Would you say yes to Old Frontiers if you had the chance to bring it back?

Of or NF?

  • Yes! I hate camping for hours at keeps

    Votes: 356 58.3%
  • No! I ahted running all the way to hw/odins/emain

    Votes: 176 28.8%
  • Not fussed

    Votes: 79 12.9%

  • Total voters


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Fana said:
Why dont people just rvr on the isle of Agramon? - its pretty much the same as the old emain style rvr in my oppinion.
And easier / faster to get to, especially for hibs who had to run across the whole frontier to get there.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 26, 2003
4) Would I like back OF for a little while then back to NF?

Yeah sure :)

But would probably grow tired pretty fast of the constant search for action, roaming around finding nothing for hours, perma camp from zergs of APK or MPK in Emain, the zergs around AMG/MMG, the lovely 10 min waits for porting to enemy frontiers.

Would like some nice oldschool relicraids though but for those to be funny you would need to play OF pretty much all the time. Relic raids are pretty much to be expected in a 1 week showdown of OF :p Other than that will NF beat OF hands down imo.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
Since I solo 99% of the time I wouldnt want OF back...could do with some changes in NF tho. NF is alot better for soloing than OF ever was imho.

Ingafgrinn Macabre

Can't get enough of FH
Jan 4, 2004
I would love the old frontiers back as a kind of special zone... co-op zone or something, just to walk around, memorizing how it was. Perhaps get some special quests in there... I don't know.. but keep the RvR in New Frontiers cos the old frontiers just isn't adapted to all the abilities etc anymore.

So I didn't vote here, cos I missed the option "Yes, but not for RvR" or something similar


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Ingafgrinn Macabre said:
I would love the old frontiers back as a kind of special zone... co-op zone or something, just to walk around, memorizing how it was. Perhaps get some special quests in there... I don't know.. but keep the RvR in New Frontiers cos the old frontiers just isn't adapted to all the abilities etc anymore.

So I didn't vote here, cos I missed the option "Yes, but not for RvR" or something similar

Now that's a fun idea!


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Ingafgrinn Macabre said:
I would love the old frontiers back as a kind of special zone... co-op zone or something, just to walk around, memorizing how it was. Perhaps get some special quests in there... I don't know.. but keep the RvR in New Frontiers cos the old frontiers just isn't adapted to all the abilities etc anymore.

So I didn't vote here, cos I missed the option "Yes, but not for RvR" or something similar
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Ingafgrinn Macabre again.

Like Eggy, I think thats a great Idea, no more new server types, why not combine a coop idea into the maps of OF, great fun!

I dont know about the other realms, but opening the gates from Vindusal Faste you see in fact the old Yggdra like we all used to.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Svartmetall said:
The good things about NF:

1 - The new keeps and towers rock, vastly superior to the old ones.

2 - Likewise, the new historically-accurate siege engines are great and much more fun to use. A full-on keep siege now is a fairly spectacular affair; I've had non-DAOC-playing mates around watching me at a siege and going 'woah' (or words to that effect).


5 - The siege gear looks credible now, and not like it's made out of Lego.

Although it may look impressive, I'd hardly say it's that great. Oil/rams are useful, trebs are okay for attacking towers, but that's where it ends. Sieges tend to be too slow and quite boring.

I preferred the fast pace of old frontiers keep takes, players would have to rush with as many people as possible to defend the keep. You couldn't just walk in through a side door, you had to rush towards the keep and pray that the enemies didn't spot you first.


Fledgling Freddie
May 3, 2004
Svartmetall said:
1 - Joined to the mainland as high-level PvE zones, with the keeps and milegates ruined and mob-infested.

Or maybe slip them in between the main PvE regions and the New Frontiers. Maintain the Keeps as they are, and use the realms as a mixture of PvE and RvR. Alter them slightly so there is a single gateway that leads from the Old Frontiers to the New Frontiers (would have to add one to a few zones). A porter outside of the main Border Keep to port you to the New Frontiers. Then add in a Darkness Falls like element to it. When an enemy realm starts to capture keeps (not towers) or maybe relics, yeah actually. Owning a captured relic ruins the gateway that leads in to the Old Frontiers allowing it to be attacked and the opposing realm to invade the Old Frontiers. If an opposing realm manages to get in to your realms Old Frontiers then they get bonus RP's or something for a kill, but they will find more defences than the New Frontiers. Gives the relics that little bit more of a use. Not gonna happen, but an interesting use for the old zones.


Jan 22, 2005
Personally I think some people have come up with fantastic ideas, just bring back the zones, even in PvE would be kool :)


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 25, 2004
Thadius said:
Mods keep deleting the freeshard advertisements ><

They do? Bit queer that considering the freeshards are perfectly legal...


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 14, 2004
NF needs shrinking a bit is all. Agramon was an attempt to correct the problems with NF but it's just an addition not a correction unfortunately so it didn't help

Personally I think you could shrnk NF to about 1/3 its current size and that'd probably sort out most of the vaccuus crap that's New Frontiers atm.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
Even though the poll is most likely very inaccurate you can't deny the fact that there is an alarming number of people who are not happy with NF, and Im deffinately one of those people. I was actually looking forward to NF prior to its release, because OF could really use some improvements, but I have been dissapointed with NF since day one and I still am.

As far as Agramon is concerned... Agramon is nothing like old Emain because of one difference: The open landbridges. They make such a big difference. Old emain encouraged zerging (because the areas behind the milegates were enclosed), which was actually a good thing, because it allowed the losing side to grow in strength and numbers and eventually push back the enemy. Agramon is too open and greatly favors mobile optimized groups and stealthzergs. End result is that only full groups can survive in Agramon, whereas soloers and small groups stay away, but the full groups NEED some bait to get the action started. IMO, that's why iRvR is more popular than Agramon.

To make Agramon populated you need to enclose the landbridges so that invaders can only get behind milegates by going THROUGH them. This would make things a thousand times more interesting, except of course for those who insist on clean 8vs8 fights, but they dont use Agramon anyway do they?


Part of the furniture
Sep 5, 2004
Hmm, I made this poll to see

And what I see people want nf but with old skool type relic raids and suicide death charges towards keep gates

Now those was the days :D


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
well, its not that i LOVED OF, its more down to that I dont like:

the way water works
the even increased lag NF meant
the warmap
the keeps

OF with some modifications would rock totally I think


I'll say yes here actually for a few reasons which i'll list below:

1. All the bridge camping...
2. Hiding DI bots in towers...
3. The length it takes to take keeps in general...
4. Prefer the old layout so much more.. alot less ground to cover and alot easier to find fg vs fg combat...
5. Old odin's gate > utterly shit layout new one
6. Old emain > the crappy mountain choking new emain

so i'd say yes...

theres no reason why they can't remove NF completely since its not a "Paid" for expansion... they can do all the fancy work making it look nice on OF just as easily


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
NF was exactly the shot in the arm that RvR needed. That's not to say it couldn't be improved but looking at the recent polls, improvements seem to be on the cards.

OF sucked because of the 3 separate zones meaning that everyone in RvR was fighting one of three different battles. In NF, there's 1 realm war and it's easier to see where the action is as a result.

OF sucked because of the choke points. You had to go via the milegates to get out to a place where you could roam or attack a keep. Bridge camping may be annoying but you can avoid bridges if you like and still get to wherever you want to go.

OF sucked because the realm abilities were way out of whack. Seriously. Master of Water? Mostly NF RAs are more reasonable and the old truly silly ones have been either cut down to size or removed - no more group purge. The only disparity now is between the RR5 abilities which seem to also be under the magnifying glass currently.

OF sucked because of the porting system (or the long run if the action was in your home realm). Spending ages and holding up your group waiting for the port was never fun - especially if you were prone to forgetting to check which necklace you were wearing....

Keeps in NF are much nicer, yes they are harder to take but there's more offensive and defensive options to work with. I think the balance is about right on keep difficulty at the moment. If they were too easy to take, people would just PvE them all at 5am and you'd wake up with no keeps every morning as peopel PLed their keep take stats. If they were much harder, no-one would bother. I like the fact that if you don't have a full group you can still have fun with tower takes and defences.

If they change the things in the last poll that they listed - stupid impassable terrain, better scaling of rewards for RvR missions, revamp siege to make it more effective against players, then I think it'll be spot on.

I didn't vote in the poll because of the stupid options, none of which I felt were a reason to like or dislike either version of the frontiers. Should have just said 'Yes I prefer OF', 'No I prefer NF' and 'I don't want to vote'. Don't load a preconception into the answers otherwise you're not asking people for their opinion, you're asking them to reinforce yours.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 16, 2004
Shike said:
well, its not that i LOVED OF, its more down to that I dont like:

the way water works
the even increased lag NF meant
the warmap
the keeps

OF with some modifications would rock totally I think

100% agree with you Shike. OF had it's shortcomings too, but so does NF, like the things you listed. I'd also add BOATS to that list. OF coupled with the porting as we have it today would be awesome. I don't agree that OF chokepoints was a drawback, I saw them as a place you could be sure there was action. It was always fun to roam around and then approach a MG, you was on your toes cuz you expected action.

I've never been too crazy about operating siege equipment either, so I prefered the 7 keeps each realm had, to the 55 keeps and towers they have today :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Ingafgrinn Macabre said:
I would love the old frontiers back as a kind of special zone... co-op zone or something, just to walk around, memorizing how it was. Perhaps get some special quests in there... I don't know.. but keep the RvR in New Frontiers cos the old frontiers just isn't adapted to all the abilities etc anymore.

So I didn't vote here, cos I missed the option "Yes, but not for RvR" or something similar

Special Zone? Looks like the new BG is going to be old emain with a few changes.^^


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
I think he got it out of the game and mapped it. I have no clue how but this: frontiers/zones/165 and this :Emain Macha Revamp he wrote down in his thread. Same thing like a few months back where People found the new Classes before Mythic announced them.

But i could be wrong!


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
yes to a tweaked OF, Agramon lags far too much for a descent session of rvr if anyone in your grp has a weak pc.
Personally i think thats all thats needed, a complete revamp of Agramon and a bit of tweaking to the frontires


Loyal Freddie
Mar 11, 2006
To be honest i think OF would be great. because people have learned not to just go EMAIN 24/7 on NF so i think people would start playing more in Odins and Hadrians as well as Emain on OF if it came back. because emain would be heavy. people would just go else where

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