Would you say yes to Old Frontiers if you had the chance to bring it back?

Of or NF?

  • Yes! I hate camping for hours at keeps

    Votes: 356 58.3%
  • No! I ahted running all the way to hw/odins/emain

    Votes: 176 28.8%
  • Not fussed

    Votes: 79 12.9%

  • Total voters


Loyal Freddie
Mar 11, 2006
Icebreaker said:
Special Zone? Looks like the new BG is going to be old emain with a few changes.^^

If that is true. every one will be rolling new characters getting Artifacts and so. then just level them up and turn XPoff before 50. you will see it like this.

/who Emain-Wonnabe-BG

They is 317 Players in Emain-Wonnabe-BG

New Frontiers is going to be destroyed :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 13, 2006
humm OF or NF

OF!!! all the way
Reasons why are cus i know the hib and mid frontiers like the bang of my hand from OF... i knew ever spot hiding place every advantage point, everything about OF... hehe, once outhide a mid stealther while in Odins gate :D that was funny stuff

know nothing about alb frontier tho.... still dont, the place confuses me, they have shellters out in the middle of nowhere.. for no reason, come to think of it.. was the same in OF too lol, but when u can track down a mid in his own frontier with a druid who isnt even level 50 and reach the Relic keep without a scrach... i call that skill :D


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Chronictank said:
Personally i think thats all thats needed, a complete revamp of Agramon and a bit of tweaking to the frontires

Sums it up.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
I liked the Old frontiers much better.

To travel in an enemy frontier felt like you travelled much deeper behind enemy lines than what you do in NF with boats and shit all over the place.

I used to stealth all the way to uppland, and it was fun because a kobie could come in cliprange any time if you knew where to move. <3

NF is to much chaos. :<


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
I agree that there's a tremendous amount of rose tinted glasses wearing going on in regards to old frontiers. I feel it's largely down to people remembering a time when they were less jaded with the game in general, and that if the timeline had been reversed, we'd be hearing cries of bring back new frontiers layout :)

It's also incredibly close to all the polls about clustering, where the majority voted for it, and now a lot that did vote for it are some of the most vocally against it.

Oh, and all the 'classic' votes.......

Oh and the soon to be new fotm - lets all play the 45 to 49 BG.......

My own $0.02 is that Mythic should spend the time focusing on improving the things that people don't like about current RvR, and not pander to the 'zomg!!! NF sux0r' brigade


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
Svartmetall said:
A lot of rose-tinted spectacles aimed at OF, in my opinion...

I agree 100%, people talk about OF as if it was the greatest thing ever, when in fact it was zergy and had rediculous bottlenecks in the shape of mile gates that became a campers paradise.

Amusing thing to me has always been players who i know never played before NF reminiscing about OF and how great it was :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 26, 2003
enigma said:
I liked the Old frontiers much better.

To travel in an enemy frontier felt like you travelled much deeper behind enemy lines than what you do in NF with boats and shit all over the place.

I used to stealth all the way to uppland, and it was fun because a kobie could come in cliprange any time if you knew where to move. <3

NF is to much chaos. :<

Agree.. I guess its because you know the game so much better now also. You've growed tired of all the waiting and running and want action here and now.

Remember my first enemy encounter back in Yggdra forest while exping. One of the biggest rushes i've had ever :)


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 6, 2005
I really wonder if all 'those' OF lovers even played it.

you wanna go back to 10 minute ports? AMG MMG camping? we have like a 10000 x more stealthers now so wave good bye to soloing.

FG might like the OF as it was smaller and well contained, the keeps totally suxed, it would go back to DC being taken 20 times a day to get people out.

Even with hasteners the run from DL to OF to be zerged to hell and back takes too long.

The game has changed, lets all move along.



Fledgling Freddie
Mar 6, 2005
enigma said:
I liked the Old frontiers much better.

To travel in an enemy frontier felt like you travelled much deeper behind enemy lines than what you do in NF with boats and shit all over the place.

I used to stealth all the way to uppland, and it was fun because a kobie could come in cliprange any time if you knew where to move. <3

NF is to much chaos. :<

mate you have forgotten how long it takes to run to the border keeps I think. I use to run that way alot and it would be like 15+ mins of running, most of the time I would be afk running the zone wall it was so boring.

Ok so you kill a few mids exping on green crabs in uppland, and then they log there lvl 50's and come out you kill a couple then die, oh joy, wait 10 mins to port to mid then start the run again.

OF was shit and most people agreed at the time, it became very boring unless you were in a fixed grp, solo play towards the end was almost killed by the numbers camping the milegates.


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
The consensus appears to be along the lines of: OF's terrain was great, but its mechanics sucked.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 11, 2004
i think with the current state of ae damage, the old fashion millegates would be impassible if properly defended.


Loyal Freddie
Sep 20, 2005
but at OF i use to get grp's nearly all the times with any char cause everyone ports to the same place so there is more chance. in NF its porting to a keep /y looking for a grp, no answer, get buffs from BB then run to the docks get ganked by 3 stealthers and repeat.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Kuhan said:
but at OF i use to get grp's nearly all the times with any char cause everyone ports to the same place so there is more chance. in NF its porting to a keep /y looking for a grp, no answer, get buffs from BB then run to the docks get ganked by 3 stealthers and repeat.
Thats got nothing to do with OF, its peoples attitude, these days they want opted grps or nothing, if you aint high RR, the right spec or class or fully TOAd they dont want to know wich is kinda dumb and l33tist really.

Back in OF days, hardly anyone cared about capping templates, they just played the game, now you gotta be fully tweaked to get a lookin.


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
Sadly, this is an all-too-accurate comment on the state of l337-ism these days:



Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
old.Whoodoo said:
Thats got nothing to do with OF, its peoples attitude, these days they want opted grps or nothing, if you aint high RR, the right spec or class or fully TOAd they dont want to know wich is kinda dumb and l33tist really.

Back in OF days, hardly anyone cared about capping templates, they just played the game, now you gotta be fully tweaked to get a lookin.

It was mostly impossible to get a capped template pre-spellcrafting. It wasn't even possible to get level 50 crafted armour/weapons until they added the 9th/10th tier materials!

Players did start to get capped templates once spellcrafting arrived. Saying that nobody cared about capping templates when it was impossible to do so for the majority of the time old frontiers was about seems a bit daft! :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 19, 2004
the question is why they didnt make OF on classic server
classic should be OF! then they would see what the ppl liked the most!


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Svartmetall said:
The consensus appears to be along the lines of: OF's terrain was great, but its mechanics sucked.

pretty much yes.

The endless running to emain as a hib was very annoying, especially on the nightshade!

The MGs was a tad too tight, some sort of bottleneck is nice though but not as cluttered as it was in OF, the agramonway seem better off overall. Its hard to say since nobody really go there but, I can imagine it would be a bit better at least.

Zonewise I actully liked all the old zones, especially hadrians which was very nice. Emain was really nice for roaming around in aswell and odins was a nice place aswell, too bright but better than the odins we have today.

Keepwise I liked the old keeps, uncomplicated and didnt take too long to take em down if one wanted to, have had some really great standoffs in keeps in OF, in NF all I remember from standoffs is me nearly falling asleep from boredom. Zzzzzieging... zzzz...

The places there was for ambushes in OF was great, everyone remember old yggra, and also the whole road from beno to albs BK, had quite many fun nights in those areas, today if you go anywhere that hasnt got with iRvR to do, its.. zzzzzz because nobody is there. If it isnt iRVR people go totally impotent and have no idea where to go, so they camp their own bridges which is a GREAT fkin idea.. lol. In US the mazeareas are natural areas for roamers, along with other areas ofc, but that culture never set foot in EU it seems, iRVR ftw, with mindless idiotzerging for no other purpose but to farm as much RPs as possible in shortest time possible, its quite damn dull in the longrun :s

RvR for me is all about options, and tbh, NF doesnt really offer so much in the end in EU, while on the paper it offers a ton, but ppl are slow learners (thick!) and rather not change the place they go to at all it seems. Bridge or iRvR, or some endless siege, is all there is to it, and ppl wonder why DAoC is dying..? ;)
Apr 13, 2006
I don't get why people hate Agramon so much tbh, i think it's a great place to go... all it lack's is people to pull their finger out their arses and actually go.


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 8, 2004
Samaroon|Terracotta said:
I don't get why people hate Agramon so much tbh, i think it's a great place to go... all it lack's is people to pull their finger out their arses and actually go.

tbh Samaroon what is there to do in Argomon, that you cant do anyware else?

Agromon was a flash in the pan, because there is nothing to bring people there, when i say people i mean all types of people and not just the Pro Gamers with there opted 8 v 8 groups .



Fledgling Freddie
Jul 1, 2004
I took the "Not fussed" alternative... mostly becose the other 2 didnt was close enough what I feel.

I like the NF layout, porting ect.. I dont like the milegate camping who did soloing for a non stealther very very hard (you come close to that shokepoint you just have to past, and there!! 3-4 arrows in your chest... how NOT supricing. Now with NF, there is no shokepoints that you need to pass, you can allways go around, no need to go ower the bridges ect.

What I dont like with NF, is that it was designed for more keep/tower fighting.. And most peeps wants the 8 vs 8 fights in the open better.
Dec 31, 2003
In conclusion, Mythic should have:

Made the classic servers pure classic, on the most balanced SI patch ( post savage nerf ).

They could easily have implemented a porting system in your home realm meaning, if you got a keep ( not in the same zone as where the milegates where, Emain, Odins, Hadrians - still providing a cool down effect but still favoring the defending realm by getting back faster both as solo and as group ) you can port there.

Redoing milegates so that the stairs was on the attacking realms side to make camping milegates alot harder and also more realistic. Arguebale it could been logic to think that the attacking realm say in Emain ( mids and albs ) build the milegates to protect their outsposts in the enemy realm, thus making the defending realm try to push them out of there but having a milegate in the way wich promotes fights ( choke point ) but not killing it by having a defending realm lock it down.

Mythic achieved this in Agramon wich was quiet clever but Agramon in whole was a flop since ppl will always take the rute of least resistance. It is easier to get fights at DC bridge then it is to make your way to Agramon even though the quality of fights will be tremendously better there. People do not go to Agramon since they believe noone else goes there, and everyone else believes so to, hence the spiral.

Well, if mythic had any will of testing new things they would ages ago released a classic server, an old school nostalgia trip or whatever, I'm sure it would work since IMO (think a great deal of ppl would agree even though the PC warriors will shout that it is only 1% that thought OF was better then NF etc ) the fights in OF DAoC was the best ever produceed in an MMO when it comes to quality.
For FFA 8v8 you had Emain.
For SOLO or small group RvR you had Odins.
For pre-arrenged and solo fights you had Hadrians.

In NF you got a few docks and bridges thats it. If it isn't a zerged up, lagged up almost PvE bored up keep take. Keep takes/tower takes these days are set-up 10 siege enginesto destroy the tower/keep then zerg the ones defending rendering them chanceless. Yes this is the best tactic since towers collapse totally, rofl at that idea. How will a smaller force stand a chance in a battle if you can just setup siege and destory their tower then zerg them. In my opinion 8 ppl knowing what they are doing should be able to hold back an equal froce/greater force from a tower any day, thats the idea with keeps/towers to start with.

For the people that just claim this to be nostalgia and pretending they are in mayority of this opinion ( wich probably mythic believes also ) then I do not see a problem by creating a full classic international server on English and try it out. Wouldn't surprise me if such a server reached 3k ppl cap and stayed that way.

Well, I know this will never happend since the general idea is that the game is past its date and Mythic already started on a new game, but what the hell freedome of speech etc :>
Apr 13, 2006
Starwind said:
tbh Samaroon what is there to do in Argomon, that you cant do anyware else?

Agromon was a flash in the pan, because there is nothing to bring people there, when i say people i mean all types of people and not just the Pro Gamers with there opted 8 v 8 groups .


Nothing too special about Agramon, but the zones looks loads better than the Brynja to dock rinse and repeat route ._.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 20, 2005
Maybe they should put a keep or tower in the middle of Agramon (similar to old D.C. in old Emain), so people get a reason to go there?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
People tolld the same about current classic server and blamed everything on TOA, now they see it wasn't that, they blame them on NF, maybe later they will blame them on SI (Damned Sidi gear is so unbalancing and you need so much time to farm it), then on spellcrafting, then on RAs. No point going backward, when the problem isn't with the expansions, but it is with the people.

There is one classic mistake: Most people insists on 8vs8, but with elitism, you either have an opted group or have no group at all. With this, in OF, or anything else you would be farmed *everywhere*, and 90% of these elitist groups prefer iRVR for more RP/Hour, even if it is boring.

So when you want to take a keep back, most high RRs won't come and you only get farmed in most cases, in other cases: it is lots of engines and a full zerg.

It isn't DAOC EU that is dieing, it is DAOC EU English servers, why the other servers doesn't see the same problems? The answer is easy: Better community.

Go to a french server, if you state you don't speak french but a friend learns the language, 90% of the players will try to speak english, and will group with you. You won't be opted, you will need lots of help with quests, making your items, and you will offer them a huge disadvantage: language barrier. Yet they group with you.

When you see some other low level players (under 20) and have an idea to raid some Catacombs locations to get some glowies for the newbies, you would have more than an fg coming. Including experienced players who think storming these areas is a good thing, something they don't do often and make the realm mates happy.

Interesting enough, they have less problems with TOA, and NF. :D

More people who will learn to play for the fun again, and not for rp in the elitist groups, and more who will use PVE groups, visit lowbie areas, etc. will help, and more new players who have fun in different ways will lead to more varied RVR experience.

Mythic can't fix this for us, but we can. It is up to you too...

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