

Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
pendragoon said:
oh and for we are shit players on the above.......how can a raid in the morning dtermine that u prk sort it out we got brains u do not lol and on top of this the thread is real funny carry on on ts all we kept saying was lets pis some hibs n mids off lololol and its worked!

judging from your posts.. you are either 12 years old or incredibly stupid, which is it?

a few tips for you, calm down when you type, you arent supposed to mash the keyboard like a madman even though I suspect thats how you play daoc, then learn to put in some context in your posts so they actually mean something instead of looking like complete jibberish that makes absolutely no sense at all.

you could consider to play the game when others are playing it too, it is more fun then, I can promise you that. You know, stuff that actually do something other than bash like the mindless NPC's do.



Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
I know this is annoying but whenever this happens it always seems to put some life back into cluster rather than the usual bridge camping.


One of Freddy's beloved
Nov 15, 2004
tierk said:
OmG just like to say u guys are fucking .................. well played really at this fucking time as well GrAtZzzz. Incase anyone wandering wtf i am on about ask the creepin albs and there awesome powers of PvE keep takes. !12 lvl 50 hibs online of which half are bb's well played to u all!!!!!
Like thats anything new!


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Influenza said:
I know this is annoying but whenever this happens it always seems to put some life back into cluster rather than the usual bridge camping.

all that will happen is that the albcasterzerg will increase in size :/ And guess what, those fellas wont really move off their precious bridge either.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
pendragoon said:
oh and for we are shit players on the above.......how can a raid in the morning dtermine that u prk sort it out we got brains u do not lol and on top of this the thread is real funny carry on on ts all we kept saying was lets pis some hibs n mids off lololol and its worked!

Brains? I think you were away while God handed them out. And since when do you need a Brain to take Keeps and Relics at those times?It's just constant Guard bashing for hours.Something for loosers. ^^

Iam happy i never started playing Albion. It has the worst Players from all Realms.

Aran Thule

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
uspe said:
but the million dollar question is!!!!!!!!!!!!!
when hibs did a relic raid to mids and the oposite ( after 3 years playing this game only mids did a relic raid to hibs just only to take pow. and that was just a couple of days after the release of NF

Ive done several RR's against mids, in old frontiers most were against mids.
As for why more recently more have been against albs, well because of doing stuff like this albs are higher up on the list for getting a good fish slap.
was actually concidering raiding mid soon, but given this it looks time i will have to be hitting alb again.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Icebreaker said:
Iam happy i never started playing Albion. It has the worst Players from all Realms.

tbh.. judging from posts from albs last months aswell as their ingamebehaviour, I cant bring myself to disagree. While hib and mid ofc has their rotten eggs, albs rotten eggs seem to have been breeding quite alot more than anywhere else.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 5, 2004
Just take it back tbh, early morning raids are annoying but again its gonna happen ,from all realm's at one time or another , better still would be enjoyable if Hibs took it back prime time.
Hib events have mostly been great fun so far.


Can't get enough of FH
May 14, 2004
Shike said:
keeptake is one thing, it is easy to fix and doesnt make anything unbalanced in any way at all, its lame to take em during night and nobody says anything else really, but those that do it. Relic otoh makes it pretty darn shite since they are unbalancing and it doesnt help when idiots go and take them when there is absolutely no defense. The playstyle of 10-15 people shouldnt affect 1200 but it does, that is the reason most object and get annoyed I think. You simply cannot compare the two.

Another thing, for a very very very long time albs have pved relics what, 3-4 times or more? Mids once with atos ACraid and hibs took that one back during night too since it was lamely taken in the first place, mind me asking, who are these hypocrits you really speak about when it comes to relics? Afaik, there arent any. Its albs who do this and they keep doing it, despite that they know the effects of it and they also know how a large majority of the community feel about it, its pure idiocy. Hell when even albs say: Im ashamed to be an alb, one could think that it would send out a signal that perhaps it is a bad idea, but nono.. the ones doing it just have to do it, one can assume they want attention or perhaps just are purely stupid and enjoy to destroy things for others. Id suggest that making a good grp and get good at RvR is a better way to get attention instead of PVEing relics when nobody is home.

Each to their own and they pay their subs etc yada yada.. I dont really give a shit, in my eyes they are shitplayers with a shitattitude and a shitty way of playing, end of story.
Sorry mate but thats a bit of bollocks there - relics are designed to change hands. Also i know most alb raid leaders are sick and tired of fighting the (and yes this is a generalisation) hibguard alliance (i know not all the mids/hibs play like this but a significant number do).

Every time we try and raid onpeak we get mids and hibs hitting our homeland. Yesterday was the first time in about a year i've seen mids kill hibs during a keep fight. A year. Call me a liar, bullshitter, whatever you want. I know what i've seen and so do most other albs.

The day i see hibs taking a mid keep to open Irvr in midguard, or mids attempting to open and keep irvr in hib i'll relent my opinion on hibguard. Until then, just assume i've ignored claims that the tactic alliance between the two realms raid leaders doesnt exist.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
TheBinarySurfer said:
Every time we try and raid onpeak we get mids and hibs hitting our homeland. Yesterday was the first time in about a year i've seen mids kill hibs during a keep fight. A year. Call me a liar, bullshitter, whatever you want. I know what i've seen and so do most other albs.

The day i see hibs taking a mid keep to open Irvr in midguard, or mids attempting to open and keep irvr in hib i'll relent my opinion on hibguard. Until then, just assume i've ignored claims that the tactic alliance between the two realms raid leaders doesnt exist.


That happens every Raid. Maybe you don't see it because if Hibs and Mids fight over something there aren't usually Albs arround who give applause.We had IRVR in Midgard and Midgard had irvr in hib several times.

The other Problem you mentioned is you never made it that far primetime.If Albs would be in Hibernia raiding with success you would see Mids there aswell taking stuff to get their share of fun.Thats it...if you dont raid us you wont get company.

liar, bullshitter


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Gratz albs,

I can say that CM was not involved with this, well not as group maybe 1-2 of the guild helped but dunnow about that. If we run late then we might take a keep but we leave the relics alone, well at least when i will be in a CM group.


Can't get enough of FH
May 14, 2004
This next bit isn't aimed at you shike, or anyone in particular:

I'm sick and tired of the crappy attitude most people have on here - it typifies whats wrong with the world today - instant gratification, exactly the way i want it or i'm going to complain, basically.

I post on a forum called team 8 - its smaller than FH and nothing to do with DAOC although it does support some online games and a lot of RPG's. They have a community in the high 100's roughly of regular users/posters depending on what time of year it is, what theyre working on atm etc etc.

Know how many whine threads i've seen there in a year? None. Know how many whine posts i've seen there in a year? THREE. THREE PISSING POSTS. IN A YEAR. They have a great sense of community that is currently TOTALLY absent from Freddieshouse. I'm not saying we should all link arms and hug each other or something. I am saying we're a dwindling community playing a game thats on a downslope, and its either pull the fuck together or carry on bitching and whining until theres nobody left.

Mods - a number of other forums I know have what i'd consider a good attitude to people who have nothing positive to contribute to the community (they don't expect you to ass-kiss they expect positive comments or at least politely phrased, well reasoned arguments). If youre incapable of following that policy then they don't want you on that forum and will act accordingly.

In short i'd MUCH rather FH had a community of only 100 people that behaved maturely, contributed sensibly and had fun discussions/debates or hell even heated debates. Whats growing old for me personally is the constant shitstorm thrown around by the more childish members of the boards who can't see beyond their own noses. You do your modding the way you want, but its simple - i'd have banned at least 30-40 people from this forum in the last week alone for not being able to contribute to the community in any way.

Start contributing something positive, instead of taking stuff away, or get the fuck off the boards people. I for one will if you don't.

Edit - putting this in its own thread, it'll get spammed off here.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Blow said:
Gratz albs,

I can say that CM was not involved with this, well not as group maybe 1-2 of the guild helped but dunnow about that. If we run late then we might take a keep but we leave the relics alone, well at least when i will be in a CM group.

thats actually the best I've read in this thread, nice :)


Fledgling Freddie
May 31, 2004
TheBinarySurfer said:
The day i see hibs taking a mid keep to open Irvr in midguard, or mids attempting to open and keep irvr in hib i'll relent my opinion on hibguard. Until then, just assume i've ignored claims that the tactic alliance between the two realms raid leaders doesnt exist.

you seriously haven't seen that? exactly how active are you on your sorceress?


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
TheBinarySurfer said:
Sorry mate but thats a bit of bollocks there - relics are designed to change hands. Also i know most alb raid leaders are sick and tired of fighting the (and yes this is a generalisation) hibguard alliance (i know not all the mids/hibs play like this but a significant number do).

Oh man, you never see mids jumping every opportunity to fuck hibs over when we are engaged with albs? That happens very very often fyi and you would see it if you actually bothered to look. Sure relics are there to change hands, and I dont mind it! Aslong as its a proper fight for it and the realm at least have some defenders online! This havent been the case when albs have been pveing our relics last times has it? That and ONLY that is the big problem, what on earth is so hard to understand about it? CM has gotten a shitload of shit for their behaviour earlier on and rightfully deserved it too and tbh, I think they know it aswell, Im glad they have shaped up and stopped doing it. Others have gotten shitloads of shit for similar actions and every time it happens, people will get shitloads of shit for it, thats just the way it is. Nobody want their relics to be PVEd in the middle of the night by some tards that do it just because they can since it affect more than those tards seem to realise, if it was something that only affected them and only them, who would care? Nobody.

TheBinarySurfer said:
Every time we try and raid onpeak we get mids and hibs hitting our homeland. Yesterday was the first time in about a year i've seen mids kill hibs during a keep fight. A year. Call me a liar, bullshitter, whatever you want. I know what i've seen and so do most other albs.

And if hibs go alb to break loose some havoc, whos there to fuck us over? Mids ofc. If we go mid, albs fuck us over, if u go mid, we fuck u over and on it goes, ok? Im a hib, and man, ive been killed by mids many times :p Funny how I have more mids killed on my toons than albs actually, dno how it is so but thats the truth :>

TheBinarySurfer said:
The day i see hibs taking a mid keep to open Irvr in midguard, or mids attempting to open and keep irvr in hib i'll relent my opinion on hibguard. Until then, just assume i've ignored claims that the tactic alliance between the two realms raid leaders doesnt exist.

A month ago or so mids had irvr in hibb for some days, hibs had irvr in mid 3 weeks ago aswell? Dont know where you really get your facts from but they aint correct. Another fact is, irvr in mid sucks bollox. Its either too much mobs in the way, or its too narrow, or its too congested, take your pick depending on which keep we take. Mids having iRVR in hibb is quite crap too, just because bowl becomes a huuge zergplace, its just nuts and not particularly fun either. Same if alb have it tbh.

What I would prefer would be if groups started to use certain areas as natural roamingareas, like all the mazeareas or similar. That would be absolutely best, that would be a ton better than iRVR overall. Agra is nice but its laggy and unplayable for some people sadly so we miss out some peeps there :/


Fledgling Freddie
May 19, 2004
do not accuse CM or KF for this as i can catagorically say that neither were there KZN logged after helping with crauch there were a couple of CM guildies around but no more same for KF there was no set group there at all. So generalising it was them without actually knowing isnt right.

As ppl have sed at no time was the RR planned it was a steady progression which was jsut followed thru.If there was 100 albs in the bg at eras i wud have liked to have seen them when we started on eras main doors there was 4fga tops, obviously more and morte albs come as they see wots happening and not all Albs will join a bg(probably due to the fact of how many failures i have had) lead by myself.

I dont purposefully go out to do an AC raid hence why all the MRE i done have been on a saturday primetime as for me its the best time to get the most enjoyment out of it.

Believe this if u will i cannot say it any better but please dont accuse others before knowing the truth(apologies for late replys but needed some sleep :p)

As influenza sed it normally livens things up when this happens so once in a while isnt a bad thing imo.


Fledgling Freddie
May 31, 2004
Shike said:
What I would prefer would be if groups started to use certain areas as natural roamingareas, like all the mazeareas or similar. That would be absolutely best, that would be a ton better than iRVR overall. Agra is nice but its laggy and unplayable for some people sadly so we miss out some peeps there :/

aye, would be quite nice. and the zerger in me needs a bridge or some other cluster of enemies to engange from time to time so i don't loose interest :)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Kaun_IA said:
and the comment about ppl should stay up later is bollox.... most players have work/school/ other stuff to doand not be a zombie in the morning. just sad seeing ppl like you whit no life....

No life etc...

Im on holdiday from work for a week and it just happens to be that my mates who have jobs generally dont want to come out and "play" at 12 midnight on a fuckin work nite. Lol @ u people saying we all losers with no life play 24hr and live with parents. U dicks, what a completely and utterly stereotypical response to someone thats q_q that we took your precious relics.

Why the hell shuld u care anyway, ure realm still has the most ridiculous op bug abusing classes in rvr so that little 10% dmg we get still wont save us from the bainshee brigade.

And like Asyveth said, it wasnt even planned, we took back Eras as a retry for failing the night b4, thne we thought wed open DF as was our realm mission. It just so happened that cos such a small amount of Hibs came to defend, people started to ask in our BG if this was a relic raid. And the idea sounded too good to turn down.

Ah tbh, why do i even care what u think, ull take em back from us soon, and all i care about is my char got some nice free rp, seeing as shes only 44 atm and i was along for the laugh. Yay 10% dmg to my allready pathetic dd dmg ^^


Fledgling Freddie
May 17, 2005
Tbh we were out of order to run a raid this late. I guess albs forgot you Hibs have school the next day and mummys tucked you in by 9pm.....


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 30, 2005
Kaun_IA said:
and what shit logic is that ?
you expect another realm to just sit by and do nothing... ofc the 3rd realm will try and stop or take the relic themselfs.....

last huge raid by aran in hib to take alb relics.....
mids came and tryd to stop us from takeing ur stupid relics in PRIMETIME... bcouse albs could do crap agains us.

or the raid before that.... we started takeing keeps to get alb relics.... but mids got to them first and we didnt get enything :/ allways different

then u might ask... why dont hibs take mid relics.... or do raids there.... i have an answer... albs allways need a lesson or payback for ACing relics.

prolly the mids who came to stop you r new to the game and not the mids who do the hibguard alliance ( got some names bur need some damn proofs for report) but you will see. when hibs gonna try to take our relics you will go for berk and bold and mids will go for era and beno or oposite. i mean after retaking pow relic bk.( dont be surprised if its going to be in the morning)


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
uspe said:
prolly the mids who came to stop you r new to the game and not the mids who do the hibguard alliance ( got some names bur need some damn proofs for report) but you will see. when hibs gonna try to take our relics you will go for berk and bold and mids will go for era and beno or oposite. i mean after retaking pow relic bk.( dont be surprised if its going to be in the morning)

If it ever happens i'm REALLY wondering who the fuck u have to blame for that.


Part of the furniture
Feb 16, 2004
knighthood said:
It just so happened that cos such a small amount of Hibs came to defend

I wonder could it be that there was only like 12 people online at the silly hour you gimps were doing retakes and half of those were BB's?? Humm i guess you need to be a brain surgeon to figure that one out.

It just proves how shit yer realm mates are tbh i was at eras defense the other night and quite frankly i am astounded that you guys failed with over 100 albs in the area of eras to manage to retake the keep. It explains the reason for yer 4am raiding as obviously as a realm despite having superior numbers you are incapable of doing anything properly cuz of a lack of leadership.

If you cant understand why so many people are cussing you, you are either fucking thick as shite or you are just out to get as much whine on FH as possible. Personally i think it is the latter and i have to say you have manged to generate a lot of it GratZz to you. We all pay to play so all good.

Anyway no matter we get em back of you guys soon enough.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
knighthood said:
And like Asyveth said, it wasnt even planned, we took back Eras as a retry for failing the night b4, thne we thought wed open DF as was our realm mission. It just so happened that cos such a small amount of Hibs came to defend, people started to ask in our BG if this was a relic raid. And the idea sounded too good to turn down.
This is the bit that really makes me despair at your BG's intelligence. After pve-ing 2 keeps the bg leader should have put his foot down and called a halt to it. Just because you can, doesn't mean that you should do smt.
This is a multiplayer game afterall and for it to remain a multiplayer game you need ppl to play with, but also to play against.

As for not succeeding in taking eras during the weekend:
It was retaken by albs aroung 8.00 am sunday ( fair enough, we don't always have to have irvr somewhere).
That it got taken again you have noone else to blame than the guild that claimed it.
When our group passed eras at about 1500-1600 it was still a lvl 1 keep, so we attacked it to get some action going.



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
uspe said:
prolly the mids who came to stop you r new to the game and not the mids who do the hibguard alliance ( got some names bur need some damn proofs for report) but you will see. when hibs gonna try to take our relics you will go for berk and bold and mids will go for era and beno or oposite. i mean after retaking pow relic bk.( dont be surprised if its going to be in the morning)

You really have totally lost the plot with this 'hibgard alliance' conspiracy theory.

What's next, JFK was shot by Elvis and then faked his own death whilst escaping on his crashed Roswell spaceship that had been repaired by Jimmi Hendrix?

Here's a tip, try playing Mid or Hib, and you'll soon discover that the other realm isn't magically doing you any favours due to some 'alliance'.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 22, 2006
lolololol shut up whining and glorifying urself such "at least we can do relic raids in primetime" ur all fucking childish oh and to the dude calling me lol im signed up and start the army in a month so wacth what u say when u are posting saying are they are nobs with no lifes.....

ill be doing something fucking better than u are wont i?

makes me wonder why i sign up to the army to save asholes like you that are sitting there saying we have no life one word prejudice scum

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