Himse said:every post you make? you must whine? :|
Vladamir said:Every post you make, must you whine about whine? :|
Himse said:wiggaplease :< Every post you make, must you whine about a whiners whine? :|
Vladamir said:Don't say wiggaplease, makes me think of poor Samabarbie
But must you whine about a whine about a whiner's whine? :|
Himse said:Samabarbie.. pfft wiggaplease
But must you whine about a whine about a whiners whine, whilst whining? :|
Arumos said:thankyou! which is the precise reason why a lot do play the class.
those that haven't played against warlocks in rvr would probably defend them, having played one myself and played against them its silly and isn't fun to face, fun to play tho![]()
Coldbeard said:Every post you make, makes me wanna tear out my eyes.
Lorfo said:90% of those that whine is probably moc sorcs with DI bots and scouts with DI bots (standing inside beno tower 24/7) just build a proper fucking fg and kill the wl:s very hard!
Konstantin said:Best thing is that the gimps that die to Warlocks today will die to them after 200 nerfs ... Yes i met them Yes they are a Pain but nothing that other classes cant do... this Bs about 2k dmg whitin 2 secs only hits those that are stupid enough to think they can solo them.. i Mean try play a Runemaster whitout ml10.. i mean Hello Pa 1k dmg 2 secs later 900 more dmg.. Warlocks are OP(silly)but so are many classes in this game.gimmi cone ae 3k dmg and i rock!
fucking r0x0r of d00m M0nster ress dosent help atall right ? ore **** one shot bolt fire wizzard zerg that can stop anything that moves..... kinda silly that 1 class can use 1 spell to do more them 1500 dmg no ?
PS:and VF! that PA´s for 150 dmg needs a nerf !!!!
i know how to counter it .. but i dont play warlock as u se in my sig. and im sikk of all 10 whine thread posted evry day about warlocks.Getting old and silly.they are OP but so are many other things aswell,and yes flamebaitkirennia said:So your answer is to outzerg them? Very good.
I can't make my mind up whether you're just flamebaiting or REALLY ARE that stupid.
Wizards bolt is 331DD delve. Eld bolts can be 309DD delve. Runies bolts can be 317DD delve. Warlock bolts can be 413DD delve. Remind me again, it's wizards who insta kill right?
As for monster res, I seriously cannot beleive that a warlock especially, doesn't know how to counter it almost to the point of making it useless.
Mas said:Aye im sure Takhy's healer and Arumos's RM fall into that category too ?
Usual septina rant, seen it in other posts. What makes him mad about a class in his "current" realm, is it cause they make more rp's than you? Will look forward to more of your whine in 1.82 im sure you will freak when they can kill blue con lvl 42's.
Arumos said:thankyou! which is the precise reason why a lot do play the class.
those that haven't played against warlocks in rvr would probably defend them, having played one myself and played against them its silly and isn't fun to face, fun to play tho![]()
Matriarch|Sneakers said:Yah must be THRILLING to play a class where u know u will kill anyone except vampiirs with only the chambers. Sounds like great fun.![]()
Guess your one of those persons that think its fun and challenging to cheat at poker aswell.
Arumos said:it is actually, should try one yourself, otherwise I can't take anything you say about them not being fun serious. Althought I'll admit its most fun to bomb zerges
or kill the fh whiners, now thats fun!
Matriarch|Sneakers said:Would be interssting to see you play a class that actually takes some hard work to play successfully. I mean don't you get annoyed that ur rr11 rm wich u put down alot more work on is shite compared to ur warlock?
Anyone who think a few minutes on what classes like warlocks do to any game will realize that thay have to go, or ppl will quit or ppl will adapt, as in more and more will start to play warlocks, bainshees and vampiirs. Not mutch of a game then :/
Konstantin said:i know how to counter it .. but i dont play warlock as u se in my sig. and im sikk of all 10 whine thread posted evry day about warlocks.Getting old and silly.they are OP but so are many other things aswell,and yes flamebait![]()
FFS cant you stop pulling people down never a nice word to sayMatriarch|Sneakers said:Would be interssting to see you play a class that actually takes some hard work to play successfully. I mean don't you get annoyed that ur rr11 rm wich u put down alot more work on is shite compared to ur warlock?
Anyone who think a few minutes on what classes like warlocks do to any game will realize that thay have to go, or ppl will quit or ppl will adapt, as in more and more will start to play warlocks, bainshees and vampiirs. Not mutch of a game then :/
Arumos said:couldn't agree more. don't find it fun to play rm because i can't do feck all solo when it comes close to severa classes. but afterall we do play this game for fun right? i play warlock now because its a caster (prefer caster over tanks) it can solo good (don't get ganked by 90% of stealthers i meet like on rm) don't have to sit down when i meet a charge/banelord tank like I basicaly do on rm as there isn't a point when I meet one solo. Can 50% of the time kill some1 in a fg that i meet on warlock unlike on rm.
So yeah warlock does appeal to me more than my runemaster. Its overpowered yes noone has to tell me that, I know it isn't fun to face, but nor was it fun to face a banelord, stealthers, charge, det, insta interupts, moc, root purgers etc etc when I played my runemaster.
I only run in pugs on my chars because I don't belong to no leet rvr guild that replaces every E with the number 3 and called eachother m8ors at every opertunity (tried it once, never again). So most of the time I am either soloing or in small random groups.
Wasn't aiming this at specificly you Matriarch but just in general, we had a lot of nice fights with ya mincer and my warrior if you remember![]()
you on durgs ?Celestino said:you know how to counter it ? on every class? 1 on 1 ? without the warlock having a chance to use an ability to counter your counter again ? I can see only one working counter: rolling and playing a midgard char and looking at your sig u've done that eh ?
as for overpoweredness so many things are overpowered indeed, for example a lvl 50 healer using subclassing styles to 1shot a greycon, totally opped agains the poor greycon, right ? so if thats in the game its also ok that warlocks can outperform each other class in game on the same or even lower levels of skill
And those old ppl whining about it really are sooooo silly, they still haven't understood that you need to join what you can't beat ! i guess they are still playing for the fun of competative pvp... HAHA!
pip said:FFS cant you stop pulling people down never a nice word to say![]()
ps haven't we been here before with bonedancers this warlock shit is getting stupid now
Arumos said:couldn't agree more. don't find it fun to play rm because i can't do feck all solo when it comes close to severa classes. but afterall we do play this game for fun right? i play warlock now because its a caster (prefer caster over tanks) it can solo good (don't get ganked by 90% of stealthers i meet like on rm) don't have to sit down when i meet a charge/banelord tank like I basicaly do on rm as there isn't a point when I meet one solo. Can 50% of the time kill some1 in a fg that i meet on warlock unlike on rm.
So yeah warlock does appeal to me more than my runemaster. Its overpowered yes noone has to tell me that, I know it isn't fun to face, but nor was it fun to face a banelord, stealthers, charge, det, insta interupts, moc, root purgers etc etc when I played my runemaster.
I only run in pugs on my chars because I don't belong to no leet rvr guild that replaces every E with the number 3 and called eachother m8ors at every opertunity (tried it once, never again). So most of the time I am either soloing or in small random groups.
Wasn't aiming this at specificly you Matriarch but just in general, we had a lot of nice fights with ya mincer and my warrior if you remember![]()
Matriarch|Sneakers said:Pip, here is two facts for you.
1) Your a no good newbie.
2) If I had a warlock and I 1v1ed your warlock, i'd win 9/10 fights, simply b/c ur a clueless newbie. Fight on equal terms and you can't compete. And yes I think of warlocks like a kindergarden class used by ppl who cannot simply compete on thier mains. On a sidenote, your hunter is pathetic.
Zordo said:Sorry but cant hold my peace anymore as these fucktard Wl's keep fucking up the game. Sick and tired of em launching their "i-win" combos on my arse and it takes me longer to actually prepare for battle than having a fight.
If i can bother going into i-rvr again facing these mofos i will let it be public for now that i will add on any of u who plays this retarded classe and nuke, stab, whip ur arse and send multiple arrows into ur tiny WL backs everytime i see an opertunity to do so, and i will do so with a big fat grin on my face even if it will make me dig for worms in the dirt of albion.
I actually enjoyed all aspects of this game, and have been for the last 3,5 years, until it became "the dark ages of crapaloc".
Now albion i urge u to toss these bridge-camping mid fuckers outta our frontier once and for all.
Now ,that was my 1st and last whining post ever on these forums.
Ctuchik said:u know.. that warlock nerf will just make them hit even harder then they are now coz the FOTM spec will change to less chambers and more damage. so ur gonna die even faster after that "nerf"
remember the savage "nerf" on the 2 handers? they started to use H2H weapons insted and u never died faster then u did after that until u whined enough to get the quad chance lowered![]()
Arumos said:PS: Was at Berk last night, almost felt sorry for the alb zerg as they attempted to retake. 2 Warlocks for bombing, dex5 spreadheal spammin warlock, rm, sm and 2 healer + shaman pulsing spread inside the keep as we ran out taking 1-2fg a run. Was great fun on our part not so sure about the albs![]()
Matriarch|Sneakers said:I see ur arguments etc, but I cannot understand that someone who played the game since start and obviously dedicated lots of time on one char ( ur rm ) would resort to newbing around on a warlock? Warlocks is.. I mean I got no words for it... overpowered isn't all it's just so lock of skill, I mean...anyone would notice if there is an experianced bard behind the controls or not, but noone would tell if it is a retarded horse behind the comp when it comes to warlocks.
If I had the chance to play a stealther with remedy and 4 hands ( 4 weapons up at the same time resulting in 100% more melee dmg ) I wouldn't 'cus there would be absolutely no point what so ever. I would win b/c i'm playing a class that is not following the same rules and dyanmics as the rest.