You'd never think...


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
5,283 can get high by sniffing Belkin gel wrist support bars and mousemats...

...but you can! :eek7:


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Was always Tip Ex thinner and marker pens when i was in school.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 14, 2004
Shneddi said:
do real drugs , they wreak u more m8.
E 4 teh win.

been there, u have fun dude, til one day u wake up and realize how much that shit fucks u up


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
No, its fucking stupid, and each time you take any class A drug you really are risking your life. Dying because your body sweats all of its water can't be too fun.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Shneddi said:
do real drugs , they wreak u more m8.
E 4 teh win.

What a stupid comment. By all means fill your body with Horse Tranquilizer and Heroin (cos thats all thats it in E's these days. hardly any MDMA) but dont try and make yourself look "cool" on here for doing it.

Marczje said:
it's not that bad, as long as u dont get addicted :X

Another stupid comment by someone trying to look cool. of course drugs are bad for you, if you think otherwise you are an even greater tosser than I first thought.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
Shneddi said:
do real drugs , they wreak u more m8.
E 4 teh win.

Apoligies for this beforehand, but this is something i feel very strongly about

Thats the most rediculous post i have read for a long time, kids read these forums you jackass.

MDMA (E) isnt what i would call a "real drug", its a fashion drug for retards and its highly dangerous!

E isnt as addictive as other drugs but it is infinitely more dangerous. It increases pulminary activity, your blood pumps faster, your body temperature rises to unnatural levels and your blood pressure goes off the chart. In essence you "blow-up" internally and there is a significant % of the population who's bodies cannot handle this.

Physical symptoms such as muscle tension, involuntary teeth clenching, nausea, blurred vision, rapid eye movement, faintness, and chills or sweating.

Psychological difficulties, including confusion, depression, sleep problems, drug craving, severe anxiety, and paranoia -- during and sometimes weeks after taking MDMA (Psychotic episodes have been reported).

MDMA can fuck you up for life, it can also kill you in a heartbeat (LITERALLY!!), illnesses include nerve damage, strokes and heart attacks.

This drug has long term effects, and as for so-called "Herbal Ecstasy", it has been proven to have killed 17 people and the cause of 800 serious illnesses.

Consider this:There are two additive sources of official statistics on drug-related mortality: verdicts of dependent or non-dependent drug abuse by Coroners Courts, and reports by doctors on death certificates of fatal poisoning by controlled drugs.

First, between 1986 and 1995 there were 58 Coroners’ verdicts of deaths by drug abuse which implicated amphetamine-type drugs (notably ecstasy and/or speed). Cases of fatal poisoning during the same decade indicate a further 100 deaths involving speed and 45 involving ecstasy (MDA-type drugs, typically MDMA). Separate figures for ecstasy and speed deaths have been made available on both official mortality indicators since 1993. Between 1993 and 1995, the total number of ecstasy-related deaths was 55, while the total number of speed-related deaths was 73. Speed deaths peaked in 1995 (34), while ecstasy deaths peaked in 1994 (29). Employing British Crime Survey prevalence statistics, the annual mortality rate for ecstasy users in 1994 was estimated to be 40 linked deaths per million users, compared with 12 speed-linked deaths per million speed users (and one LSD-linked death per million LSD users).

Second, a review of newspaper reports revealed 114 deaths linked to dance drugs/parties in the decade January 1988 to December 1997 – of which 78% involved ecstasy, and 7% involved speed. The typical case was a man in his early 20s, who had taken two or three tablets at a dance party or nightclub, often with other drugs such as speed, cannabis or alcohol, and who was later admitted to hospital showing signs of heat exhaustion or heatstroke. Estimated mortality rates based on press reports declined steadily from 31 linked deaths per million ecstasy users in 1992, to 21 in 1994 and 12 in 1996. Trends generally mirrored those indicated by official statistics, though the annual number of reported speed deaths was significantly lower than the official toll. It is concluded that the British press – particularly tabloid but also broadsheet newspapers - are guilty of sensationalism, providing coverage of the majority of ecstasy deaths (typically with graphic headlines and moralistic editorials) while reporting only a minority of the fatalities linked to equally prevalent and risky drugs such as speed and cocaine.

Dont come here with your hard-man bullshit because you once dropped an E and think your an authority on drugs, you arent!

Please lock this.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
only the utterly stupid risk thier lives taking class A drugs, 90% of the time they arent what you think they are anyway.

The same could be said for binge drinkers.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
Marc said:
Another stupid comment by someone trying to look cool. of course drugs are bad for you, if you think otherwise you are an even greater tosser than I first thought.
Ah, sure start to offend. Couldn't care less what u think of me really, but some drugs are not that bad if you don't take too much of it. Ie, cannabis is also used for medical treatment. Even poison is not bad for you, if you don't take too much of it.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Marczje said:
Ah, sure start to offend. Couldn't care less what u think of me really, but some drugs are not that bad if you don't take too much of it. Ie, cannabis is also used for medical treatment. Even poison is not bad for you, if you don't take too much of it.

Well obviously you do by feeling you had to respond to my post. Which drugs arent bad for you then in small doses? All drugs are dangerous, even in small doses. Saying overwise is just showing ignorance as you obvioulsy know fuck all about it.

One E can kill
One line of coke can kill
One puff of cannabis can lead to mental health problems
One wrap of speed can kill
One tab of LSD can can cause mental health problems

And lets not even start on Herion and Crack. SO kindly shut your mouth about how drugs arent dangerous. If you want to act cool and hard in front of your FH bum buddies i suggest you go do it on irc or sommat, not on a forum that minors read


Fledgling Freddie
May 17, 2004
pfffff , Drugs users = sore losers.
same goes for people who get drunk twice/week.

Is reality to hard for you that you have to use something to escape from it for a moment? Well, it's your life, if you want to end up between 6 wooden boards quick that's your problem. But as posted above, kids read these forums (like my 13 year old lil bro) and i wouldn't like to see him try that stuff coz someone said it's cool on FH .


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 1, 2004
Marczje said:
but some drugs are not that bad if you don't take too much of it. Ie, cannabis is also used for medical treatment..

Completely wrong, cannabis does in fact cause many problems to people even if smoked in "reasonable" amounts, one of the main symptoms of cannabis abuse is paranoia.

Marczje said:
Even poison is not bad for you, if you don't take too much of it.

Poison is bad for you, you are completely clueless, try taking small doses of rat poison over the course of 1 month and then make yourself a whine wine casserole, the build up of thalium (one of the main metals in rat poison which is toxic) inconjunction with the wine casserole will cause acute heart and liver failure

If your gonna try and promote drugs marczje at least be clued up, not just a fool tryikng to look cool.

drug taker = losers.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
Edaemos said:
Completely wrong, cannabis does in fact cause many problems to people even if smoked in "reasonable" amounts, one of the main symptoms of cannabis abuse is paranoia.

Poison is bad for you, you are completely clueless, try taking small doses of rat poison over the course of 1 month and then make yourself a whine wine casserole, the build up of thalium (one of the main metals in rat poison which is toxic) inconjunction with the wine casserole will cause acute heart and liver failure

If your gonna try and promote drugs marczje at least be clued up, not just a fool tryikng to look cool.

drug taker = losers.
I'm not promoting drugs clueless fuck, or trying to look cool. And the cannabis causing paranoia is the stuff you buy in a coffee shop, if it's the medicinal cannabis (There's a few in the Netherlands that are authorised by the government.) it actually has more positive effects then negative. The ones actually given permission to buy this are usually ppl with cancer or other terminal diseases.

And you kind of missed the point. I was trying to say if u (just theoratically, you seem to take things pretty much litterally) take a dose poison, small enough the downsides are not noticable for a human. As in, not something you would dose yourself in the kitchen at home, but in a laboratoria (spelt wrong probably.)


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Marczje said:
I'm not promoting drugs clueless fuck,or trying to look cool.

Then why are you telling us that drugs arent dangerous in small amounts? You are either promoting drugs or trying to act cool by saying that.

Clueless fuck


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
Marc said:
Well obviously you do by feeling you had to respond to my post. Which drugs arent bad for you then in small doses? All drugs are dangerous, even in small doses. Saying overwise is just showing ignorance as you obvioulsy know fuck all about it.

One E can kill
One line of coke can kill
One puff of cannabis can lead to mental health problems
One wrap of speed can kill
One tab of LSD can can cause mental health problems

And lets not even start on Herion and Crack. SO kindly shut your mouth about how drugs arent dangerous. If you want to act cool and hard in front of your FH bum buddies i suggest you go do it on irc or sommat, not on a forum that minors read

Im just on about softdrugs m8, not about any of the other stuff, as i indeed know shit about that. No i don't care what you think of me, im just tired of the attitude all have. im not pro-drugs, just tired of the attitude all have here towards it.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 1, 2004
Marczje said:
I'm not promoting drugs clueless fuck, or trying to look cool. And the cannabis causing paranoia is the stuff you buy in a coffee shop, if it's the medicinal cannabis (There's a few in the Netherlands that are authorised by the government.) it actually has more positive effects then negative. The ones actually given permission to buy this are usually ppl with cancer or other terminal diseases.

And you kind of missed the point. I was trying to say if u (just theoratically, you seem to take things pretty much litterally) take a dose poison, small enough the downsides are not noticable for a human. As in, not something you would dose yourself in the kitchen at home, but in a laboratoria (spelt wrong probably.)

Medical cannabis still has negative symptoms, yes it relieves pain to an extent but it still has side effects which commonly cause problems for users.

As for the poison, you never know what the side effects will be, you can get hooked on 1 hit of crack cocaine or herion. You can get hooked on 1 hit of coke, an E can kill you the first time, a small dose of domestic poison can kill in >>one<< dose, it depends on the person who takes it and how thier body reacts, so saying shit like

"but some drugs are not that bad if you don't take too much of it. Ie, cannabis is also used for medical treatment. Even poison is not bad for you, if you don't take too much of it."

shows you are completely clueless.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
k, i take it im wrong about the poison, it's what i was told tho.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
actually some poisons can help medicaly but only in very small amounts and not every poison.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Marc said:
One puff of cannabis can lead to mental health problems

actually has not been proven, atleast if you are referring to schizophrenia.

and drugs are bad, but so are cigs and alcohol. Also being addicted to something doesnt have to be that bad, people have been addicted to cigs for more than 50 years and it is still ok to buy them.

Cocaine only kills in rare cases and I think only because those people had weak hearts/high bloodpressure (before taking coke)/weak blood vessels as the drugs increases your heartrate and your bloodpressure. Ow and crack is cocaine just as a smoke substance and the dangers are largely the same, except crack is more addictive.

Also you wont scare people away from using it by saying it could possibly kill, as people will reason it wont be them certainly not if its just the first time and lots of things can kill people. Better to explain why people would use cocaine and why it isnt necessary(off course you need to mention that the drug can kill, but it shouldnt be your main focuspoint), as coke doesnt improve your world just make it seem better(for a short time) and after the high is over it seems worse. Which means you get addicted to the drug and would need it just to be able to live your life.
Off course just with cocaine you can be able to use it rarely and not fall into the problem, but generally this doesnt happen (also crack makes the effect of coke stronger and shorter, so is more addictive).
So basically the "advantages" of using drugs doesnt really outweigh the disadvantages. Which is why they are illegal, allthough the same can be said for cigs and alcohol, but addiction to alcohol is (I think) something that builds up slower and people generally know when to stop using it before causing trouble to others.
For cigs they can kill by causing cancer or by problems with the coronary arteries, off course the cancer is only something that becomes a serious chance after years of smoking and for the arteries it has to build up for many years. So it doesnt kill immediatly, but that is actually the same with most drugs.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
rofl ;)

1 line of coke can kill ??/ rofl u hitting grams in one ?? :eek6:

Tallen , you clearly have listened to too much bs in school.
your more likely to die from being hit by lightening than a E. alot more. alot alot more.
about people not knowing what there buying , you dont know who I know.

of course drugs are dangerous , thats fucking obvious ???
trying to be cool ..... lol u geeks ..only a clueless person would think in that way..

i think drugs are bad , but they sure are alot of fun


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Driwen said:
actually has not been proven, atleast if you are referring to schizophrenia.

Wrong, one puff can lead to not only schizophrenia, but other mental diseases and not to mention Paranoia.

Driwen said:
and drugs are bad, but so are cigs and alcohol. Also being addicted to something doesnt have to be that bad, people have been addicted to cigs for more than 50 years and it is still ok to buy them.

Yes, alcohol and cigs are dangerous. From this statement is sounds like you are saying "well cigs and alcohol are dangerous so f*** it, may aswell take drugs too"

Driwen said:
Cocaine only kills in rare cases and I think only because those people had weak hearts/high bloodpressure (before taking coke)/weak blood vessels as the drugs increases your heartrate and your bloodpressure. Ow and crack is cocaine just as a smoke substance and the dangers are largely the same, except crack is more addictive.

And whats to say, Little Johnny who decides to his first line of coke doesnt have a weak heart? Cocaine is highly addictive and the more you use of it, the more chance you have dying from it as your tolerance increases thus meaning you will have to take more and more to get the "high" u are used to. Crack is not just cocaine in a smoke substance, so get your facts right first. Crack is even more dangerous than Cocaine.

Driwen said:
Also you wont scare people away from using it by saying it could possibly kill, as people will reason it wont be them certainly not if its just the first time and lots of things can kill people. Better to explain why people would use cocaine and why it isnt necessary(off course you need to mention that the drug can kill, but it shouldnt be your main focuspoint), as coke doesnt improve your world just make it seem better(for a short time) and after the high is over it seems worse. Which means you get addicted to the drug and would need it just to be able to live your life.
Off course just with cocaine you can be able to use it rarely and not fall into the problem, but generally this doesnt happen (also crack makes the effect of coke stronger and shorter, so is more addictive).
So basically the "advantages" of using drugs doesnt really outweigh the disadvantages. Which is why they are illegal, allthough the same can be said for cigs and alcohol, but addiction to alcohol is (I think) something that builds up slower and people generally know when to stop using it before causing trouble to others.
For cigs they can kill by causing cancer or by problems with the coronary arteries, off course the cancer is only something that becomes a serious chance after years of smoking and for the arteries it has to build up for many years. So it doesnt kill immediatly, but that is actually the same with most drugs.

The disadvantages of alcohol/cigs outweigh the positives yet they are still legal. And as for drugs not killing immediately, i think you will find that vast majority of drug related deaths are ones that have occured suddenly and without warning


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Shneddi said:
rofl ;)

1 line of coke can kill ??/ rofl u hitting grams in one ?? :eek6:

Tallen , you clearly have listened to too much bs in school.
your more likely to die from being hit by lightening than a E. alot more. alot alot more.
about people not knowing what there buying , you dont know who I know.

of course drugs are dangerous , thats fucking obvious ???
trying to be cool ..... lol u geeks ..only a clueless person would think in that way..

i think drugs are bad , but they sure are alot of fun

U are a fucking tool do you know that. and "you dont know who i know" wtf is that supposed to mean, like you are some sort of dealer. Get real, u sound about 14 and have seen your big brother hang around with some spotty tracksuit wearing, nova driving boy racers who just got their first E.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Marc said:
Wrong, one puff can lead to not only schizophrenia, but other mental diseases and not to mention Paranoia.
it can not lead to schiphrenia and neither can one puff create feeling of paranoia as that can only happen if you have to much cannabis in your joint and you would need alot of cannabis to just get that from one puff. Also the paranoia feelings disappear after some time, its just caused by using to much cannabis in your joint and only starters might make this mistake and it isnt lasting.

Yes, alcohol and cigs are dangerous. From this statement is sounds like you are saying "well cigs and alcohol are dangerous so f*** it, may aswell take drugs too"

no im saying that people are ok with addicting products like cigs and alcohol, so that a product is addicting isnt a real reason to ban it or you should ban cigs and alcohol and a whole lot of other products aswell.

And whats to say, Little Johnny who decides to his first line of coke doesnt have a weak heart? Cocaine is highly addictive and the more you use of it, the more chance you have dying from it as your tolerance increases thus meaning you will have to take more and more to get the "high" u are used to. Crack is not just cocaine in a smoke substance, so get your facts right first. Crack is even more dangerous than Cocaine.

actually your tolerance isnt increased with cocaine like it is with cigs and people should know wether they have a weak heart as there are warnings for people like that on normal products aswell. So generally such people are aware of it.
Crack and cocaine is almos the same substance, the difference is that cocaine has been treated to create hydrochloride salt and crack hasnt. Crack is more dangerous as its more addictive, but healthwise it has extra risks like effecting lungs (probably same thing as with cigs) however its mostly the more addictive side of crack that makes it more dangerous and it is largely the same product.

The disadvantages of alcohol/cigs outweigh the positives yet they are still legal. And as for drugs not killing immediately, i think you will find that vast majority of drug related deaths are ones that have occured suddenly and without warning

usually drugs dont cause deaths unless its of bad quality or is used in overdosis, both will happen suddenly and without warning. However both can be prevented and I wasnt saying that drugs dont kill, just that to the public it isnt important that you have a 1% (or usually less) every time you use it that you can die as they expect to be one of the 99%. Its better to explain why using drugs is useless than to explain how dangerous they can be.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Body can adapt / develop immunities to certain poisons when taken in very small amounts on a daily basis, then again I can't see why anyone would want to do that. Like syanide for example.

And btw Marc, why is this such a personal issue to you?



FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Lumikki said:
Body can adapt / develop immunities to certain poisons when taken in very small amounts on a daily basis, then again I can't see why anyone would want to do that. Like syanide for example.

And btw Marc, why is this such a personal issue to you?


Beacuse i have seen numerous friends from school fall down that path and its not a pretty sight.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Marc said:
U are a fucking tool do you know that. and "you dont know who i know" wtf is that supposed to mean, like you are some sort of dealer. Get real, u sound about 14 and have seen your big brother hang around with some spotty tracksuit wearing, nova driving boy racers who just got their first E.

once again , you dont know me so please stfu ..... i know what i do , so it just makes you look stupid :(
i dont take E or any drug regulary , and wouldnt touch crack//heroin either. :eek:

a fucking tool.... lol.....aint even going to say anything about that. :D

stop trying to insult me ( if it can be called that ) , theres no need m8. :(

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