Who report my cleric <Siessa> for xrealm


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Theons GreyJoy said:
And the answer is :

We suspend accounts after investigating and finding proof that a player was cross realming. We cannot provide you with the proof, but we will not suspend an account unless we have absolute proof.

If you have shared your account with someone else, we insist that you are responsible for your friend's actions on your account. We suggest you talk to your friend about this. Unfortunately, the suspension stays.

Yours sincerely,
European Dark Age of Camelot Community Manager

<We cannot provide you with the proof>

Yes sure Democracy on its best!!!:puke:

chat logs > all


morale of this story dont lend your account out...



Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004


Theons GreyJoy

One of Freddy's beloved
Jul 20, 2005
Really i dont care m8 if they say that it was a real croos realm.I just dont believe them that fair enuff .
I ll not spend my presure time with GOA anymore they just spoiled the sweat of the game for me.
I wish fore all to have fun in the game and nothing mest up ... cya all :cheers:


Loyal Freddie
Jul 23, 2004
GoA said:
We cannot provide you with the proof

How deep and sad can it go ...
Keep up the good work GoA, ur def. in the position to come up with crap like this since DAoC is no dieing game. <cough>


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Theons GreyJoy said:
Really i dont care m8 if they say that it was a real croos realm.I just dont believe them that fair enuff .
I ll not spend my presure time with GOA anymore they just spoiled the sweat of the game for me.
I wish fore all to have fun in the game and nothing mest up ... cya all :cheers:

Depends on what the chat logs say... for instance.

If the people were reported for x-realming (various meanings to this btw) then goa would check various logs. If then they saw something like

/send bob Im duelling with a vamp ....

it gives the impression that it is pre-arranged there alone. Maybe it just a misrepresentation of what they meant but then everyone that was caught in such a mannor would say it to get off. Maybe he meant he was fighting 1vs1 but in the strictest sense there no such thing as dueling with an enemy (duelling by most defination = preset fight btw) but GoA couldnt know that..

Btw, im just speculating here at possibilities and that one such possibility. GoA may have fucked up, I dont know so not defending them, but you say your friend couldnt of xrealmed with the other guy to arrange this, yet you managed to speak to him yourself so nothing that would prevent him doing the same.

Dimse Dut

Fledgling Freddie
Jun 27, 2004
Ok Im sorry if this comes over harsh but quit honestly I refuse to believe that the employees of GoA sit behind some some bush planning to desctroy the gaming fun of a player by banning him just for the heck of it.

Today with the merged servers i would imagine the xrealming issue is even more a greyzone than it used to be and because of this they have to be even more on alert. I dont se the ban as a "BAD BOY WE dont want you here" but more as a "Be carefull what you do because we ARE watching". People Rant and rave when nothing is done and start trashing the GoA imployees and now also when they do take action? Make up your minds guys because you cant have it both ways. If throwing some temporarly suspension around will keep the small monkey brains from xrealming then even though it might be upsetting is best for the game in the long run.

SHARING your account is a big NONONNONONOONNOONN :twak:, If and When you do, you take the risk of ending in a situation like this. GoA and Mythic WARN repeatetly that there might be risks by doing so.

No Im not trying to side with GoA, I am just trying to advocate some reason (they turned down my E&E application *shakes fist at GoA* no more cookies for you!)


I am a FH squatter
Jul 18, 2004
This proves how stupid GoA are... they ban accounts for sh*t things, when they could earn some hard cash on them instead :p


Loyal Freddie
Nov 29, 2004
If they start banning ppl for running solo on clerics, iam doooomed..


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
What I don't understand is what GoA's definition of Crossrealming is.
Like I understand that getting relic raid information and then spoiling it is against the rules etc but surely when killing something with a char that isn't supposed to solo is instantly crossrealming/RP farming, if that was the case I should get a perma ban :(

Something weird happend to me yesterday which I also don't know if it's crossrealming.
I was exping in the late hours in the frontier then all of a sudden a lowbie stealther PMs me with:
"Where in Breifine are you?"
So I ignore it and don't reply because I thought he wanted PL or something then a few moments later an Chanter comes running past and kills my /level toon.
Nothing wrong here but I did check his /stats and it said he was online for 8 minutes and ran straight for me (not an exp spot you would expect mind you) which means he buffed at ligen/crauch and took a boat and ran strait to me because there's no other way to do it otherwise in 8 minutes.
Combining the low level stealthers question with that I did thought the lowbie stealther and the chanter were probably the same person who did a /who <zone> to see where people are just to kill them with their character in another realm.

Is that Crossrealming or is it ok to check where people are with 1 account then go and kill them with your other account?
Sorry if this question is hijacking the thread but it just seemed very suspicious at that time.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 6, 2006
i dont think GOA is suspending Account just for fun, i doest makes any sence at all, the more player they have the bether, but if they let someone abuse the game exploits that person will ruin the game for all the peps, so if GOA did it, they must have some prof for sure... if they dint do this kinda stuff, we all be by this time RR12 ... :twak:

GL on your next MMRPG you play.



Loyal Freddie
Jul 23, 2004
Fsantos said:
so if GOA did it, they must have some prof for sure...

If they have a proof, why not tell the owner what kind of proof it is?
So much to "for sure...".

Theons GreyJoy

One of Freddy's beloved
Jul 20, 2005
nvm i Retired all my chars after this ,anyway good luck all in Real life and have fun!!!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 31, 2006
Nice one that making one more pep stop playing this game. Keep it UP !:clap:
The game is deing and day by day more ppl stop the game for several reasons.Also about this ban i had an armsman at alb/pryd and now a warrior at mid/excal.I can say that i am a good friend with jamiesmallicus and everytime i see him i dont attack but we both attack on albs now or smt. Should i Get banned too now ? :twak:
Tbh as aaredhawk said why some ppl report some others for stupid things ? Roleplayer they are ? they should understand that this game isnt roleplaying at all i think.


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 9, 2004
Vaskez said:
Nice one that making one more pep stop playing this game. Keep it UP !:clap:
The game is deing and day by day more ppl stop the game for several reasons.

Right ...... The game bacame more and more bad and especially these days ... and tbh the Cluster made that cause the Zerg from excal came ( don't want to be bad but that's the true and i am speaking about all realms of the game). Delete Toa-DR-Cata and go back to classic daoc ---> THE REAL FUN !!!

I hope Sakis ( Elear ) , that your problem will end soon and pwn some Mids .... u know who i mean :D !!!


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 2, 2004
Muldini said:
If they have a proof, why not tell the owner what kind of proof it is?
So much to "for sure...".

Great idea, tell them what not to do to tip GOA off next time...

Seriously why does everyone always paint GOA as teh evil one anytime someone gets a ban - I know its a crazy thought but maybe sometimes they did something wrong ?


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Ogen said:
Well i saw a solo cleric last night! He was a real charm and stunned some bd so i didnt had to moc laaaaiftap :sex:
why are you never on when i /who myg! :(


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 12, 2004
Muldini said:
If they have a proof, why not tell the owner what kind of proof it is?
So much to "for sure...".

Not sure but it might be because they dont wanna tell the players exactly how they figure it out (thus making it harder for ppl to cheat).

I know i wouldnt tell how i figured it out if i was running a game like this.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 31, 2006
Evzy we dont blame goa for anything bad or smt , but we say that they ban ppl for stupid reasons and cause some1 report for smt even for xrealming as EVERYONE knows that with cluster crossrealm isnt something unusual.To get banned cause some1 reported u for Radar use yes i accept it but not cause u found an other enemy player on Frontiers and u hade some fun with him :eek7:
Also Its too lated no to speak about this ban anymore cause Elear the onwer of siessa heard that he deleated his char last night.
Its so nice when u see some1 that got an hobby/occupation to spend with much fun his time with his friends takes an end.....


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
aaredhawk said:
well elear i thing there is a lots of IDIOT player in daoc and they thing they will be take some reword from reports ....... so just ignore that W8 15 days to take back your acc..... you can do nything about this
i hope the man who report you IS MAN and he will told you who is he
You don't get any solid reward, but you work on improving the game, not only for yourself, but for the entire community, by getting cheating ***** removed. Crossrealming to farm a few k of rps is beyond sad, aswell as stupid as you could make more rps in a 'good' way.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
wheres glottis, he should be saying all these alb bannings are a conspiricy by hibs and mids to make alb look bad.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Straef said:
You don't get any solid reward, but you work on improving the game, not only for yourself, but for the entire community, by getting cheating ***** removed. Crossrealming to farm a few k of rps is beyond sad, aswell as stupid as you could make more rps in a 'good' way.
Oh my god! I agree with Straef. Someone shoot me before the damage spreads too far!


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 9, 2004
mincepie said:
go play clasic if you want that then

You think that classic as it is now is nice ? LOL !!! the same crap thing .... i am speaking about old classic ...and i have stopped playing daoc , the game became too bad and is too hard to change now ..... that's why more and more stoping !!!

and if at least it wasn't xrealm and was a fault my the guy reported it and made Elear delete his cha and stop Daoc .... just a big /Clap to him.

Dimse Dut

Fledgling Freddie
Jun 27, 2004
Vaskez and Atilas dont make me take one of you to clobber the other one with. Atilas isnt playing the game anymore (Which makes me wonder HOW on earth he can say anything about GoA's current treatment of players and crossrealmers) and Vaskez's idea of helping the realm and the game is apparently hugging Jamiesmalliciuos. Sorry if I dont start lighting the torch in hopes of finding the first best GoA employee.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Dimse Dut said:
:twak: Straef is a cuddly ickle bunny
Dimse! They got you too!

Ok people this is serious. Spread out. Five by five. We have a situation here.

We may need to take off and nuke Straef from orbit. It's possibly the only way to be sure.

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