Its primary association is different to everyone, but the origins of the word is the seizure of property. It now also means to ruin something, like rappers raping those good 80's tunes in their new unoriginal crap. Someone hearing it on voice communications would most likely interpret it in a certain way because it was said in a certain way.
Yes, women being raped is a terrible thing, but so is cancer, so is aids, so are hundreds of other things. Should we all not use any of those words anymore? That's undoable, and insensible, because we'd substitude the word for something else, and before you know it, the new word is tainted aswell, thus will be taken out aswell. If that goes on there comes a time when you cannot use any word at all anymore.
You find it an ugly word. That's a whole lot different from it being an ugly word. The word itself isn't ugly. The way it is used can be.
Depending on the circumstances. I wouldn't just start shouting rape without context or reason. That indeed is offensive. If however it's an appropriate word to use for an occurance, like for instance that the rainforests are being raped by the lumbercompanies... I would yeah.
This issue, this double standard is in your mind, and are your feelings. You cannot expect everyone else to feel thesame. It's not the word that does it. It's the way it's used.
If a certain word is being used as a personal insult, or as discrimination in general... Yeah, you can be offended. If it's just used as a valid means of communication... Any offence you might experience is yours to deal with.
what a load of cock, and look that up in the dictionary, soon we will need english translators for the politically correct english speakers... people should know what & when context a word is used in, therefore know in what context it means and if not they are a donkey, but the above is patronising "ipaymysubssoiplayasiwant" drivel... cancer and rape the same thing load of bollox