Which fighting class?

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Well in in my experience Wardens are laughably easy to take down in duals, Friars on the other hand are like Zerkers, can beat them if they truly suck, but if they have any amount of skill I don't stand a chance.


Thanks again for even more useful replies, the community here is great. The more i read the more questions i have though!

I am starting to be more and more tempted by the prospect of a slightly more light weight fighting class, such as perhaps a blademaster or a ranger, or maybe a mercenary. Clearly they are viable options as the class system here seems to be very well balanced. What does everyone think of these as starting classes? Is it possible to solo with them from the beginning? I like the prospect of being able to get through the first 20 or so levels quickly, and possibly solo, and then grouping once i'm a little stronger.

Also does the archery system here work well? It seems like fun but i was just wondering how well implemented it is?

If i choose one of the heavier classes i think it's between paladin, bezerker and hero now, which is a tough choice...

And then there's which server to choose! With some of the comments it seems like Excaliber is a more newbie friendly server but Prydwen contains more mature players? Is this sweeping generalisation true or not really the case?

My final question (for now) from looking at peoples signatures it seems level 50 is the highest possible level, is this true? Also what is RR2 RR5 etc?

Thanks again for the help.



check your pmz (click on profile at the top right).

rr2 means "realm rank 2" just as rr5 means "realm rank 5". it's a measure of your realm points (the reward you receive for killing players from enemy realms). each realm rank (above 1) gives you +1 to all skills.


Originally posted by eben
No you don't know what you're talking about. You don't even have a 50 in RvR:

Albion Prydwen
Gawain---3X Paladin
Owl Nightstalker---2X Minstrel
Midgard or Hibernia Excalibur

so how the fuck can you make such broad statements about the tanking classes?

Played all classes? Yeah sure to lvl 5 or something.

With IP, moose and slam heroes rule the roost (plus they get nice parties). Warriors are gimpage in comparison.

You say mercs are top of 1v1? Hell friars and palas take em out regularly in duels. Champions make the best in duels on account of debuffs.

You do say some correct things, but your post is damn dangerous...using some correct points to add credibility to the weaker points...it's misleading.

If I was gonna rolla tank in each realm I would choose:

Albion - Friar
Midgard - Zerker
Hibernia - Hero

I probably know the frontiers better than most level 50s mate, I've played this game from the start and all my mains have been tanks so yes I do know what I'm talking about. Played both a hero and warrior in RvR? Do you know how much use moose-mode is? It basically sticks a great big target on you - it has a 30 minute timer so you won't be using it much, it doesn't last for long, and all it does is keep the hero up a tiny bit longer. What the hell is it with people and level 50? If I hear any more of this elitist crap I'm going to flip, and apologies to the world in advance if I do.

And mercenaries have a certain ability called Dirty Tricks - opponent fumbles for 30 secs, long enough for the merc to kill him, unless he's a paladin. So yes, they are damn good at 1v1s.


Blademasters and Rangers are much more difficult to level than the other tanks, but also, IMO the rewards is much greater. They're harder to level and master, but once you eventually do you'll never regret it. I can't really speak for Mercs as I've never tried levelling one. If you're up for the challenge go for a ranger/BM if you just wanna work your way to 50 and RvR ASAP make a Hero or something :)

The archery system is dire, it works, is easy to understand and does nice damage when you hit, the problem is the miss rates on arrows are rediculously high due to a number of factors, hopefully Mythic will resolve this soon, although, we've been waiting 8months for them to fix archery already, thank god ranger melee rocks as we'd never survive on archery alone.

I think Prydwen generally is more mature, that isn't to say of course there aren't mature players on Excal, there are for sure, the problem is they're surrounded by a bunch of childish 10yr olds who detract from the game in a big way, whereas on Prydwen, we generally just ignore the 10yr olds so that they bugger off to another realm/server or quit altogether :p Due to Excals population you will find it much more easy to level there, but again, end game may end up being regularly spoiled by the kids. Of course you can just find the right bunch, stick with them and ignore the kids tho ;)

Level 50 is indeed the highest level, well kind of. As you kill other players you gain realm ranks, there are 10 realm ranks each with 10 levels. At realm rank 5 and at lvl50 you get a boost to damage/armour so you're an equivalent of a lvl51 armour/damage wise despite still actually being level 50. With realm levels you also gain realm ability points, these can be spent on skills to further expand your character, like for example archers get Mastery of Archery which lets them fire arrows faster or there's Ignore Pain available to tanks and casters which is a 100% heal useable every 30mins, there are probably hundreds of these realm abilities available to customise whichever character you choose.


Originally posted by Falcon
Er, so hold on, let me get this straight. At lvl35 you were in a group that killed 3 Heros, this was back in what, patch 1.36 or something? Therefore Warriors are the best tank in game? Now I'm trying not to have a heart attack here from laughing, but that's perhaps one of the poorest, most utterly flawed, laughable arguments I have EVER had the misfortune to read.

This guy is cleary a moron. I pointed out one instance when I, as a warrior, "owned" amongst others, 3 heroes. You say, "it was back in 1.36" well it certainly was a long time ago, but you realise warriors are now better than they were? So what the fuck is your arguement? Warriors are better fighters. They are very boring to level, nothing new etc. BUT they are the best fighters - that is their draw. You can think what you want, but I know that, from personal experience, they are the best, and so basically keep whatever screwed up ideas you have in your twisted little mind...


Do you know how much use moose-mode is? It basically sticks a great big target on you - it has a 30 minute timer so you won't be using it much, it doesn't last for long, and all it does is keep the hero up a tiny bit longer.
A tiny bit longer, what like 50% hps more you mean, i.e. 3000hps instead of 2000hps? Yep, that's really worthless that. The more and more you post, the less and less credible what you say becomes.


surely "best fighter" means who either survives the longest in RvR, or who would win 1 v 1. I'd bet on a Hero beating a Warrior toe to toe anyday.


though saying that, Turgon (skald) recently soloed tankster (rr10 hib tank) and won :p would think it involved a lot of kiting.


This guy is cleary a moron. I pointed out one instance when I, as a warrior, "owned" amongst others, 3 heroes. You say, "it was back in 1.36" well it certainly was a long time ago, but you realise warriors are now better than they were? So what the fuck is your arguement? Warriors are better fighters. They are very boring to level, nothing new etc. BUT they are the best fighters - that is their draw. You can think what you want, but I know that, from personal experience, they are the best, and so basically keep whatever screwed up ideas you have in your twisted little mind...
Perhaps you should ask Efour about Warriors :)

What's the standard response? I think it's something like "Go away clueless n00b", which, you clearly are. You DO know Heros didn't even have moose back then, right.. ?


Hero's are the best tanks in the game to the person who asked at the beginning of this post

Then Armsman

Then Warriors, Midgard the melee realm is a laughable description

Sorry if other people already said this but didn't read any posts

Oh and cut the swearing out a little on glancing saw alot of Fank you very much words flying about


Heros are the best tank in the game imho, because :-

a). Best armour in their realm.

b). Ability to Moose, FA2, IP (Heros get these at a giveaway price) means your enemy may well have to chew through 5000+hp to kill you, with 27%abs, 39 base parry,42 base shield, thats not going to happen in a hurry.

c). Insane LW or Spear damage. Spear is strong against support classes (e.g. midgard chain).

A tanks job is to take pain and kill support classes. A Hero with spear is better equipped to do these tasks than anyone else.

The stats for realm points on heros kinda point to the fact that we are possibly the strongest class in the game.

My hero hasnt even got rr5 yet, but I feel like a GOD playing him and am confidant that I can run right into the middle of a group of enemies and calmly start skewering the mages and healers.

if u think heros are poor, well... I guess you havent played a level 50 one with IP and capped melee resists yet...


Originally posted by Falcon

Not really true, buffed to hell and with str relics they have nice damage output, but take either away and they're completely useless, again, my melee spec ranger slaughters unbuffed mercs whether I'm buffed or not.

Extremely overpowered in 1 vs 1 situations, they own just about everything. However it's a different story in group RvR as they have lower HPs and don't get the RA benefits the pure tanks get.


Most mercs are slash so will not hit you a great deal of damage but very fast(since rangers resist slash),i have no problems vs rangers so either you are buffed or fighting ones who can't play:p

Then again you are a good ranger but revminster is too....

As for champs 1vs1 the own everything?hmmm i haven't see that too often,there's a few that do though and a few that do not,guess it's the player who really make the class.

At the end of day choose something you find comfortable and you enjoy.

Hero is best tank in the game if played right yes rvr wise, but paladin for pve.


Originally posted by the_chimera
Do you know how much use moose-mode is? It basically sticks a great big target on you - it has a 30 minute timer so you won't be using it much, it doesn't last for long, and all it does is keep the hero up a tiny bit longer. What the hell is it with people and level 50?

a). Your languge is making me sick.

b). Moose raises your HP cap, if you IP during a Moose you are not staying up a bit longer you are getting more health gain than you had hit points before the battle.

If a Hero is taking pain, if he turns into a great big moose and everyone sees him and hits him.. He is doing his job well! The job of a hero is to take that pain, to distract people onto him. To prevent his own casters and healers from taking melee and spells.

Had a brilliant battle last week. Ran into the middle of two full groups of mids and started puncturng the healers and nukers. Almost half of these two groups came after me with their swords and axes. The 30 seconds of me running around being chaced as a moose and IPing for another 15 seconds of life was quite long enough for my party to nuke them all to death.

Yes Moose distracts, but thats a very very GOOD thing.


Originally posted by Falcon
Perhaps you should ask Efour about Warriors :)

What's the standard response? I think it's something like "Go away clueless n00b", which, you clearly are. You DO know Heros didn't even have moose back then, right.. ?

LOL I don't quite think I'm a newbie. So what if heroes did or didn't have moose mode, like I said, it's pretty sodding useless, and why the hell would I ask someone about warriors when I know all there is to know about them myself. For the last time, heroes are the worst main tank, warriors are the best, I can't be tossed with this any more. If you want to waste the main poster's time by suggesting he roll a hero, go ahead, all I can say is I've seen 2 heroes be out-tanked by a equal con scout. That should tell you all you need to know about the class. So I'll leave the elitist arrogant scum to defend their precious heroes, and drag more innocent people into the depths of worthlessness with them. And in the future I won't bother typing up any form of guide, since there's always some idiot who thinks they know everything and just has to try and ruin it.


People still think 1vs1 i.e duels are the main thing that determine what class is the best in the game when they realise in the end the dueling system works out as a 50/50 paper,scissors and stone type of game,also enemies aren't exactly going to stop in a zerg and start 1vs1 :p


jesus chimera just stop now lol

and they guy that posted the original question please ignore these confusing statements :rolleyes:

if you want pure melee i would roll midgard beserker or hibernia hero

both better than any albion tank atm...

go norseman for beserker and celt for hero and you cant go very far wrong :D

i hope thats a simple answer to the question


Not really true, buffed to hell and with str relics they have nice damage output, but take either away and they're completely useless, again, my melee spec ranger slaughters unbuffed mercs whether I'm buffed or not.

Let me remind you of a little encounter Xest and Hendrick had a few months back at the mid milegate in Odin's. You got two arrows in before I got close, and I do have to say that you beat me in that fight, but you also used both First Aid and Ignore Pain if I remember correctly, while I had none of those realm abilities available at that point, and I was something like Realm Rank 2Lx. So "slaughtering" is maybe the wrong word :)

But, melee rangers certainly are very interesting to play, and if you like dual wield weapons and want a class that gives you many possibilities, they're propably more interesting than mercs as well. As merc, you just run around and hit things, and the challenge lies in picking the right targets and getting your positional styles in. Rangers offer a useful bow, stealth, selfbuffs and good melee abilities, so if you want a versatile fighter then go try one! A well played "real" fighter should still be able to defeat them though. But talking about one on one encounters is pointless to a certain extent, since factors like equipment, available active and passive realm abilities and general playing experience play a major part in determining the outcome of such fights.

Considering fast levelling, almost any fighter or semi fighter class can go up quite fast to level 20 using killtasks. Main problem is that they need good equipment, meaning you have to invest a lot of money in bows/arrows, swords and armor.


A scout of same con killed two hero's?

This I gotta see


Originally posted by -Lonewolf-
A scout of same con killed two hero's?

This I gotta see

but chimera said he wouldn't post again :p



Originally posted by the_chimera
This guy is cleary a moron. I pointed out one instance when I, as a warrior, "owned" amongst others, 3 heroes. You say, "it was back in 1.36" well it certainly was a long time ago, but you realise warriors are now better than they were? So what the fuck is your arguement? Warriors are better fighters. They are very boring to level, nothing new etc. BUT they are the best fighters - that is their draw. You can think what you want, but I know that, from personal experience, they are the best, and so basically keep whatever screwed up ideas you have in your twisted little mind...

Sorry man but you only played a Warrior to 35thish level. Like it or not 50 RvR is a world of difference. For a start you don't have access to allot of the major styles at 35.

Hero's are the best tank when compared to Warriors/ Armsmen. There's no disputing it... they are! Warriors are absolutely amazing in PvE. In RvR the block/ parry bug is still not fixed, affecting hero's and armsman alike. The difference is Hero's and Armsmen can spec differently to get around this problem. They also have other abilities which put them ahead of the Warrior (plate, and moose for a start).

Warriors are far from gimped in general, but when compared to their counterparts, they completely fall over! Play one to 50... you'll have fun, but you'll see at 50 that you're far from the "best tank in the game." Hero's and Armsmen can both spec the same way as a warrior (ie, become a block/ parry machine in pve) and both have nice little extras to ensure they're unique. Warriors simply don't.

I'd still reccomend playing one to the original poster. They're simply put, amazing in PvE and they don't fair too badly in RvR when you get a good group. Just don't ever expect to log in at 50 and wander around the frontiers solo.


First of all stop harassing him because he made a mistake its not very nice.

now i think that a hero could beat me in 1on1 never tried but ive killed armsman 50's easy. I think it depends mostly on who is playing the character i have had a yellow scout a blue armsman and a yellow infil on me and held them for like 10 minutes without IP of FA2 and i killed one of them and the scout hit me once so dont say that warriors suck!


You've seen: "2 heroes out-tanked by an equal con scout". Very very doubtful. Infact, a scout out-tanking one hero would be something I would like to see. A scout out-tanking any one who can spec melee I would like to see ;)

To the original poster; Heroes are one of the best tank classes in the game. The only person in the world who disagrees is the_chimera. Don't ask me why.


Let me remind you of a little encounter Xest and Hendrick had a few months back at the mid milegate in Odin's
Could you clarify? Last time I checked there was no Mid milegate in Odin's :) I don't remember meeting mercs one on one in ages, last mercs I remember encountering were Sycho in a massive battle at the foot of bolg a month or two back and Sousi in group fights in emain a few times.

Most mercs are slash so will not hit you a great deal of damage but very fast(since rangers resist slash)
I'm at melee speed cap so speed is a void argument.

or fighting ones who can't play
Do you often insult yourself :p ?


Originally posted by Masumori
I have my copy of DAoC with SI ordered from play (www.play.com) for the bargain price of £18 including delivery and have been doing as much reading as i can to decide on my class, but it's such a tough choice! It seems like a very friendly community so i thought i would ask for some advice.

I think i have decided i would like to be a fighting class, as i have always prefered these in other mmorpgs but i can't even decide which realm to choose, yet alone which fighting class, i'm thinking just choose a class and play which ever realm that class is in. I look forward to being quite effective with RvR combat, but have no knowledge of what classes would be a good choice.

I quite like to be able to get stuck in and solo mobs so i can level quickly, but i also want to be of decent use to group hunts.

Any advice on this would be greatly appreciated, thanks.



Simply because we sound + look the coolest :)


Gah, I mean Hib Milegate. It's been quite a while and I was running towards HPK to suicide more or less hugging the east zone wall, and suddenly I get an arrow sticking inside me. It was a week or two before the patch that gave us mercs cheaper IP etc. I still remember the fight since it was a rather close one. I kept a count on people killing me 1v1 using FA and IP and kept dreaming of what I would do to them once I got IP myself :) Of course, I may be mistaken and it was another celt ranger dressed in black using two slash weapons.


I only got one advice...your character, whoever you choose, is never better than how you play it. A great player is much harder to beat than a great character.

The fact that I had a close fight with a spear-hero in Thidranki with my warrior(I won) dosn't count I bet.
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