Will YOU cancel sub due to lag?

Will you give up to pay GOA´s "services"?

  • Total voters


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Darzil said:
However, I also know that the fastest way of putting pressure on the ISPs is Pingplots, not FH whine.


I agree, it shouldn't be up to the customers though to provide pingplots so that they can play the game they pay for.

GoA should have a point of contact in opentransit, from when the last bad lag via OT happened, opentransit should be monitoring traffic to GoA's ip address and looking for lost packets, timeouts and an increase in latency.

It shouldn't be up to us to prove there is a problem, it should be up to GoA/opentransit/france telecom to say that there isn't one. Instead all we get is the old matra of it must be your ISP, we have no control over that, talk to them.

I am more worried that GoA will reach a catch 22 situation, in which DAOC is not that profitable for them, so they cannot buy server/network upgardes. More people will leave, things wil get worse due to even less money amd GoA will not be able to sustain DAOC as a profitable venture.

It would be interesting to see what GoA's yearly accounts are, Unfortunetly i do not know how to do that in France, here in the UK its is a simply matter of requesting it from the goverment. As the have to file them every year.



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
It'll always be up to us to prove the problem. I'm having exactly the same conversations with another major network provider, only it's a private network. Running pingplot on it as we speak ! And yes, I know we pay many thousands for it. It's a problem hitting users all over the network, throwing them out of business applications, and it's been a month now !

Ping plot takes up next to no resources on your PC.

Emailing plots to Erivoss takes seconds.

Now, if nothing happens despite us all sending plots, yup, lets whine.

If no one sends stuff, and we all whine, that's just pathetic, in my opinion.

Remember, there has been lag before, but it'll not be the same cause, so plots sent on prior incidents don't matter. What I'm seeing on yesterday's plots is very different to last week's plots. There are at least two problems out there, and that's just on my connection. Then there were the problems experienced by various people over the weekend. That's a lot of mess to try to sort out if people don't report !

Bear in mind that if I ping GOA, and GOA ping me, the routes are likely to go through different routers, and certainly will have very different loading.



Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Darzil said:
It'll always be up to us to prove the problem. I'm having exactly the same conversations with another major network provider, only it's a private network. Running pingplot on it as we speak ! And yes, I know we pay many thousands for it. It's a problem hitting users all over the network, throwing them out of business applications, and it's been a month now !


And you are getting the end users to send in ping plots? which is the equivalent of DAOC users sending theres in?



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
scorge said:
And you are getting the end users to send in ping plots? which is the equivalent of DAOC users sending theres in?


No, they have to log the issues with a helpdesk, with any useful information they can give.

If they were capable of doing pingplots, we'd ask them to, I'm sure. However, they aren't, so we make the best of it. DAOC users are usually a bit more technically capable. Many of the users I've met here would need a manual to use Freddieshouse.

My point is simple - it's faster to help than to whine. If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem.

I want minimal lag Camelot. To achieve this, I need :

1. Me to send in pingplots, so my own connection can get fixes.
2. Other people to send in pingplots, so it gets higher priority.
3. GOA / OT etc to pull their collective fingers out.

If you're letting me down on 2, and if no one else does it either, then just switch the lights off, and lets find another game to whine about the performance on.



Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
I'm sure someone has already thought about this and decided it was too much work, but why can't GOA (or mythic if it's against the GOA CoC) simply add the pingplot function to the game. Create a submit lag icon somewhere in the UI and they can get all the info they need, but without the user having to install 3rd party programs to help them do their job!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
Golena said:
I'm sure someone has already thought about this and decided it was too much work, but why can't GOA (or mythic if it's against the GOA CoC) simply add the pingplot function to the game. Create a submit lag icon somewhere in the UI and they can get all the info they need, but without the user having to install 3rd party programs to help them do their job!
Now THAT is a nice idea !



Cheeky Fucknugget
Sep 30, 2005
i am thinking alot moving back to US server and it seems a few ppl are doing the same which means more ppl will be on at UK-EU prime times


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Celestino said:
Flim used the word dramaqueens but how many ppl can actually say that Goa does good support ?

The players aren't asking much, some infos every few days, right now support that starts helping without you insisting on a reply for over a week, friendly gms who forget that they ever knew the words "i got better things to do" when talking to the ones securing their paycheck, etc

Its doable but for some reason its not done ... so i can't really blame anyone for thinking about canceling...

The ones that ask nicely for some info about it or ponder cancelling over the opentransit connection aren't being drama queens.

The ones that post big long ranty threads about "how much GOA suxxors and hate their customers" are ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Darzil said:
1. Me to send in pingplots, so my own connection can get fixes.
2. Other people to send in pingplots, so it gets higher priority.
3. GOA / OT etc to pull their collective fingers out.

I agree on most of that apart from point 2, how many games have you played that request network routing from you on a regular basis. I dont mind doing it, its just that i seem to be doing it too often. And what do i get out of it? the privalege of playing a game i pay for.



Cheeky Fucknugget
Sep 30, 2005
scorge said:
I agree on most of that apart from point 2, how many games have you played that request network routing from you on a regular basis. I dont mind doing it, its just that i seem to be doing it too often. And what do i get out of it? the privalege of playing a game i pay for.


here here!!

cookie for you. Why should we do extra work to play a game i pay for?

If i do it does that mean i get paid?


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
still no news on website, thought they might have at least shown some "official" interest instead of the wall of silence...



Fledgling Freddie
Sep 8, 2004
I used to play on US servers - when I lived there, then moved back to Old Blighty. Decided to switch to Euro account. Yes it is laggy at the mo. It can be laggy on US servers aswell - Mythic are a bit more pro-active with it (larger player base so more clout - money talks) but playing from Europe made the lag problem even worse. So sticking with it here for now.

I assume that Wanadoo host the servers - not sure though - they need a good kick up the arse. 1 good thing about the US is the claim culture, companies real scared about upsetting a client. France seems alot more blaise about it all :)


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 8, 2004
Sparx said:
here here!!

cookie for you. Why should we do extra work to play a game i pay for?

If i do it does that mean i get paid?

Yeah but even with the best GMs in the world - they cannot do a traceroute from your PC :)

I imagine they are asking because from there end things are fine - only appears to be English Cluster suffering.


Dec 22, 2003
A wanadoo router was replaced earlier today, if you're still having issues, please post pingplots etc in the stickied thread.
And no, Lawbringer, Wanadoo don't host the servers, GOA do.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 8, 2004
Tilda said:
A wanadoo router was replaced earlier today, if you're still having issues, please post pingplots etc in the stickied thread.
And no, Lawbringer, Wanadoo don't host the servers, GOA do.

OK Thanks - no info anywhere to who owns the actual hardware, lots of companies rent space with a larger company to reduce the costs - but adds a 3rd party into the chain.

Having read somewhere that some hardware has been replaced will go ingame and see if its improved - TTFN


Part of the furniture
Aug 14, 2004
this lag is a fucking joke QQ fix it all :( just lost a easy fight cos of crap lag :(


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 20, 2004
Outlander said:
this lag is a fucking joke QQ fix it all :( just lost a easy fight cos of crap lag :(

Last fight I lost I have no idea if it was easy or not, I just lagged to DL, so you're lucky tbh :(


Part of the furniture
Aug 14, 2004
well I lagged for bout 20 seconds half way into fight it sucked :(

anyways went back and duelled a few times and was no lag, and had a very nice time :)

Thanks to extremeschot and alts and wisper :)


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
UndyingAngel said:
im sorry im really laughing over this one.. WoW support is just as shit as DAOC. iv has nothing be problems with wow for thr first 2 months of playing which is why I stoped.. Lots and lots of ppl have had many problems with wow support its all over the internet and verious forums...

Raven said:
was very impressed when i needed help in WoW

made the important bit clearer for you.
My opinion isnt based on that of random american kids crying. I had to ask for help from blizzard three times and got quick answers each time, the one mentioned while i was still online.
I liked the fact that my queries didnt get dragged out for days due to me having to explain in very basic english to whichever work experiance boy was answering my right now ticket because they just dont care/understand. rightnow is a crap way to solve problems, they would sort problems much faster if you could actually discuss with them your problem and get it fixed there and then.


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
fck it will see if classic servers lagg like this or im quiting, can't be fcked playing a game i get constant lagg every other week with mass ld spikes.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 8, 2004
Well tested game for 2hrs - result = no change sadly same lag. Atleast we know its not that router - onward :p

Going to turn off auto renewal on the subs page - all do the same - you can always do a new sub if you have to but get them worried.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
If there was an alternative, yes i would. (America does not count, unless we all go).


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 12, 2004
After the past problems with Euro DAoC ive been tempted to try US as ive heard people say service/reliability is much better then GoA. After this episode it was enough for me to download the trial & give it ago...will i continue there? ..if the service is good, yes. I know im gunna be leaving alot of friends behind in euro (but some have also gone US :D ) but tbh each day i logged on lately there was ALWAYS summit that pissed me off about euro daoc not to mention my items that im STILL waiting for since the last disaster of fooked up DB, I used to play DAoC because i enjoyed it..but each time i renewed my subs i always said to myself "I hope it gets better" ...but it never does, if anything it gets worse.

As Gahn said, the lag probs we get atm will be fixed eventually.. but give it another month or so i bet another major prob will pop up & after thats been sorted, another 1 will pop up, it wasnt long ago DB got screwed & that still isnt sorted with everyone who got effected, & now this lag problem.... GoA are always having problems, alot more than any other mmoprgs ive ever played, whatever there excuse is, they aint getting another penny out of me... the service is simply............. crap.

w/d GoA :clap:


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 6, 2005
Its end of the month, and there was a lot of traffic due to increased players/action in the frontiers after clustering etc so after Goa is hitting their free traffic limit they started to scare ppl off with crashing the frontiers a few times and now moved on to faking lagspikes so fewer ppl would play and cause traffic

Tilda mentioned it, its going to get better as they "replaced a router somwhere" meaning the new month will bring a new traffic limit to hit before goa needs to setup lagspikes and zonecrashes again! Hooray :)


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 11, 2005
Ok think about this folks - start a sign up thread for those willing to move servers to ythe US. I hear Merlin is a very active RvR server. Have in the thread names of those willing to go and which realm. Once you have that you will have an idea of numbers. If this lag is here on Friday night I will do a similar thing on Prydwen.net at the weekend I mioght be doing it anyway some of my guildmates are now talking of quitting.

If we had an identifiable and valid community even a fledgling community out there wouldn't it be worth it? That way GOA will have real competition and people will have other options - they will know where to go and who to contact because I am quite serious I cannot see GOA getting any better. Not only that we can remain on these boards and just post in different zones for the US account holders.

It hurts to do this because I like the guys at GOA but as an organization there is something very wrong.


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
the mind boggles why they dont have redundancy, one router goes down they have a backup in place to take the load and a red light comes up on their "pinger" program. Users get ld once and can get back in without loss of service.
The have over 2000 subscribers to the English servers alone and yet cant afford/be bothered to put in something as simple as a router which will cost around £500-£1000 for a resonable one to handle traffic on this scale.
May not be the case this time, but it has happened more than once because of this.

As for open transit i have given up sending in ping plots, i really cant be bothered anymore since nothing happens about it.
Either way im on a "break" for a while because of rl, if its still not sorted when im back i guess ill try guild wars or something. Paying for a service which is pathetic isn't really my idea of a good investment, if i wanted to pay for server crashes and lag i'd go to WoW :p
Hit em where it hurts, their pocket

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