Whinethread, sorry but need to be said



Takes skillz to pharm like wot Aussie does - stop dissin him. Unlike other "top" archers he has/had no level advantage and theres a hungry pack of lvl50 assasins out there these days... :m00:


Probably wouldnt have been Herbal, but then again, the item wouldnt have been 'stolen' in the first place either, would it? ;)

Only thing I want from /as is info on relics, keepraids and frostors banana. Damn the mids for taking it. :\

Herbal Remedy

Originally posted by old.Sepiritz
Probably wouldnt have been Herbal, but then again, the item wouldnt have been 'stolen' in the first place either, would it? ;)

Only thing I want from /as is info on relics, keepraids and frostors banana. Damn the mids for taking it. :\

stolen - gangstar didnt recieve item in auto split so it wasnt his in first place - because the guy who recieved it didnt follow some widely proclaimed drop rule thats has to be addeared to by some unwritten rule makes it stolen - another thing stolen lol its pixles ffs


I thought I'd stop posting on this thread after making my oppinions clear, but theres something bugging me..
'its just pixels' 'its just a game' etc..
If you are say, a graphical artist, you spend days working on something, sell it, doesnt get payed and the company or person that bought it goes 'its just pixels ffs'.. No, thats not right. We spend our time doing this and we expect to get something out of it. Be it items, exp, rp, whatever..

And who are you, Herbal, to challenge the unwritten laws of DAoC? :p


Originally posted by Cowled
"Hi GoL-sorc, welcome to our tangler-grp. Only took 1231 hours to find u."

errrrr do we have a high lvl sorc other than stt? or was this ages ago?

oh and even if was like this just remember, guild 1st.. ive seen other guilds do the same and it has to be understood.

when you join a guild u either support it 100%, its rules, etc etc or u dont bother joining in the 1st place and they _should_ come before anything else


rofl, sorry Herbal but a guy that doenst play his char doesnt need rare items. Don't care if he has a Job, give it to someone that does play this game alot.

Sorry but if that dragonbow would drop and it would go to someone that plays 1 hour in a week.. think you get my point.

btw why does she need that bracer?
imo a buffbot is like 1000000 times better then a bracer that gives you +4quick +3dex and +6extra dmg on cap.

About the bad things you heard about me. Dont care, 95% of the albs are stupid brainless ppl .


LMAO at lame efforts trying to justify Stt's actions. Let's here from him/her directly. Come on, let's have it!!

I would have shrugged my shoulders and let the low lvl scout have it if I was in that group.

Funny thing is, if Gangstar had recieved the bracer, then surely Stt could have offered him stuff directly for it, huh? Then you wouldn't have all this bitching.

@ Gangstar : I hope you haven't partied with the greedy (yes it was greedy) bast since.

Some folk in this thread have an odd concept of "need". In my book it's PARTY need first, not alt need. To suggest alt need is the same or greater is an insult to your fellow players.


Originally posted by Herbal Remedy

id like to know when this was because other than stt gols highest lvl sorc is 28 so unless this was 3 months ago id like to know why u are spreading shit pls.

And yes in GoL guild comes so if it comes to xping with your m8s or a group you had only just joined you choose your mates im pretty sure most people would rather xp with a guild group than otherwise

Never said it was stt. Just a sorc from GoL.

Herbal Remedy

Originally posted by Aussie-
rofl, sorry Herbal but a guy that doenst play his char doesnt need rare items. Don't care if he has a Job, give it to someone that does play this game alot.

Sorry but if that dragonbow would drop and it would go to someone that plays 1 hour in a week.. think you get my point.

btw why does she need that bracer?
imo a buffbot is like 1000000 times better then a bracer that gives you +4quick +3dex and +6extra dmg on cap.

About the bad things you heard about me. Dont care, 95% of the albs are stupid brainless ppl .

sooo it should go to an alt so he can play bgs and give up his scout by the times hes lvl 30 like most people with scouts do mmmkkk i see your point there aussie

Herbal Remedy

Originally posted by Cowled

Never said it was stt. Just a sorc from GoL.
and if u read what i said..... if it wasnt stt our highest lvl sorc after her (stt gave up xping 3months ago when she dinged :D ) then our next highest lvl sorc is lvl 28 hence wtf a lvl 28 sorc at gobblins right ok thxbye
reread the post before you post crap about our guild


So Herbal, if you're playing in a group with your alt char.

And something nice drops that noone in the group other than this alt that you're currently playing (who has put effort and skill and time into getting this bit of loot for the group)

You'll be happy if I just take it away for a guildies pet's previous owners mothers sisters sons alternate character yeah?

Not a whimper of 'erm group before alts or guildies' or anything like that?

Yeah it's a little thing that everyone's getting blown up about. So is not giving the Dragon loot to the organiser to divide up, taking it for yourself and flogging it on ebay.

Now the little fellow that traded it... they didn't know any better. Stt should have.


Rofl i said i was going with Bg's with my scout
I never said i was going to stop leveling him :)

Its just pathetic to see that an old (respectable?) player like that
does a thing like this

Maybe other players have now better view of tts
( only her, not other GoLs, they just defend her like any guild should do )

Nonetheless Herbal couldnt answer on my question in game :
Does the Grouprule still apply nowadays ?

Well Herbal still waiting for answer ;)


all these guild-goes-first statements...

social attitude / correctness goes first, THEN comes the guild
sure try to come up for your m8s, but in the right way not supporting 100% bull herbal, its same in RL (im actually not talking about the stt-drop-thing, i take it in general)
you dont give addicts drugs, you slap em if you are a real friend.

and if you dont care about how guildmembers act towards the realm (your statement, not mine) you better ask GOA for guild-only servers ...

no flaming, just some thoughts to improve guilds relationships


quote : "but in the last week or so ive seen and heard bout some real ego "we better than you" shit ,spawning forth from the vacinity of GoL ppl"

please pm me the names of these ppl and what they did/said and we'll deal with this inside the guild

quote : "Takes skillz to pharm like wot Aussie does - stop dissin him. Unlike other "top" archers he has/had no level advantage and theres a hungry pack of lvl50 assasins out there these days... "

as i said the more time u spend out in emain the more rps u get ... 'skill' to play an archer? select target, crit, if u get a good hit continue, if not sprint and stealth ... yeah i see lots of skill required

quote : "rofl, sorry Herbal but a guy that doenst play his char doesnt need rare items. Don't care if he has a Job, give it to someone that does play this game alot."

we never said he didnt play his char ... he plays it often enough just not often enough to go to emain and farm rps like u ok? why should u deprive a player who doesnt play as often as u or me the joy of finding/keeping a rare uber item?

quote : "About the bad things you heard about me. Dont care, 95% of the albs are stupid brainless ppl ."

nice attitude u have towards other ppl of your realm ... i admit there are several twats i have met but definitely not 95% of the realm

quote : "Never said it was stt. Just a sorc from GoL."

our point is that GoL doenst have a sorc high enough to join a tanglers group atm .. unless u accepted a lvl 28 sorceress in the group which is very unlikely ... so please stop making up stories or at least back it up with names k? btw we are a tight-knit bunch and yes, we prefer guild groups ... sorry but i dont see anything wrong with that

quote : "Does the Grouprule still apply nowadays ?"

ask a cleric from <Steelstorm> ... GoL went on a prince raid a couple of days ago and she came along cause we were short of clerics and she got 3 of the 5 drops ... as we said in our small talk just because stt traded for the bracer doesnt mean the guild steals all the drops ok?

as i said what stt did wasnt nice but i dont think it was wrong because it was the paladin who picked the bracer who asked for a trade .. sure he was spamming about wanting new magic armor but is that stt's fault? he wanted to trade the bracer but is that stt's fault? stt's view is that he asked for a trade, she made a fair one, and both parties were happy with the trade after ...

Vile u said something about kindergarten attitude ... why did your guild mate bring this issue to the forums, bringing up names and everything? couldnt we have settled this in-game in a chatgroup or something? or did he need to have the support of everyone? also from what stt and herbal told me, several of the DK members insulted stt about being disrespectful etc etc, and harrassed herbal about this matter a lot ... why bother msging them? cant u just set up a chatgroup/meeting and discuss this matter there?

put yourself in stt's shoes ... personally i dunno if i wouldnt have done the same but i wanst there ... can u blame someone for trying to get a bowmaster bracer when they have a lvl 50 alt scout?

last question - would u really have bothered with this issue if the item that dropped was a pair of dust-walker boots? :)


Herbal sorry to say but i think you are blindly defending your guildie,which is fine, but this time your wrong,you spend all this time and effort postin defencive letters for your guild m8 but i bet if the roles where reversed you'd be jumpin down the throat of whoever you think had done wrong.
Look at all the posts on this thread,YOU are the ONLY one who thinks your guild m8 was right,dont you think you could be over zealous in the defence of your friend?
You bring up the calil guard incedent.which tbh was blown out of all proportion by one person who just because we where lvl 50s thought we where on an ego trip. Why bring that up? whats it got to do with this thread,also you talk bout the prince raid lotto.which was a farse,which in a roundabout way was the same sorta fuck up as what happend to gangstarbabe .ie ppl getting items the char they play in grp CANT use. Aww poor you.You got fed up with ppl moaning to you.Well why the fuck didnt you get someone else to distribute the loot if you couldnt be arsed,instead of causing me and others to waste thier time on a lotto that was a disaster.
These incedents and your defence of them just reinforce mine and probably others who read this whole thread that GoL dont want to take part in the "Need b4 greed" un-written rule that has beed used since day one of beta. Anyone with any desire to be respected and who respects others isnt gonna wanna waste thier time with you,but hey! you dont give a fuck anyway do you :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke:


Originally posted by old.Rada
Herbal sorry to say but i think you are blindly defending your guildie,which is fine, but this time your wrong,you spend all this time and effort postin defencive letters for your guild m8 but i bet if the roles where reversed you'd be jumpin down the throat of whoever you think had done wrong.
Look at all the posts on this thread,YOU are the ONLY one who thinks your guild m8 was right,dont you think you could be over zealous in the defence of your friend?
You bring up the calil guard incedent.which tbh was blown out of all proportion by one person who just because we where lvl 50s thought we where on an ego trip. Why bring that up? whats it got to do with this thread,also you talk bout the prince raid lotto.which was a farse,which in a roundabout way was the same sorta fuck up as what happend to gangstarbabe .ie ppl getting items the char they play in grp CANT use. Aww poor you.You got fed up with ppl moaning to you.Well why the fuck didnt you get someone else to distribute the loot if you couldnt be arsed,instead of causing me and others to waste thier time on a lotto that was a disaster.
These incedents and your defence of them just reinforce mine and probably others who read this whole thread that GoL dont want to take part in the "Need b4 greed" un-written rule that has beed used since day one of beta. Anyone with any desire to be respected and who respects others isnt gonna wanna waste thier time with you,but hey! you dont give a fuck anyway do you :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke:

sorry i dont wanna comment on those 2 occasions because i wasnt there and i dunno what happened ... but saying "that GoL dont want to take part in the "Need b4 greed" un-written rule that has beed used since day one of beta" is utterly uncalled for because that is not the truth ... if u have no experience with us and loot sharing just please shut up

your own guild mate flint posted that "so far he's always experienced very fair drop-sharing in GoL-groups @ prince e.g." and i'm sure that there are many others that will agree ... so please get your f00king facts straight before u launch an attack on our guild


"get my FOOKIN I speak from personal experiance. and i made that clear in my post .try to read what ive said b4 you tell me to shut up please insur.
Flint has his opinions and if youd read my first replie youd see i have "friends" in GoL .my posts aint a slaggin off to your guild in whole,its a responce to herbal who jsut mouths off whatever he can think of to defend his guild m8 who dropped a bollok.

So can you tell me where i got my facts screwd up?.cos everything ive said about your guild .IS WHAT I HAVE PERSONALLY SEEN.

i personnaly dont open myself up to a flame like yours insurr,by saying things i dont know nothing about.
so try and read what i say in full,instead of jumping on just a few words in a post.

you tell me to "Get my fooking facts straight"
You compleat NOB i have got em straight its YOU who got em fucked up cos u dont read ppl posts properly!



for some reason the first part of my replies missing .:(
cant be arsed to do it again.


wow, what a reply herbal !!

everything that needs to be said has been said. maybe this thread can be dropped and we can all try to be loyal and tolerant citizens of albion once again.


Does the grouprule still apply ?

quote :

ask a cleric from <Steelstorm>

well we ask GOL ....

quote :

why did your guild mate bring this issue to the forums, bringing up names and everything? couldnt we have settled this in-game in a chatgroup or something?

ps. Ye herbal, i tried to solve it in daoc before coming here (Gangstars first post) - so we tried solving it before coming here....... - but didnt help therefore forums

quote :

can u blame someone for trying to get a bowmaster bracer when they have a lvl 50 alt scout?

yes i can, if if was in that group i would not have hesitated to give it to the scout, greed sux (plate for plate users - chain for chain users - cloth for cloth users --- not scout items for clerics)

quote :
should u deprive a player who doesnt play as often as u or me the joy of finding/keeping a rare uber item?

well the group found the item, it was a scout item, and stt's char was a cleric, he wasnt entitled for that drop ( i have a lvl 50 sorc & lvl 50 cleric when i play my little merc does that entitle me to claim items for my main chars also?) i would say poor buggers that is partied with my merc then, my mains is higher lvl than those im grouped with so therefore my mains is more entitled to the drops than they are ???? (well thats atleast the new drop rules by gol)

quote :

he wanted to trade the bracer but is that stt's fault?

well stt shouldnt have traded the bracer, the bracer should have been given to gangstar and then stt could have tried trading, the trade would have been ok if Gangstar wasnt in group, but he was.....

quote :

last question - would u really have bothered with this issue if the item that dropped was a pair of dust-walker boots?

prob not, but it doesnt make it right what stt did !

Best regards Tiarta

Dragon Knights


What I meant, when I said childish was mostly Herbal posting something in the lines of 'oh look you did this and that and started it' instead of working the current situation out. Perhaps it wasnt meant as a such but thats what I thought he meant after reading it.

You yourself say gang and some DK lads messaged Herbal and Tts (whatever they said I wont go into as I have no idea what was said in tells) and that should mean they did try to work something out and after that gang posted here because he felt he didnt get a satisfying solution to it..


sorry Rada but now u say that "my posts aint a slaggin off to your guild in whole" ... that's after u say that "GoL dont want to take part in the "Need b4 greed" un-written rule that has beed used since day one of beta" and "So much for bein a "Top Guild" your reps gettin dragged thro the mud here and u dont seem to give a shit,maybe thats the whole thing tho? you dont give a shit bout anyone else"?

that seems to be refering to us as a guild ... and u "dont open myself up to a flame" like mine? then why do u flame us as a guild by saying "Anyone with any desire to be respected and who respects others isnt gonna wanna waste thier time with you,but hey! you dont give a fuck anyway do you"

sorry if i jump over those few quotes but those really caught my eye as they were quite offensive ... if u dont want to be misinterpreted then please dont refer to us as a whole and refer to the person in question (stt) ... fair enough?

to Tiarta :

quote : "well we ask GOL ...."
yes the grouprule still does apply when we do hunts on prince/princess etc etc ... what i meant by that was many others have grouped with us before and we have fair drop sharing (even Flint said we do ;))

quote : "well the group found the item, it was a scout item ..."
my comment here was directed at aussie who said that "a guy that doenst play his char doesnt need rare items. Don't care if he has a Job, give it to someone that does play this game alot"

quote : "well stt shouldnt have traded the bracer, the bracer should have been given to gangstar and then stt could have tried trading, the trade would have been ok if Gangstar wasnt in group, but he was....."
the point is that the paladin WANTED to trade the bracer and stt obliged

quote : "prob not, but it doesnt make it right what stt did !"
i cant speak for the guild here - this is personally what i feel ... if the paladin asked for a trade and stt did it i dont think its wrong, but it probably wasnt the right thing to do either ... u call her greedy but if this was any other item u probably wouldnt have bothered with this matter?


Originally posted by old.Sepiritz
You yourself say gang and some DK lads messaged Herbal and Tts (whatever they said I wont go into as I have no idea what was said in tells) and that should mean they did try to work something out and after that gang posted here because he felt he didnt get a satisfying solution to it..

hehe ok granted maybe he didnt get a satisfying solution but well, we all know forums aren't the best place to solve these type of problems ;)


quote :

the point is that the paladin WANTED to trade the bracer and stt obliged

it was wrong, the item should have been handed over to Gangstar, and stt shouldnt have traded, (group before greed)

quote :

but if this was any other item u probably wouldnt have bothered with this matter?

would u bother with a shitty item ? (there is difference on items, u must know that when ure hunting in df or dartmoor) - and i wouldnt call Bowmaster bracer shitty, but does a good item allow GREED ?

well the group found the item, it was a scout item, and stt's char was a cleric, he wasnt entitled for that drop ( i have a lvl 50 sorc & lvl 50 cleric when i play my little merc does that entitle me to claim items for my main chars also?) i would say poor buggers that is partied with my merc then, my mains is higher lvl than those im grouped with so therefore my mains is more entitled to the drops than they are ????

what do u think of that ? can i claim drops for all my chars when im grouped ?

Best regards Tiarta

Dragon Knights



Isnt this getting way out of hand for a bracer(yes i know its rare)

Party rules what has been done mostly : classes inside the group who can use an item best gets it <--- or am i wrong?
Out of experience with my alts in Keltoi i must say this rule doesnt count nowadays. Just how it is.its an item...

Your scout will get nerfed with or without it :p .so no big deal

offcourse stt can use it better than gangstars char,but thats not what the rules are. Imo If she was really after it she shouldve made an agreement first before joining the group.

How 1 person act,doesnt mean his/her whole guild is this way.

In a way this will(or already) damage the relation between the 2 guilds........for an item.......


I didnt want to post this anywayz but
i guess im in pissed mode :p

We met ( me and Flint ) GoL at princess yesterday and we had a talk.. All what Herbal said u already know cuz he typed it here
but Tts didnt replied anytime on this thread
thats why i post some quotes :)

I made a scrapbook of quotes if u think it can be interpretated then the quotes are u can always ask me for the whole screening of the Talk with GoL, ill even post it for u all if u really want ;)


Here u can read her defence :)


i wasnt there, well i am no albionian for 3month now :)

just my 5 coppers:

1. herbal still talks much :D

2. stt was (dunno if he still is) a hell of a player, always there when u needed him

3. GoL was always there to defend the realm - now can u honestly say u were? the answer is NO ! so stop accusin the guild. without them (and some others of couse) albion would have been the realm with no relics.
(no, i never was gol so dont even try to tell me i am one of the "we are 1337" ppl)

4. u mr. g4ngst4R, u are a fool :)
u got a very long thread now, heavily supported by your guildies but still u got no bracer.


if u really want the GMs to sort the drops in every future groups i suggest u try to contact greg in-game.
i happen to know him quite a while now and we still in contact although i am long gone and i know that he visits this forum like once a month.
cant blame him - i myself only come here to have a laugh about all your whining, flaming and bitching :)

u can start flamin me now. i will be back in a week or something to have a laugh again.

/em is proud to have deleted his char in this twat-realm


Hi Losthope

1. Agreed on ;)

2. sure he is, i like him too - but still doesnt make it right what he did

3. sure gol was there to defend the realm and alot of other guilds too, (DK included) - but this thread aint about defending relic - this thread is dropreleated

4. no Gangstar is not a fool, i know him and hes a very nice guy, and i can actually understand why he is pissed.

5. cant say i agree on that one, but if u insist....

and greg is a nice bloke too, its not about gol, its about what is right and wrong, plz read the thread once more.

Best regards Tiarta

Dragon Knights

P.S. this is my last post, im off to Ireland for a week now (1 weeks with pure drinking and Wo...), so unfortunately cant reply to anymore posts, i wish Albion the best of luck agains their battles aginst the savage Mids and Hibs :)


losthope, believe me it was the right decision to leave alb :)

if you now just delete your bw-account we all are released from your stupid remarks

nothing personal, just that those two statements,

"i wasnt there, well i am no albionian for 3month now "
"GoL was always there to defend the realm - now can u honestly say u were? the answer is NO !"

show that your opinnion is not of any interest, fact or importance.
you sir, are a showoff who really shouldnt have posted here

i will not post here concerning the drop-thing any further as everything has been said and we all can only hope that ppl still keep good manners up

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