your earliest memory of exp'ing .. who with ?



Originally posted by Appollo
Used to grp with Fing in Mithra, plains and yes our trip to Av Marsh. What was name of HG cleric Sunc i think?

yeah was sunc (he later rolled a paladin called sunis - hence the references to sunis :))

yeah I remember first going to Avalon marsh - seemed so far away :)


Ah yes. Steve the mercenary. :) Grouped with him (and his son when playing his char) with Rowland Sharpe (my former armsman) in Barrows. Is he still in Daoc? Just one of those genuin nice blokes I'd the fortune to meet in this game.


MY first exping sesh was in middy / pryd - but here in alb was about a month ago - with a gr8 friend of mine who moved here with me...

Cressida OfUranus

or 'Dave' to his friends.

Theres also a chap called Mic Hucknell - a neccy friend who i knew from hibbie Pryd. He was another of the peeps i first exped with on alb/excal


Damn most fond memory was at the danionan clerks with Jiggs Morry Afroninja Snailbomb Leorin thats rite 5 wizzy's in 1 group was uber back thenSlashem Thedaddy and there was a cleric there 2 but sadly i cant remember who ah the days when i seen my first Moorlich and though wow i wonder if a fg of 50's could take that ;)
ah fond memorys


ahh, the good 'ol wizard team. which we continued onto tanglers and lagged out everyone with us all ae'ing :)

the game was at its best back then


yes We rocked didnt we afro hehe with our effects none ;)


ooooh this brings back memories..

Back then at Albion Excalibur just after retail a bunch of noobs
(including me) made a guild called Steelstorm :). Then we ran into this person with quite a load of experience comming from the US servers and invited him into guild.. and what was a noob guild turned into a well oiled xp machine, used a really good and dedicated xp group to level fast ( back at 1.36 it was fast ;) nothing compared to now though )
To bad guild broke up 2 months later for several reasons :(

These were the peeps i can still remember mostly of the guild.. but some outside people that were in our group most of the time anyway

Huma - armsman
Jazhara - minstrel
Azudeth - theurgist
Edge - armsman
Krondor - cleric
Stekeltje - ice wizzie
Zaknafein - infiltrator
Kal - armsman
add me to it ( used to have a paladin called melisande) and you have a wheeee xp group for that time ;)

and at some later point

Kulthas - armsman
Gromit - cleric
Alpha - minstrel
phoenix - theurgist
mallus - infiltrator

Those were the peeps i xp'ed loads with.. killing barrows wights with green /blue conn af 60 crafted armor cause there was nothing better at that moment, and waking in the middle of the night in terror having nightmares of the wight because a week
(or even more)
non stop camp at wights broke me mentally
and doing trees and worms while lyonesse was always totalled abandoned.. sweet memories

And a whole a lot more.. but primarely these folks.


Back in ye ol' days i mostly lvl'ed with my two brothers who were also playing and some of our RL friends.

Shendar (Scout and my brother), Sharek (Scout and brother :) ) Teral (Paladin, friend) Chaznov (Cleric, friend) Poe (Cleric in game friend)...... was playing my fire wizard Pugwyn back then :)

later Crises - Rehan - Pharlap - and Cauri , last 2 then became insane and joined mid :( ........

And lvl 30 when i came to barrows with my Arms, Cupid, i started grouping with 2 danes from HB tho they have stopped playing now :( Was Goozu Gammelsved and Taxa :)

And ofc i did lvl 44-50 with Old Ninjastyle :) and I got 50 in the same group as Frostor dinged in :)

Alpha Male

Originally posted by azvero
ooooh this brings back memories..

add me to it ( used to have a paladin called melisande) and you have a wheeee xp group for that time ;)

Hey Mel, long time no see =))

Hows Prydwen going?..still there?


1st time i logged on gregorian was sat about 10ft away didn't actually exp with him (grpd) but its the earliest memory i got off sum1

used to exp with herbal (wouldn't imagine it now) and eastern alot as well as sketejte filthius arthwyr and strondor occasionally remember watching over wildfires grp on plains cus i was 40 odd and he was a bran new noob :p

many more memories to many to list



Xpet with Nephina/Nephin( my brother ), Enjoy/Pirre and Sunlight/Teah in the early days. Later on I xped some with Melinda.


Originally posted by Kagato.
In early days around salisbury plains is when I first started grouping, and that was with a bunch of red dragons guys more often or not right up into the 30ies, consisting of people like:


and the rd's:


Sadly few of those play still and after 40+ it was mostly barrows or random df groups.

Fondest memories of exping though will no doubt be some of the hilarious danoin clerks chain pulling groups we had, back when you could still chain pull them, the group and exp was as good as any but I remember having some very funny conversations and missends and generally a good laugh during those few levels down there.

u remember kag :) i remember starting to love this game pulling like crazy in keltoi's ant room with u and the other red dragons; great times...

other fond memories: learning how chaining worked at the clerks at lyonesse, Pin there at 32, trying to make every1 pull faster hehe :) my first gobbo grp with Thongor, Zae, Yvresse and Teddy of the dragon fighters, first tangler grp with zlair <meduza> then sharing my uber knowledge of lyonesse and chaining with loxleyhood after killing lots of rooters with him for tuskers old wound, only to realise that we now had to kill tons of bogeys... grping with my first awe inspiring 50, Galtazar mcGal being amazed that he could kill bonesnappers, and the real Yog's first character, a fellow merc called Minko giving me his most prized possesion of his 40th epic sword so i had 2 matching ones :)))

and now? still waiting for my frikken PW ;/


beta pic about same members as Angels of war , the guild tazzke spoke about

im Froke the caba :x

after beta we exped some on salis , but some members had more time then others , so we broke up , then i lvld in keltoi with Karken(panthra later who was guildleader of Art of War , rerolled to hib then but i heared he was back in alb ;D
dont remember my first lvl 50 exping period quite well but i sure remember Mousah and me racing to 50
i won ;D

and ofco cupid :D
teh saracan thrust poler :)


Oh ye i remember the old days , in beta where we all exped in snowdonia and the best plate was some lvl 36 lol.

I also remember a littel from the release days when i exped whit Saxo at lyonesse. Day in day out :p

Well i was whit Filthius , treniel , gregorian , and alot other people. Tree camps where full all the time hehe :) and pygmy camps



Yes and no.. alpha / gromit. ;)

I gave my account to krondor, and stopped for about 10 months and just picked up SI made a new account and started playing 6 or so weeks ago.

Made a skald on mid excal, but don't really like it, went back to hibernia made a nightshade. And also playing albion on a german server with some lvl 20 alts so now and then ;)

Nice to see you are still doing well in all aspects.

Kurik BHM

Originally posted by TBF[Pazuzu]

Nice screenshots Kurik.

I'm officially the crappest person in the world for keeping in contact with people, in RL and Virtual Life. I need to sort myself out.

I'm still in Newcastle, living with GF now, and one of these days, I'm gonna end up on a ferry to your part of the world. Hope DAoC hasn't clobbered your studies!!

See you in game soon mate.


Hi Pazz :D

Alpha Male

Originally posted by azvero

I gave my account to krondor, and stopped for about 10 months and just picked up SI made a new account and started playing 6 or so weeks ago.

Ahh, shame really..becuase no ones seen krondor for a very long time either =(


kronny idles in our irc channel most of the time, like hes there now, but its generally his bnc ;)


i was such a nice person as well ;/

mainly remember rerolling with Gambit and duo'ing with Noret up at spriggan camp in plains and in tepok.

Before that was chaos faction ?sp?

then my class guild North & South! Pics/giant.jpg

Astrala i think is only person still playing the original char ;)

still remember my first RVR running out into odins gate and meeting some royal bavarians i think, who told us to turn our torchs off because it lit us up like massive targets ;o


Astrala, Leonhart, Starion
I was in the Azure Lion Company untill i joined Royal Bavarians around level 15.


mm Seven, Zombie, Carlos, Goku, sun, tezla

God i miss those early xping times :( <when the game was actualy fun pve:(>

<cough> on albion the first ppl i xped with

Quicksilver, Sarsur, Aligro


Anyone remember the infilitrator in Royal Bavarians?

used to tailor for celts AC i think.


Originally posted by old.BJ|Bored
Anyone remember the infilitrator in Royal Bavarians?

used to tailor for celts AC i think.

Only remember Mallus and Flint(?)


Originally posted by old.BJ|Bored


i was such a nice person as well ;/

Stlong Lies here!
First time I meet you was in Lyn Barfog and you tryed to steal my shield!


Originally posted by azvero
( used to have a paladin called melisande) and you have a wheeee xp group for that time ;)


Hi Meli :)


Originally posted by old.BJ|Bored
kronny idles in our irc channel most of the time, like hes there now, but its generally his bnc ;)


i was such a nice person as well ;/

I will !!!11!

Earliest memory of gambit was him giving me a barrows cloak that said lvl 50 so I thought it was uber and he was god (I was lvl 29 or so) - I quickly learned the truth !!!

Later on he asked me to come to do Elylls. I was 30 something and didn't know what they were so I assumed they were in Lyoness (that was where Gambit was when I did /who) so I went all the way there and they laughed at me and said no come to Sauvage (where they now were), so I went all teh way to Sauvage, but they left to go to lyoness and forgot to tell me :( :( :(

Other early memories... Mad letting me join one of his groups in emain before I knew any BF. He called us all names and logged when we died :D (same as today in fact !)

Zarek letting me follow him around odins and we killed about 10x our numbers at pk with smite before finally getting ganked.

Being impressed when we killed just about everything in Barrows with aoe smite and I think Ignea. Dancing on the alters etc :D

Convincing Hatji to help me get a mantle of the champion. After I pulled the entire camp several times we decided using a treb was safer :D Great fun :)


ye saxo :p and serra and many other players, i even manged to get into ludwigs omgpwntanglers grp once


Started playing at a cafe, with aload of friends, The owner of the cafe, Adam aka Galoec<armsman> had got camelot free, and was testing it out. Dave <yog aka minko/merc> John <sol aka kedaveth/arms> Rod <Eggy> Mike <Jilson> and a couple of other people Skillz and Raus. All took the piss when he started playing it, as we were all keen CS and C&C2 players, thought it was the shittest game we ever saw, anyways we soon learnt that failure/success was an addiction, and our bid to level as fast as possiable, and gain lvl 50 started^^.
First people of real note I remember outside of the cafe where the Forgotten Few people <Tisme, Finthevasta, Xander and Helach>. :) and all fun that followed ^^
Camelot is so much better on Lan, I will remember those days for along time


Originally posted by old.BJ|Bored
Anyone remember the infilitrator in Royal Bavarians?

used to tailor for celts AC i think.
Kalg, left game around 1000 tailoring ;)


Originally posted by azvero
( used to have a paladin called melisande)
Hi Meli! ;)
Played with Melisande and Kotorus from lv 14 to 31 in beta ("but i can rez!"). Also remember grouping with Nektar, Godmode, Tinayden, Stryker. Name of my beta-cleric you can see in my last name now.

In retail earliest would be Amiann lv 2, Gambit lv 15-16, Filip in plains and keltoi, Aikmore lv 16-40, Whitlock keltoi and catas. And my first guild <Talisman> of course. ;)

edit: oh and my first rvr experience with Aikmore! Was in snowdonia at lv ~33-35. (to aik: <cough>...)

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