Why is mid the only realm that gets two classes with nearsight?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Right, so I was thinking mid got warlock and rm that get nearsight.
And it so happens that alb and hib got two classes that could use some group love, especially in their underused spell lines. I was thinking about earth spec for wizzies and mentalism spec for mentalists. It may not make these classes more desirable than eld and cabbie, but would still make wizzie and ment less undesirable. So, food for thought?


FH is my second home
Mar 13, 2004
why do albs / hibs get so many spec lines with charm and mid get 1? that isnt specced unless the hunter wants to do loads of pve which is completely pointless. if this was to happen, then give runemasters charm..

the reason is..this isn't counter strike, different realms have different abilities..if u want team green + red + blue then this isnt the game for you.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
I think your post was totally misdirected and didn't add anything of value. I didn't ask for a second pbaoe class for mid and alb, nor mincer abla for mids and hibs, nor spec af for mid and hib or anything. I'm just wondering what you think about beefing up two underused spell lines on two classes that could use some group love. B.t.w never tried counterstrike and don't intend to.


One of Freddy's beloved
May 17, 2004
Elds go Light which gives them purp con NS, Cabas rr5 go tri spek which gives em blue, No runie in his right mind at 50 would go that high Supp unless it was a bot , it will get green which is ok,
a Warlock casts NS 2 slow unless u chamber it which is a waste when you could insta kill the target with a LT chamber instead :touch:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Yes, and wizzies would get green or blue nearsight and ments would get blue.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Hib already has two classes with NS - Light Eldie and ES Bainshee (AoE Focus NS) :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Leel said:
I didn't ask for a second pbaoe class for mid and alb

Just for the record, mid has 2 pbae classes: SM and Warlock ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 19, 2004
Ssh, most warlocks don't realise they actually have NS... let's keep it that way ;)


One of Freddy's beloved
Jun 17, 2004
Doesnt everyrealm get 2 pbae class's?
Chanter Eld, Lock SM,Ice wiz Servant necro (gimpy pbae but still pb)
On that yes giv earth wiz nearsight :)


Leel said:
I think your post was totally misdirected and didn't add anything of value.
your wrong
his post did have a point and probably added a greater value then your original post to start with.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
This thread could be started by each realm with the same lines and a diferent spell, the fact is its seperates us. From mid point of view:

Albs get power transfer (Necro)
Albs get 250AF debuff (Necro)
Chanters get the same debuff as their specline
The specline for albs and hibs to have top tier NS is greater than warlocks or runies
Hibs get baseline stun on a caster.
Albs and hibs can spec to tame level 50 pets (or higher in a minstrels case)
Hibs can PB through certain walls
Albs have insane mez range
Albs have more toons with climb walls
Infs get more spec points than their counterparts
Albs have more chars with speed
Hibs and albs both have pet spammer toons

Which commonly leads to

Mids get insta blah blah
erm...thats about it (note this covers warlocks and BDs)

No runie in his right mind specs higher than 26 Suppression, which gives the second NS, and no warlock uses NS (as already said) in favour of a lifetap, and with cure nearsight only ML2 and most groups running with DI bots, whats the problem? Oh and in 1.81, group sure nearsight as specline too.

I cant really see what your complaint is here, we all suffer from the effects of NS, no more than each other in all truth.


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
old.Whoodoo said:
This thread could be started by each realm with the same lines and a diferent spell, the fact is its seperates us. From mid point of view:

Albs get power transfer (Necro)
Albs get 250AF debuff (Necro)
Chanters get the same debuff as their specline
The specline for albs and hibs to have top tier NS is greater than warlocks or runies
Hibs get baseline stun on a caster.
Albs and hibs can spec to tame level 50 pets (or higher in a minstrels case)
Hibs can PB through certain walls
Albs have insane mez range
Albs have more toons with climb walls
Infs get more spec points than their counterparts
Albs have more chars with speed
Hibs and albs both have pet spammer toons

Necro a rarely rvr'd class so that negates the 250 AF debuff and power tap. Cabalist can also debuff there own dmg, so can Runies. Baseline stun is overated, id love root and mez please..
I'd like to see a menta able to hold a pet in rvr without it going nuts and killing them.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Eversmallx said:
Necro a rarely rvr'd class so that negates the 250 AF debuff and power tap.
Thanes aint RvRd too, so mid has a class that looses out, but we live with it, even so, the ability exists. They also get a 7 sec uninteruptable.

Cabalist can also debuff there own dmg, so can Runies. Baseline stun is overated, id love root and mez please..
Hardly overated, nothing worse than a chanter quickcasting stun and nuking your arse, and its resisted as much as any other spell, so you cant say its not worthy. Runies can debuff cold, but thats for the darkness line, and most go RC which is energy, i cant quote for cabbys, but chanters best specline debuffs for that line too, a darkness runie would not have the top tier debuff.
I'd like to see a menta able to hold a pet in rvr without it going nuts and killing them.
Same could be said for minis, its all dependant on spec, regardless, they do have the abilty to tame high level pets compared to mids restrcited level 42 hunter (34 BC) spell, which he would have to sacrific more important skills to acheive.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 8, 2004
old.Whoodoo said:
Chanters get the same debuff as their specline
The specline for albs and hibs to have top tier NS is greater than warlocks or runies
Hibs can PB through certain walls

Chanters can debuff their baseline, not spec.
Thats wrong, comparing off the top of my head light and hex specs.
All realms can.
Though you where right that we get baseline stunn (well on some classes) and immobile pet spamming class...


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 8, 2004
Leel said:
Right, so I was thinking mid got warlock and rm that get nearsight.
And it so happens that alb and hib got two classes that could use some group love, especially in their underused spell lines. I was thinking about earth spec for wizzies and mentalism spec for mentalists. It may not make these classes more desirable than eld and cabbie, but would still make wizzie and ment less undesirable. So, food for thought?

Yeah mentalism line for mentas, enchantments for chanters, even void line... all the old hibby class specific spec lines still need love. Im not sure I would add nearsight to these specs, thats light eld domain, maybe I would improve the healing/curing/cc in menta spec, give void a spec DD and interupt tool, and enchantments chanters can have base buffs :)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 8, 2004
Boni said:
Thats wrong, comparing off the top of my head light and hex specs.

Probably should explain, that although light elds can get red NS at 40 spec, it would really gimp you if then went for a weird hybrid spec. Better to take an extra 6-7 spec points and end with red DD, maybe mezz at 46/47+.


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
with regard to this NS thingy, its easily solved.

Im sure all 3 realms have 1 caster class with a spell line thats totally neglected. Earth Wiz or Matter Sorc for alb, not sure about the other realms, but Im sure it could be easily pointed out !


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
Boni said:
Chanters can debuff their baseline, not spec.
Thats wrong, comparing off the top of my head light and hex specs.
All realms can.
Though you where right that we get baseline stunn (well on some classes) and immobile pet spamming class...

Chanter could spec 45 light and 27 mana, thus getting a 15% debuff for their specnuke.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
More importantly, why is Midgard the only realm to get AE stun? :p


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 6, 2005
think about it that way:

Spells like nearsight add a great overall value to a caster (range advantage) even at a relativly low spec resulting in an boost for the class, not for the specline.
There wouldn't be any earthwizzes ... but firewizzes speccing earth as 2ndary line to get a green nearsight extra to their dds and bolts

If you want to improve those lines you would need to add spells worth speccing high and that would be like a complete redesign of the class

I don't think there will be much love for those lines as everyone got used to not seeing any mentalism mentas around and those newly designed spellines are used for new classes more likely than to change 3+ year old stuff that isn't a major issue among players


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 4, 2004
noaim said:
Chanter could spec 45 light and 27 mana, thus getting a 15% debuff for their specnuke.
I guess rms could do the same, no? Cold debuff in RC and cold spec dd in dark. Same with cabas but their spec lt is worse than the baseline one. :p


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 4, 2004
Zede said:
Matter Sorc for alb
That would be way to overpowered. Split spec or spec Mind/Matter(No need for aoe root all that much imo, only for interupt) and you got the ultimate support caster. 2300 range nearsight, 1875 range aoe mezz, single root and decent nukes(with tri spec). Sorcs is one of those classes that don't need love without something taken away. :p


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 2, 2004
Eva said:
I guess rms could do the same, no? Cold debuff in RC and cold spec dd in dark. Same with cabas but their spec lt is worse than the baseline one. :p

no matter how hard you try, you aint speccing 47/27 on a rm :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 22, 2004
old.Whoodoo said:
Albs get power transfer (Necro)
Albs get 250AF debuff (Necro)
Chanters get the same debuff as their specline
The specline for albs and hibs to have top tier NS is greater than warlocks or runies
Hibs get baseline stun on a caster.
Albs and hibs can spec to tame level 50 pets (or higher in a minstrels case)
Hibs can PB through certain walls
Albs have insane mez range
Albs have more toons with climb walls
Infs get more spec points than their counterparts
Albs have more chars with speed
Hibs and albs both have pet spammer toons

Saying that cabalist NS is in a greater line than RM NS is a fun statement to say atleast, only elds and WL will ever get NS.

And i can honestly not decipher what this means:

"Chanters get the same debuff as their specline"

The Heat debuff is in the MANA specline, and debuffs for you guessed it, the LIGHT specline

and same is true for cabas, and gasp RMs!!!, amazing isnt it.....

"Albs have more chars with speed"

that is downright a lie

alb have 3 classes

mid have 3 classes

hib have 4 classes (vamp included)

"Infs get more spec points than their counterparts"

But Nightshades are still better, due to remedy and only having to spec 30-35 Peirce.

"Hibs can PB through certain walls"

Its called CAE, and yes it bullshit

"Albs and hibs can spec to tame level 50 pets (or higher in a minstrels case)"

Running with pet in group rvr on a minstrel is the most streesful gaming expeirence you can get, and sucks.

And SMs and BDs get some of the best pets anyway, who really cares that much about the lvl in rvr?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
I don't get this, are you saying that rm's and cabas don't spec for nearsight cuz then they have to trispec supp and matter lines? Any rm or cabba that doesn't do that severely gimps his utility and usefulness.


Dumpster Fire of The South
Jan 23, 2004
Midgard: Warlock, Runemaster.
Hibernia: Eld, Bainshee
Albion: Cabaleest.

With the amount of Utility Albion & Hibernia have, there's no need to change a thing, it's fine the way it is. If you were to give NS to more classes, you'd need to give baseline stun to the others etc.


No RM speccs high suppression as it gimps their darkness specc DD which hits like a truck.


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 4, 2004
Overdriven said:
No RM speccs high suppression as it gimps their darkness specc DD which hits like a truck.
Debuff nuking > that still.

36 rc, 31 dark rest supp gives you 30% debuff, blue ns and good baseline damage. More dps than darkness and much more utility. Tho a higher power cost. :p

And it's true they can't spec for debuff and dd, didn't realize it was so high spec. They get a 10% debuff nuke though which is better imo since the other spell is 27 vs high 40s in resist rates, but slightly longer to cast, and the debuff is only 15% delve at lowest ones anyhow.


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 11, 2004
Or! Why is mid the only realm who gets a 2.5 speed spec nuke? Wich ontop is a 186 delve laiftap? :twak:

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