Why is mid the only realm that gets two classes with nearsight?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Klonk said:
After reading thru the entire thread, the answer really lay in post no 2 :p The realms are different... if you don't like it, whine on forums, then move to WoW ^_^

And whine on shamans/pally's :D


Fledgling Freddie
May 18, 2004
Belomar said:
Eh, get a grip. The thing that makes Sorcerers powerful is their utility coupled with decent damage. BDs have excellent utility as well and are masters of interruption with Banelord or ML9 pet and the above abilities you list. However, they lack the versatility of Sorcerers and are a far cry from the arguably best CC class in the game in terms of crowd control.

Anyhow, I'm not going to get bogged down in details anymore. My point, from the very beginning, was that the realms are different, yet surprisingly well-balanced in terms of their relative strengths despite this fact.

I still don't get it?

Sorcrers have utility coupled with decent damage.

BD's have excellent utility as well AND also have the ability to do decent damage aswell as interrupt.

And the bard is also arguably the best CC class in the game etc.

Everything always have an opposite arguement.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Bugz said:
I still don't get it?

Sorcrers have utility coupled with decent damage.

BD's have excellent utility as well AND also have the ability to do decent damage aswell as interrupt.

And the bard is also arguably the best CC class in the game etc.

Everything always have an opposite arguement.

Would just like to point out that sorc damage is better than "decent" imo :eek: And its also a lifetap.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 2, 2004
Vladamir said:
Lol xD

Even better, get a harmless little Brownie pet from camelot hills and ml9 it 4 times.

Druid says: lol m8s its a brownie get it off get it off
Hero: lol
Champ: lol
Hero: Lol n1 m8
Champ: lmao

Druid dies
Champ dies
Hero dies

Sorc walks away with ~3k more rps and a big grin.

you should be able to do that, shouldnt you, since there is a cap (lvl 75) on what the max level of the pet can be, not a cap on how many times it can be ml9d?
also, nothing like that would happen, since basically the pet is so weak it can be oneshotted by 99% of the classes with any magic damage. unless something changed and i didnt notice, highlvl pets have uber abs vs tanks but they are still weak vs casters


Warlock is a new class, same as bainshee. Wl needs NS because has no root / mezz / stun. Hex and WC are only viable spec lines for a WL, WC being only half of utility, HEX being the main and defining line for a WL (as damage / ns / snare / pbaoe / SH / dot). Soon patch is here, respec your clerics and druids to get group cure NS / Disease and quit the QQ :p


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Well wether the 3 realms are supposed to be different or not, it still doesnt excuse the fact wizzies need something else special, that argument we trade utility for massive dmg is bullshit im afraid, as tbh aside from a critted bolt, the other realms mages can do dmg equal to ours just as easy and in hib and mid cases <if its a kobby or luri/elf> a lot fecking faster too.

Only Bonus i can thin of is if we grp with a sorc with Heat Debuff then we can super DMG, but it still dont excuse the total lack of any kind of useful CC compared to other realms casters :(

I agree with the stun thing tbh in Earth line, however, giving us a stun on par with hibs <ie 9 secs> is a bit silly cos of the wizzies dmg, id say 3 seconds is enuf, that would allow us to escape some melee situations but not be able to say stun that NS/SB and nuke him 4-5 times dead <ala hib> , just enuf to leggit a bit. Not that we can as /face is bollox cos good stealthers can still time it so the root/stun misses anyway :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Puppet said:
Just face it, Midgard has the best support, the best casters and the best melee.

Keep-issues for Midgard where fixed with warlocks, high-end PvE was fixed with Valk + Thane 'I count now for XX more players'-buff.
yes pve is fixed we got so many activ valks and thanes


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
people will start making them once they are usefull for large raids, there were hardly any animists pre toa...


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 16, 2004
This is what makes this game probably more interesting than WoW, where the classes are alike on both sides.. We will always have discussions like this on the forums:

knighthood said:
Well wether the 3 realms are supposed to be different or not, it still doesnt excuse the fact that *INSERT CLASS* need something else special

... And IMO that makes DAoC more interesting than certain other MMOs.. from a nerd's point of view, at least :p


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Betrayal said:
Warlock is a new class, same as bainshee. Wl needs NS because has no root / mezz / stun. Hex and WC are only viable spec lines for a WL, WC being only half of utility, HEX being the main and defining line for a WL (as damage / ns / snare / pbaoe / SH / dot). Soon patch is here, respec your clerics and druids to get group cure NS / Disease and quit the QQ :p

warlocks have a root ;)

just because noone ever specs or uses the "primary spell" line (you know the whole weaving spell bit of warlocks where you have one spell with another one tagged on the side that noone ever uses - they all spec hex4tehwin because it's such a stupidly stacked line)


Can't get enough of FH
Jul 5, 2005
Leel said:
Right, so I was thinking mid got warlock and rm that get nearsight.
And it so happens that alb and hib got two classes that could use some group love, especially in their underused spell lines. I was thinking about earth spec for wizzies and mentalism spec for mentalists. It may not make these classes more desirable than eld and cabbie, but would still make wizzie and ment less undesirable. So, food for thought?
why is mid also the only realm with 2 spread heals?


Can't get enough of FH
Jul 5, 2005
Betrayal said:
Wl needs NS because has no root / mezz / stun.
maybe true. but it's still capable of killing anything that gets close to it instantly


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
chretien said:
My rejuve Cleric has yellow buff shears which won't shear red buffs. He's also busy healing in most fights.

Your cleric has less than 200k rp´s. From that I draw the conclusion that you play it in shitgrps, and in shitgrps you need to heal alot because you dont reduce the damage done to you, you get overrun, so ofc you are busy healing. If your sorc and bg´er and banelords do their job, you will have enough interrupts on the enemy grps, plus bg vs enemy melee to get time to shear, but in a random grp with average 200k rp per player you wont have that.

The thing you say about shears together with the rest of the shit you posted shows that you have no clue whatsoever and should head back to pve asap.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 18, 2004
Klonk said:
This is what makes this game probably more interesting than WoW, where the classes are alike on both sides.. We will always have discussions like this on the forums:

... And IMO that makes DAoC more interesting than certain other MMOs.. from a nerd's point of view, at least :p

The King is back :worthy: :worthy: :worthy:


FH is my second home
Mar 13, 2004
confused said:
why is mid also the only realm with 2 spread heals?

why is alb the only realm with mezz dampening chants, why is alb the only realm with a char that can't be attacked until it's pets dead, why is alb the only realm with bolt range mez, why is alb the only realm with camelot in it.

please just shutup and live with it, the game isn't a first person shooter, and it isn't what Blizzard deem to be a MMORPG, it is Dark Age of Camelot which Mythic has created.



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Azathrim said:
Bainshees have root as well. :)

Yeh but its a bit crappy, pbaoe UI 2s root and can't tell you how many times it doesnt work because of range. If you stand still you get stunned, so its an absolute art form to get it off kiting stealthers for example. The frontal cone root/snare can be qc but also is next to useless. Guess thats why they have the taunt which is useless versus melee chars if solo. :p

Much easier to solo on chanter/eld/ment vs meleers.

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