

Fledgling Freddie
Jul 4, 2006
its also funny when the hibs say that albs need 2 get a life but look who has more ppl online capturing keep in the daytime than primetime ... yup u gguessed it its the hibs..... so why dont u all get a job and take yourselves off the dole list :twak:


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Raven said:
they still recruiting sandbags?

Lol i dont normally laugh at my own realm mates misfourtune but that was a good one :D

id rep u , but i cba :p


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Sean said:
its also funny when the hibs say that albs need 2 get a life but look who has more ppl online capturing keep in the daytime than primetime ... yup u gguessed it its the hibs..... so why dont u all get a job and take yourselves off the dole list :twak:

the difference you so conveniantly forget is that at 4 in the night, there is like 10 hibs online if that. During day there is quite a few albs online.

Fight vs guards with zero chanse to defend.
Fight vs guards with a realm that actually have resources online to defend with.

is two different things.


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 30, 2004
Shike said:
Oh man, you never see mids jumping every opportunity to fuck hibs over when we are engaged with albs? That happens very very often fyi and you would see it if you actually bothered to look. Sure relics are there to change hands, and I dont mind it! Aslong as its a proper fight for it and the realm at least have some defenders online! This havent been the case when albs have been pveing our relics last times has it? That and ONLY that is the big problem, what on earth is so hard to understand about it? CM has gotten a shitload of shit for their behaviour earlier on and rightfully deserved it too and tbh, I think they know it aswell, Im glad they have shaped up and stopped doing it. Others have gotten shitloads of shit for similar actions and every time it happens, people will get shitloads of shit for it, thats just the way it is. Nobody want their relics to be PVEd in the middle of the night by some tards that do it just because they can since it affect more than those tards seem to realise, if it was something that only affected them and only them, who would care? Nobody.

And if hibs go alb to break loose some havoc, whos there to fuck us over? Mids ofc. If we go mid, albs fuck us over, if u go mid, we fuck u over and on it goes, ok? Im a hib, and man, ive been killed by mids many times :p Funny how I have more mids killed on my toons than albs actually, dno how it is so but thats the truth :>

A month ago or so mids had irvr in hibb for some days, hibs had irvr in mid 3 weeks ago aswell? Dont know where you really get your facts from but they aint correct. Another fact is, irvr in mid sucks bollox. Its either too much mobs in the way, or its too narrow, or its too congested, take your pick depending on which keep we take. Mids having iRVR in hibb is quite crap too, just because bowl becomes a huuge zergplace, its just nuts and not particularly fun either. Same if alb have it tbh.

What I would prefer would be if groups started to use certain areas as natural roamingareas, like all the mazeareas or similar. That would be absolutely best, that would be a ton better than iRVR overall. Agra is nice but its laggy and unplayable for some people sadly so we miss out some peeps there :/

Me and a sorc were on caldey valley and after we kill hibs and mids some times guess what happened? yeah Hibguard again...mids siting near hibs then when we engage hibs guess what happened....yep your right again mids jumped on us they have the nerves to hug each other....ofc this repeated it self at least 4 times


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 30, 2004
Gahn said:
If it ever happens i'm REALLY wondering who the fuck u have to blame for that.

No one. Things will never change you gimp. Hibguard will go for eras/berks duo, albs will retake them at 4am and after albs are pissed we retake relics at 4am and you whine and the situation repeats


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Kinetix said:
No one. Things will never change you gimp. Hibguard will go for eras/berks duo, albs will retake them at 4am and after albs are pissed we retake relics at 4am and you whine and the situation repeats

So according to your logic we hibs should retake Crim or Behnn every time you take it and then go for your relic at 4am because we are pissed?

No wonder ppl call Albion the Comedy Realm......

And go away with your Hibguard bullshit.If you really believe this then you should go get yourself help.



Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Kinetix said:
Me and a sorc were on caldey valley and after we kill hibs and mids some times guess what happened? yeah Hibguard again...mids siting near hibs then when we engage hibs guess what happened....yep your right again mids jumped on us they have the nerves to hug each other....ofc this repeated it self at least 4 times

oh noes..

and this has never ever happened to hibs.. or mids.. right? :I

When are you guys gonna learn to look alil bit further and see the bigger picture with more time included into it all? Like, at least a frigging week? And not just pinpoint one single isolated event and say:

Bla BLA ALB BLBA LBLBALLBALLL ALLALLLA LLLA ALLLAAAA purple hairy man killed me! Albgard! Hibgard! Albernia! WHAT THE FUCK EVER..

Your argument hold zero and absolutely zero ground, zero zilch null nothing. One single isolated event means NOTHING over time, NOTHING now, NOTHING unless its a repeated event that goes on for a longer period of time. Get it? NOTHING!

base your argument on things that actually keeps repeating themselves over and over again while the situation is singlesided, then you have ground to stand on at least. Its like.. I go out on my NS, I get zerged to shits by mids, I log on FH and say Mids stealthers sucksors and they are shit worth. Ooor, I could play a month and see how it goes, I will most likely see my realmmates zerg the shit out of albs+mids, I will probably see mids get zerged by albs+hibs, I will also most likely see albs get obliterated by mids and hibs. The lesson I then learn is, "aha"! CAN IT BE SO THAT!? All!!11 realms have alot of stealthers that behave like complete fucking tossers, or shall I just base my opinion on a single event that is 100% singlesided and go with that?

Cmon man, it aint so hard, really :)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 11, 2004
Shike said:
oh noes..

and this has never ever happened to hibs.. or mids.. right? :I

When are you guys gonna learn to look alil bit further and see the bigger picture with more time included into it all? Like, at least a frigging week? And not just pinpoint one single isolated event and say:

Bla BLA ALB BLBA LBLBALLBALLL ALLALLLA LLLA ALLLAAAA purple hairy man killed me! Albgard! Hibgard! Albernia! WHAT THE FUCK EVER..

Your argument hold zero and absolutely zero ground, zero zilch null nothing. One single isolated event means NOTHING over time, NOTHING now, NOTHING unless its a repeated event that goes on for a longer period of time. Get it? NOTHING!

base your argument on things that actually keeps repeating themselves over and over again while the situation is singlesided, then you have ground to stand on at least. Its like.. I go out on my NS, I get zerged to shits by mids, I log on FH and say Mids stealthers sucksors and they are shit worth. Ooor, I could play a month and see how it goes, I will most likely see my realmmates zerg the shit out of albs+mids, I will probably see mids get zerged by albs+hibs, I will also most likely see albs get obliterated by mids and hibs. The lesson I then learn is, "aha"! CAN IT BE SO THAT!? All!!11 realms have alot of stealthers that behave like complete fucking tossers, or shall I just base my opinion on a single event that is 100% singlesided and go with that?

Cmon man, it aint so hard, really :)

yesterday i thanked the dark powers that be that mids broke port on eras and I fired the albs in an slavering and zerging assault on eras.

was this a case of albguard ? as far as i can tell it was just us taking advantage from a window of time that mids had created for us.

There was no form of cooperation involved whatsover, it just suited and helped us enormously.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Muylaetrix said:
yesterday i thanked the dark powers that be that mids broke port on eras and I fired the albs in an slavering and zerging assault on eras.

was this a case of albguard ? as far as i can tell it was just us taking advantage from a window of time that mids had created for us.

There was no form of cooperation involved whatsover, it just suited and helped us enormously.

No its Albguard!


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
Kinetix said:
No one. Things will never change you gimp. Hibguard will go for eras/berks duo, albs will retake them at 4am and after albs are pissed we retake relics at 4am and you whine and the situation repeats

Sounds like fun for a muppet like ya in fact.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Muylaetrix said:
yesterday i thanked the dark powers that be that mids broke port on eras and I fired the albs in an slavering and zerging assault on eras.

was this a case of albguard ? as far as i can tell it was just us taking advantage from a window of time that mids had created for us.

There was no form of cooperation involved whatsover, it just suited and helped us enormously.

well you took the relic middle of the night which is lame so.. who cares? Mids didnt really do anything wrong, neither did albs during the evening, the idiot who decided to take the relic did a mistake though.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 28, 2004
Rushie said:
ashamed to be an alb at this point, i even logged on my vamp to try help the poor hibbies but not much we could do.

seriously get a fucking a grip, and to all the albs at DC grow some fucking balls every last solo/duo or whatever the fuck u were had a DI bot in tow.

Much as I respect you as a player (and listening to your funny "FER FUCKS SAYKKE!, GET THE BEE DEEEE!!" in the OOR PuG videos), I think this and other whine in this thread is utter crap.

Hibs spent most of the w/e camping the bridges/erasleigh outskilling a concerted retake Alb retake force. By outskilling ofc I mean the cunning PBAoE near the hatch or over the arch, the honed Coning through bridges/walls, the years-of-practise, lightning reflex LoS abuse and the very hard-to-perfect sit-on-FoP-and-spreadheal.

Credit where credit is due, much of the kudos must go to the nouveau RR9, 10 and 11 hibs that had been secretly guarding a secret identity these past years as stupid, foolish, monkey Albs, but when a large number of them re-rolled Hib around Easter - those years of ignorance just fell away and they found they actually had skills they never new they had before. Such as Instamezz, baseline stun, the ability to be hard to target as the smallest female luri with really high base dex as opposed to lanky avalonian. Couple that with the ability to hit people that can't hit you back because they are stunned/the other side of a wall/bridge/red NS'd by the main nuker, on the floor beneath you.

Given that the standard method of entry (ramming the doors down) then is somewhat slow and with an incredible cost associated, and the alternatives of sending hundreds or infiltrators, armsmen and minstrels over the walls - or trebbing down a wall section only to find the same PBAoE/Cone problem on the inner door - means that should 2-3 bainshee's, animists, or chanters/eldritches get in - a relative few could hold off significantly superior numbers.

This in turn means that realisitically a primetime Relic Raid by Alb could only really happen if hundreds were online and well co-ordinated. With the active numbers in the game at present that's not going to happen.

With Mythic not fixing the cone through walls, LoS bugs etc - those classes are going to continue punching well above their weight, and patting each other on the back for their 'eliteness'. I've played Hib recently, I've played with high RR groups and I've been on their voicecomms. I've seen, been privvy to and engaged in it with them (I follow the GL when I'm grouped) - I didn't like it, I won't be doing it again.

Same is true vs Mids tbh, shaman, warlock valkyrie stand in the window by the ram, shaman AE disease, valk AE shears con, oil + Warlock pop out PBAoE and back in = dead ram.

And from being part of the BG over the w/e, the *alarm clock* raid started with Asy posting a realm RvR thread, retaking Eras, taking 2 mid towers to 'open DF for the Realm mission'. This all started early in the day, there was almost no suggestion of a Relic Raid until the "open DF" realm mission was accomplished. The subsequent realm mission was open the Hib power relic gate. Hib ports were already screwed so they went for it. Not one to leave the relic after opening the gate - they took it. Fair enough. It's not like hibs logged without noticing port had been cut to all their docks.

Furthermore, when mids take Berks, I don't see hibs inc to intercept, no they go for Beno, they tag team left and right down the map and take advantage of the situation. Fair enough also.

Guess all realms play to their strengths, so I expect to see the majority of Hibs abusing on bridges, mids just running rampant spraying insta-cast, AE interrupts everywhere, Warlocks outskilling everyone and Albs AC raiding.

Oh and when it comes to being ashamed...

4 times over the weekend Albs were involved in fights with mids, only to have Hibs come from BEHIND THE MIDS, run through them and attack the Albs.

Makes me ashamed of the cross-realming nouveau RR9 fucktards that stroke their e-peens by farming Rogster Albs.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
MaditioN said:
cant remember when albs last time did a primetime relic attempt :/

When there was actually skilled albs back in OF... think i've seen 1 relic raid at prime time in nf with albs.. and thats when albs had no relics at all... and they pulled 200-300 french people... err sorry realm mates together to stay online until the other realms got bored and logged off ;x only noobs left now are you really surprised you havent seen one at primetime in so long madi? your not going to see CM or the random alb pve pugs coming for relics at primetime.. no no that would involve fighting enemy guild groups.. which we all know cm and random alb pve pugs fear ;l


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 30, 2005
Arkian said:
You really have totally lost the plot with this 'hibgard alliance' conspiracy theory.

What's next, JFK was shot by Elvis and then faked his own death whilst escaping on his crashed Roswell spaceship that had been repaired by Jimmi Hendrix?

Here's a tip, try playing Mid or Hib, and you'll soon discover that the other realm isn't magically doing you any favours due to some 'alliance'.

how do you think i discovered the names


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 30, 2005
Gahn said:
If it ever happens i'm REALLY wondering who the fuck u have to blame for that.

if i tell you the names you gonna sweat me about it that its impossible.
when i saw that was playing from work (internet cafe) and i cant take screenies from there grrrrr because the game its inth the server and its locked with password and from the franchise tech personel

well wont say much. about it. when i got the chance you will see screenies here next time


May 23, 2005
BloodOmen said:
When there was actually skilled albs back in OF... think i've seen 1 relic raid at prime time in nf with albs.. and thats when albs had no relics at all... and they pulled 200-300 french people... err sorry realm mates together to stay online until the other realms got bored and logged off ;x only noobs left now are you really surprised you havent seen one at primetime in so long madi? your not going to see CM or the random alb pve pugs coming for relics at primetime.. no no that would involve fighting enemy guild groups.. which we all know cm and random alb pve pugs fear ;l

CM had nothing big to do with the power relic this time.
there were 2 maybe 3 members of CM there, so symfm gimp.
and besides.. CM would rather run into a fg than taking keeps/towers
just givf more hibs/mids


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 15, 2004
Icebreaker said:
Ah the Monkey Realm again. The one who isn't able to do anything impressive primetime since Daoc started.


stfu you useless retard, just cause a handful of ppl do it doesnt mean the entire realm is doing it.

or are u one of those morons who thinks he is better just because he clicked on the tree instead of the cup first time logging in?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Jergiot said:
stfu you useless retard, just cause a handful of ppl do it doesnt mean the entire realm is doing it.

or are u one of those morons who thinks he is better just because he clicked on the tree instead of the cup first time logging in?

I didn't meant only the AC Raids with my Comment.Since Daoc started there wasn't any great performances from Albs regarding Relic Raids. Not in OF and not in NF.Your Realm can't even build a Ram in primetime raids. :p

And Albs tried everything possible to piss of Hibs and Mids.No wonder Albion is always the first target from both Hibs and Mids. ^^


FH is my second home
Jan 25, 2004
Jergiot said:
stfu you useless retard, just cause a handful of ppl do it doesnt mean the entire realm is doing it.

or are u one of those morons who thinks he is better just because he clicked on the tree instead of the cup first time logging in?

not to mention his groups always been free arpees


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 12, 2004
Jergiot said:
or are u one of those morons who thinks he is better just because he clicked on the tree instead of the cup first time logging in?

LOL :D Ahhhh ...I laughed ...


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 18, 2004
I see that the love is still being thrown around in fairly large buckets on these forums.

Aaah :D


Fledgling Freddie
May 31, 2004
i'm sorry but i'm abit new to this. i actually got killed by a hib yesterday. who can i talk with to see that incidents like that never happen again?


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Jergiot said:
stfu you useless retard, just cause a handful of ppl do it doesnt mean the entire realm is doing it.

or are u one of those morons who thinks he is better just because he clicked on the tree instead of the cup first time logging in?

Couldn't have said it better myself.


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Seems like the nice guys irl who are paying their subs are defending their right at 5AM because its a 24/7-game!

Just feel sorry for the Albs who actually want to fight for a relic in PvP rather then PvE.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 30, 2005
Icebreaker said:
I didn't meant only the AC Raids with my Comment.Since Daoc started there wasn't any great performances from Albs regarding Relic Raids. Not in OF and not in NF.Your Realm can't even build a Ram in primetime raids. :p

And Albs tried everything possible to piss of Hibs and Mids.No wonder Albion is always the first target from both Hibs and Mids. ^^

just to remember if you were playing then and if not just to tell you

summer of 2003. ih the morning albs discovered that their relics were gone and the situation was the same till toa came out which relics were restarted bk in order again, and as far as remember. kagato said it too that albs were talking bk their relics and boom bye bye again in the morning.

and after NF midd and hibs couldnt do anything in alb frontiers so they decided to attack each other and that was till wow appeard and changed the situation a bit which servers had lower and lower ppl everyday. albs couldnt do any success RR only couple of times which it started in the evening and lasted for more than 5 hours. only exception last year which albs were geting everything in evening and the hibs/mids in other times.

the morning play from albs started this summer. why you keep saying this was for ever???


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 11, 2004
Aeoric said:
And from being part of the BG over the w/e, the *alarm clock* raid started with Asy posting a realm RvR thread, retaking Eras, taking 2 mid towers to 'open DF for the Realm mission'. This all started early in the day, there was almost no suggestion of a Relic Raid until the "open DF" realm mission was accomplished. The subsequent realm mission was open the Hib power relic gate. Hib ports were already screwed so they went for it. Not one to leave the relic after opening the gate - they took it. Fair enough. It's not like hibs logged without noticing port had been cut to all their docks.

i think that sums it up nicely.


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Ah we have to change it in :

Seems like the nice guys irl who are paying their subs are defending their right at 5AM because its a 24/7-game and they want to finish their realm-mission at 5AM. Damn good excuse for an alarmclock-raid 'soz mates it was our realm-mission!'

Thanks for the laugh :)


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
i doubt they pay their own subs, probably uncle dole office that pays it.


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 13, 2005
The only largescale alb RR I can recall was when nf came out and we didn't have the amount of guilds nor the organisation to claim our new frontier :)

Took us about a week to paint everything green again with albies sitting there with 5-6 relics till cluster :O

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