fao goa GMs


[GOA] Official type person
Jan 6, 2004
Kedaran said:
Now for the questions.

Will we like the people on the US servers enjoy some time of testing out RA's and beeing able to purchase respec stones for a few silver?

you mean will there be public testing on one of our test servers? If so then I don't know, still preparing for 1.69 that's due next week.

Kedaran said:
When is NF due, and more importantly, what will be needed to run 2 accounts without lagging to death?

I can't comment on when it's due out, there's no date fixed yet. As for minimum specs... err... honestly don't know and I can see people shooting rockets at me 'cos I've been playing ut all night so finding it hard to concentrate =/.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 13, 2004
Very nice of you to take time and reply on peoples thoughts / questions here is mine.

Is there any GM that is/has been a hardcore rvr player that has any knownledge of how daoc is played in "gankgrp" rvr?

Sounds to me that most of you are just casualgamers who play afew hours in pve roleplaying and such. Would be nice if atleast anyone of u got experience on playing daoc in real competive mode not just randomzerging.

Another question, do you watch daoc movies and wich are your favourites ;/?

Sucky spelling, perhaps provokative questions but i kinda want to know.


[GOA] Official type person
Jan 6, 2004
well I wouldn't count any of us as being hardcore rvr players, more usually on the receiving end of said gank groups. Then again that isn't really a problem as that's not the point of animations. As for the GMs, they know about all the items, stats etc and any potential bug with weird setups, strange item behaviour etc is usually quickly reported to us anyway.

If you've been on events you may have noticed that some of the mobs, especially anything red con or above, act differently to your average daoc mob. That's because we're coding them individually to give them a specific behaviour, a bit like the ml mobs but less script oriented. Obviously the best source of information on cunning tactics to use is from watching players fight against each other, especially on such a highly competitive server like Excalibur. So while we may not be part of the gank group community we do keep an eye on the latest rvr developments.

And if that made no sense to you: we have spies and we know everything anyway :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
A question i have always wanted to know is there a computer in Fort GOA which is just permanantly watching emain from a GM's rooftop perspective?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Requiel said:
The short answer is that I can't tell you.
The long answer is that I can tell you but then I'd have to kill you with pianowire, a hairpin and half a kilo of emmental.
The general and deliberately vague answer is 'yes'.

is'nt emmental cheese? :p


Feb 1, 2004
Isnt it about time you guys update your art section with pictures? (art section on daoc-europe.com)
all the pictures are from the release of the game, so surely it might bring a few more customers if you showed TOA screenshots instead of "pre-SI" pictures :)

perhaps make some sort of contest *hint* *hint*
like.. get 1 free day for submitting the best screenshot or something :)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 15, 2004
i do have a question i hope you dont take it the wrong way its not meant to be confrontational :)

do goa feel there in touch with there customers what i mean by that is do you ever listen to our concerns do you read these boards and if you spot a valid argument do you ever say anything to mythic on our behalf ?

also how come we never get asked for feedback on how how the game should go development wise why is it always the american players who seem to get listened to by mythic ? alot of us feel like where left out of the loop

thxs in advance if you can answer these 2 questions


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
[GOA]Erivoss said:
you mean will there be public testing on one of our test servers? If so then I don't know, still preparing for 1.69 that's due next week.

As far as I know, everyone was able to test the new realm abilities for 1 week and then it was extended (maybe 5 extra days or something), and they could purchase specific RA respec stones for 10s that would be useless after the test period.
With all these new RA's and new effects I think it would be very good to have something like that.



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Kudo's guys really nice to see you take the time to talk to us commoners ;)

Though I have one concern:

Eviross please stop planning your worlddomination I have my plans all ready and I think one of the rules I made was "there can't be any other worlddominating people" ... so ... ehh ... sorry... guess you didn't think of that now did you?

Maybe you can try dominating Neptune I hear some of Requiel's french relatives live there!



Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Ilienwyn was account splitting is coming sometime - as has been said many many times. Your just post-farming again ;)

[GOA]Erivoss said:
you mean will there be public testing on one of our test servers? If so then I don't know, still preparing for 1.69 that's due next week.
Nope, what he seemed to mean was that with 1.70 and NF Mythic added a NPC selling RA respec stones for a very cheap price (a few silvers?) for 2 weeks to allow people to test the new RAs in real conditions on live servers.

It seems like this is something that has to be added/removed manually so itll be GOAs choice whether we get it or not. Any comments: or too early to say? :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Draylor said:
Ilienwyn was account splitting is coming sometime - as has been said many many times. Your just post-farming again ;)

Just want to know when cause I want to get rid of my brother's pally in my account :)

And it would be better to be able to transfer in not clear account. He has his own now, just move his pally there too so I am ok :)

Edit: How can I post-farm when there is no postcount? :)


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Ilienwyn said:
And it would be better to be able to transfer in not clear account.
Well thats not possible on Mythics servers, cant imagine GOA will have a improved process for doing this - but hopefully theyll answer it for you ;)

How can I post-farm when there is no postcount? :)
Oh there is - and it says you spam far more than I do. Nothing unusual there then :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
wel i acctualy have a question,this topic is turning into a fh version of rightnow ;)

is goa ever going to make a Co-op pve server ?


Loyal Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
i really would like to see a GM making a movie (or at least get the footage, im sure someone would like to do the rest of the work, me for instance :)) on a special event, like it happened on a german server. using the advantage of the flying mode etc which you have for sure would give awesome material i bet ;)
if you re too lazy to do it, give me fly-mode for one day please, i would also appreciate this red orb shape zargar had when i met him once :D


Jan 21, 2004

/duel challenge


the question is... do you have the b.... for it? :m00:

to make it a bit fairer.. i wanna be buffed, and start with sidestyle :)


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Eraser said:
i really would like to see a GM making a movie (or at least get the footage, im sure someone would like to do the rest of the work, me for instance :)) on a special event, like it happened on a german server. using the advantage of the flying mode etc which you have for sure would give awesome material i bet ;)
if you re too lazy to do it, give me fly-mode for one day please, i would also appreciate this red orb shape zargar had when i met him once :D

there was a movie made of a galla raid in hib (1st time we took down the final encounter afaik) that had flying bits on, dont know how that was done, may have been a GM.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
vintervargen said:
its gonna be a tough monday morning for our beloved GMs! :D

:D maybe this was a channel that shouldn't have been opened (any regrets gm's ^^?)


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 16, 2004
Only recently started playing the game, and even more recently discovered that there was a thing called GM's here.
And now I discover they are nothing to fear because they are just normal people (sort of)..

What will I discover next? :eek6:


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
Ok I'll answer as many of the new questions as I can.
There isn't a definite date for NF on the Euro servers yet. I would imagine (although I reserve the right to be wrong) that we will offer the cheap respec stones as happened on the US. Everyone will obviously also get the RA reset as well. As for technical specs I'd have thought if you're able to happily run two ToA clients currently you'll have no problems with NF. Most of the initial lag in the US NF launch was from the load on their patch servers as everyone downloaded NF when it went live rather than getting it in advance.

I watch quite a lot of DAoc movies. I especially like the ones that are a bit humourous such as the Monty Python rip-offs. 5 minutes of randomassassin wtfpwning doesn't really get my juices flowing I'm afraid.

There is no Emain cctv I'm afraid. We GMs usually park ourselves there cos that's where we're most likely to get spotted on /who. Other than that there's no monitoring.

Yes the screenshots need updating. I'll talk with the powers that be and see what we can do as far as a competition is concerned. It's a decision that would have to be taken way above my level.

Feedback: Well yes we read these boards otherwise this thread wouldn't be 8 pages long... There are things that we bring to Mythic but they're mainly technical things. You can provide feedback to Mythic even though you're a Euro player. You can use the teamlead program for most things or for more general things you can contact Sanya. Remember that we aren't playing the same version of the game as the US players so before you make a suggestion, be sure that it isn't already resolved in the current or upcoming US patch. As for feeling out of touch with customers, I don't personally feel out of touch. I was a customer myself until a few months ago. I have many real life friends who are customers. I talk to customers on my personal account and my GM account every day. I read these and other boards and I think I have a failry good handle on what people want.

Account splitting is something we are planning to offer. I believe it's being worked on although I have no more details than that. Our version will be different to the US version as we use a different billing system to them. I would imagine that from a customers point of view it will be broadly the same and have the same restrictions as the US version. This is no more than informed guessing on my part though so I may be completely wrong on these points.

Co-op/3rd English server. We will offer a 3rd English server when the population warrants it. We don't want to kill Prydwen to start another server and neither do we want to invest money in hardware that may not be fully utilised. A co-op server would need Mythic to licence the co-op ruleset to us and for us to develop for another version of the game. This would mean additional delays in patching and testing as everything would need to be tested and patched for a different server type on top of the four we are currently doing (French, English, German & Camlann). Given that Gaheris is a low population server on the US, I doubt whether Goa will take an expensive gamble in Europe as things stand. Older players will remember the hype surrounding Camlann when it opened. It was too full to accept new players for the first week or so and now it is underpopulated - not an experience we want to repeat. We aren't ruling it out for the future but it's not something we can justify offering at the moment. That's the answer I got the last time I asked anyway.


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
One question i'd like to ask to clear up some discussions and arguments which have been going on recently as you have most probably read; Is the bug where a person cannot be grappled due to having 28 effects on their character considered abuse and/or a bannable offense? There are a number of people who are doing this purposefully and having an unbalancing effect on the game. Is this going to be adressed as bug abuse or are you waiting for a fix in a later patch?

Thanks for your time.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
Iv been playing this game for the better part of two years now so i was there for the camlann opening.

i can see the problem with opening a new server ,but ther are some significant differnces.

for one it is verry mutch harder to establish yourself on a pvp server,so after a while most went back to there old servers.

second the pvp rulesett is not a given for everyone ,even the preverbial gods of rvr seem to prefer the normal rulesetting.

In genral what i'm saying is that full pve is in my opinion more apealing then full pvp,the fact that on all my chars combined i have about 100000 rps could mean my judgemt is somewhat baised but al things conciderd i see alot more people actively pveing then pvping thruout the day.

just how exactly whould the population warrant a pve server ?

well at least i like the answer you provided us beter then the school example of vaugeness i got when i asked thru rightnow being "there has been talks about it ,but nothing concrete"

all hail the mighty gm's :worthy:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
I have one question :p

Do you guys use buffbots? :D

And what do you think about buffbots?


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Battusai said:
all hail the mighty gm's :worthy:

cant argue with that, the latest batch of Goa GMs are doing a great job and i think they deserve a little more recognition. :cheers:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
great to see gms responding and talking in forums
A great improvement, keep it up


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
I don't have a buffbot. I don't like them myself and think they unbalance the game too much. If buff characters had to be 'live' and running with the group they buffed, you'd see a lot less fully optimised groups and more variety in group setup imho. It's not something I (or Goa) can change though, it'll have to come from Mythic.

There are no E&Es on Camlann because we don't run events there and the rules of good conduct are a little looser. Contrary to popular belief we do support Camlann and we do investigate reports of cheating, harrassment etc but, in general the players themselves do a good job of bringing things like this to our attention.

How many players is enough for a new server (of whatever type)? To be honest I don't know. I used to get a lot of people complaining that the French got a new server which generally has less people on it than Prydwen, however before Carnac was launched, the other servers were bursting at the seams with 2500+ people a night on them. I guess the English servers will need to be near that level before there's another standard ruleset server. As for how many would be needed for a Cop-op (given that it would draw players from all three language bases), I don't know and as I said above, the decision isn't based purely on population alone.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Well, this thread has certainly been a good read, excellent thing to read on a morning at work such as this, cheers. :)

Also erm, is it possible to ask for maybe some photos of the GOA offices?

I mean I think it would just be a bit intresting to see what the place looks like. :p

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