Would you say yes to Old Frontiers if you had the chance to bring it back?

Of or NF?

  • Yes! I hate camping for hours at keeps

    Votes: 356 58.3%
  • No! I ahted running all the way to hw/odins/emain

    Votes: 176 28.8%
  • Not fussed

    Votes: 79 12.9%

  • Total voters


Part of the furniture
Sep 5, 2004
As title says

I dont know if its possible, but I can only hope! :)


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 16, 2004
I very much would. NF is too much keeps, too many hours on boat, and too big. IMO.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
No thanks, no place for solo/duo visables in OF i'll keep NF thank you very much.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
I love old frontiers...


Bringing it back in its original setup would not be wise. The game has changed and with the clustering Emain just wouldnt be able to hold the playstyles. The 8vs8 and the zergs would seperate, but the solo people will lose alot because zerg = emain, 8vs8 would take Odin and HW (as they used to but wasnt as popular back then so normally was just 1 of the 2 that 8vs8 used when not farming emain)

What would I do?

Just slight modifications but they are needed.

1) 2nd milegate placed so that there less chance of MG camping.. If one is camped then you can use the other and loop round behind the campers. Means they cant just sit at doors and PBAOE spam.

2) Give hibs some form of porting... Maybe make it so that a keep along the line can be ported too (ie Crim, Surs and the mid equivelant (cant remember which was the top left keep on the central zone atm :( )

3) Slightly modify keeps to put meaning into upgrading other then slightly better guards.

4) Rework some keep positions. Especially that of relic keeps (ie, Alb power relic took much longer to get to then any other relic keep)


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 7, 2004
id only want OF back if it would turn back to SI only server :p

but atm.. NF is good


Part of the furniture
Dec 27, 2003
Definitly would not go back to the days when fgs would just camp pks for rps and just blatently stop anyone from leaving to actully do some real rvr


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2005
Time for the bi-annual "We want OF back" whine again already?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
A little refinement of NF is required, thats all.

People hark back to the old days and its not the same game anyway more.


Part of the furniture
Sep 5, 2004
UndyingAngel said:
IF you are so desperate to play OF go play a freeshard

Mods keep deleting the freeshard advertisements ><


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
no, there was only 2 places to go to solo, HW or odins, more often than not odins was zerged and HW was dead. people complain about not having old emain, well thats why they gave us agromon, problem is nobody goes there, prefering the normal NF land.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 3, 2004
lol all these people whine about bringing OF back and when it comes to it, and they think about it, they dont want it. i dont want it, its alot better as it is....


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
the run to emain was a tad shit tbh.

but i dunno nf i find is becoming like the opposite extreme. its either IRVR tastic (aka suxs a bit), or boatastic versus the doorstep "thou shall not be worth any RP's" brigade.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 1, 2005
I dont want it back cuz i think its mainly good memories from OF that makes you think it was way better than it is now, didnt vote tho cuz i didnt mind the run to emain :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Raven said:
well thats why they gave us agromon, problem is nobody goes there, prefering the normal NF land.

agramon needs re-tuning, too hilly and favours insta-mezz too much atm. plus ppl cant get there easily if port is broken to the nearest keep.

i think they should bring back OF but without the keeps, very easy "free expansion" for them and i dont see the problem with adding more rvr zones. just take OF HW/Emain/Odins and merge them into a single zone like a BG and sorted :D


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
Well...like a lot of other people, I miss the land of the old frontiers. However I think there's a large element of rose-tinted glasses in the way people are thinking back to OF - I don't believe anyone really misses the ridiculous 10-minute-delay porting routine, or milegates that all too often stopped you getting anywhere once you were in the frontiers. Yeah. Waiting 10 minutes to port to the frontier and then running to your milegate just to see 4,729,018 shrooms all over it was so much fucking fun.

The bad things about NF (purely IMO):

1 - The fact that it's all very cramped - you can't swing a dead Luri without hitting some tower or other, there needs to be more open-field-type terrain between the keeps and their attendant towers; I'd suggest at least another zone's worth of pure terrain, and probably two, spread around each realm's frontier lands.

2 - The really powerful RAs were made so expensive that they were only really feasible for high RR characters, thereby increasing the gap between low and high RRs and making fighting high RRs on a low RR character very demoralising. Imagine playing a Quake match where the other player could get the Quad Damage, the BFG, the red armour and the Regeneration and you couldn't...

3 - Tanks got screwed for RAs - for example, Mastery Of Arms got removed, but Mastery Of Magery didn't? Bring back MOArms, or get rid of both.

4 - Whoever thought up stacking res sickness needs to be dragged into the street and beaten to death with a spade like the scabrous, pestilential dog that they are. It's one of the dumbest ideas in the history of dumb ideas - my stupidometer registered at least 9.3 Bushes.

5 - The Epic mobs seem to have been randomly stuck in random places that make no sense...look at the Glacier Giant. He looks so sad now in his little clearing in the trees, and it makes no sense that a 90-foot-tall thing like that would just be standing there aimlessly so close to a very busy keep and its attendant bridges. Epic mobs like the GG, the Green Knight etc need special places of their own; they just don't feel Epic enough where they are right now.

The good things about NF:

1 - The new keeps and towers rock, vastly superior to the old ones.

2 - Likewise, the new historically-accurate siege engines are great and much more fun to use. A full-on keep siege now is a fairly spectacular affair; I've had non-DAOC-playing mates around watching me at a siege and going 'woah' (or words to that effect).

3 - NO MORE FUCKING STUPID 10-MINUTE PORTING DELAY! Nothing sucked more than to be forcibly removed from the action for 10 minutes.

4 - No more equally stupid and far too campable (especially by petspammers) milegates.

5 - The siege gear looks credible now, and not like it's made out of Lego.

On balance, I preferred the layout and atmosphere or OF, but - aside from the problem with RAs - prefer all the mechanics of NF. Now I don't think it's remotely likely that Mythic are just going to scrap all the work they put into NF and bring back OF...my solution? Bring back the OF zones in addition to the NF ones. There are two ways you could do this:

1 - Joined to the mainland as high-level PvE zones, with the keeps and milegates ruined and mob-infested. That way we can indulge our "Oh I loved Old Yggdra" nostalgia (and I did - OF Yggdra Forest at night was perhaps my favourite place in the whole game, it had so much atmosphere) while still having the new stuff. Have them join on via one of the less-used mainland areas; for Midgard, I'd say Raumarik would be the perfect place to join up old Uppland, for Albion, have Llyn Barfog as the way through and use Cursed Forest in Hibernia. Have Catacombs/TOA-level loot tables and have a couple of extremely long-respawn Epic-level mobs that wander through the whole set of OF zones; these would drop DF Prince-level loot but be uncampable due to their long respawn and huge roam range, so fiding them will be mainly down to luck.

2 - Bolt them on to the end of the NF zones, so they'd be effectively extra frontier terrain for each realm. This would also give a perfect opportunity to move the Epic mobs to a new and far more suitable location, and maybe add more Epic frontier mobs too.



Jan 22, 2005
OF without a doubt. Its why you get ~300 people each day on OF shard, and people still trying to log in.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
Jeros said:
Definitly would not go back to the days when fgs would just camp pks for rps and just blatently stop anyone from leaving to actully do some real rvr

people are alot smarter nowadays , if a FG camped apk emain .. A alb fg would just go round the back ridge via the trees and hit them in the side.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Succi said:
people are alot smarter nowadays , if a FG camped apk emain .. A alb fg would just go round the back ridge via the trees and hit them in the side.
They coulda done that in OF, but they didnt then, so why think they would now? Oh, and as the entire opening to the mid potral keep in emain was in clip, you couldnt do that and mids became trapped inside when albs campe it.

Now imagine MMG or AMG with TOA...not just FGs camping them, precience nodes, mezz traps, det traps, banespikes, mana traps all in the gateways, nice thought isnt it, if you dont fun the fotm FG ya fecked basically, and forget soloing alltogether.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
well to explain so people can understand in old frontiers without fop i was able to camp the mid pk with shrooms so that NOONE could get out bar stealthers and even then if they popped up they died.


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
Dorimor1 said:
OF without a doubt. Its why you get ~300 people each day on OF shard, and people still trying to log in.

i thought that was cos u could get insta lvl 50s and dont have to do the whole pve thing ? people want instant gratification, they would do it regardless of frontiers version


Jan 22, 2005
Mabs said:
i thought that was cos u could get insta lvl 50s and dont have to do the whole pve thing ? people want instant gratification, they would do it regardless of frontiers version

True :)


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Andrilyn said:
No thanks, no place for solo/duo visables in OF i'll keep NF thank you very much.

what? u had all of hadrian to solo in while the rest of the zergs went to Emain, and the nightshade zergs went to Odins :)


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Awarkle said:
well to explain so people can understand in old frontiers without fop i was able to camp the mid pk with shrooms so that NOONE could get out bar stealthers and even then if they popped up they died.

yeah, i remember a few solo animists that tried that. AE dot from my shammy and no more shrooms and the animists were running. ichor > casters back then :(


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Why dont people just rvr on the isle of Agramon? - its pretty much the same as the old emain style rvr in my oppinion.

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