Whats the point?



i just dont get why u mids dont understand why albs get so frustrated... is it so hard for u to come out and say yeah u albs have gimped classed.... cuz thats what u all saying in your realms.

And XEVIUS i totally agree with your post and i bet alot of the other albs does aswell.


Originally posted by Poseidon
i just dont get why u mids dont understand why albs get so frustrated... is it so hard for u to come out and say yeah u albs have gimped classed.... cuz thats what u all saying in your realms.

And XEVIUS i totally agree with your post and i bet alot of the other albs does aswell.

It's funny how your "view" on mids is coloured by Nolby and other experienced RvR guilds, I am part of a small guild, and not excatly a RvR guild. So mostly I join random grps for my RvR experience, and let me tell you we don't have alot of healers or shamans, I spend 50% of my RvR game time waiting for a healer/shammy and often we just go w/o a healer to certain doom because we are bored. And yes I die lots more to albs than I kill 'em, and I've been playing this game for more than a year now and I know how to play my class (just be quiet Arch ;)). So my experience is the same as yours I port to emain, wait for a grp run out... die... rinse repeat. Sometimes I get a good grp started at we survive a few encounters before the healer shammy has to leave and we're doomed again.

And I'm not saying a perfectly balanced mid grp isn't powerfull but not all of us are priviliged enough to be in one all the time, as you are neither. So stop the "all mids are uber because their classes are waaay better", 'cause thats just not true. If you have a balanced alb grp you'll beat 90% of the grps I'm in, Everytime! And yes it's true if you run into Nolby et. al. you'll prob. loose everytime too, but heck if I run into LA i loose everytime too! big deal!! They've spend time lvling the best classes for a FG to pwn, maybe mid has the advantage there I really don't know, only a experienced alb/hib grp with the same dedication (or whatever you would call it) as Nolby can really say the truth about that.

So if you want to pwn in RvR do as Nolby, make a dedicated RvR grp, it contains the perfect mix of alb classes, and it consists of the same 8 peeps playing the same class, ALL the time.. EVERY day. When you've done that for more than a year I'm willing to listen to claims of unbalance.. until then you have no more clue than I about "Realm Imbalance"


Dont worry dude, itll be albs turn next, this time next year Pallys might get some aoe 5000+dmg style or some other shitty class gets fixed and overpowered, take ur pick of alb classes. sorcs getting insta 80000 range stun would be nice




So if you want to pwn in RvR do as Nolby, make a dedicated RvR grp, it contains the perfect mix of alb classes, and it consists of the same 8 peeps playing the same class, ALL the time.. EVERY day. When you've done that for more than a year I'm willing to listen to claims of unbalance.. until then you have no more clue than I about "Realm Imbalance" [/B]

the guilds who do that get accused of zerging/cheating, but then again do they give a flying fuck?


Originally posted by hercules-df
the guilds who do that get accused of zerging/cheating, but then again do they give a flying fuck?

Actually those are the ones that don't get accused of zerging (?)

As the statement that you have a low population of sorcs and healers etc and you have crap loads of infils, that's really not our problem and has nothing to do with alb classes being gimped (even though some are).

On another note, as I remember it near the server opening Albion were the ones that ruled RvR. The battlefeild then after a while came into the hands of mids, and after that hibs. Seems fairly balanced between mids and hibs atm apart from mid having greater numbers. The tides are turning mate, just wait and see what happens, ans as an above poster stated, if the game doens't give you any satisfaction, stop playing a while.

Cheers ;)


omg at the VN post in your sig wid......

And well, was in a grp today that didnt loose to any enemies that had 10 or less people there. Only times we lost were to zergs and yeah, we came across high rr ones. Shame NP weren't around but I'd of said that would have been a 50/50 chance to go either way.

Get a balanced group and you are sorted


"Xevius lvl 50.9999 Matter Cabby "

aha! theres the problem.. :rolleyes:


Originally posted by xevius
Oh lol. You are right....
Its not mythic gimping characters like clerics etc.

#1 I kinda get a big smile on my face when I see ppls whajn about NO ONE PLAY NEEDED RVR CLASSES!=(
like u, u play cabba how much do u bring for a GOOD/DECENT rvr grp?

#2 roll a NEEDED RVR CHAR insted of whajn about it? then it can't be that hard to get rvr grp or?

#3 that u get 2hit by zerkers bad luck, how many hits do u think a RM/SM can handel?

#4 lvl 50.9999 Matter Cabby? sounds like u spend more time in pve then in rvr?

#5 u can't run out in emain without try to fix a good grp. *hint* 7casters and a minstrel can't kill a "fixed" grp. IF it aren't like 4-10am

btw whats so gimped about clerics? (if u don't spec it wrong but then every char can get gimped)



Originally posted by dyss
#1 I kinda get a big smile on my face when I see ppls whajn about NO ONE PLAY NEEDED RVR CLASSES!=(
like u, u play cabba how much do u bring for a GOOD/DECENT rvr grp?

#2 roll a NEEDED RVR CHAR insted of whajn about it? then it can't be that hard to get rvr grp or?

#3 that u get 2hit by zerkers bad luck, how many hits do u think a RM/SM can handel?

#4 lvl 50.9999 Matter Cabby? sounds like u spend more time in pve then in rvr?

#5 u can't run out in emain without try to fix a good grp. *hint* 7casters and a minstrel can't kill a "fixed" grp. IF it aren't like 4-10am

btw whats so gimped about clerics? (if u don't spec it wrong but then every char can get gimped)


he plays a thurg in rvr, his cabby is fo rmaking money ;)

as for clerics, they lack any self defence and dont even have the option to spec for self defence, they have an offensive and pointless specline on a full support class which gimps them.


I think that the basic problem underlying all of this is not necessarily realm balance, but the fact that melee has been buffed to the wazoo the last year while magic users only go backwards. Being a caster in RvR today is a really frustrating experience regardless of realm. That Midgard is the realm with the highest proportion of melee-based classes (or melee-resistant classes, like the healer as opposed to "soft" sorcerers) is what tips the balance in their favor, IMO.

Originally posted by wid_caedes
As the statement that you have a low population of sorcs and healers etc and you have crap loads of infils, that's really not our problem and has nothing to do with alb classes being gimped (even though some are).
Yes, it does, don't you see? People go harping on in this thread that "it's just a game". Well, people play games to have fun, and this means they will play classes that are fun (i.e. not gimped). So a gimped class means there are few people playing it. QED.


NP owned :)

I dont thing so, that albs r gimped. Its big differnce to play in RvR group full of noobs, who dont know how to assist, /stick where to rest etc and play with experience group.

For example :
1 time i was in random group, all were very high RR. Near Granies we met with FG of NP and we owned em all, only with 1 dead man :)))) NP had 2 or 3 healers and they insta mezzed us, but we used SoS, BOF and purge, then they had no chance!

Only problem with albs is in that, they dont have insta AE mezz, its impossible to cast mezz faster (if u r face to face), and enemy group use insta AE mezz. And if we dont have purge rdy, then we have problem. Of course im speaking about experienced mezzers, who knows how to mezz. Ask Aussie (Dreams) if u dont thrust me, he is one of the best sorc. on Albion.


Re: NP owned :)

Originally posted by katzzzz
I dont thing so, that albs r gimped. Its big differnce to play in RvR group full of noobs, who dont know how to assist, /stick where to rest etc and play with experience group.

For example :
1 time i was in random group, all were very high RR. Near Granies we met with FG of NP and we owned em all, only with 1 dead man :)))) NP had 2 or 3 healers and they insta mezzed us, but we used SoS, BOF and purge, then they had no chance!

Only problem with albs is in that, they dont have insta AE mezz, its impossible to cast mezz faster (if u r face to face), and enemy group use insta AE mezz. And if we dont have purge rdy, then we have problem. Of course im speaking about experienced mezzers, who knows how to mezz. Ask Aussie (Dreams) if u dont thrust me, he is one of the best sorc. on Albion.

albs arent gimped they just need to hope groups like NP have all instas and PR down when they meet them 1fg vs 1fg or they have zero chance to win TBH.

and insta>cast mezz in fast rvr


Originally posted by Garnet
"Xevius lvl 50.9999 Matter Cabby "

aha! theres the problem.. :rolleyes:

Euphoria Trance lvl 50 Stormbringer (lvl 50th theurg 8sec pbt specced)
Dawnbringer 48th cleric

Don't post a sarcastic reply if your are not 100% sure of wot are you talking about..



Originally posted by Strapon Sally
he plays a thurg in rvr, his cabby is fo rmaking money ;)

I don't ever recall him commin an whining about his bugged chain-stunning (an now bolt range, unmezzable) pets in the past and how it was unfair to other realms. Funny that.



Originally posted by Begach
I don't ever recall him commin an whining about his bugged chain-stunning (an now bolt range, unmezzable) pets in the past and how it was unfair to other realms. Funny that.


i dont recall these pets running about with 2300Hp, studded armor and hitting for anything between 500-1200 per hit, also cc imune at higher RR and a full heal.


Just to add to the origanal post...

i do agree that some mid tanks hurt to much.. HOWEVER i also belive casters are in a time of darkness, what with crasy resists and all... However thats not to say you cant beat em.. of lat i roamed about with 1FG we have lost fights and also won fights 1fg vs 1fg we beat hibs not to bad, high RR mids are more of a struggle... with the drop we have even done up to 2fg

you question how its to do with your set up and experiance etc

our group has been ...

Outlaw (thuerg)
Zoyster (Fire wizzy)
Myself Lac (Ice wizzy)
Fedakyn (Mind sorc)
tts (Body sorc)
riell (mincer)
Herbal (cleric)
sttbuffer (cleric)

some times the names change but the set up is the same.. we know what we all need to do and who to guard each other and it works yet we can all be killed but a zerk or sav in 2 shots...

its down to how you play and deal with the chrs you see that are over powered.. i bet that savage that you talk about isnt too happy when ge gets mezzed -50% heat debuff follows buy zoyster nuking, outlaw and me assisting.. they die fast too

All food for thought


2000Hp is easy to get mate. on lvl50 tanks get like 1500Hp that+Armor +-200Hp then u have the con buff +100Hp +Str/Con buff+200Hp

1500+200+100+200= 2000hp


I´ve been playing some Albion the last few months. Its fun. Albs have all the tools to build a successful rvr group on appealing characters. Albs have powerful RAs that are REALLY fun to pull off. Albs have strong tanks, versatile support und interesting casters.

Basically, playing Albion is a wellspring of neverending fun. If your experience differs, you probably suck.

Virtuoso, Dartmoor Server, Phoenix Knight


Originally posted by Strapon Sally
i dont recall these pets running about with 2300Hp, studded armor and hitting for anything between 500-1200 per hit, also cc imune at higher RR and a full heal.

Yeah but i do recall em chain stunning for 9-20 seconds.

He wouldn't is my point.



Originally posted by infozwerg
Albs have all the tools to build a successful rvr group on appealing characters.

hehehe priceless


Originally posted by Begach
Yeah but i do recall em chain stunning for 9-20 seconds.

He wouldn't is my point.


heh if you think that thurg stun is even remotely close to zerks damage output you need help :)


Originally posted by Strapon Sally
heh if you think that thurg stun is even remotely close to zerks damage output you need help :)

I never said that at all. Just that you rarely see when you're screwin someone else over. It's all fair an nice right. An that aint a dig at you albs. It's hiuman nature.

An since you drew the comparison, at least zerker dmg issue was introduced in later patches. Thuerg ones have been in the game from day one.



blablablabla albs whining.. want some cheese?
someone got owned!
What a suprise an alb whining.


Originally posted by Strapon Sally
hey looks like your the one needing a clue, i had both healer and cleric and the difference is huge, the healer totally eclipses the cleric for utility/surviveability(sp?).

Healers certainly arent gimped, they maybe could do with a little more in the way of the aug line but apart from that they are an all round excellent class, unlike a cleric who's smite line is totally out of balance for what the cleric is which is the realms primary healer.

Shaman are a solid class like friars, druids have the OPTION to spec for defensive CC and get ranged insta's, unlike the smite cleric which gets a small range pbaoe mezz on a 5 min timer lasting 30 seconds at 44 smite.

You're looking at it all wrong. You can't compare a cleric to a Pachealer, what you have to compare to is the class playing the "role" of the cleric in a mid group, not the immidiate counterpart as a "main healer". And Aug/mendhealer is the counterpart and my surviveability is directly proportional to the skill of the tanks in my group. You're not supposed to get a "get out of jail free card" for any given situation just because you happen to be a supportclass, I have the same problems you do but instead of complaining about losing my ability to solo FGs with old smite, I surround myself with competent players and good group setups for compensate for my weaknesses. Unnerfed smite was fine for the rvr climate in 1.4x, mostly solo assasins, RMs and skalds running around, big zergwars clashing together where a cleric could stand at a comforting distance nuking. Now however Albion need their clerics to heal, they need their clerics to buff, if the smite nerf wouldn't have happened there would still be a million full smiters running around leaving the entire tank population with nothing to do but die to groups with dedicated druids/augmendhealers who made the consious choice to play support, they knew they were going to heal. What do I have over you? Baseline mez. And this is of little to no use of me to protect myself since mez immunity is long since on when a tank is on me. You're not worse off that anyone else, ranged insta every 10 mins is exclusively for offensive use rather than personal defense(at least in any even semi-skilled group situation) which the healer in question, doesn't even have. Debate the Sorc VS Healer situation all you want, but don't compare clerics to healers saying healers have insta CC, because the healer you should be comparing yourself to, doesnt'.


Originally posted by Forau
You're looking at it all wrong. You can't compare a cleric to a Pachealer, what you have to compare to is the class playing the "role" of the cleric in a mid group, not the immidiate counterpart as a "main healer". And Aug/mendhealer is the counterpart and my surviveability is directly proportional to the skill of the tanks in my group. You're not supposed to get a "get out of jail free card" for any given situation just because you happen to be a supportclass, I have the same problems you do but instead of complaining about losing my ability to solo FGs with old smite, I surround myself with competent players and good group setups for compensate for my weaknesses. Unnerfed smite was fine for the rvr climate in 1.4x, mostly solo assasins, RMs and skalds running around, big zergwars clashing together where a cleric could stand at a comforting distance nuking. Now however Albion need their clerics to heal, they need their clerics to buff, if the smite nerf wouldn't have happened there would still be a million full smiters running around leaving the entire tank population with nothing to do but die to groups with dedicated druids/augmendhealers who made the consious choice to play support, they knew they were going to heal. What do I have over you? Baseline mez. And this is of little to no use of me to protect myself since mez immunity is long since on when a tank is on me. You're not worse off that anyone else, ranged insta every 10 mins is exclusively for offensive use rather than personal defense(at least in any even semi-skilled group situation) which the healer in question, doesn't even have. Debate the Sorc VS Healer situation all you want, but don't compare clerics to healers saying healers have insta CC, because the healer you should be comparing yourself to, doesnt'.

first off paragraphs pls

and you can compare the healer to the cleric, both primary healers for the realm, both buffers yet the cleric has ZERO chance to spec to defend himself except for a 30 sec pbaoe mezz at 44

i played a pac healer, i played with you forau and i also played a cleric previously before i moved to mid, yes an aug/med healer has little defence but he HAS the opion, as for the baseline mezz, that is still very very useful compared to nothing as well as amnesia/aoe amnesia for interupting and demezz.

the healer has ultimately more utility,


Originally posted by Strapon Sally
first off paragraphs pls

and you can compare the healer to the cleric, both primary healers for the realm, both buffers yet the cleric has ZERO chance to spec to defend himself except for a 30 sec pbaoe mezz at 44

i played a pac healer, i played with you forau and i also played a cleric previously before i moved to mid, yes an aug/med healer has little defence but he HAS the opion, as for the baseline mezz, that is still very very useful compared to nothing as well as amnesia/aoe amnesia for interupting and demezz.

the healer has ultimately more utility,

U should really read forau's reply 1 more time, as u clearly didn't read it well enough to first time ...

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