the hell do you lfg with assasin anyway? The stealth is there for reason.

Ah yes, the rps... :p


Why the hell do you lfg with assasin anyway? The stealth is there for reason.

Ah yes, the rps... :p

what a silly attitude to have.

Assassins are greater solo than any other class, yes. but solo is still as boring as it comes.

Assassins in a group, add alot to the strength of that group. If you dont want a guard for your resting casters, fine. dont bring a stabber. if you dont want great output in melee, fine. dont bring a stabber. if you dont want the perfect recon unit in your group, fine. dont bring a stabber. if you dont want someone to counter the shadow-zerg, dine. dont bring a stabber. in fact, tell me your char name, and i will be very careful to decline any LFG PLZ!!!11 coming from you, since im an assassin, and therefore, i could spare you the horror of me 'leeching' your RPs...

Urme the Legend

:clap: :clap: :clap:

Yes !!!
Go Mythic Go ! !

:clap: :clap: :clap:

My Warrior will Kick ASS!



I cant be bothered to read all that info, but by the looks of it somethings got a nerfing!


Originally posted by liste

what a silly attitude to have.

Assassins are greater solo than any other class, yes. but solo is still as boring as it comes.

Assassins in a group, add alot to the strength of that group. If you dont want a guard for your resting casters, fine. dont bring a stabber. if you dont want great output in melee, fine. dont bring a stabber. if you dont want the perfect recon unit in your group, fine. dont bring a stabber. if you dont want someone to counter the shadow-zerg, dine. dont bring a stabber. in fact, tell me your char name, and i will be very careful to decline any LFG PLZ!!!11 coming from you, since im an assassin, and therefore, i could spare you the horror of me 'leeching' your RPs...

Don't talk about attitudes please. I have no problems with assasins in groups, but mostly assasins skills are best elsewhere than meleeing in groups. If that was their role, grouping, they might as well roll warriors or zerkers. COuntering assasins in group is great, but that is the only speciality they can do groupwise. Stealth is what makes an assasin for me. If mids at european servers did more cgs at emain for instance assasins types would have better role in scouting, and then they should be nowhere near the main force or group or what ever. Boring to do this? No, you still get kills when running around scouting and picking off latecomers and key players. An assasin for me is someone who goes for the casters and healers and does not have to be in group for rps only. See so many assasins lfg just to get into with group that usually moves too fast for stealth to have any use, get into fights so fast they cant stealth and drop fast after being mezzed of set upon by tanks. Assasins aren't melee chars, they are assasins. Yes, assasins have roles in groups. But their main job is elswhere. This is my opinion. As a rule, I allways groups with my main char, non-assasin, so don't worry about my attitude. If I ask someone why they lfg with stealther, it doesn't tell anything of me, I got no beef against anyone, but do express my opinions and let others do so aswell. I play assaisn and tank and like em both for their different roles. Now Im sure that people who have a lot to say daily and love arguing will tell me just how their assasins are the perfect grouptools. Couldn't be any other way.


OMG, givf patch now!

Time for infils to taste new wolfie ;)


Bewal, what youre doing, is effectively telling me how to play my infil. youre telling me to go scout, and be useful in a cg for you, so you can go pharm afterwards, or avoid the zerg. Honestly, thats bad attitude. i dont tell your tank to play a certain way. do with him as you want. Just dont tell me what my character's role is. its an old, battered topic.

Erl, come get some :)


So now (being xmas 2010 for us) a hunter/ranger with IP up can out melee me :)

The only class that should have IP are tanks - end of discussion.


Originally posted by SilverHood

They have plate armor

And more HP than any other class in the game

do they?:)

They have plate instead of chain+evade 1. Hardly a massive change.. (although it does look shinier)

They get nice polearm style lines that they get to pay through the nose for...


Great Job by Mythic, Hunters were very underpowered, warriors were weaker than the other pure tanks and Assasins overpowered, they have managed to, on first appearances balance the classes a little without overpowering them.

The other awesome thing I can see though is the new heal spells and rez timers, it should make the non-zerg type battles (in odins etc) far more long lasting

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