Your best gaming moment.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 30, 2003
If we're talking MP, as much as playing with KEA was awesome (and I still have some great chums!), the Q3 days were the best.

It wasn't really one moment as such, but we entered BWRA3L late so got put in Div 5, then won four successive seasons to get to Div 1. Great days :)


Resident Freddy
Dec 23, 2003
Either Daoc or Planetside with Barryssquad.

Daoc was my first MMO and I played on Alb Prydwen as GM of a couple of guilds (Circle of Power which then merged to form Guardians of Power). I loved the community on that server which I haven't seen replicated in any other game since. I think the idea of having to pull together as a realm to defend relics and fight in RvR is the defining feature. Personally I think the game was best when played on that scale rather than the 8v8 that took over later on. I played as Smite Cleric originally but spent so much time running (slowly) around our frontier acting as a scout that I rerolled a Minstrel which I loved and enjoyed the scouting possibilities of Speed and Stealth which haven't been replicated in any other game either. The leveling (initially) was slow and tough. I dread to think how many days play it took to get my first 50. Also hated the necessity of running 2 accounts to be able to compete.

Planetside was also great fun doing squad drops from a Galaxy piloted by Jupitus or other things like arguing with freakyRaa during a tank column. Also sniping and acting as an observer on base fights.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Getting into MP gaming with Counter Strike and finding a great bunch of mates with MCNP.

Playing BF'42 with a bigger group of mostly people from here, then taking on the running of it when Scooba threw his toys out of the pram. We had some fan fucking tastic matches with awesome organisation during that time.

Had some great weekends playing Day of Defeat with Will and Flamin' Squirrel too, before it turned shit. 2 of us would completely dominate maps using only spades.

Lots of good memories. Too much time wasted, but don't regret it. Glad I never got into mmo's beyond flirting with things like City of Heroes.

Ended up with another great bunch of mates where we would play different games to death, but only for a month or so at a time, never getting involved in leagues etc. I've not got on irc to talk to them for too long. I'm going to hop on there in a bit, this thread has made me think of them. :cheers: The_Firm


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
So many that I cant list just one.

Sitting on my dad's knee and my older brother on the other playing Wolfenstein 3D. I opened doors(Space), brother shot(ctrl) and dad steered us around with the mouse(he recently admitted that he shot too using the mouse buttons when my brother was being slow) .

Daoc is a chapter of its own. The first level 50, going into new dungeons, first relic raid with hammers and spears and hundreds of people on a 56k dial up connection. All the great friends I've made over the years. Simply too many memories.

Finding a Windforce bow on a Mephisto run with three of my best friends on closed when it was rumoured only two had dropped previously. People actually paid SoJs just to see it in the trade window unidentified, haha

Playing Vice City and PES6 and getting hammered at a friend's place, with him and his neighbour. We're all still best mates. I remember those nights as more fun than most other times when we've gone clubbing

Getting the N64 for Christmas. Endless hours of OoT with my brother solving the riddles, Goldeneye(4 player, always. "You're looking at my Square!!!"), Star Fox and Mario Kart.

Looking back I might have come across as a nerd, sitting alone in my dark room playing video games all day and night . But I was never really alone. I had plenty of friends online. And when I wasn't online I played with my RL friends. Guess I dont have a favourite gaming moment as it wasnt the games I have found great, but rather the people I have been playing them with.


FH is my second home
Sep 5, 2008
I've got some SC2 ones too.

One time my team had a match in a clanwar league against some Russian team. They had a GrandMaster (top 200) player who I ended up getting matched up against and at the time I'd never played against a GM before. It was best of 3 and I lost the first game pretty bad. My team manager was like nah moose you got this just stay calm. I managed to come back and win 2-1 because I stayed calm and carefully picked my map and strategy for game 2 and anticipated his strategy and barely managed to counter it in game 3. I felt so good afterwards.

Another time I got invited to do a show match for some thing to promote the UK SC2 scene. My match was only the warm up match on the stream and was only for £30 but was still a big deal to me. It was best of 5 and I played ok in the first game but was nervous and sort of fell apart and lost. It really hurt my confidence and I was really negative afterwards but I managed to sort of calm down before game 2. I took a big risk in game 2 because I thought I fuck it it can't go much worse than the first game. The risk really paid off and I won game 2. That gave me the confidence to win the next 2 games and take the series 3-1. My first dirty eSports money :love:


Part of the furniture
Jul 26, 2007
A darkness falls raid with my guild in DAOC. I was probably about 14 at the time. It was a friday night I think. My parents were out so I had the computer all night. About ten of us killed all sorts of shit and had a great time.


FH is my second home
Feb 14, 2009
wiping a bunch of jedi's in a BG with @Corran on SW:TOR using the turret was a fun moment for sure


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
Toss up between DAoC or FM2012.

FM2012 - Winning La Liga on head to head with Lanzarote over Barcelona, went right down to the wire needing one goal to take the lot, 92nd minute 30 yard wondergoal at the Camp Nou to earn the draw we needed to leap from Barcelona on the better head to head record. Absolute scenes in my 13th season in charge.

DAoC - Dinging my enchanter rr10 was a special one, though GOA managed to cock it up later on. However, it would have to be the first time I MoC bombed a zerg. Was at Eras and not to long after the ToA release, queue Albs bashing on the door, a perfect mez, tiny croc form and a bodyguard hero, unleashing an awesome MoC bomb. I absolutely loved the enchanter the first time round, any of the experiences of running round with our Alliance of Power small man was great as well. Best guild ever.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Been thinking about it a while and i have to say that FF7 has to be it. Even more presicely at the moment you walk out of the city and it turns into an open world game, mind blown.

This was a time when i knew nothing about final fantasy at all, just picked it up from the store and started playing. I might have had better moments, but that definetaly is the one i remember.

To add to FF7 - my greatest moment was probably killing Emerald/Ruby weapon for the first time ever without the use of a guide telling me where to get all the best shit from at the time - many many many YES! moments on that day.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
ooh ooh and Bards Tale // Bards Tale 2! And Dungeon Master // Chaos strikes Back! ZO KATH RA bitches :D


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
BF:1942. For me it would be the playing the early Wake Island beta of this with a bunch of people from BW/Game and realising straight away what a fantastic game this was going to be, and then my clan "try out" when I owned the Battleaxe map and sussed I was actually quite good at the game (I was never better than average at UT and Quake 3 and I sucked at CS).

Access Denied

It was like that when I got here...
Jun 14, 2006
There are a few to choose from for me.

My first time playing DAoC, exploring the world, meeting meeting people and generally being a noob. Getting my first toon to level 50.

Finally defeating Dark Yojimbo in FFX, man was that a fight!

Spending and entire round on Hijacked (Black Ops 2) without dying, walking round corners and killing anything that moved. Also my first legit Nuke on MW2.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Being the first kid at school to complete The Hobbit. Well pleased with myself :) those were the days.


dungeon masters another good memory. great game.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
didn't we once meet up on a BF2 server @DaGaffer? I seem to recall you driving me around in a jeep :) Also, I remember playing with (ooh err) one of the old BWheads...iirc it was either BF2 or BF1942 and iirc it was Deathace. We semi teamed up and got the absolute shit pounded out of us. He called it a "Saving Private Ryan" moment o_0


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
didn't we once meet up on a BF2 server @DaGaffer? I seem to recall you driving me around in a jeep :) Also, I remember playing with (ooh err) one of the old BWheads...iirc it was either BF2 or BF1942 and iirc it was Deathace. We semi teamed up and got the absolute shit pounded out of us. He called it a "Saving Private Ryan" moment o_0

Yeah, I seem to remember driving over to the enemy airfield and raping the shit out of the base (which never got old); always fun wiping out the queue of idiots waiting for planes :D and then listening to the whining.


Part of the furniture
Mar 14, 2011
FF8. Even though the draw mechanic is absolute toss I enjoyed the rest of the game. Highlights for me is Seifer killing Odin and me finding and killing Omega Weapon.



FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
My clan hitting number 1 on ClanBase for Tactical Ops (the UT mod) was a great gaming moment. Number one of over 1000 clans. We celebrated by going paintballing somewhere near Staines. Good times.

Also a highlight was the first time I completed the Blue Byte game The Settlers (or serf city was it was called on the PC). That last level was beastly.


Resident Freddy
Dec 29, 2003
So many, but my two most memorable moments are playing a Myth 2 LAN party after a couple of shots and mistaking a stone for a mouse and wondering why I couldn't control my units as I shouted Lag at my mates.

Other one is one i've told a thousand times. It was the first Rome Total War, I was playing the Juli and had taken most of Italy, my expansion east had hit a wall of Bruti and they had a five star general taking down any force I had against him. All my major forces were being engaged in Spain so couldn't spare any to fight the 5star. In the end I grouped together a rag tag force of defeated men into a force just aimed at taking him down, took control of the battle and pushed into his troops whilst stealthy moving my cavalry into a pincer movement. My main force was wiped out but it managed to put a big enough space between his forces and my cavalry to take him out. Though I had lost the battle, I would go on to win the war as their only general was dead.


No longer scrounging, still a bastard.
Dec 22, 2003
Long gaming session (couple days, no sleep), after countless SC: Broodwar, Quake III, Quake II, Heroes III LAN matches, we decide to chill out and relax by playing Atomic Bomberman, 8 of us.

If you remember LAN play for Atomic Bomberman, there's a scenario where all toons start in the middle, and there's this "cross", where if you place a bomb in the middle, everyone dies at the start of the round. Now sometimes, for shits and giggles, we'd do that and kill everyone, but this time someone would purposely do this round after round.

Some laugh about it, others get pissed and start "All right fuckers, cut it out, this shit is not funny" and stuff. And then it happens again, one of the lads turns around angrily and sees yours truly sleeping with my forehead against the space key (place bomb).

TL:DR - fell asleep with forehead on place bomb key during Atomic Bomberman match.


I am a FH squatter
Jul 18, 2004
So many, but my two most memorable moments are playing a Myth 2 LAN party after a couple of shots and mistaking a stone for a mouse and wondering why I couldn't control my units as I shouted Lag at my mates.

Other one is one i've told a thousand times. It was the first Rome Total War, I was playing the Juli and had taken most of Italy, my expansion east had hit a wall of Bruti and they had a five star general taking down any force I had against him. All my major forces were being engaged in Spain so couldn't spare any to fight the 5star. In the end I grouped together a rag tag force of defeated men into a force just aimed at taking him down, took control of the battle and pushed into his troops whilst stealthy moving my cavalry into a pincer movement. My main force was wiped out but it managed to put a big enough space between his forces and my cavalry to take him out. Though I had lost the battle, I would go on to win the war as their only general was dead.

Damn, Myth 2, nice to see someone plaid that back in the days. A couple of months i went through the Myth 1 campaign in Myth 2 mode, good stuff. Great story and all that.


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004


I am a FH squatter
Jul 24, 2004
I dunno. As it happens, my life has turned out OK, so I wouldnt, but DAoC stole years of my youth.
haha same. From like 14-19 I was a bit of a hermit, still went out and that but would play far too much Daoc. But then so did my brother and about 4 of our RL mates. Best memories were setting up lans with like 8 of us through the kitchen and living room while are parents were on holiday for 2 weeks. ordering take aways and whoring Daoc. CS (1.6) and warcraft 3 and frozen thrones. As well as some PES!! Wouldn't change it for shit though as I'm more than catching up on those years now and I have the freedom and money to do it properly!! Imature, mature students FTW!!!


Resident Freddy
Dec 23, 2003
I have a lot of fond memories from video games, the ones that stands out though is all from different MMO's. Getting to level 50 in DAoC was a great feeling, Killing Onyxia for the first time in WoW was really really great. Killing Vishimtar in Everquest was also pretty awesome. But the one that i felt most proud of, and the biggest "fuck yeah!" feeling was killing Overlord Mata Muram in Asylum of Anguish in Everquest. We had butted our heads against him so many times without success, there where always some little thing going wrong. The night we took him down where not much different in the beginning but we decided to try one more time and everything fell in place.


Old and short, no wonder I'm grumpy!
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 14, 2003
Probably DAOC, venturing as a gimpy low level infil onto Salisbury plains and then falling to a death-res cycle for about 3 hours... some very friendly cleric, named @Vae must have ressed me about 20 times in that session ;)


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
Probably DAOC, venturing as a gimpy low level infil onto Salisbury plains and then falling to a death-res cycle for about 3 hours... some very friendly cleric, named @Vae must have ressed me about 20 times in that session ;)

not sure if i was with you that time :(

bloody Mephit Mephits :/


Old and short, no wonder I'm grumpy!
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 14, 2003
not sure if i was with you that time :(

bloody Mephit Mephits :/

I think we met up with you a few levels later.... yes, them things were a nightmare!


Probably Scottish
Dec 23, 2003
I forgot... 6 mates around an Amiga playing sensi soccer every sunday for years. Had some awesome tournys and mostly consumed toast.

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