You'd never think...


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
behatch said:
Yes,drunks dont do this either...more violance is caused due too alchohol.

Car crash's

You are more likely to do the things mentioned above,when under the influence off alchohol but this doesent get brought up,just blamed on drugs..

So lets legalise drugs and double the problem then. I think you will find the an alcoholic wont murder to feed his addiction like a drug addict will. Murders commited under the influence of class A drugs are greater than those commited under the influence of alcohol. Accidents and road crashes caused by the influence of drugs or on the increase too at a worrying rate. As regards theft, we cant even hang our washing out where I live, when im at work in case some smack head steals it. As for violence, yes drink does cause a lot, but you would be surprised how much violence drugs cause. Not just between rival gangs trying to muscle in on each others "turf" as it were, but between the average "joe" who takes it and from personal experience, id much rather fight a drunk than someone high on cocaine if it came down to it.

Im not that Naive that I think drugs will ever be legalised etc and the problem will go away etc. Please dont take this the wrong way or flame me, and if im wrong I do apologise as it is a bit of a generalisation but i get the impression that a lot of people who post here (in the uk anyway) are from middle-upper class families and maybe because of this dont get to see what the problem is REALLY like at street level and if this is the case and you take drugs, you probably arent going to fall down the slippery path to addiction. But what about those kids who are born into council estates (i was brought up in a rough council estate in St Helens and not embarrased to admit it :) ) where drugs are a part of everyday life. They dont have the same chances that a lot of us have and drug dealing/taking drugs is the only path for them. When i was at college, i worked in an off licence in a rough council estate, and you would see these lovely kids come in, dead cheeky and cute. 10 years on, and i see them down town, and by looking at them you can tell they are heroin addicts. Addicts at the age of 18 and it is kinda heartbreaking :mad: ANyway, sorry to ramble on, and again, if the generalisation was incorect i do apologise :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Aoami said:
The Streets - The Irony of it All

go listen to that song for a summary of the drugs vs alcohol debate.

puts it all in perspective doesnt it ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
I do honestly think you are exaggerating it all a bit, come with facts and I will be convinced, but you're only telling what could happen. And from the worst side also, not that weird seeing you have known some ppl going down that 'wrong' road, but that doesn't mean all do. Not at all, in my opinion.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
lol just looked back on this thread... you people really feel strongly on this.
i dont know what to say , as I agree that drugs are dangerous , how would they not be ? its just i dont really care .
E , ive only done it a few times , my first comment was taking the piss....
Done coke , imo it isnt that bad ( im too poor do do it 'properly' )

I dont even take drugs regulary , they fuck you up if you do , as I should know

listening to too much eminem...acting the big man.. lol .


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
This is a very descent discussion that I would like to keep open, but the personal insults I've seen from some people are really not needed, keep it clean.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Marczje said:
I do honestly think you are exaggerating it all a bit, come with facts and I will be convinced, but you're only telling what could happen. And from the worst side also, not that weird seeing you have known some ppl going down that 'wrong' road, but that doesn't mean all do. Not at all, in my opinion.

The facts are available online from any government or local health authority. The fact the more and more local drop in drug advice centres are being built in the uk tells us that drug use is on the increase, not only recreational drugs, but harder drugs such as crack cocaine and Heroin. Yes, i am saying "what" could happen. Where I live is absolutley rife with Heroin addicts. You cant let your kids play on the swings in the park, or feed the ducks, in case you come in to contact with a hypodermic needle. Hell they have even started using our fecking rugby ground for it. We find needles in the grass when training. Heroin addicts dont use Heroin from the start, its like a natural process. Weed > Ecstasy/speed > Cocaine > Crack/Heroin.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004

I only posted that gel straps smell cool!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Marczje said:
I do honestly think you are exaggerating it all a bit, come with facts and I will be convinced, but you're only telling what could happen. And from the worst side also, not that weird seeing you have known some ppl going down that 'wrong' road, but that doesn't mean all do. Not at all, in my opinion.

Ok come say what are the good sides to drug abuse as opposed to the worst sides.

Some of the things ive seen, keep in mind these people im talking about are in general casual users not addicts.(At the time)

Having to spend several hours with a mate who was having a real bad trip. keeping them calm, making sure they did nothing stupid, rocking them like they was a child.
Another one was seeing a friend on thier bed with vomit down his front, out of it.
How about having to chase a friend across town cos they 'wobbled' and wanted to go and argue with his ex wife, while tripping?

Seeing someone projectile vomit big style across a room
or someone lieing there on floor, cos they blacked out and are twitching.

Seeing someone developing psychosis over time due to misuse/overuse.
People starting fights because they have to much energy/aggression
Someone drinking and finally the alcohol overrules the speed/coke and they collapse.
Paralyzation of one side of body for duration of drug.

Walking back from one shop one afternoon. Woman obviuosly in distress sitting on pavement. I stop ask are u ok. she was a mess, hand covered in blood from injecting, clearly hadnt washed for days, she stank, her clothes filthy

Im failing to see any good effects of drug abuse tbh, these are just a few of the things ive witnessed. Not to mention the long term damage they are doing to body/mind


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
eggy said:

I only posted that gel straps smell cool!

Oh u the one to blame then :cheers:

Oh well its making a good thread, and isnt a flame war, be proud!!


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Marc said:
So lets legalise drugs and double the problem then. I think you will find the an alcoholic wont murder to feed his addiction like a drug addict will. Murders commited under the influence of class A drugs are greater than those commited under the influence of alcohol.

Murders may be, but the amount of manslaughter as a result of alcoholism is doubtless far greater.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Buffer said:
Ok come say what are the good sides to drug abuse as opposed to the worst sides.

Some of the things ive seen, keep in mind these people im talking about are in general casual users not addicts.(At the time)

Having to spend several hours with a mate who was having a real bad trip. keeping them calm, making sure they did nothing stupid, rocking them like they was a child.
Another one was seeing a friend on thier bed with vomit down his front, out of it.
How about having to chase a friend across town cos they 'wobbled' and wanted to go and argue with his ex wife, while tripping?

Seeing someone projectile vomit big style across a room
or someone lieing there on floor, cos they blacked out and are twitching.

Seeing someone developing psychosis over time due to misuse/overuse.
People starting fights because they have to much energy/aggression
Someone drinking and finally the alcohol overrules the speed/coke and they collapse.
Paralyzation of one side of body for duration of drug.

Walking back from one shop one afternoon. Woman obviuosly in distress sitting on pavement. I stop ask are u ok. she was a mess, hand covered in blood from injecting, clearly hadnt washed for days, she stank, her clothes filthy

Im failing to see any good effects of drug abuse tbh, these are just a few of the things ive witnessed. Not to mention the long term damage they are doing to body/mind

i've seen many of the same things from alcohol. If Cannabis isn't legal, there is no way alcohol should be as far as im concerned.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Marc said:
Heroin addicts dont use Heroin from the start, its like a natural process. Weed > Ecstasy/speed > Cocaine > Crack/Heroin.

if you would legalise weed than people wouldnt have to go to dealers where they could get into touch with the other (possibly) truly harmful drugs though. Also if weed was legal means the quality would be under better control, so thats another plus.
Unless it is actually proven that cannabis causes paranoia, I dont really see a good reason for it not to be legal and it wont be a starter for harder drugs as it isnt in the same circle as the other drugs are anymore.

Ow I actually have never seen anyone black out or vomit because of a joint, allthough vomiting is possible i guess it usually isnt that bad. Except really annoying to see and to do, it might have been caused by something he ate/drank before smoking the joint and the mix being bad or the smell/taste(can you taste smoke?) is simply upsetting his stumache (or could be a bad joint).


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Driwen said:
Ow I actually have never seen anyone black out or vomit because of a joint, allthough vomiting is possible i guess it usually isnt that bad. Except really annoying to see and to do, it might have been caused by something he ate/drank before smoking the joint and the mix being bad or the smell/taste(can you taste smoke?) is simply upsetting his stumache (or could be a bad joint).

The vomiting was caused by the use of a water pipe(bong) the person involved accidently smoked 1/16th of an ounce of cannabis in one inhalation.
went white was very quiet for 5 mins, then threw up all over the room, went into a coughing fit. They was a ciggy smoker as well, coughed up all the tar from lungs as well. Not a nice sight.

The blackout was caused by a way of smoking joints, which i wont go into so as not to encourage it. thankfully it discouraged a young girl from taking drugs.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
ya'know , i really dont know if cannabis should be legal.

it is addictive mentaly , I can tell that by half of my mates now , they will do anything to get it. I realised this ages ago , thus i dont smoke it everyday now.
smoking it everyday really does mess you up. you dont realise it while your smoking it but come off it and reality hits you like a ton of bricks.

then again achohol is legal , and too much achohol can killyou easily but the most cannabis would do is make you sleep , maybe act a bit crazy and puke at the worst. both drugs are quite similar , so i think they should both be legal or illegal.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Buffer said:
The vomiting was caused by the use of a water pipe(bong) the person involved accidently smoked 1/16th of an ounce of cannabis in one inhalation.
went white was very quiet for 5 mins, then threw up all over the room, went into a coughing fit. They was a ciggy smoker as well, coughed up all the tar from lungs as well. Not a nice sight.

The blackout was caused by a way of smoking joints, which i wont go into so as not to encourage it. thankfully it discouraged a young girl from taking drugs.

aye seen enough vomiting , especialy off bongs. never myself thou :) when you mix cannabis with alchohol , this happens more.
blackouts , seen this happen before , people smashing thier head though glass because of it. I wont go into detail too cos you didnt :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
LOL vomiting from smoking dope... ye it happens but only if u havent eaten enough :p b4 hand


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 8, 2004
Buffer said:
The vomiting was caused by the use of a water pipe(bong) the person involved accidently smoked 1/16th of an ounce of cannabis in one inhalation.
went white was very quiet for 5 mins, then threw up all over the room, went into a coughing fit. They was a ciggy smoker as well, coughed up all the tar from lungs as well. Not a nice sight.

The blackout was caused by a way of smoking joints, which i wont go into so as not to encourage it. thankfully it discouraged a young girl from taking drugs.

Both these are indicitive of your friends stupidity not the harmfull and evil effects of cannabis :D


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
tbh i wouldnt want them to legalise cannabis - we would only end up having some regulated weak crap that is taxed to fuck


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
no if they legalize it then we could all just grow it at home :D with out fear


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Mind you. Cannabis is the reason petrol stations are open 24 hours :)


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
Conchabar said:
LOL vomiting from smoking dope... ye it happens but only if u havent eaten enough :p b4 hand

Try eating a banana and drinking some orange juice before hand....nasty.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Tallen said:
Try eating a banana and drinking some orange juice before hand....nasty.
lol :puke: i have only ever puked while smoking a joint and that was after 3 days straight gaming and no food on the last day :D


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 29, 2004
behatch said:
think i fuxed this post a bit :p
yes i pressed quote instead off edit ; (

Haha,Most off these "facts" about drugs are full off crap and are just people thinking they are cool using google too find out facts.

Drugs are illegal,hus they tend too exajurate(sp) a LOT..

Or you could look a ozzy osbourne

I also think alcohol should be banned seeing recent statistics...makes you wonder why it is legal....

Then why are most things illegal in this "free country"

Aparantly we are born free,roflage! So much crap,come on kids,do drugs.The good die young!

You're weird.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Raven said:
tbh i wouldnt want them to legalise cannabis - we would only end up having some regulated weak crap that is taxed to fuck

like in amsterdam? :eek: lol


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Shneddi said:
like in amsterdam? :eek: lol
you know nothing about british taxation then, if it moves tax it if it breaths tax it, if people are seen to be enjoying something, tax it


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Boni said:
Both these are indicitive of your friends stupidity not the harmfull and evil effects of cannabis :D

While I agree on the latter case, I would disagree on the former, u notice I said accidently. I for one have never really smoked cannabis much, I dont like it, but im given to understand someone else filled the pipe, and the guy who it made ill didnt realise it wasnt a personal smoke but a communal one.
I suppose this is one way overdoses can happen with the harder drugs.

For those talking about alcohol being legal while cannabis isnt, I would think that alcohol(and tobacco come to think of it) they would both be made illegal class A drugs if discovered today. Problem is Alcohol has been ingrained into the majority of cultures for thousands of years whereas drugs only really become mainstream in western culture in the last century.

I know there were certain cultures which did use drugs for recreational activity. I believe Vikings used some form of mushroom. Indians in S and N America also used various fungi and other natural products. Not to mention the use of opiates/cannabis in the middle and far east.

Trade was far less common so the distribtion of drugs dd not occur, whereas probably every village had a brewer.

Think ive waffled on long enough.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 8, 2004
Buffer said:
While I agree on the latter case, I would disagree on the former, u notice I said accidently. I for one have never really smoked cannabis much, I dont like it, but im given to understand someone else filled the pipe, and the guy who it made ill didnt realise it wasnt a personal smoke but a communal one.
I suppose this is one way overdoses can happen with the harder drugs.

Hmm, you see to me the problem is he just hadnt a clue what he was doing, and that can hardly be blamed on the drug in question. What if your mate was equaly inept at taking paracetamol and ate a full tub when offered a couple of pills?

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