Who report my cleric <Siessa> for xrealm


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Rickie said:
/macro assist /assist chretien


from looking at your sig, you have a lot more spare time than me :worthy:



Loyal Freddie
Jul 23, 2004
arguyle said:
Not sure but it might be because they dont wanna tell the players exactly how they figure it out (thus making it harder for ppl to cheat).

I know i wouldnt tell how i figured it out if i was running a game like this.

Heard anything about not guilty (sp?) until its proofed?
As far as i know ppl get to know what they did wrong before they recieve their punishment.
Yes this is a game, and if u wanna come up with "accept it or leave", im sry for you but thats just sad and should never be the case no matter what it is about. Imagine where we would be if ppl werent critical and questioned things.

evzy said:
Great idea, tell them what not to do to tip GOA off next time...

Seriously why does everyone always paint GOA as teh evil one anytime someone gets a ban - I know its a crazy thought but maybe sometimes they did something wrong ?

Same as above +
Were you there watching them or was it my group?
Some guy in my grp saw them fighting a few times and called it xrealming and reported it.

If thats all thats needed to ban some1 without showing the proof, well ye i'd quit the game aswell.

For me this looks like GoA once again made a mistake (any1 remembers the guild that was renamed for some stupid reason?) but wont undo it for the same wrong reason they didnt rename the guild.

Last post by me on this thread btw, not trying to change your guys opinions, just giving some ideas what to think about.
The result however is up to the individual.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 6, 2006
lol, this is a joke, for you guys GOA only do Mistakes ... guys dont defend your friends without a reason, why do you flame GOA about this?? for me all Bug abuser, Xream and the other hacks we know shound be BANED FOR EVER OF DAOC, you guys are ruining the game for the rest of the ppl ...

and if GOA did it, they must have some kind of prove for SURE... just use your brains abit and think about it...

For the Game Xiter:

LEARN TO PLAY .. :twak:

Dimse Dut

Fledgling Freddie
Jun 27, 2004
chretien said:
Dimse! They got you too!

Ok people this is serious. Spread out. Five by five. We have a situation here.

We may need to take off and nuke Straef from orbit. It's possibly the only way to be sure.

Got me? No no no you got it wrong *points at the bunny ears pinned to straefs helm* Who do you think did that? *wink*

c:\run dos
c:\run dos run


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
Andrilyn said:
What I don't understand is what GoA's definition of Crossrealming is.
Like I understand that getting relic raid information and then spoiling it is against the rules etc but surely when killing something with a char that isn't supposed to solo is instantly crossrealming/RP farming, if that was the case I should get a perma ban :(

Something weird happend to me yesterday which I also don't know if it's crossrealming.
I was exping in the late hours in the frontier then all of a sudden a lowbie stealther PMs me with:
"Where in Breifine are you?"
So I ignore it and don't reply because I thought he wanted PL or something then a few moments later an Chanter comes running past and kills my /level toon.
Nothing wrong here but I did check his /stats and it said he was online for 8 minutes and ran straight for me (not an exp spot you would expect mind you) which means he buffed at ligen/crauch and took a boat and ran strait to me because there's no other way to do it otherwise in 8 minutes.
Combining the low level stealthers question with that I did thought the lowbie stealther and the chanter were probably the same person who did a /who <zone> to see where people are just to kill them with their character in another realm.

Is that Crossrealming or is it ok to check where people are with 1 account then go and kill them with your other account?
Sorry if this question is hijacking the thread but it just seemed very suspicious at that time.
Name and Shame :D


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
Since giving your account details to someone else is technically breaching the CoC then you really have no reason to complain about getting banned.

Moral of the story, don't lend your account out to people, or be prepared to accept the consequences.

The whole story does seem a little "strange" however if fighting someone outside beno bridge is what got you banned.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Muldini said:
For me this looks like GoA once again made a mistake (any1 remembers the guild that was renamed for some stupid reason?) but wont undo it for the same wrong reason they didnt rename the guild.

<Righteous Bastards>

Had their guild name for 3.5 years, was entirely appropriate to the game universe and they had their name changed because one person reported it as offensive. :(

Dimse Dut

Fledgling Freddie
Jun 27, 2004
pbaz said:
<Righteous Bastards>

Had their guild name for 3.5 years, was entirely appropriate to the game universe and they had their name changed because one person reported it as offensive. :(

YES thats a reason! *gets the torch* :twak: Ever Heard of Letting sleeping dogs liie but noooo lets drag up descissions we didnt agree with for the past 4 years.

Ever accured to any of you Monkey brains that they had NO CHOICE but to change it or get their ickle french tushies spanked by lawsuits? I know this might come as a INSANE shock to some of you but there are actual RL laws that this game has to uphold.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
I have read most of this topic, and I would like to ask one thing: What makes x-realming, cheating, etc. bad? The fact it ruins the game for others. I think with RP farming you can get a good position on stats for some time, but you wouldn't get in rvr groups, you wouldn't kill others, and if you don't do it too often, it isn't worse than doing some missions late at night.

Power leveling means no groups for real newbies, and essentially kills the game. Which is worse? 1-2 organized duels, teaming up with members of another realm against a third realm? They do a minor difference. Powerleveling in essence kills the future of the game. Why? Because it hurts all new players, and prevents them from having an actual chance to fight. People leave, and if new players can't join easily, we will have less and less players in game.

Do GOA ban PL?

We can speak about several other things can ruin the game for pretty much everyone. Do GOA ever warn / ban people for any such reasons? No they don't.

This cross realming ban isn't the best thing to help the problems on the server, in fact it can hurt. Do they care? No, they don't.


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
Muldini said:
Heard anything about not guilty (sp?) until its proofed?
As far as i know ppl get to know what they did wrong before they recieve their punishment.
Yes this is a game, and if u wanna come up with "accept it or leave", im sry for you but thats just sad and should never be the case no matter what it is about. Imagine where we would be if ppl werent critical and questioned things.

Same as above +
Were you there watching them or was it my group?
Some guy in my grp saw them fighting a few times and called it xrealming and reported it.

If thats all thats needed to ban some1 without showing the proof, well ye i'd quit the game aswell.

For me this looks like GoA once again made a mistake (any1 remembers the guild that was renamed for some stupid reason?) but wont undo it for the same wrong reason they didnt rename the guild.

Last post by me on this thread btw, not trying to change your guys opinions, just giving some ideas what to think about.
The result however is up to the individual.
Ok firstly, you are innocent until proven guilty on our servers. That's why we haven't banned every single person who plays. Sometimes it isn't possible to show the proof however. The most common reason for this is that we don't want the methods we use to catch people who cheat becoming common knowledge, because then it would make it easier for peopel to cheat without getting caught. The other reason which is more relevant in this case is that the proof we have isn't very much use to anyone but us. Unless you know how to interpret our technical log files and correlate them with certain GM tools that we have available to us, this proof is just lines of numbers and timestamps.

Secondly. No-one gets banned because someone made a report. Everytime we get a report, we investigate and where we find solid evidence of cheating then we take action. We don't decide to ban or not simply from reading the RightNow report.

Finally. We absolutely do reverse decisions that were mistakes. There have been people who were suspended- and in some cases permabanned - wrongly. When they were able to prove their innocence or demonstrate why our decision was wrong, we reversed our decisions. The number of times this has happened however is very small as we always check very thoroughly before taking action and only take action when we are 100% convinced that it is warranted. In the two years I've been here I can only think of three instances where a decision has been overturned. This has a lot more to do with the thoroughness of our investigations than any unwillingness to admit a mistake. I have a very highly developed justice gland and as much as I hate seeing cheats go unpunished, I will not see people punished unfairly.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Requiel: if you don't tell what kind of proof you used how have you made decisions, how good chances the players have to find a flaw in your arguments if there is such flaw? No such chance. Maybe it is also a reason why you haven't reversed more decisions.

The point ie exactly this: They have no chance to defend if they don't know what exactly you speak about.

Again, there is another major point about it: often the line between abuse and different oppinion isn't that clear.

One strong example is: By my book some monster can swim, some can't some can go out of water, some can't. Mythic have put effort in making them different. So for me, if a cleric stay out of water, that use of a feature that is designed for tactical advantages and works perfectly (if the creature has no reasons to be able to enter / leave the water), so placing healers in a safe camp looks to a good tactics for me.

To you it is terrain / texture bug abuse even when there is no bug. (I asked you about pathing on leviathan the day before prydwen crashed) If you don't tell me but after a few days / week when you check logs say I have found abusing bugs and no details given, I wouldn't have a chance to defend myself, explain what I have seen (and proove no intentional abuse happened) and won't know what to avoid, so you haven't solved the problem you intented to solve with the warning / suspension / etc. :)

About admiting fault, etc. we can see a few strong examples to say it is very rare even if you are proven inaccurate.

While you shouldn't send a log to a player when asks for proof, you can say: "From our logs we seen you staying here, and doing this, that, etc. and it is against our code of conduct". He would have a chance to defend, he would know why he is banned, yet he wouldn't know how exactly you learned it.

If you say: You picked up by a radar detection tool, at this time (exact time) he would have something he can use if he is innocent (say he was in a netcaffee and maybe they used packet analysis to help free servers) and it can be checked from IPs used to connect, checking if the said place exists, etc. and by looking for other incidents reports... WITHOUT telling us what exactly your detection tool does.

And I can say the main problem again: Lots of stuff hurts the game and gets no warning / bans, lots of minor stuff most players would consider ok can get you a ban.


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
We do explain why players get banned. However this is not the same as providing proof. If you get punished, you always get told why. This has always been the case.

Dimse Dut

Fledgling Freddie
Jun 27, 2004
Requiel said:
We do explain why players get banned. However this is not the same as providing proof. If you get punished, you always get told why. This has always been the case.

Small question: is there an appeals system if you feel that the accusations are false?


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Dimse Dut said:
:twak: Straef is a cuddly ickle bunny
Lies :( I'm a heartless self-centered nasty bastard :< People just fail to see it!
chretien said:
Dimse! They got you too!

Ok people this is serious. Spread out. Five by five. We have a situation here.

We may need to take off and nuke Straef from orbit. It's possibly the only way to be sure.
I'm alright with that, as long as you send a tv to keep me company!

Dimse Dut

Fledgling Freddie
Jun 27, 2004
Straef said:
Lies :( I'm a heartless self-centered nasty bastard :< People just fail to see it!

I'm alright with that, as long as you send a tv to keep me company!

Is this the face of a ewul one I ask you?


  • straef.jpg
    9.8 KB · Views: 99


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Dimse Dut said:
Is this the face of a ewul one I ask you?
Well, perhaps... but I won't judge :p
Then again, is this the face of a cuddly ickle bunny?


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Dimse Dut said:
Small question: is there an appeals system if you feel that the accusations are false?
did you even read his post?


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
Dimse Dut said:
Small question: is there an appeals system if you feel that the accusations are false?

Yes there used to be one (could activate it with /appeal and there popped a little window) but I guess it got abused (Chain reported Roddy for dying in RvR etc under the 'bug' section :D) so they removed it :(


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
Well all u can do is be glad u only got a suspension , i had a good m8 lose his rr7 ranger because he got stuck in a tree in hibland :'(

Moral of the story is it could be alot worse , if u arent happy with the service u have received then just walk away happy knowing within your own sense of justice that u were right and we are all chumps :D

More to the point ... lol @ 116 guests in Alb section , register u bums !!!


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
Punishment said:
Well all u can do is be glad u only got a suspension , i had a good m8 lose his rr7 ranger because he got stuck in a tree in hibland :'(
I guarantee that never happened. No-one has ever been banned for simply getting stuck.


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
Requiel said:
I guarantee that never happened. No-one has [il]ever[/i] been banned for simply getting stuck.

Im not trying to paint a pretty picture Requiel , im sure he arrowed afew people b4 he logged trying to get them to kill him so he could release ... im guessing thats what caused all the fuss :'(


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Andrilyn said:
Yes there used to be one (could activate it with /appeal and there popped a little window) but I guess it got abused (Chain reported Roddy for dying in RvR etc under the 'bug' section :D) so they removed it :(
That's not quite what she meant :p An appeal system ingame would be hard to use in case you'd get banned, so it'd be more of a RightNow-ish way to get unbanned, in case you got banned without having done anything wrong.

Dimse Dut

Fledgling Freddie
Jun 27, 2004
Raven said:
did you even read his post?

I r Readzorz G0od!

If you had read my small question you would have noted the word : SYSTEM

System as in Method say like : If you have been banned unjustly, you will need to do the following (followed by a long, elaborate describtion where the words virgin,chicken and sacrifice are thrown loosly about or something like that) in other words what I was fishing for was for Requiel to give a few pointers for people who might find themselves in a situation where they have been, in their oppinion, unjustly banned. This would be good especially since GoA gives reason, but not a how they came to believe that the ban was justified,to the player.

The reason I cut it short was because people have a tendency not to read long posts with the same accuracy as short ones. Thank you for disproving that theory


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
you mean ways of communicating with goa like rightnow? or if you cant get that to work support(at)goa.com, they arent perfect by a long way but they work (eventually) if your looking for in game /appeal it has never worked on EU servers even if it did it wouldnt really be of much use to you if you were banned.

as req said, you can appeal if you feel you have been wrongly banned/suspended. he also said they (goa) dont give out info on how they found you to be guilty, if they did people would soon find ways around it so it would be counter productive.

I hope goa carry on banning cheats of all types, we dont need or want them in daoc.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
necromania said:
finally someone i agree with ;) Goa<All

So why play a game that they host if they < all? Because if that is the case in your view there are better people to give your money to. Even if dont want to play a different game you still got options (Mythic namely, but there also Freeshards about).

And yet here you are, just whining about them. So cant be as bad as you are making out, or your an idiot for putting up with it and still paying them. Take your pick which one i think you are


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 8, 2004
Corran said:
So why play a game that they host if they < all? Because if that is the case in your view there are better people to give your money to. Even if dont want to play a different game you still got options (Mythic namely, but there also Freeshards about).

And yet here you are, just whining about them. So cant be as bad as you are making out, or your an idiot for putting up with it and still paying them. Take your pick which one i think you are

what can u do if ur addicted
if u smoke and all cigarette manufactures added dogshit in the tobaco u would still smoke it, its the same about daoc and goa, daoc is teh ciggy and goa teh dogshit

and *edit* freeshards and us servers will be like menthol so that cant do


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 29, 2003
goa is doing the right thing concerning bans, my only protest would be that they should mention more information when some account gets banned, and mention the certain special details you asking and they have them in their grasp, but still wont share them with you, the owner of the account ^^


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 8, 2004
toxii said:
goa is doing the right thing concerning bans, my only protest would be that they should mention more information when some account gets banned, and mention the certain special details you asking and they have them in their grasp, but still wont share them with you, the owner of the account ^^

yeah sure banning ppl for emoting is the right thing to do :wanker:


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 2, 2004
Corran said:
So why play a game that they host if they < all? Because if that is the case in your view there are better people to give your money to. Even if dont want to play a different game you still got options (Mythic namely, but there also Freeshards about).

And yet here you are, just whining about them. So cant be as bad as you are making out, or your an idiot for putting up with it and still paying them. Take your pick which one i think you are

ive been saying allmost from the start that i played daoc. GET SOME OTHER GM's. ive only been having a few problems with the gm's during the 1½ year ive been playing, but readin FH each about a incident a GM might have fucked up . is too silly..

and fyi ive actually been thinking the last fews months about stopping my sub. as i really dont think daoc will get better with those gm's and the current staff.. the patches can allways make the GAMe play better, but not the service you expect from Gamemasters..

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