WTF is up with all these lame-ass WL's?


It's my birthday today!
Jan 25, 2004
Mas said:
Aye im sure Takhy's healer and Arumos's RM fall into that category too ?

Usual septina rant, seen it in other posts. What makes him mad about a class in his "current" realm, is it cause they make more rp's than you? Will look forward to more of your whine in 1.82 im sure you will freak when they can kill blue con lvl 42's.

well let's see it like this. I haven't met Arumos on his RM, but I have met Takhy on his Healer and despite of his group being much higher RR than ours, we stomped them into the ground each time we met them, until tons of them logged Warlocks.

So all this does is prove the point of many, that a lot of Warlocks players just look for easymode.

Oh and for all those who were ever locked =) (that includes me)



Fledgling Freddie
Jul 18, 2004
Give alb a stupid overpowered class n see the tears of mids n hibs come rolling in :worthy:


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 9, 2004
Vodkafairy said:
for a sorc to instawin he atleast has to use 15-10 min timers (soi + ml9 or moc), and thats only vs melee classes and some mages. warlock can just about instakill anything but vampiirs without using ra's.

Thank you for pointing out the obvious that most sorc whiners seem to forget.
I only wish more people would realise this when they compare a WL to a sorc.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 13, 2004
Mas said:
Based on this one post alone i'd say you are 12 to 15 years old? am i close ?

Based on this I can say you probably never won a fight with any of your other chars then ur wl.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 17, 2004
Matriarch|Sneakers said:
I see ur arguments etc, but I cannot understand that someone who played the game since start and obviously dedicated lots of time on one char ( ur rm ) would resort to newbing around on a warlock? Warlocks is.. I mean I got no words for it... overpowered isn't all it's just so lock of skill, I mean...anyone would notice if there is an experianced bard behind the controls or not, but noone would tell if it is a retarded horse behind the comp when it comes to warlocks.

If I had the chance to play a stealther with remedy and 4 hands ( 4 weapons up at the same time resulting in 100% more melee dmg ) I wouldn't 'cus there would be absolutely no point what so ever. I would win b/c i'm playing a class that is not following the same rules and dyanmics as the rest.

I totally agree that warlocks are OP... But all of you with comments like this, have you really tried playing a warlock? :p

Personally I think its easier playing a bd or a dark rm..

1vs1 fine, not very hard as warlock... but really... there is much more to this game than that :p

In a fg, I see warlock as a very tactical class, that indeed takes some skills to play good :)


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 9, 2004
Zede said:
mythic need to keep adding OP classes to mid and hib to keep the game alive.

if mythic had given Alb bainshess or warlocks, albs would have 6 relics on every server.

10 warlocks u say ? if albs had this class you would see 30+ at beno bridge.

Unfortunately you are correct on this matter, you need to introduce OP classes to give players an incentive to change to the underpopulated realm. (or to choose it from the beginning)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 13, 2004
Rolv said:
In a fg, I see warlock as a very tactical class, that indeed takes some skills to play good :)

I have yet to meet a WL in fg that has some skills


Fledgling Freddie
May 26, 2004
Hawkwind said:
Was quite fuuny seeing your DS and people in /as writing check out Arumi stats. At the time I did check your stats you had over 100 DB's in an hour. :worthy: Have screenie of it if you want to see it?

Albs stand no chance at all with mids in an organised keep defence. Quite a lot of Albs were so pissed off with it they logged. Out in open play we stand a chance but, in enclosed areas albs are supremely underpowered and simply do not have the tools to beat the kind of setup you had there. Realm balance is so screwed in this game right now.

*Insert random OP heretics rezz!! comments*

Bollocks, you would need an army of heretics there to rezz and any decent group know they only have to root/stun spam to negate any advantage.

Gratz mids you did a great job using the tools you have at your disposal.

Was such a great laugh on vent, must have had about 30 seconds of constant laughter after the massive bomb at the stairs :D

but you are correct, monster rez is not that effective when there is such a large amount of mids because they die fast and of cause you actually need to suicide someone in order for you to even use the ability.

Albs are disadvantaged in keep/tower defense, I don't think even if you had double your numbers that you would have got into the Lord room. Like I said tho a very good attempt and will definatly look forward to that sort of situation again. :cheers:


Loyal Freddie
Apr 4, 2004
Sadly for those who like to solo, a WL are way to op. But you can't blame them WL for there way of thinking or accting, when some bastard stealther duo with a DI bot has ganked them on all other classes they tryed to solo with.

Main problem with those that cry about WL, are in my oppinion. YOU never group with some who acctualy can use NS, damn at any tower/keep/bridge I can mostly stand with my RM and NS you all. Takes you about 10min before you cry and find someone to do the same to me. No you can't play this game with one class only you need group (and I don't mean frelling DI bots).

Remove stealther, or make stealth button kick them out of there group.
Remove DI if you wan't to nerf anything, or make it work like 150radius.
Remove /assist, make people work for there target.
Make NS insta cast on all realms.
Have bow range set to equal range on all realms.
Nerf shrom fields, to many shromms in same area they do less dmg.
Water LoS should be removed aswell.

I can go on forever but then we son be down to the point where all realms have access to same classes and no point in choosing realm other than if you like hard core group or zerg realm.

And if things still doesn't work as you wish, always remember Mythic/GoA working as intended statement, and do what I do. Go PvE since thats what you whiners wan't rvr to be like anyway.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Joohl said:
Main problem with those that cry about WL, are in my oppinion. YOU never group with some who acctualy can use NS, damn at any tower/keep/bridge I can mostly stand with my RM and NS you all. Takes you about 10min before you cry and find someone to do the same to me. No you can't play this game with one class only you need group (and I don't mean frelling DI bots).

Something to do with nearsight being on:
mid: warlock hex (fotm), runemaster suppression (not very fotm but most runeys seem to have it)
hib: light eldritch (if it's there it's red spec), bainshee (but in an odd form that's not great)
alb: matter cabalist (pretty much a non entity)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 23, 2005
I love warlocs
I realise I'm probably going to lose 1v1
But when you get that crit-shot off for 1170
followed by the ds and rps the sence of satisfaction is awesome
<getting wood just thinking about it>


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Arumos said:
the nerf basicaly says to a WL, get ToAed and spec higher damage Ras

The nerf will make all the roglocks roll something else (or get ToAed)

The high RR warlocks will still be scary but not as bad as they are now:

30% damage reduction on UI
50% cast time increase on UI
50% cooldown timer increase on chambers
(though they do get 5% cheaper UI casts)

It's a big nerf - I'm not convinced it's big enough ;) but they are boosting other classes.

Of course next patch we'll just be betting nuked and aoe nuked from extended range by thanes instead of being instagibbed by warlocks ;)


Fledgling Freddie
May 26, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
Of course next patch we'll just be getting nuked and aoe nuked from extended range by thanes instead of being instagibbed by warlocks ;)

And a good day that will be! :)


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
Something to do with nearsight being on:
mid: warlock hex (fotm), runemaster suppression (not very fotm but most runeys seem to have it)
hib: light eldritch (if it's there it's red spec), bainshee (but in an odd form that's not great)
alb: matter cabalist (pretty much a non entity)

u mean most runies have 20 left in suppr so they got a blue one?


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Ging said:
cabbies have to spec 25 Matter for blue NS

and a lot seem to go 46s 28b and not get any NS at all (though 47s 24b 11m is a much better spec* and gives you green NS)

* smite debuff!


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
well next patch i will be running around with 51% matter resists up all the time, with warlocks doing less damage due to the nerf, looking forward to it :)

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