WLs xD


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Elrandhir said:
concerning that class I don't think so tbh, haveing played several mage classes, and if I had what the sorc has I don't think it would be hard killing whatever.

Big diff between warlock and sorc tho, a sorc can actually be interrupted a warlock cannot except with stun.

Insta 700 dmg spells backed up with 400 - 500 secondary spells every 2 seconds.
I'd love to see another caster do that kind of damage. :D


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Septina said:
Big diff between warlock and sorc tho, a sorc can actually be interrupted a warlock cannot except with stun.

Insta 700 dmg spells backed up with 400 - 500 secondary spells every 2 seconds.
I'd love to see another caster do that kind of damage. :D

well I can agree to that, still you don't ever encounter any warlocks in groups, this is the main reason I don't really care about what warlocks have.

And Im not saying warlocks aint OPed, if a class like that was running in groups haveing lots of util making him good to have with and being able to do major damaga at the same time, then it would be annoying.

ohwell, Warlocks might be OPed, still they will be nerfed so not much to talk about, and Sorcs are to OPed and should be nerfed really, still if they don't ohwell, but I would really want to ask the person making the sorc the way he is what he was thinking, if he even was doing that.


Aug 23, 2005
noaim said:
I would consider basebuffs on an extra class on classic a good thing, but I suppose you dont.
Since when was this the glastonbury section?
And would you really make a heretic just to get basebuffs?
Such a stupid stupid post.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Elrandhir said:
My resists are capped, and I checked how many nukes he did as I thought I went down so fast, actually seemed like 3 nukes from how fast it went, but when checking it was 4.

tbh I don't care what you say because I know how it was and that my hero is more or less capped in every way.

wish I had taken some screens, because it's rather silly.

As septina mentioned sorcs got s/c debuff, but without body debuff and/or s/c you dont get 4-shotted as a fully buffed hero with warden resists.


One of Freddy's beloved
Oct 22, 2004
Elrandhir said:
heh, seems you right, to good for being a base then, I get killed by 4 taps or so on my hero with capped resists, should just nerf it down to 50% or less then tbh, a char with that much utility shouldent be able to do that kind of damage really.

then again....you would be killed by any other nuke in 4 hits with capped resistance....


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
rure said:
As septina mentioned sorcs got s/c debuff, but without body debuff and/or s/c you dont get 4-shotted as a fully buffed hero with warden resists.

I dident have warden resists at the time, still getting killed that fast with maxed resists is still to OPed tbh, and I know it was 4 taps.

But do you actually think someone with that much Utility should be able to 4 shot a Main tank?

I know it did, and in a group it will ofcourse lower the damage, but it's still silly.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Elrandhir said:
But do you actually think someone with that much Utility should be able to 4 shot a Main tank?

I know it did, and in a group it will ofcourse lower the damage, but it's still silly.

The problem is not sorcs, its the damage all over the board. If you let any caster with a couple of decent RAs (and the right spec) stand free and nuke its just not healable.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Ashala said:
then again....you would be killed by any other nuke in 4 hits with capped resistance....

Well I can go with the higher damage for classes that otherwise don't have to high util, but this class haveing this kind of damage and as lifetap.

an Sorc is like an very improved Eldritch tbh, more utility and Lifetap instead of the nuke.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
rure said:
The problem is not sorcs, its the damage all over the board. If you let any caster with a couple of decent RAs (and the right spec) stand free and nuke its just not healable.

the damage amount is crazy, but it's more annoying when you know all the sh*t the class has, not as bad when the class does high damage but dosent really have all to much otherwise.

ohwell, not like a discussion like this will lead anywhere, just said what I think and that is that Sorcs are to good, I do think many agrees to that, still So is BD's and SM's really.

Many classes they should check really, still I guess Warlock is a good start even though that class havent really bothered me to much.


Can't get enough of FH
Jun 13, 2004
Septina said:
What rr on the sorc? Relic status?
He could have got a few lucky crits.

And you do realise most sorcs have red str/con debuff so he can shug away a couple of hundred hp from you. :)

Im wondering. most sorcs have red str/con debuff? this not exactly true.. sorcs with red str/con, have atleast 43 mind.. prolly 44 otherwise 43 mind would completly useless.. most sorcs who have 44 mind, group.. because of the spec.. and if you play a sorc in group.. you shouldnt be doing dmg, atleast if its fg vs fg.. unless your're a body sorc, and then you'd only have 45 body rest mind... and then your str/con debuff would be blue or green, and your mezz would be crap.. and with a tank DET 5, body sorc mezz, would last 1-3 sec.. so I can tell you most sorcs in alb are either 39 body, 37 mind, 40 mind 36 body ( I think), or the two specs above..

now to the part about my sorc..

I got 39 body, 37 mind..

rr 7, 298 intel fully buffed, 10 spell dmg, 10 ressist pierce, WP3, mof1, +17 body..

when we had mid power relic, I was doing 250-400 dmg with crits..

so im guessing you got wtf powned by duracellus.. (body spec)

My personal opinion of people saying sorcs are to opted.. I disagree.. even tho it got lots of nifty tools, i find it shit hard to play (in fgs that is) it takes a good player to use the tools, warlocks as stated many times, you target, waste 2 instants, and you got yourself 500-1100 rps for 1 kill..


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Ironfalcon said:
My personal opinion of people saying sorcs are to opted.. I disagree.. even tho it got lots of nifty tools, i find it shit hard to play (in fgs that is) it takes a good player to use the tools, warlocks as stated many times, you target, waste 2 instants, and you got yourself 500-1100 rps for 1 kill..

If you looking at Sorcs soloing then how good do you feel they are?
I think this should also be considered when making a class, how many classes will actually kill a sorc solo.

I just think this class is so good in all areas.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
i'd swap the sorcs utility any day for red nearsight, spec nukes and baseline stun. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Septina said:
i'd swap the sorcs utility any day for red nearsight, spec nukes and baseline stun. :)

I would be cool and see how it would turn out if that happened tbh, sad thing is it will never happen ;D


Can't get enough of FH
Jun 13, 2004
Elrandhir said:
If you looking at Sorcs soloing then how good do you feel they are?
I think this should also be considered when making a class, how many classes will actually kill a sorc solo.

I just think this class is so good in all areas.

Okie lets see...


well tis all down to who gets first mezz,stun off.. caster 1 vs 1, you're usually dead if you get mezzed first, (unless you got purge,moc and even then, you're not safe from duying, Arumos rr 11 Runemaster 1 shot me)


well same here.. you can get stunned, and mezz poison I think.. even here your're not certain from winning, if you use moc purge, qc root mezz

None of the above

if you get a good mezz of, the tank can still purge, and some even charge, so you cant use root, or anything else to interupt em.. moc wont save your arse.. well not all the time..

I wont be the first to admit that sorcs are packed with tools.. but they can be killed, if you know how to.. simple as that. even tho sorc mezz got 1800 range, we dont have instants like mids, and instant amnesia as hibs does ( and 9 sec stun for that matter).. so even if you see hibs inc from range, the bard can instant amnesia you, and you get mezzed anyhow..

but then again.. im one of the crap sorcs you here about in the news.. xD


Jan 15, 2006
Elrandhir said:
an Sorc is like an very improved Eldritch tbh, more utility and Lifetap instead of the nuke.
rofl -_-

baseline stun + nearsight + desease > sorc utility


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 4, 2005
Infanity said:
Na, He is open to a whole new range of classes in jail.

Arse Bandits.
Peedofiles (such sp :D) Paedophile



One of Freddy's beloved
Oct 22, 2004
Elrandhir said:
Well I can go with the higher damage for classes that otherwise don't have to high util, but this class haveing this kind of damage and as lifetap.

an Sorc is like an very improved Eldritch tbh, more utility and Lifetap instead of the nuke.

why try and compair classes in each realm with eachother when this game is unique in its way almost every class is diffrent from another, thats actually what makes daoc so much more better compaired to other games....and ofc its RvR system :)

comparing a sorc and an eld is like compairing a cleric and a healer...


Can't get enough of FH
Jun 13, 2004
Carter said:
rofl -_-

baseline stun + nearsight + desease > sorc utility

Or chanter

Baseline stun + main damge ressist debuff + ml 9 + pbaoe


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Ironfalcon said:
Or chanter

Baseline stun + main damge ressist debuff + ml 9 + pbaoe

If you start compairing a Chanter to a Sorc then you don't know much tbh, I can admit I don't know all there is to know about the Sorc class, but these two classes can't even be compaired.

Il go make a Sorc and take on a chanter anytime.


Can't get enough of FH
Jun 13, 2004
Elrandhir said:
If you start compairing a Chanter to a Sorc then you don't know much tbh, I can admit I don't know all there is to know about the Sorc class, but these two classes can't even be compaired.

Il go make a Sorc and take on a chanter anytime.

well as I said.. it depends who gets the first mezz/stun in.. depending you got purge/moc... 9 sec stunned sorc+ no purge + heat debuff + heat dmg = dead sorc... If I get the first mezz in vs any caster ( 1 vs 1) I dare say they are shit fucked.. and same goes to me.. if I get mezzed or stunned first im a dead sorc, (tho depending on RR I can usually moc my way out of it , if the dmg output aint that big, because of my rr, I can moc for ok dmg)..


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Ironfalcon said:
well as I said.. it depends who gets the first mezz/stun in.. depending you got purge/moc... 9 sec stunned sorc+ no purge + heat debuff + heat dmg = dead sorc...

Im talking about in an equal situation both has everything up.
MoC, Purge, etc, this is usually also the case in 1 vs 1 as most people tend to wait until most RA's etc or atleast the most important once are up.

Wish I cba lvling an Sorc, still I don't think I will just to make a point, not like I have ever created any OPed chars neways, mostly average Chars, like the hero hes okay to play, but not Uber, and thats the way I like it really, still will get some nice stuff in a later patch.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
CuddleBunny! said:
Since when was this the glastonbury section?
And would you really make a heretic just to get basebuffs?
Such a stupid stupid post.

Because that was the only thing I mentioned, Di, the rr5, the snare, the absorb etc, lets just ignore that. The only good thing heretics get is the interrupt on monsterress. Really.


Can't get enough of FH
Jun 13, 2004
Elrandhir said:
Im talking about in an equal situation both has everything up.
MoC, Purge, etc, this is usually also the case in 1 vs 1 as most people tend to wait until most RA's etc or atleast the most important once are up.

Wish I cba lvling an Sorc, still I don't think I will just to make a point, not like I have ever created any OPed chars neways, mostly average Chars, like the hero hes okay to play, but not Uber, and thats the way I like it really, still will get some nice stuff in a later patch.

Niether have I.. I got 10 lvl 50's. paladin,merc,scout,cleric,and sorc, which is ready for rvr (toa'd, ml 10, etc, Merc and sorc I would say was the most viable char to solo with), rest are my pve mongoos... and I must admit I find the sorc funniest class to play, for me personally.. not because its ovp, not because its fotm.. but because I choosed to play it.. due to the fact, I find the class fun.. some prefer merc ( jamie a good friend of mine), some prefer reavers ( Etudo whom I duo'ed with a lot, but also soloed often) Firewizard Xoy (maybe the lowest UT in the game, but he soloed, from rr 1-4Lx, as an icewizard) and I could name a friend of mine who soloed with every class alb got to offer in the game..

again its all bout what you enjoy playing.. and I prefer sorc..


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Ironfalcon said:
again its all bout what you enjoy playing.. and I prefer sorc..

Well this is you'r choice, I don't mind anyone playing the class if they think it's fun, but I won't change my argument of them being OPed, in some situations more then other.

And it aint just that class Being OPed neways so.. we also have BD and SM's
Especially BD's there, but SM's are rather OPed also tbh.


Can't get enough of FH
Jun 13, 2004
Elrandhir said:
Well this is you'r choice, I don't mind anyone playing the class if they think it's fun, but I won't change my argument of them being OPed, in some situations more then other.

And it aint just that class Being OPed neways so.. we also have BD and SM's
Especially BD's there, but SM's are rather OPed also tbh.

I'd say SM's are the opdated version of Sorcs..


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Elrandhir said:
Im talking about in an equal situation both has everything up.
MoC, Purge, etc, this is usually also the case in 1 vs 1 as most people tend to wait until most RA's etc or atleast the most important once are up.


Pfft, I solo all the time at the moment, and I rarely have all RA's up unless i cant find a fight. Run out, fire RA as needed. Win, I continue to run out... Die then i Cure rs, rebuff (should be full power by now due to fop) and then i port straight back to beno to go again. :D

But yus, some people do wait on RA's to solo, but a good majority dont. I find stealthers are really the only ones with the "omg this ra is down, i cant move"


Can't get enough of FH
Jun 13, 2004
Corran said:
Pfft, I solo all the time at the moment, and I rarely have all RA's up unless i cant find a fight. Run out, fire RA as needed. Win, I continue to run out... Die then i Cure rs, rebuff (should be full power by now due to fop) and then i port straight back to beno to go again. :D

But yus, some people do wait on RA's to solo, but a good majority dont. I find stealthers are really the only ones with the "omg this ra is down, i cant move"

Dont forget all that bitching about warlocks, and duo trio people.. xD


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
echion : whats that fella doing there standing still on bridge ? , suiciding alb ?

mid : nah

echion : but its a caster , he must be afk or somthing , noone stands still on bridges in cloth , think its a trap maybe ?

mid : nah

echion : hmm sorcerer then ?

mid : yup


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Ironfalcon said:
Dont forget all that bitching about warlocks, and duo trio people.. xD

Heh, duo's-trio's-warlocks-and for the last 3 weeks my ISP causing lag has been the main things to bitch about :p

ISP the main thing, everyone and everything just warps around at times :(

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