Frozenorb said:the thing is....
You wanna pve? play "insert random mmorpg name"
You wanna pvp? play daoc tbh
daoc players that played wow got lvl 60 and went woot wtf is this shit? catch the flag woohooo ---> reroll daoc
ppl who play daoc arent pve freaks so i dont think they can stand playing wow for long, now if u wanna talk about a game who took some serious daoc plays? guildwars... why? try it
warhammer .. it might take alot of daoc players but at the end of the day they come up with another genious pvp idea which will suck and ppl reroll daoc again
now the thing that pissed me off is the way ppl try to improve games with expansions... how come they always ruin every fucking game.. i mean ... new frontiers.. toa.. bla bla... and for those who played cs... every update games get fucking suckier... it just pisses me off..
Thats one really bad post, where the hell did all that come from?Frozenorb said:the thing is....
You wanna pve? play "insert random mmorpg name"
You wanna pvp? play daoc tbh
daoc players that played wow got lvl 60 and went woot wtf is this shit? catch the flag woohooo ---> reroll daoc
ppl who play daoc arent pve freaks so i dont think they can stand playing wow for long, now if u wanna talk about a game who took some serious daoc plays? guildwars... why? try it
warhammer .. it might take alot of daoc players but at the end of the day they come up with another genious pvp idea which will suck and ppl reroll daoc again
now the thing that pissed me off is the way ppl try to improve games with expansions... how come they always ruin every fucking game.. i mean ... new frontiers.. toa.. bla bla... and for those who played cs... every update games get fucking suckier... it just pisses me off..
semanon said:The big difference this time Pirkle, is the game is made by Mythic, who hopefully have learned so much from their mistakes in DAoC and they are already promting the RvR aspec of the game. An aspect of the MMO genre that Mythic are unquestionably champion of.
Cylian said:daoc will probably turn into a fg vs fg, or 1on1 game - Heaven ahead!
...just not enough people left for zergs.
eble said:I hope it turns out that way for you mate but I doubt once the large casual player base leaves, the few that like the 8v8 and 1v1 will be enough to keep the game alive, maybe with a few clusters to the german servers it might hang around.
But remember its a business, when the $$$ stop flowing the game stops.
SkarIronfist said:^1055133845/movies/
A very nice "movie" not gameplay link. Its very nicely done.
I think alot of people forget is that WoW has brought alot of players into the market and if 1% of them come over to try DAOC, then we have a viable game for a long time.
Warhammer is not DAOC. Mythic will have learnt alot these past 4/5 years. I would expect some of the development done for Warhmammer may cross over onto DAOC. Hopefully warhammer will have a 1 shard per world. No loading between zones.
Sharma said:Isn't this subject flogging a dead horse?
So far we've had umm, PS, SWG, and WoW amongst other games with people saying "This game is sounding the death knell for DAoC.".