Well, when something is 100% packetloss, it means that either the router is completely dead, or that router isn't returning any ICMP packets (used for traceroutes and pings and such).Sendraks said:Oh eck, I understood none of that Daedalus.
The route is clear, yet he has this big red packet loss thingies on the chart, which I have yet to see on any of my ping plots.
What am I supposed to be looking for?
Amiga said:First of all this is not me trying to whine even more about the lag (even tho it bothers me like hell hehe). This is just some tests i did tonight. The tests shows some pings i made with pingplotter and with normal command prompt pings.
Heres what the pics shows (time shown is CET):
1. patch.camelot-europe.com -> Our belowed login server. Net and server belongs to Goa (Wanadoo).
2. Router/Switch -> Owned by Goa (Wanadoo).
3. Opentransit router
4. Opentransit router
As you can see in the "no error" picture all my 4 pings got replies (its in swedish but u get the picture i hope).
No error:
But if we take a look at the error picture we can see that 3 of my 4 pings have stopped to work. Both "GOA" adresses doesnt reply and also one of the opentransit routers (no 4). However, the router above the "broken" OT router works like a charm and so does the rest of the routers in the traceroute pingplotter prints out.
Conclusion: Well nothing really (im no network expert) except that it shows that something needs to be done
By looking at the error picture it looks like no 4 is the thief here but it could be the one above (no 3) as well. Hell, it could be anything afaik but it sure looks like one of those 2 are having problems.
Dont know if this little test gives any useful info but this is what ive been going thru all evening. Game has been impossible to play due to these massive interrupts (just look at the red downtime bar on the error pic).
HAH! Awesome![GOA]Erivoss said:You'll be happy to hear that I recieved a message today asking me to stop sending Ping Plots. They have got the message and are investigating - I will keep bugging them every day until it's fixed or at least until I'm told what's wrong and what's being done about it.
Please keep the ping plots coming, I want to build up a stockpile should I hear nothing from them![]()
Daedalus said:HAH! Awesome!
So.. who gets the cloak?
Hopefully that's OpenTransit debugging their routers.Boni said:well servers been terrible for the last 3 hours, massive lags, link deads a plenty.
Heres your plot.
Daedalus said:*edit*
Actually, it looks like your ISP is adding 300ms and the 'normal' OpenTransit an additional 300-400ms spikes. Though I'm not entirely sure.
Ah yes, you're right. I didn't see the timespan in which the sample was taken and the amount of samples included.Boni said:How do you figer that? Totaling up the average ping columns it looks like I get about 100ms lag from bt / ntl, and 200-250 on the OT/server side on average over the last 3rhs.
The long black lines going left right are just max/min markers and can be deceptive, I think the average column gives a good indication of overall performance of the nodes?
Heres the same plot again without the min / max markers and current samples, kind of looks different doesnt it....
Arus Canus said:k I'm no einstein, but surely this cant be good?
First trace i did looked oki.. atleast i think it did. Still waiting for the experts.
Helme said:I think its becouse it first goes through opentransit which slows it down, then keeping going at that speed into GoA network. Dont qoute me on that thought since im not sure.