WLs xD


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Arumos said:
will be a welcomed nerf to many i am sure, but many warlocks (well the sensible ones) will spec dex5, so that primers will be a lot quicker. i know for sure i will go dex5 once the nerf htis because i won't be UIing as much as i do now.

aye - the class is far from gutted - still a powerful caster - might just have to think or work on a templaet to be so nasty now ;)


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Wilburn said:
maybe the cone damage output.. not working like a pbaoe where damage gets less the further ure are away from the base of the cone or pbaoe.

Dont jump warlocks solo or duo, with being able to get healed or lifetap. Warlocks are NOT overpowered in fg rvr, they are solo/duo. Now banshees are Very powerfull both solo and in fg Rvr.

Now nerf banshees plz. With this nerf my Warlock cant even farm scrolls anymore.

bainshees get a nerf in 1.82 as well - cone damage drops off around the radius (25% damage at the sides)

whether it's enough of a nerf who knows ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
CuddleBunny! said:
lol.. change the interupt on zombierezz? thats like.. the only good thing about heretics -_-
Clerics is fine! just take away their heals!1

How about the huge absorb, basebuffs (on classic), the rr5, DI, the snare? But yeah, the only good thing about heretics is the interrupt on the zombieress... :rolleyes:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Ashala said:
if a warlock cant insta kill whats the point in having one :( ?

I have to agree somewhat with Ashala, even though the WL's where good, I never saw them i any groups, so I dident really care if they where abit OPed otherwise.

tbh I don't see why they bothered with this class when there are groupable classes that are way OPed.

Im not Playing mid so im not saying this because I have any WL of my own, or that I really care as it will just make things easier when facing them, just how I see things.

Fix the Sorc and the BD class, and the SM also instead of this class that dosent seem to be wanted in any groups neways.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
warlocks didn't group for two reasons:

1. people dislike the class because it's nerf-bait

2. they didn't need to group to get RP (in fact grouping probably reduces their RP gain)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
warlocks didn't group for two reasons:

1. people dislike the class because it's nerf-bait

2. they didn't need to group to get RP (in fact grouping probably reduces their RP gain)

There are other classes that should be nerfed also, and that you can probably gain as much RP's with solo tbh.

Warlock is far from the most annoying class imo.

Enlighten me and tell why the Sorc can do that insane amount of damage it does, and also have all that utility it does, still I don't see much that will be done to this class.

As I said I play Hib, I don't really care about if the WL's get nerfed, but there are other classes that are in more need of a nerf in my opinion.


Dec 22, 2003
Muhahaha, anything that gets people not playing that fucking idiot class is a good thing.


Fledgling Freddie
May 17, 2004
I must say, this is a bit overboard again. Warlocks are sickly overpowered, but thats more due to the way the class was made.

Hard to change it into a balanced class. Only thing I can think off is to make them do their max insta dmg only within a set range and the further away, the less dmg they do.

Say on using instants:
0 - 1000 range = 100%
1001 - 1250 range = 80%
1251 - 1500 range = 70%
1501 - 1750 range = 60%
1750+ = 50%

Just made up the numbers to get the idea. But imo thats a better way to balance the instant class then nerfing their dmg all the time.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 9, 2004
Herjulf said:
Sorcs can timewise outdamage a WL today, even got better HP return on the lifetap. the difference is WL is uninteruptable during those 4 seconds it takes today to unload chamber+lifetap+chamber2. and got power for 2-3 additional unint lifetaps, after which the fun is over. unless spending 4secs chanting a single nuke.
WL´s got balanced enough last nerf imo.

Ok, now I play a RR9 sorc, but I can tell you that the day I outdmg a WL has not happened yet.

I might add that I got nice matter resists. I can admit that I am grp specced and as such I dont have MOM 5 or WP 5.

My normal nukes without relics range between 380-430.
This is with 9% TOA dmg and 100 int in template on your everyday Inconnu.
No MOM or WP as stated above.

I dont know what the average WL has specced but I can tell you that I will die if I try to MOC one to death.

I can survive the first wolley (ie 1 chamber) but I die on the second chamber.

I am pretty sure that MOM/WP wont change my survivability against a similar RR warlock.

Btw, since when has it taken any warlock 4 seconds to dump 2 chambers?

From what I have seen they use a chamber and cast at the same time, then drop the other chamber after 2 seconds. Thats 2 seconds in total to kill most casters.


Fledgling Freddie
May 26, 2004
Docs said:
Ok, now I play a RR9 sorc, but I can tell you that the day I outdmg a WL has not happened yet.

I might add that I got nice matter resists. I can admit that I am grp specced and as such I dont have MOM 5 or WP 5.

My normal nukes without relics range between 380-430.
This is with 9% TOA dmg and 100 int in template on your everyday Inconnu.
No MOM or WP as stated above.

I dont know what the average WL has specced but I can tell you that I will die if I try to MOC one to death.

I can survive the first wolley (ie 1 chamber) but I die on the second chamber.

I am pretty sure that MOM/WP wont change my survivability against a similar RR warlock.

Btw, since when has it taken any warlock 4 seconds to dump 2 chambers?

From what I have seen they use a chamber and cast at the same time, then drop the other chamber after 2 seconds. Thats 2 seconds in total to kill most casters.

thats where the damage output becomes ridiculas because no seer unless specced DI can outheal a warlock unloading everything he has on one target.
having played rm and having played warlock its just a joke. solo like Film says makes more rps than groups so the 'warlocks ain't good for groups' argument defeats itself as they ain't needed.

I'll never defend the warlock because its insane, but I'll tell you after playing an average caster then playing a warlock it becomes almost impossible to go back, however i do find people that say warlock must be a boring class to play obviosuly haven't played one. flatten the 3fg alb zerg attacking/defending a tower in under 3 sec and tell me thats not fun :).

o and best of all, no endless pve in order to compete, can actually buy some basic gear and have fun in rvr, afterall fun is why some people play afterall and not everyone enjoys killing the same mobs over and over again :drink:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
popa said:
of forget alb are more that others so more alb pay the game and mythic need the money

That's a joke right or are you that stupid and naive to believe that?

noaim said:
How about the huge absorb, basebuffs (on classic), the rr5, DI, the snare? But yeah, the only good thing about heretics is the interrupt on the zombieress... :rolleyes:

You forgot the option to choose BLs and slam/levi combo. :p


Jan 19, 2004
Docs said:
I dont know what the average WL has specced but I can tell you that I will die if I try to MOC one to death.
I can survive the first wolley (ie 1 chamber) but I die on the second chamber.
From what I have seen they use a chamber and cast at the same time, then drop the other chamber after 2 seconds. Thats 2 seconds in total to kill most casters.

if a good wl met u 1v1 it would just nearsight u and powerless kill u


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
Eeben said:
I dont c whats sooo op about bainshees? they can nuke throw walls? thats just bad design from mystic. You still have a chance against vamps :) i have had lots of really close fights vs vamps on my mincer ..

Cant nerf that noob class enough.. It killt the solo play for alot of ppl so the more they nerf it the more happy i get..

hmm thats really more of an argument for nerfing both vamp and mincer and i agree , cant nerf mincer and bainshee enough.

i dont have a problem with nerfing locks , i have a problem with mythics way of deciding wich classes to nerf , but still patch not over , might see some real bainshee nerf , and a sorcerer nerf , and maybe vampiir and minstrell nerf also ? :)

but hard odds that mythic will have a clue , after all their remedy fix was to give it to all assasins :mad:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Doom said:
or, mythic could just remove lifetap from the game.

Would be a good thing tbh, and a sorc haveing so much Util should be able to use an baseline nuke at most.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Belomar said:
Sorcerer LT is baseline.

heh, seems you right, to good for being a base then, I get killed by 4 taps or so on my hero with capped resists, should just nerf it down to 50% or less then tbh, a char with that much utility shouldent be able to do that kind of damage really.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 5, 2005
Hmm with all the damage reductions we really should get cast speed increases because atm we hit softer than nearly all casters and slower than all :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
Docs said:
Ok, now I play a RR9 sorc, but I can tell you that the day I outdmg a WL has not happened yet.

I might add that I got nice matter resists. I can admit that I am grp specced and as such I dont have MOM 5 or WP 5.

My normal nukes without relics range between 380-430.
This is with 9% TOA dmg and 100 int in template on your everyday Inconnu.
No MOM or WP as stated above.

I dont know what the average WL has specced but I can tell you that I will die if I try to MOC one to death.

I can survive the first wolley (ie 1 chamber) but I die on the second chamber.

I am pretty sure that MOM/WP wont change my survivability against a similar RR warlock.

Btw, since when has it taken any warlock 4 seconds to dump 2 chambers?

From what I have seen they use a chamber and cast at the same time, then drop the other chamber after 2 seconds. Thats 2 seconds in total to kill most casters.

noone gives a fuck if a sorc dies to a warlock, really.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
poor poor WLs :/

especially the BDs that rerolled WL, poor poor poor them :(


FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
and not everyone enjoys killing the same mobs over and over again

Stop killing mah eld then :twak: . Nothing is so scary as to pan backwards, see a pare of ball's drifting in the water, target it and be dead in 2 second :D.


Can't get enough of FH
Jun 13, 2004
Lethul said:

- Cast times of all Uninterruptible primers are now 3 seconds instead of 2 seconds.

- The following damage reductions are being applied to spells fired via Uninterruptible primers similar to the way Mastery of Concentration reduces spell effectiveness:

1 - Steady Cast - 40% of damage reduced
11 - Solid Cast - 35% of damage reduced
21 - Fixed Cast - 30% of damage reduced
29 - Fortified Cast - 25% of damage reduced
37 - Anchored Cast - 20% of damage reduced
47 - Unshakable Cast - 0% of damage reduced

I dont get it.. :(


Fledgling Freddie
May 26, 2004
Ironfalcon said:
I dont get it.. :(

currently when warlock uses Uninteruptable cast (self specced moc in the witchcraft line) you will still nuke for 100% damage, but at a high %age power cost. The nerf basicaly means that the UI will now work like moc(the RA) so that your damage is reduced when u use it (no timer), only difference is warlock can always use it but have to sacrifce hefty amounts of power ;).

and before you ask, speccing 47 in the witchcraft line to get no damage reduction is not a viable option as you would have the lvl 20ish hex spells.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 26, 2005
remove uninterruptable DD/PB and let them keep everything else.. insta DD's and so is okay, just give them a quickcast for PB's and DD's like everybody else!


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Eeben said:
you really think ppl that play a warlock got any chance on a "normal" char? :eek7:

first you bitch about solo play while you play a mincer solo (its known to be OP for years)

then you act like a complete moron generalising every warlock into the "can't play" group.

nice going.

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