Which fighting class?

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Then I take everything back and claim the opposite :)

But honestly, the main point I was trying to make is that everyone will beat any class in a 1v1 situation, when luck is on his side. These occasions are usually rare enough though and in the end it more or less balances out, especially when you take into account that normal RvR happens in groups, and not solo.

And I promise to read signatures next time ;)


Originally posted by Falcon
Do you often insult yourself :p ?

I am not the one using a buffbot:p

Give me a duel xest i am sure i can beat you,beat marius with 80% hp left after he ip'ed...


Originally posted by Falcon
Well in in my experience Wardens are laughably easy to take down in duals, Friars on the other hand are like Zerkers, can beat them if they truly suck, but if they have any amount of skill I don't stand a chance.

Note my point about dual wielders, because you take down the bubble with one hand and then swing with the other (as well as usually using fast weapons) PBT is fairly useless. The only chance you have as warden is to strafe through the target or run thru and /face and hope they miss or are slow to react (note: this doesn't work with very good players, but the average player can be tricked into missing a lot when you strafe/run though).


Originally posted by succi
Chimera , do yourself a favour and shut up kta

Actually no, I'll say what I want tbh.

Originally posted by Hellraisermk2
Sorry man but you only played a Warrior to 35thish level. Like it or not 50 RvR is a world of difference. For a start you don't have access to allot of the major styles at 35.

Hero's are the best tank when compared to Warriors/ Armsmen. There's no disputing it... they are! Warriors are absolutely amazing in PvE. In RvR the block/ parry bug is still not fixed, affecting hero's and armsman alike. The difference is Hero's and Armsmen can spec differently to get around this problem. They also have other abilities which put them ahead of the Warrior (plate, and moose for a start).

Warriors are far from gimped in general, but when compared to their counterparts, they completely fall over! Play one to 50... you'll have fun, but you'll see at 50 that you're far from the "best tank in the game." Hero's and Armsmen can both spec the same way as a warrior (ie, become a block/ parry machine in pve) and both have nice little extras to ensure they're unique. Warriors simply don't.

I'd still reccomend playing one to the original poster. They're simply put, amazing in PvE and they don't fair too badly in RvR when you get a good group. Just don't ever expect to log in at 50 and wander around the frontiers solo.

I played a warrior to level 40 actually, and was RR2 at time of deletion. I spent a lot of time in the frontiers and fought one hell of a lot of battles. I never lost to a hero with my warrior, and never beat a warrior with my hero. That's the facts, anyone else who has played and RvR'd with both classes feel free to venture your opinion.


Originally posted by the_chimera
I probably know the frontiers better than most level 50s mate, I've played this game from the start and all my mains have been tanks so yes I do know what I'm talking about. Played both a hero and warrior in RvR? Do you know how much use moose-mode is? It basically sticks a great big target on you - it has a 30 minute timer so you won't be using it much, it doesn't last for long, and all it does is keep the hero up a tiny bit longer. What the hell is it with people and level 50? If I hear any more of this elitist crap I'm going to flip, and apologies to the world in advance if I do.

And mercenaries have a certain ability called Dirty Tricks - opponent fumbles for 30 secs, long enough for the merc to kill him, unless he's a paladin. So yes, they are damn good at 1v1s.

Wake up and smell the coffee...many people disagreed with your post.

Tell the heroes if they would happily lose moose and they will give you a rather impolite response. So what if it makes you noticeable? Avalonian casters stick out like a sore thimb but nobody worries about that. Heroes will tell you that moose and then using IP can save their ass, giving them well over 2000 HP. If you tell me that you stop engaging a target you're on because you see someone moose then you might wanna review your RvR strategy.

I state again : heroes > warriors. Add to that the fact that hibs have better groups with group purge, insta mezz, end chant, chanters and BAoD makes the RvR gap even wider. For further evidence look at the RP tables.

As for frontiers knowledge, any gibbon can get hold of maps. It doesn't prove anything and is irrelevant to this debate so leave it out.

And STFU about lvl 50s and elitism. All I said was that your signature marks you out as a RvR noob. Your incorrect remarks about tanks needed pointing out and your sig indicates a lack of experience. Furthermore, where did I say I was the uber 50 man? I never said anything about my experience, so STFU about elitism as you have no indication in my post about what levels I play. Besides it's irrelevant. The issue here is your misinformation, not my levels.

Again, mercs are not the 1v1 topdogs. Enough people here are saying you're wrong. But as they say, you can lead a horse to water...

I'm sure you started off with good intentions, but I don't appreciate people talking shite about classes. It doesn't help get class balance. I bet the Warrior TL would have an interesting chat with you.

Let us know what RR and level of tanks you have played to add much needed credibility to your post. My money is on Thidranki chars :)


Originally posted by the_chimera
Actually no, I'll say what I want tbh.

I played a warrior to level 40 actually, and was RR2 at time of deletion. I spent a lot of time in the frontiers and fought one hell of a lot of battles. I never lost to a hero with my warrior, and never beat a warrior with my hero. That's the facts, anyone else who has played and RvR'd with both classes feel free to venture your opinion.

Just beat me to it.

One RR2 green con warrior does not make you a good candidate for an appraiser of warrior skills. Did your warrior ever fight a hero? And your hero ever met a warrior? Facts missing here.

Why delete a 40 warrior if as you say they are good tanks? I bet you got your arse handed to you in RvR and concluded yourself that warriors are gimped compared to other tanks.


Yes, I believe I stated I fought several heroes you muppet. You really don't actually read what I write do you, you just select one or two quotes... and yes, you said that since I had no level 50, I wasn't qualified to venture an opinion, that strikes me as rather elitist, so I'd advise shutting the hell up before you contradict yourself even more? And no, I deleted the warrior for several reasons, they are very boring to level for example - but I assure you I was very happy with RvRing, so once again, don't jump to conclusions muppet.
Please lock yourself back in your little wooden box, and don't come out until you learn to a) read and b) stop following the flock, you really are tiresome.


I solo'd a yellow con Hero alb side of amg in odins a while ago. Even moose mode couldnt save him. Although i know he could be a few levels lower than me (i didn't note his name) i was quite impressed with my RR2 friar who has 25 in rejuve. If you want diversity roll a friar, good backup healer and can be main healer if not being zerged also can go toe to toe with most classes.


Originally posted by the_chimera
Yes, I believe I stated I fought several heroes you muppet. You really don't actually read what I write do you, you just select one or two quotes... and yes, you said that since I had no level 50, I wasn't qualified to venture an opinion, that strikes me as rather elitist, so I'd advise shutting the hell up before you contradict yourself even more? And no, I deleted the warrior for several reasons, they are very boring to level for example - but I assure you I was very happy with RvRing, so once again, don't jump to conclusions muppet.
Please lock yourself back in your little wooden box, and don't come out until you learn to a) read and b) stop following the flock, you really are tiresome.

Look, all settle down first off.

second. chimera: believe it or not, but you are DEAD wrong about the entire warrior/hero issue, just accept it dude.
And since you dont have any lvl 50's, yes you have a right to your opinion, but you are biased, alot of classes are one hell of alot different at lvl 50 and rvr in general is much different.

just a little FYI about the "stag-form being useless" statement.
A fully buffed hero with IP&fa2 up can have close to 8000hps effectively. And if that is useless, well...

and about it "making you a target" well, as someone pointed out, thats fecking perfect. If the noobs all gather around the hero, too bad for them, they WILL die if they fight a half-decent hib group. (run to the safety of pbaoe, debuff&pick em off 1by1 etc etc etc etc)


It comes down to this:

ANY fighting class can beat ANY other,main reasons are the ra's they have,the items they have,spellcrafted gear and how the play of course.

I think every class is good in it's own way,if you like it then do not bother what anyone else thinks,you pay for the game you play how you want and do what you want.

But as it's your first character i would recommend these for each realm maybe to start with as they are easy to pick up(this is not me saying these classes are the best,no there isn't a best)


Mainly because those are the easiest classes to learn and to pick the game up with,have fun with whatever you choose.

Oh and chimera i do not need dirt tricks to beat enemies you may aswell say a zerker needs ratmode all the time.....stop slagging classes down you haven't played at lv50,there is no bad class really(not having a go at you chimera just saying ok :p)


Originally posted by Falcon
Most people think melee rangers are gimped, especially Elf ones, but I have no problems whatsoever ripping up even full melee oriented classes.

keep dreaming m8 ;)



*gasps for breath*




Roll a Champ if u think RvR is all about 1v1 situations :p


I know I'm not wrong and warriors are better fighters, but if no-one else believes me... their loss. Remember this though: heroes wear scale. Scale is vulnrable to slash. What type of weapon do most people use? Swords... therefore heroes automatically have a disadvantage over the other tanks, when it comes to fighting other tanks. That's a fact you can't dismiss, even if you don't believe anything else I say.

And mattshanes: I was pointing out that, with dirty tricks a mercenary is almost unbeatable in 1v1 situations... I know they are good enough without using it.

And Eleasias... I'm sure your boyfriend doesn't appreciate having his picture stamped across the forums :p


Originally posted by the_chimera
I know I'm not wrong and warriors are better fighters, but if no-one else believes me... their loss. Remember this though: heroes wear scale. Scale is vulnrable to slash. What type of weapon do most people use? Swords... therefore heroes automatically have a disadvantage over the other tanks, when it comes to fighting other tanks. That's a fact you can't dismiss, even if you don't believe anything else I say.

Warriors cant even spec thrust for use against Reavers Mercenaries Minstrels. Hero's have a choice of all 3 damage types, both one handed and twohanded. I dont see how a warrior using a sword has more of an advantage over a hero using a thrust weapon, maybe it all adds up in the large scale of things, but not in the way that you've put it.


Not really. It all comes down to weaponspec, stats, quality of the weapon, etc. Then add in the styles.

Oh and mercenary dirty trick sadly gets resisted quite a lot. Unbeatable in 1v1? I wish.


Originally posted by the_chimera
Yes, I believe I stated I fought several heroes you muppet. You really don't actually read what I write do you, you just select one or two quotes... and yes, you said that since I had no level 50, I wasn't qualified to venture an opinion, that strikes me as rather elitist, so I'd advise shutting the hell up before you contradict yourself even more? And no, I deleted the warrior for several reasons, they are very boring to level for example - but I assure you I was very happy with RvRing, so once again, don't jump to conclusions muppet.
Please lock yourself back in your little wooden box, and don't come out until you learn to a) read and b) stop following the flock, you really are tiresome.

Sigh...get some fecking reading glasses please. Cry me a fucking river as someone eloquently said on another post :)

Let me remind you what got me to post in the first place:

Originally posted by the_chimera
Kindly don't suggest my opinion is bullshit, mate, I spent quite some time typing that up and I think I know what I'm fucking talking about, having played every class in this game.

You deserved an inflammatory post from me for two reasons: first, you were wrong about tanks. Second you were fucking rude to someone saying that. You act like that to someone publically and you're gonna get shit, face it.

Also you speak like an elitist...

"I know what I'm fucking talking about" (implication is other guy doesn't)

"having played every class in the game" (implication is I know all about all classes)

Moi elite? FFS look in the mirror.

I didn't say you were NOT entitled to an opinion...merely your inexperience shows that you are quiet likely to be incorrect (which you are). So STFU about me saying you can't have a fecking opinion. You can, but if you're gonna post shit on the boards expect people to pick it apart. If you can't handle that then that's your problem. I'm entitled to my opinion too...and it is that you are wrong and you have a shit attitude shown from that quote above.

As for following the flock, again you're talking out your shitty pipe. Has the whole board been at you like I have? No. I don't need to be lead. I'm my own man and have no bandwagon agenda. I posted not to leap on the bandwagon, but to point out the flaws in your post, dangerous ones that make someone waste their TIME cause of your incorrect statements. Also your rudeness and arrogance needed pointing out.

I REPEAT: my point was that you are not qualified to make your remarks as you are inexperienced. Just because you're a noob doesn't make me elite as you put it. I could have Thidranki characters only as far as you know.

You're clearly pretty thick to suggest that I'm elitist or contradictory. How can pointing out your inexperience make me elite? Think again...I did not comment about how many level 50s I have or how I'm better than you. I never said that.

You're just a little too tense about all this and I suggest you go spend £5 to get someone to give you one off-the-wrist...you need the relief and it would make a change from the auto-erotic self-indulgence you so clearly relish on a frequent basis.

About elitism: you are quite balanced...you have a chip on EACH shoulder.

I wouldn't have posted in the first place had you not been such a arrogant twat shown in the quote.

Muppet? STFU Fozzie Bear.


Originally posted by old.Hendrick
Not really. It all comes down to weaponspec, stats, quality of the weapon, etc. Then add in the styles.

Oh and mercenary dirty trick sadly gets resisted quite a lot. Unbeatable in 1v1? I wish.

Hendrick this is my rr6 ra set up try it:) :

Aug dex 2,pain 3,reflexes 3,master of parry 2,determination 2,IP and FA 2,with 2 points spare ready to get purge at rr6 2.

I need a dragon respec stone though:( that template should make you do very well in rvr,i have seen what those combos of ra's are like with another merc who i tried out and beleive me it's amazing,well he had dodger 3 aswell lol.



i wanna see a meleeranger with same buffs and same RR beat a pure tank.... i just cant see how that can be done tbh. If the tank sucks yes, if they are equally good, nope.

Hero, zerk, armsman, pally or whatever, be a bad player and you still suck, play well and you make any class shine. Best tank my ass. In the right group zerks kick serious butt, but so does any tank.

Play what you think seems like a fun class in a fun (for you) realm.


Roll a merc or a blademaster.

You get a free pint of Bitter with every one :)

For ridiculously stupid damage - zerker, for damage with a little survivability - moose.

For looking like a tin can - paladin. For looking like a tin can and being able to do a bit more damage - armsman.

For wondering why your 'special' styles are worse than the base ones everyone gets - merc/blademaster.

That said, we're only about 20% damage off what we should be :) they're not _that_ gimped, it's just annoying when you see a zerker hitting you harder than you're hitting a cloth wearer.


Infiltrators pwn as tanks,I did a Hamstring on Teh Afanc!!1!!


i wanna see a meleeranger with same buffs and same RR beat a pure tank.... i just cant see how that can be done tbh. If the tank sucks yes, if they are equally good, nope.
Done it quite a few times to lone armsman, paladins etc. the hardest part is finding them alone. Again, ask Efour, I did some tests vs his Warrior, I beat him with 80% hp left to him having 5% in a slow weap/sheild fight. 60% to 5% in a fast weap/sheild fight then finally 40% to 5% with 2h weap. You have to remember rangers have:
1) Assassin damage table, minus the styles, but plus 40dmg per double hit from damage add.
2) Reinforced armour, strong to slash, as an Elf you get an extra 2% so an effective 38% slash when most opponents are slash spec
3) Assassin level evade with self dex/qui buffs and dodger 2 (50% cap reached)
4) If a tank IPs, we can too because unlike assassins, we still got it

On top of that we can use utilities such as speed shout, stealth and then bow is available if you feel you're going to struggle in straight up melee with an opponent, although bow is crap it can still hit a good 500+ hps off a tank if you shoot them from behind before they engage you.

Generally when meleeing against tanks I find as a dual weilder that, sheild users are generally a pushover, 2h users can be risky, dual weilders are very risky, I prefer to pop arrows into them first just in case if I get chance to do so.


Originally posted by Novamir
#1 rule... NEVER listen to the_cuntmera.

Because obviously you always have interesting things to say :rolleyes:


Originally posted by eben
Sigh...get some fecking reading glasses please. Cry me a fucking river as someone eloquently said on another post :)

Let me remind you what got me to post in the first place:

Originally posted by the_chimera
Kindly don't suggest my opinion is bullshit, mate, I spent quite some time typing that up and I think I know what I'm fucking talking about, having played every class in this game.

You deserved an inflammatory post from me for two reasons: first, you were wrong about tanks. Second you were fucking rude to someone saying that. You act like that to someone publically and you're gonna get shit, face it.

Also you speak like an elitist...

"I know what I'm fucking talking about" (implication is other guy doesn't)

"having played every class in the game" (implication is I know all about all classes)

Moi elite? FFS look in the mirror.

I didn't say you were NOT entitled to an opinion...merely your inexperience shows that you are quiet likely to be incorrect (which you are). So STFU about me saying you can't have a fecking opinion. You can, but if you're gonna post shit on the boards expect people to pick it apart. If you can't handle that then that's your problem. I'm entitled to my opinion too...and it is that you are wrong and you have a shit attitude shown from that quote above.

As for following the flock, again you're talking out your shitty pipe. Has the whole board been at you like I have? No. I don't need to be lead. I'm my own man and have no bandwagon agenda. I posted not to leap on the bandwagon, but to point out the flaws in your post, dangerous ones that make someone waste their TIME cause of your incorrect statements. Also your rudeness and arrogance needed pointing out.

I REPEAT: my point was that you are not qualified to make your remarks as you are inexperienced. Just because you're a noob doesn't make me elite as you put it. I could have Thidranki characters only as far as you know.

You're clearly pretty thick to suggest that I'm elitist or contradictory. How can pointing out your inexperience make me elite? Think again...I did not comment about how many level 50s I have or how I'm better than you. I never said that.

You're just a little too tense about all this and I suggest you go spend £5 to get someone to give you one off-the-wrist...you need the relief and it would make a change from the auto-erotic self-indulgence you so clearly relish on a frequent basis.

About elitism: you are quite balanced...you have a chip on EACH shoulder.

I wouldn't have posted in the first place had you not been such a arrogant twat shown in the quote.

Muppet? STFU Fozzie Bear.

lol yep I'm so elitist, I'm always turning people down for groups because they aren't the perfect class etc. :rolleyes:

No, you stated as I wasn't level 50 that I clearly knew nothing, if that isn't elitist, then I don't know what is. Why don't you fuck off to Iraq and join the yanks in massacring the civilians, seems something you'd get off on.


Aug dex 2,pain 3,reflexes 3,master of parry 2,determination 2,IP and FA 2,with 2 points spare ready to get purge at rr6 2.
I need a dragon respec stone though that template should make you do very well in rvr,i have seen what those combos of ra's are like with another merc who i tried out and beleive me it's amazing,well he had dodger 3 aswell lol.

That's pretty much what I have/am going for, with the little exception that I'm not doing a lot of RvR at the moment.

I never said I'm not doing well in RvR. I often manage to kill 2-3 enemies after another when I'm lucky. The only guy who ever beat me in one of the rare pure 1v1 encounters was Kephan, and I think it's fair for a RR7(?) Troll to kick the crap out of me :)


Originally posted by the_chimera

No, you stated as I wasn't level 50 that I clearly knew nothing,

I'll quote my original post:


No you don't know what you're talking about. You don't even have a 50 in RvR:

Albion Prydwen
Gawain---3X Paladin
Owl Nightstalker---2X Minstrel
Midgard or Hibernia Excalibur

so how the fuck can you make such broad statements about the tanking classes?

Played all classes? Yeah sure to lvl 5 or something.

With IP, moose and slam heroes rule the roost (plus they get nice parties). Warriors are gimpage in comparison.

You say mercs are top of 1v1? Hell friars and palas take em out regularly in duels. Champions make the best in duels on account of debuffs.

You do say some correct things, but your post is damn dangerous...using some correct points to add credibility to the weaker points...it's misleading.

If I was gonna rolla tank in each realm I would choose:

Albion - Friar
Midgard - Zerker
Hibernia - Hero


Quote me in there I if say you not having 50 means to know nothing asshole. You're shit thick as you cannot understand logic. There are no statements in there that are tantamount to the following statement that you keep ascribing to me:

"You're not 50 therefore you know nothing"

I never ever said or implied that, shit-for-brains, so fuck you. Stop putting fucking words in my mouth.

What I did say was

"You don't have a 50 so your remarks about tanks in RvR are not to be believed"

"You don't know about all tanks as you speak shit about heros and warriors for example"

"You're a thick twat who cannot take criticism"

None of these imply that you can have no opinion.

<hands the_cuntmera a big pointy hat with a D on it>


You lot better calm down or I am gonna shut this thread less of the extreme profanity
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