Zeppelin .. my oh my

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Fledgling Freddie
Mar 9, 2004
Let this thread die people. Accusations were made, counter accusations were made and that only leads to flaming.

Apologies from people have been done, and this matter as far as Grey Wolves are concerned is closed. Please let this thread go the same way.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003

Children, i know the school season is over, if all of you have such a desperate urge to relive your teenage anger, i really must suggesting going to the gym instead.

Facts are that this is a game, and when a thread such as this gets over 5 pages long, someone has some issues.

Other facts are also that the Battler is still there, nothing is stopping anyone from going there and doing the encounter, but instead you are here bickering about it.

Hell, half of your could have the artifact by now if you werent so childish!

Oh, boo hoo. Someone behind a computer desk across the world stole your precious pixel graphics monster with the little toy sword.

Seriously, grow up.


Fledgling Freddie
May 20, 2004
Brelakor said:

Children, i know the school season is over, if all of you have such a desperate urge to relive your teenage anger, i really must suggesting going to the gym instead.

Facts are that this is a game, and when a thread such as this gets over 5 pages long, someone has some issues.

Other facts are also that the Battler is still there, nothing is stopping anyone from going there and doing the encounter, but instead you are here bickering about it.

Hell, half of your could have the artifact by now if you werent so childish!

Oh, boo hoo. Someone behind a computer desk across the world stole your precious pixel graphics monster with the little toy sword.

Seriously, grow up.

Out of all the posts on this thread this is the most hypocritical, everything he accuses he is himself. The guy who posted it who i have never even heard of is attention seeking, childish, clearly has a problem with reading as the thread was finished when the muppet decided to post on it... it just goes, its ironic that between the bickering there were some interesting points raised in this post and then after it all calms down the worst post of all comes from some complete idiot with absoloutly no clue what is going on.

I can't even being to analyse the ignorance of this pathelogical loser, arrgghhh!! people shock me on the game all the time, but this guy truly is.... special.


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Reebs said:
1. I can read, really good as I was able to figure out what nonsense you tried to write.

2. Another thred? (thread) you don't mean another post that you made

3. if you continue to spell like that, you will probably be in school for a very long time.

game over, Reebs 5 and Leuan 0, point was never supposed to be there.
Complaining about spelling and grammar in an online forum is the last resort of the desperate. I'm sorry, you lose.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
Aremeriel said:
Even though all Norwegians know that Swedes aren't the smartest out there... (No offense or anything.. This was meant to be "funny", as we tell jokes about Swedes, and they tell the same ones about us)

Danes also tell jokes about Swedes... I think everybody does :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Belomar said:
Complaining about spelling and grammar in an online forum is the last resort of the desperate. I'm sorry, you lose.

comin from an retarded forum fag like u? u quit the game doesnt even play prydwen? u might aswell put ur useless comments in some cooking forum.


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Whoa, if it isn't my cute little stalker again? :fluffle: I did expect you to pop in and pay homage again, and it looks like I wasn't disappointed--you really should not bite that easily. :D For the record, I did play Prydwen (first Hib and then most recently Mid) before I retired.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 6, 2004
rofl @ all



Loyal Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Belomar said:
Complaining about spelling and grammar in an online forum is the last resort of the desperate. I'm sorry, you lose.

Hey assjockey, did you see that he tried to be a good dog and complain about Inca's spelling. So sit down on your bike without saddle and be quite.
*gives belomar a bone* Good dog, now sit before I get upset.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
To Brelakor: You coming in here AFTER apologies have been given etc... and just calling all in this thread childish AND teenagers, hmmmmmm.... I'd say you shouldn't throw rocks when surrounded by glass. Although, I do partly agree with you, that SOME of the posts in this thread weren't really thought out, but there were some good "diplomatic" posts in here too and some very good and valid points discussed. If you're so mature as you seem to think you are, then that post of yours would have been written in a whole different manner, or better yet, not at all. I don't know how old you are or anything, so I'll refrain myself from calling you a teenager or a child, and so should you when talking about ALL people in a thread when you have no idea about their age or anything else about them. I'm sorry about this, but I got insulted/annoyed when you called me and others (since your post really is referring to all) for children and teenagers...

To Kraben and Kedaren: You really should read previous posts before posting.

Ghoulert and Glabbin: SOoo much info... *sigh*

Sorry for getting another post in this thread that should have been dead and buried by now...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
I cant read FH so often cause of work and various other activeties, so i must be allowed to bump in order to be a part of the whine threads x<

Also i have to admit i only read the last few posts very quickly, and i thought the discussion was still going strong :p

Better let it die then :O


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
"retarded forum fag" and "assjockey"

(roll eyes)

It is a well known fact even the tiniest real life mouse can roar like a lion when hiding in the safety of the computers. Guys dont use language you wouldnt dare use in real life when posting on the forum. You just look veeery silly since you are no Samuel L Jackson in the lastest Tarantino flick, just a couple of guys playing a computer game ;)

Zlugugg Benvis

One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 12, 2004
Iceflower said:
"retarded forum fag" and "assjockey"

(roll eyes)

It is a well known fact even the tiniest real life mouse can roar like a lion when hiding in the safety of the computers. Guys dont use language you wouldnt dare use in real life when posting on the forum. You just look veeery silly since you are no Samuel L Jackson in the lastest Tarantino flick, just a couple of guys playing a computer game ;)

Made me laugh IRL :cheers:


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Well, for some people, vulgarities is what you throw at people when you run out of arguments. ;)


Loyal Freddie
Apr 11, 2004
lol zeppelin aha

ever since grped with u lvl 49 healer in emain macha ive been waiting for this kinda post ....

retarded nub with big mouth no good combo ~~~~~~~~~~

wtf u do in bo btw? :D


Fledgling Freddie
May 20, 2004
robbe said:
lol zeppelin aha

ever since grped with u lvl 49 healer in emain macha ive been waiting for this kinda post ....

retarded nub with big mouth no good combo ~~~~~~~~~~

wtf u do in bo btw? :D

Wahoo i am popular again, my flame thread had moved off what a twat i was and gone onto other people.

Having never heard of you robbe i can honestly say you calling me a n00b is quite un-interesting. Big mouth? hell yeh maybe i do, deal with it. Quite simply if you didn't like grouping with me you don't have to do it again.

If your reffering to the time i was level 49? That was some time ago, but even then i certainly wasn't a n00b. Its often the people will little comprehension that call others n00bs, its kinda a weak insult desgined to rattle them and generally its the last resort when people like robbe struggle to think of anything else.

Likely if you met me in emain and didn't like me it was cause i wasn't playing for your version of "fun". Winning and loosing does not matter to some people, they are happy to die, die, giveaway rp's release, die again, in any order. I am sorry that i do not find that fun and against all odds i do actually enjoy winning, or at least fighting well and loosing. Given your post you immediately give me the image that you are one of the players i wouldn't get on with and whined at me for suggesting we win fights as opposed to loose.

Thank you for getting the attention back on me in this thread, i hated the fact half my guild took more insults than me in the past few threads.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 26, 2003
Aremeriel said:
To Kraben and Kedaren: You really should read previous posts before posting.

The timespawn between my last post and the post when Inca's says he is sorry, is mere 3 minuts. If I had seen Inca's post first I would of course not have said what I did :)


Fledgling Freddie
May 20, 2004
Kraben said:
The timespawn between my last post and the post when Inca's says he is sorry, is mere 3 minuts. If I had seen Inca's post first I would of course not have said what I did :)

Aye in fairness there is about 3-4 posts within 2 minutes of each other, so was a few cross wires at that point.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Belomar said:
Well, for some people, vulgarities is what you throw at people when you run out of arguments. ;)

well for some ppls FH is what u use when u ran out of irl friends :(
But we ll spare u some attention since u r seekin it so badly


Loyal Freddie
Apr 11, 2004
zepplin m8 dont get me wrong i had great fun grping with you specially when you explained how running 2 fg zerg generated more rp's :F

seems blejs also belives in this tactics making a second grp ? ~


Fledgling Freddie
May 20, 2004
robbe said:
zepplin m8 dont get me wrong i had great fun grping with you specially when you explained how running 2 fg zerg generated more rp's :F

seems blejs also belives in this tactics making a second grp ? ~

I always firmly believed that zerging a zerg as opposed to dieing to one is a better option. Like i said i genuinely don't enjoy dieing and am willing to sacrifice the 1fg pride to beat albs/hibs at their own game. I think my maths would have been along the lines of "3fgs of albs bashing us 3 times, gives us 0 rp's", "3fg's mids bashing 3fg's albs, gives us anything from 1-3k rp's", a little simplified perhaps but hey, we all have our own opinions. The one thing that really bugs me when you get zerged 3 times is when you suggest your leaving your group and everyone is enraged at you thinking its a travesty that you don't wanna be zerged! especially when they refuse to level the odds.

As for Blejs making a BO group 2, i can assure you that it is not to zerg, its not to win be weight of numbers, nor is it blejs levelling the playing field, its purely because he believes there are enough good players out there to wear the Bad Omen tag with pride, and possibly even create a little competition for the current BO lads. Blejs perhaps more than any1 else takes a lot of pride in the name and standing of Bad Omen, if he wants a 2nd group you can be damned sure they will be required and expected, to uphold that.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 30, 2004
this thread have gone from bad to worse. 1st u were just a noob to other realm ppl, now ur just a fucktard... making a complete fool out of urself and BO.. ;/. why ur in BO at the 1st place? beats me not experienced nor high rr, even a moderate random healer imo ( and yes i have teamed with you ). why ur still in BO? really dont know... even other BO members dont know what ur doing there... bringing more negativity to the guild?.. /clap.

PS robbe is a rr9L4 healer, he knows what he is talking about...


Loyal Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
robbe said:
zepplin m8 dont get me wrong i had great fun grping with you specially when you explained how running 2 fg zerg generated more rp's :F

seems blejs also belives in this tactics making a second grp ? ~

No we aint planning to run 2fg together, we do perfectly well when we do our g1 setup. How g2 will be i aint sure off, but i am planning to ofc if ppl aint willing to listen and learn they wont have a place in the guild.
Zeppe might not be the most experinced player atm, but i belive if a person is active and willing to listen he have high chance to succeed in a player i want.

But i understand why u wanna run 2fg if u face a zerg, so you have a chance to make better then you do 1fg atleast.

But not like we got close to 4fg as some other guild have.

I also want a g2 so its possible to play on offhours easier to.
I think it will turn out alright, if it will that i will notice in future.

I understand perfectly why zeppe flipped on grayh, they where on their way or was camping battler dont remember what it said, and u see some others do him and fail? or they succedded dunno, atleast they had some ppl dieng and then battler get higher level. I would flip out also if ppl nicked my camp and i had ppl inc atleast.

20ish min is ok to wait or something for me atleast for a person to have ppl inc, if not then camp free. But thats just about moral.
Since its not against coc to pull from a place were someone is camping.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 6, 2004
Can't beleive I spent 20 minutes reading all this crap, a bad thing happened and the said people made up, shush! :p


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
Kraben said:
The timespawn between my last post and the post when Inca's says he is sorry, is mere 3 minuts. If I had seen Inca's post first I would of course not have said what I did :)
Aye.. You're right. Will you accept my apology?

Inca said:
Likely if you met me in emain and didn't like me it was cause i wasn't playing for your version of "fun". Winning and loosing does not matter to some people, they are happy to die, die, giveaway rp's release, die again, in any order. I am sorry that i do not find that fun and against all odds i do actually enjoy winning, or at least fighting well and loosing. Given your post you immediately give me the image that you are one of the players i wouldn't get on with and whined at me for suggesting we win fights as opposed to loose.
Which makes it kinda weird that you and I get along as well as we do.. He he.. I'm mostly in it all for the fun, like we had that odd night with your sm and my healer.. ;) Or when I run in a grp of 1 healer (me), 1 shammy, 1 skald and 3 thanes... And you've been really kind to me when I've asked you stupid questions and asked for advice on this or that.
There's one thing about Inca/Zepp that a lot of people seem to have problems with and it seems to be that he says exactly what he thinks. He doesn't feed you his opinions with candybars on the side. Which annoys some, some respect it and some even appreciate it. A person like that may come off as harsh at times, I know. But at least a person like that tells you exactly what he/she thinks, which is 100 % honest.

And I agree with you. 2fg to meet 2fg+ albs/hibs makes more sense than dying again and again cause you run 1fg out of pride.

And I don't know who robbe is either. No offense to Robbe, especially not after this (part of a) post in another thread
robbe said:
ps. Aremeriel rox !
My guess is that robbe is not the name used ingame, and well, I don't remember who all are here compared to ingame. But it sounds like I've played with you sometime, just can't pinpoint when/where/who...

Tiskani said:
a bad thing happened and the said people made up, shush! :p
Couldn't agree more.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
robbe said:
zepplin m8 dont get me wrong i had great fun grping with you specially when you explained how running 2 fg zerg generated more rp's :F

seems blejs also belives in this tactics making a second grp ? ~

Mael got 3 gg:s u r point?
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