Whinethread, sorry but need to be said



Well I was alting with my Scout in Keltoi, in a group with different peeples and ttsbuffer ( cleric buffbot of tss ;) )
All went well till a drop, namely : 'Bowmaster Bracer'

As ever1 knows 'bowmaster bracer' is a scout items which adds u LB + 2 , dex + 3 , quickness + 4 | its a rare drops, loved by all scouts :)

I see in my group 7non scouts and myself, so i said woohoo
(offcourse) cuz i know i should go to me

(( the rule of groups : give the item to peeple who can us it who are in the current group ( not alts / guild / friends ) ))

Well i applied for the item ofcourse, mean while she was trading a vindicator helm ''the magical helm'' called by the dude who was playing the paladin of his bro. Ofcourse that 'noob' was tempted to agree on that offer, and he accepted.

I said : wtf im in this group the only 1 who can use it and u give it to a cleric?? ( oh soz mate was my bro playing, i should smack him, i apoligize i know it belongs to u (the real owner of the char)

So afterwards i asked tts, why did u make a trade with him, i can use it, im in the group, she simply answers : i make fair trade 1item for another, he wanted that item me that bracer..

Well duh, the dude was spamming every 5mins is there something dropped? (he didnt knew what a backpack was or is , i presume ) and he wanted that magical armor ;)

So i wanna know what u all think of this, i got some screens of the chat i had with tts, if u want em ill upload em or mail em to u.
So plz reply here

ps. soz for the whinethread
ps. Ye herbal, i tried to solve it in daoc before coming here
ps. if thats the new policy in DAoC i will remember that

Quote 1. Tts sends: Uur talking to a level 50 scout u are 22, who can use it better? me or u?
Quote 2. Tts sends: I traded fair and square!

ahwell so, watcha u all think?


group > need > greed = gangstar´s drop

tho this n00b who wanted "the magical helm"would be the first to blame, Stt as one of the oldest members of our community (not to mention the first lvl 50 alt which is a lot of grouping) shouldve not abused the situation

nuff said

P.S.: so far i always experienced very fair drop-sharing in GoL-groups @ prince e.g.
thats what made me reply to this post, coz its also about guild reputation if 1 member behaves wrong and so i think this should be lightened up

best regards Flintz0r



tts's alt was in group? and vindicator helm dropped?
they tank didnt know..so traded for vindi helm?
obviously the bracer belongs to u gangstar,the tank shouldve got the helm in the first place without trade


who ever has the class that can use it best can have it, like me in barrows, 4 scout drops all to me :D
off topic: does bowmasters bracer only drop in keltoi?


Need before greed. Gangstars bracer. Nothing but lame attitude can change that. If there's someone who can use the drop in the group, the drop should rightfully go to them, not some buffbots main for fucks sake...


didnt tts sell his account?

so maybe it was a n00b - who did he sell it to?

just a thought.....

either way, if it happened like gangstar says, it was his drop - period.


Yes, the standard group drop distribution should be group before need before greed unless anything else has been agreed to before by all members present. Just my two coppers. :)


I've seen these scenarios many times. When I'm in a group where someone's pulling that stunt, I simply tell them not to expect to get any drops they can use on their char if I get them in my inv. that usually helps.



Defo should go to Gangstar imo.

Bowmasters are rare and can make a big difference to Scouts from mid 20's and up. Lvl 50 Scouts should stump up 500gp or so and even I may sell one of mine! :)

They are dropped off Gremlins in Keltoi, Corwall Hunters, Boogeys and Bwgwl's as far as I know altho I have never had one from a Hunter in spite of killing many hundreds :)



i think an answer from stt would suit the situation


I'd also like to know if it's the real Stt or not... If it is, another beta person with a swollen ego?


the bracelet belongs to gangstar alone, and Tts uses the situation in his/her favour, not verry nice a experienced player should know whats wrong and right....
even thou i want it :p

Tts if u read this, u stil have the chance to hand gangstar the bracelet and not make a complet greedy fool out of urself....


Originally posted by old.gangstaR

Quote 1. Tts sends: Uur talking to a level 50 scout

ROFL, if i remember correct tts GAVE you 2 lvl 50's, still 22 lvl's more then you made ^^
btw, ever heard of ALTS Tts ?

Originally posted by old.gangstaR

who can use it better? me or u?

Certainly not a lvl 50 scout with 130k rp's :eek:


Actually it comes down to 1 thing
(if i may say this in a rude way)

'Does GoL stands above (as only guild) above the Groupsrule ?'

(mayb this get some more reactions)


all you stuff are belongings to me :) (you just dont know it yet)
yeah your right gangstah m8, its your bracer...
to bad there are some players that are to greeeeedy in this game..

Mousah mOO
pikeman at 50
<Dragon Knights> inactive

Skullbasher TincanCrusher
Skald at 35
<Clan Chaos> active


about 8 GoL members had a small talk with gangstar and flint while we were doing some seal farming in DF ;) i hope that at least sorted some things out

btw realm points dont say much about a players capability nor his/her ability to use any item ... it just sort of says how much time u spend in emain farming rps ^^


sorted out that:

1. stt wont give the bracer back
2. stt dont see that she did anything wrong
3. noone is blaming the rest of GoL still would appreciate some good influence on failed members
4. its too small to make it an over-guildish issue and i hope we still can do fair lottos on princeraids with AU, even if 1 player is not willing to stick to the common policy of our alliance

tbh stt, was that bracer worth the shame n blame youre earning from the whole community ?

"you fall very quick, but it takes ages to climb up again"


Greedy twat,
shit ive had some l33t drops in grps ive been in.ones i really wanted,but i still go with the flow and give to who "The Group" decides gets it.

I thought all this shit with drops and "The Gentlemens Agreement" rule was ironed out in Beta and passed on to newer members,to see it off an old hack is really PATHETIC.

IMO i aint seen GoL grp much outside thier guild,but thats just what ive seen.I know a few members pretty well and they are top chaps,but in the last week or so ive seen and heard bout some real ego "we better than you" shit ,spawning forth from the vacinity of GoL ppl.So much for bein a "Top Guild" your reps gettin dragged thro the mud here and u dont seem to give a shit,maybe thats the whole thing tho? you dont give a shit bout anyone else.


Originally posted by old.Rada
IMO i aint seen GoL grp much outside thier guild,but thats just what ive seen.I know a few members pretty well and they are top chaps,but in the last week or so ive seen and heard bout some real ego "we better than you" shit ,spawning forth from the vacinity of GoL ppl.So much for bein a "Top Guild" your reps gettin dragged thro the mud here and u dont seem to give a shit,maybe thats the whole thing tho? you dont give a shit bout anyone else.

Only think i can say about it:

"Hi GoL-sorc, welcome to our tangler-grp. Only took 1231 hours to find u."
"Thx, let's do a pull."
<pulling, killing>
"Have to leave, guild-grp right over there"

Herbal Remedy

Originally posted by old.Rada
Greedy twat,
shit ive had some l33t drops in grps ive been in.ones i really wanted,but i still go with the flow and give to who "The Group" decides gets it.

I thought all this shit with drops and "The Gentlemens Agreement" rule was ironed out in Beta and passed on to newer members,to see it off an old hack is really PATHETIC.

IMO i aint seen GoL grp much outside thier guild,but thats just what ive seen.I know a few members pretty well and they are top chaps,but in the last week or so ive seen and heard bout some real ego "we better than you" shit ,spawning forth from the vacinity of GoL ppl.So much for bein a "Top Guild" your reps gettin dragged thro the mud here and u dont seem to give a shit,maybe thats the whole thing tho? you dont give a shit bout anyone else.

first of all like to point to the fact that the actions of one of our member has lead the whole guild being tarnished, especially like to point those people who saw this as an oppurtunity to slag the guild off. Oh and pls bear with me this is going to be a rather long post.

1st in reference to the above post by rada i agree need before greed - stt wasnt being greedy a lvl 50 scout can use that bracer (probably better than a lvl 2X one).
No we dont have a better than you attitude and no we dont care if we are considered as being a "top guild" we are together for 2 reasons and 2 reasons only 1st the realm we love albion and we will do anything to see it prosper defend relics keep watch etc etc 2nd have fun and stick together and stick up for each other at all times becuase where friends.

As for gentlemens agreement id like to point out exmple to you from a darkness falls prince raid last week as was stated by a few times before the raid it was chars here no alts no m8s only and use and need 1st in the lotto , so anyway doing the lotto (and id like to make a point here wasnt just dk but a few other guilds who did this) and bitching starts i need this for my alt etc etc etc which was againts said rules of lotto as previously stated. In the space of 5 mins i gave up because of the constant bitching in main and sends i recieved so in the end raistlin (lvl 50 caster) recieved a slash swordf for his alt minstrel hotrats. So perhaps before you open your mouth and slander another guild youd look at your own thx :)

Also like to point out to those accusing GoL of thinking we are leet and above the rest of you i ask you who is always on keep retakes who spends hours watching excal and has 1 or 2 alts logged on while your all happly out xping ganking in emain etc , how many times has vanity/harpy and her alts saved excals bacon by warning of relics raids? When i watched excla with very dmged doors for 7 hours straight and i had a guild trip to dm to join i had to beg for someone to spend an hour watching excal. Tbh we do our best for this realm always prepared to defend it and this is the reply we get

fuck you

cheers guys:(

also about the bracer the scout in question was a lvl 46+ palidins alt not some 1st time char and as he pointed out to me wanted it for bgs , fair enough but stt recieved the bracer of the guy who recieved it after he asked her if she had anything to trade stt having a lvl 50 scout knows how good these bracers are and quite understandibly jumped on the opportunity. Now gangstar claims he was robbed etc etc but to be fair it wasnt stts fault the guy wanted a trade rather than hand over the bracer is it? She got the bracer from the guy who recieved the bracer so pls dont come on here flamming stt becuase some n00b didnt know about your apperently godlike drops rules (which somehow dont apply even at higher lvls only when the uber rare and coveted bowmaster had been dropped).

Another thing do u think gangstar would be so pissed of and getting the rest of his guild o come on here and flame stt and gol if it had just been say a light hunters bow? i dont think so....

And tbh its only a fucking group of pixles did this have to get blown out of all proportions i mean comeone its a game and dont u think your all acting like spoiled little children whoes just thrown their dummy out of the pramm i mean grow up ffs and stop acting like 3year olds.

As for hearing alot of bad stuff about gol the same could be said of dks with there actions at the named guard in lyonesse or mordred in lyn barfog - did this change my attitude to dks as a guild hell no what has is the way ive been badgered over this matter and the posts above you take the actions of one member of a guild and as a result target the whole guild - cheer my high regard for dks as a guild just plummeted through the floor and into the gutter gj guys. Personally speaking i repeated countless time to different members of dks guild this has nothing to do with me i cant tell stt what to do shes her own person who will make her own mind up , im not her mum or dad i cant tell her what to do so pls dont send me about this anymore.

After what has been said to stt and to the guild as a whole i dont feel the littlest bit inclined ask stt to give it back or to even talk to gangstar becuase imo the people from gangstars guilds and him self have behaved more than a little bit childish over what is after all only a few pixles.

Thanks to all thosde that stayed and took time to read this just one more point then u can post your flames back

Why in the name of all hell does one persons actions sum up a whole guilds attitude? Tbh weve only tried to do good in gol allways helping out where we can and trying to maintain a good relationship with the rest of albions guilds and players but becuase one person didnt get what they wanted is open season on us in future pls check what your age is and act instead of paddying like little children

i know ive been harsh to say the least in places but when post on a public forumn flaming a freind of mine and the guild i love you can expect every member of gol to come out fighting becuase we love the guild where in and what it stands for so pls dont try and tarnish gols reputation over something that should never been brought up here

Herbal Remedy

Re: Re: Whinethread, sorry but need to be said

Originally posted by Aussie-

ROFL, if i remember correct tts GAVE you 2 lvl 50's, still 22 lvl's more then you made ^^
btw, ever heard of ALTS Tts ?

Certainly not a lvl 50 scout with 130k rp's :eek:

unlike you aussie stt has very little time to play as she works alot - she was going to sell her account over her lack of play time and just because you spend all your time in emain farming rps doesnt make you a skilled player tbh i heard alot of bad things about you and your attitude and this just confirms them cheers:rolleyes:

Herbal Remedy

Originally posted by Cowled

Only think i can say about it:

"Hi GoL-sorc, welcome to our tangler-grp. Only took 1231 hours to find u."
"Thx, let's do a pull."
<pulling, killing>
"Have to leave, guild-grp right over there"

id like to know when this was because other than stt gols highest lvl sorc is 28 so unless this was 3 months ago id like to know why u are spreading shit pls.

And yes in GoL guild comes so if it comes to xping with your m8s or a group you had only just joined you choose your mates im pretty sure most people would rather xp with a guild group than otherwise

Herbal Remedy

Originally posted by old.gangstaR
Actually it comes down to 1 thing
(if i may say this in a rude way)

'Does GoL stands above (as only guild) above the Groupsrule ?'

(mayb this get some more reactions)

points to previous post about df prince raid guess that includes your guild as well and many of albions "top guilds aswell" no public flaming of a single individual just because you didnt get what you wanted when a hell of alot of people who are lvls 50 act exactly the same way cheers

Herbal Remedy

also gankstar if this almighty bracer is soooooo uber important to u why dont u boorow one off aussie i ve seen and heard hes got as many as 5 (need before greed huh?:rolleyes: )


Very fancy post Herbal...
I dont know what happened at that DF prince raid but it seems the majority wanted the group-first drop rule skipped? In which case it would be ok? Still, unsure, so wont get into it, but what ur saying is basically "nuh-huh, you started it!" and doesnt that fit more into kindergarten then in a supposedly mature guild to guild relations issue (which it has ended up as)?
Now, imo, drops goes to those that were there in the first place, so ofcourse the drop should go to gangstar unless anything else was decided beforehand or decided on the spot by agreement of the entire group. I dont really care what you think of DK to be honest but I like to give my oppinion on matters regarding my own guild mates, who I too, appreciate very much and when one of your guild mates rip off one of mine by going around the normal rules because 'hey, my main is better then your alt!' it stinks. imo.

And what about the damn banana? Anyone saw which mid took it?

Herbal Remedy

i never said in any sense of the word nuh huh u started - perhaps u can reread what i said i was pointing out that you mebe should look at your own guild before you come preatching to others about the way they have behaved. And no this wasnt a drop hunt it was an ordinary xp group like thousands of other in keltoi and as ive previusly stated would this have been blown out of proportion like it has if it had been something less coveted by lvl 50 chars.

I some how dont think so yet becuase its a rare drop everyone has to get on there high horses and act like 5 year olds ffs its only a game chill out pls

as for the bannan i hope the mids keep it because its getting on alot of people tits when its spammed on alliance chat who gives a flying shit if frostors eating a banna or not

in summary no banana = strong korea


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