WTF is up with all these lame-ass WL's?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
today has been a total joke with warlocks.

Set off, cant port anywhere so have to go hurb docks.

So get a boat to HW, go around orions as its camped by 3fg+ mids (about 10 warlocks as people have said), head out towards open land and find what else there is out there to fight.

Resign yourself to the fact that where ever you go a warlock will add.



Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
Only classes I've played in which I don't have any problem with Warlocks are Vampiir's, Heretics(rr5) and Druid(rr5).
Other than that there's not much you can do cept for a DI bot.
On the daoc catacombs site someone even did a test with a Warlock that against capped resists (50% matter) or 0% resists it only gave the person another 1.3 seconds to live (Someone with 2500ish hp) so resists are basically useless against them anyway.

So you either need to CC them before they are in chamber dump range(kinda hard in keep/tower/bridge situations or if they use Purge) or you need to kill them before they get into chamber dump range (bolts etc).
If you can't you better pray your healers can react lightning fast or have DI up else you will be dead nomatter what amount of HP or Resists you have.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
its quite funny when a warlock dumps on you and fails to kill you, they have no idea what to do without chambers, they just stand there and get splatted :)

I think mythic decided that some players needed something so easy to play because they cant manage anything else, a kind of kindergarten class. you can see 99% of warlock players have never got past RR5 on anything else.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 26, 2004
I see more warlocks out than normal. Maybe they all level up before nerf?


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 6, 2005
@ raven:

coz most are retards without template and any idea about the game...
just imagin what a well equipped lock will do when he has the manapool to UI drain some extra 10-15 spells after chambers

I really want that Critblade vs them :(


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Crocky said:
thats because you dont have aom5 & em3

Neither does the Warlock. So the warlock is outdamaging the sorc on equal resists.

Anyhow if Warlocks are balanced on AoM5 and EM3, I suppose a slightly bigger nerf is needed xD


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
bigchief said:
today has been a total joke with warlocks.

Set off, cant port anywhere so have to go hurb docks.

So get a boat to HW, go around orions as its camped by 3fg+ mids (about 10 warlocks as people have said), head out towards open land and find what else there is out there to fight.

Resign yourself to the fact that where ever you go a warlock will add.

go anywhere there is a scout+mincer waiting to

works the same for all realms


FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004
bigchief said:
today has been a total joke with warlocks.

Set off, cant port anywhere so have to go hurb docks.

So get a boat to HW, go around orions as its camped by 3fg+ mids (about 10 warlocks as people have said), head out towards open land and find what else there is out there to fight.

Resign yourself to the fact that where ever you go a warlock will add.


Thats lame, you all QQ about wl's but yer =P that is lame.

if i played a wl id atleast solo.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
how can anyone who has played this game for more than 1 month defend a class like the warlock?

on the other hand i do understand why people play it: it's a very effective class and you can "compete" even without a high RR or good gear - just sucks majorly for every non-mid


Nov 28, 2004
Zordo said:
Sorry but cant hold my peace anymore as these fucktard Wl's keep fucking up the game. Sick and tired of em launching their "i-win" combos on my arse and it takes me longer to actually prepare for battle than having a fight.

If i can bother going into i-rvr again facing these mofos i will let it be public for now that i will add on any of u who plays this retarded classe and nuke, stab, whip ur arse and send multiple arrows into ur tiny WL backs everytime i see an opertunity to do so, and i will do so with a big fat grin on my face even if it will make me dig for worms in the dirt of albion.

I actually enjoyed all aspects of this game, and have been for the last 3,5 years, until it became "the dark ages of crapaloc".

Now albion i urge u to toss these bridge-camping mid fuckers outta our frontier once and for all.

Now ,that was my 1st and last whining post ever on these forums.
wl ftw :)


Fledgling Freddie
May 26, 2004
Garbannoch said:
how can anyone who has played this game for more than 1 month defend a class like the warlock?

on the other hand i do understand why people play it: it's a very effective class and you can "compete" even without a high RR or good gear - just sucks majorly for every non-mid

thankyou! which is the precise reason why a lot do play the class.

those that haven't played against warlocks in rvr would probably defend them, having played one myself and played against them its silly and isn't fun to face, fun to play tho :drink:


Can't get enough of FH
May 14, 2004
what makes me laugh is just how cluesless a lot of them are - they panick post-chamber dump and try and run away mostly. a smart half dozen or so play on the server who are a nightmare as they know all the tricks.

Sadly when i last logged onto mid (had a bgs acc there) and did /who Warlock 50 i got over 80 hits. When i had an even bigger laugh and did /Who Odins 50 and looked at how many warlocks there were it equated to 70%. Fucking joke...


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
mythic need to keep adding OP classes to mid and hib to keep the game alive.

if mythic had given Alb bainshess or warlocks, albs would have 6 relics on every server.

10 warlocks u say ? if albs had this class you would see 30+ at beno bridge.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004

i hope those nerfs fuck up this totally... atleast till the next expansion hits, where we get the bonelock-wardancer duo "ownage" classes.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 15, 2004
Warlocks used to pretty much insta kill my VW, which really sucked for me.
Different story vs the vamp ofc, mind you it used to be a real job to kill BDs on the VW, and it's pretty easy with the vamp (banelord ftw, mostly).

I really don't know what mythic can do to warlocks to make them balanced. Their methods of casting are basically counter to everything else, and as such it's basically impossible to balance them vs other casters.

I suspect they'll become so nerfed that they're only useful in pve or at high rr.
I'm sure most albs and hibs will dance a merry jig when that happens, but it will suck royally for the warlocs who where used to insta pwning rr7 tanks while lvl 48 in rogs.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 6, 2005
Yeh, what most people don't really see, is, that there are actually two problems ocurring. Because they were so overpowered a lot of mids actually rolled them. As they are oviously having fun to play, they stick with it. That automatically leads to a drastic decrease of the other midgard classes. In exchange we get warlocks.
I loved to meet a large variety of classes. Against a few I do good, against others bad. I completely hate to face 1 class 24/7 and what makes it worse, I ALWAYS do bad against them. I mean a rr 8+ is also op for me, but they are usually rare! This is what really pisses me off.
I went Mid/glast on classic for a laff. What I saw in Thid I will never forget. I logged after like 15min of rvr, I wasn't simply able to hit anything with my warrior, because everything was instadead.

"I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places shall be made plain, and the crooked places shall be made straight, and every; yes every warlock player will finally come to the conclusion that there is more than just playing a one button class, and the glory of the Lord will be revealed and all flesh shall see it together. This is our hope. This is the faith that I go to bed with now." ;)


Nov 28, 2004
Aiteal said:
The warlock class should have been still-born through it's own arse rather than make it into this game.
But they have been nerfed on US servers latest patch.

But tbh, you know whats worse than warlocks from my persepective?
Sorcs with ML'ed pets

Go out with another stealther and see a warlock, and theres an unspoken understanding that one of you will probably die when you attack him, the other one is gonna get some rps, it's an acceptable risk.
When it comes to the sorc, things aint so certain.

I hate spiritmasters and cabalists too, and people who buffshear me, and that tiny split second after you know that those scouts (and jimmythepost :p ) are still in range and the next 3 arrows and quarrel are gonna kill you.
I also hate buffed necro pets, and people who bob up and down in water to break my los when I fight them, I hate reaver bombs, and monster rezzed albs popping into the lords room 2 secs after someone gave me a 10% rezz, I hate that casters get traps and archers who are supposed to be "out-doors" types don't. I hate it that I have to PvE and do ML's to be competitive for an RvR game.

I love when my SoM and ML10 mainhander proccs over and over, and my malice debuffs people, or when I get 3 mists up from traitors, or I manage to kill a pet caster with just my bow.
I love having camo up and getting the drop on assassins and critashotting them outta stealth.
I love standing stealthed at the bottom of a bridge with a critshot pre-drawn and a scout pops ontop of the bridge with 30% hits left, I love it on the odd occasion I kill an equal/higher RR assassin without using IP.
I love little moments like helping Kalloth kill a Bonedancer a week or so ago, and hugging eackh other on his corpse.
I love the evade animation, and the sound of a PA, and speedbursting after a runner and the sound and look of snow shower when I catch upto him.
I love my guildies, and the excellent people like ziz, leroli and jatagan who give me a a wee PM when I come on and ask how things are, I love /gu chat and reading the late nite spam on /as (especially bladesong's)
I love killing whispers after he throws everything he has at me :p

All in all, this game has more pluses than minuses
And this is my first and last whine/love post on these forums :)
have a rep point hope you don't hate them?


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 31, 2005
Best thing is that the gimps that die to Warlocks today will die to them after 200 nerfs ... Yes i met them Yes they are a Pain but nothing that other classes cant do... this Bs about 2k dmg whitin 2 secs only hits those that are stupid enough to think they can solo them.. i Mean try play a Runemaster whitout ml10.. i mean Hello Pa 1k dmg 2 secs later 900 more dmg.. Warlocks are OP(silly)but so are many classes in this game.gimmi cone ae 3k dmg and i rock!

fucking r0x0r of d00m M0nster ress dosent help atall right ? ore **** one shot bolt fire wizzard zerg that can stop anything that moves..... kinda silly that 1 class can use 1 spell to do more them 1500 dmg no ?

PS:and VF! that PA´s for 150 dmg needs a nerf !!!!


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 31, 2005
Septina said:
Nothing new here, warlock is the class for the 'i cant compete in rvr with anything else' player and hopefully the coming nerf will nerf em so bad that noone will ever want to touch one again.
According to some rumours i've heard atleast the warlock population on the US servers drastically dropped after the nerfs xDD
yes wonder wy , sept is gimp!:) :worthy:


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 27, 2003
bigchief said:
today has been a total joke with warlocks.

Set off, cant port anywhere so have to go hurb docks.

So get a boat to HW, go around orions as its camped by 3fg+ mids (about 10 warlocks as people have said), head out towards open land and find what else there is out there to fight.

Resign yourself to the fact that where ever you go a warlock will add.


i guess the wl whant some rps before ze nerf :m00:


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Konstantin said:
only hits those that are stupid enough to think they can solo them..
am i reading this properly. you are saying that warlocks are fine and we are actually gimps in thinking we can solo a warlock? and they should be all powerfull? hahahahaha a true warlock player


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 17, 2004
Zordo said:
Sorry but cant hold my peace anymore as these fucktard Wl's keep fucking up the game. Sick and tired of em launching their "i-win" combos on my arse and it takes me longer to actually prepare for battle than having a fight.

If i can bother going into i-rvr again facing these mofos i will let it be public for now that i will add on any of u who plays this retarded classe and nuke, stab, whip ur arse and send multiple arrows into ur tiny WL backs everytime i see an opertunity to do so, and i will do so with a big fat grin on my face even if it will make me dig for worms in the dirt of albion.

I actually enjoyed all aspects of this game, and have been for the last 3,5 years, until it became "the dark ages of crapaloc".

Now albion i urge u to toss these bridge-camping mid fuckers outta our frontier once and for all.

Now ,that was my 1st and last whining post ever on these forums.

you play a sorc your self, and insta kill wizzy o_O


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 31, 2005
Raven said:
am i reading this properly. you are saying that warlocks are fine and we are actually gimps in thinking we can solo a warlock? and they should be all powerfull? hahahahaha a true warlock player
no you are not reading this properly..


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
Konstantin said:
Best thing is that the gimps that die to Warlocks today will die to them after 200 nerfs ... Yes i met them Yes they are a Pain but nothing that other classes cant do... this Bs about 2k dmg whitin 2 secs only hits those that are stupid enough to think they can solo them.. i Mean try play a Runemaster whitout ml10.. i mean Hello Pa 1k dmg 2 secs later 900 more dmg.. Warlocks are OP(silly)but so are many classes in this game.gimmi cone ae 3k dmg and i rock!

fucking r0x0r of d00m M0nster ress dosent help atall right ? ore **** one shot bolt fire wizzard zerg that can stop anything that moves..... kinda silly that 1 class can use 1 spell to do more them 1500 dmg no ?

PS:and VF! that PA´s for 150 dmg needs a nerf !!!!

U are so clueless it makes me cry

Cone does LESS dmg then single nukes

Monster rezz insta kills all!!!11!!! or not

PA dmg is sub par these days and 900 follow up, be my guest show a SS of a creeping death hitting any1 not in lvl 1 armour sitting down hitting for 900 dmg

yes a ZERG of wizzys assist nuking insta kill most but that is a zerg not a retarded OPed class

And if its not insta kill on WLs then its fooking close, i have 23% matter resist and i didnt even have time to press IP button fast enough not to die instantly

I dont get what ur trying to say with those who are stupid enough to think they can solo em, my guess would be raven is right but u said he was wrong so please clear that bit for us will ya


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 31, 2005
Valgyr said:
U are so clueless it makes me cry

Cone does LESS dmg then single nukes

Monster rezz insta kills all!!!11!!! or not

PA dmg is sub par these days and 900 follow up, be my guest show a SS of a creeping death hitting any1 not in lvl 1 armour sitting down hitting for 900 dmg

yes a ZERG of wizzys assist nuking insta kill most but that is a zerg not a retarded OPed class

And if its not insta kill on WLs then its fooking close, i have 23% matter resist and i didnt even have time to press IP button fast enough not to die instantly

I dont get what ur trying to say with those who are stupid enough to think they can solo em, my guess would be raven is right but u said he was wrong so please clear that bit for us will ya
my point was that all cata classes are op in a way.. :)and pa chain dmg might been abit over the edge xD and please cry for me :)


Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004
for crying out loud, stop whining, yes playing against a warlock is hard, and sumwhat unfair, they are getting nerfed hard. so please guys. stop whining.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 31, 2005
AngelHeal said:
for crying out loud, stop whining, yes playing against a warlock is hard, and sumwhat unfair, they are getting nerfed hard. so please guys. stop whining.
:worthy: :worthy: :worthy:


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 9, 2004
funniest post i seen for a while.. nerf everyone ffs make it fair for all :p


Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
AngelHeal said:
for crying out loud, stop whining, yes playing against a warlock is hard, and sumwhat unfair, they are getting nerfed hard. so please guys. stop whining.

Every post you make, makes me wanna tear out my eyes.

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