What's the point in playing?


Madonion Slicer

You have 2 accounts but cant get to higher lvls than 10, wow with my 2 accounts my Bonedancer got to lvl19 in under 8 hour.

I suggest find a class you like and sticking with, i have played since release and only got a lvl50 last week, i now do a bit of RVR with Eiis, PVE with Otrotord and have fun in BG with my new Bonedancer.

Get you self into a decent guild, i have been lucky that all the guilds i have found myself in have been good.

Make some online mates easy to do if you a decent person, and just have a laugh.

End of the day it is a game not a life experiance your only get out of it what you put in.


em 8 lvl 10 characterS?

it seems to me like ur the kinda person who gets a new hobby every week

og course your gonna be bored lol you dont bloody stick with a char long enuff to enjoy it


I got two accounts because I wanted another free month.
There was about 5-6 months between the two accounts, so I didn't feel like I lost much money on it.
On my first account I was completely new anyways, and my highest character was a 19th Berserker. I think he was what you call gimped ^-^

Then I got a 33rd Paladin on my new account, when that one ran out, I reopened the first one again, and got a Berserker to 31, then I reopened the 2nd again, but this time playing on Prydwen, hearing there was more roleplay there. Unfortunantley I was disappointed (in reference to the whole server, not any guilds, i.e. the Templars).
Still, I like it better there.

I at least think it's 8 characters. As many as one account allows now.
I'll see how it goes when I get to reopen or move to US.


rofl you didnt get a free month you paid another 15 quid ish for your new game to register to get your free month

no offence m8 but u aint striking me as smart



I give up talking to the people of DAoC.
I had no credit card, so the only chance was to buy the game.

Just because you don't like this topic doesn't mean you can call me stupid.

Edit: Just for the sake of your people I'll add that yes, I should've added that I didn't have a credit card.


ok. its quite simple. you sir, have no patience.


well thats about the "this game suxxors" part.

about the part about buying the game twice just to have an existing account and shit, you suck.


Patience is one of my many virtues.

But what else is there to expect from people with high levels. They all seem to imagine they should be worshipped.
Their alternates brag about them all the time too.

And keep your x language the hell away from me.


all you do is try to put down anyone who dares to try to say that daoc is actually good, and that perhaps you having not even got to level 50 yet might possibly be missing out on 90% of the game.

The Real Redi

Edaudric = Here's my advice as a fellow RPer:

Choose a class you like - you appear to have played enough of them up to tenth and a few a little higher, so you have the basic flavor of what each class is about. Use the "Find" button on your group screen, and pigeon (/send) someone looking for someone like you, but do it in character, but remember, not everyone is in this for roleplaying. Be a little tolerant.

If grouping with l33t5 is too much for you, and its the immersion of the character and realm you are after, then find a guild which encourages RP, or a roleplay guild.

On Pryd-Excal, there are several guilds fit these catagories, the Templars being the only strict RP guild that i know:

Order of the Knights Templar

Others don't strictly limit their mindlink (Guild Channel if you prefer) to in character only, but they do respond to and respect roleplayers:

Phoenix Legion
Griffon Knights
The Dragon Senate

these are just off the top of my head, and although as i said not strictly RP, they do join in and are allied with many who will. As a general rule, i will always start my conversation IC, and you'd be surprised how many wil happily respond in kind - often leading to some fun encouters, both in and out of character and some fine allies, or "Battle-Brothers" <grins at Laird>

Unfortunately, there are times when the games mechanics cannot be worked around, no matter how hard you try, so when this occurs, just bung what you have to say [OOC: like this, clearly stating its Out Of Character, and in parenthesis]...

This is all the advice i can offer, and if you want to send me a pigeon in game, then feel free, i'll do what i can to help, and we often have younger templars loking to group around their late teens, early twenties...

This is advice from a person who enjoys this game, despite its limitations and the odd arsepiece who plays it, so take it as its meant. If you are as determined as you sound to not find a reason to renew i can't change that, but at least give it a crack?



Thanks for all the advice ^-^
I've started an armsman (don't hit me!) and I enjoy him alot. I'll definantley stick with this one.

As for the roleplaying part, I'm not too much into strict roleplay. I don't know if it's a rule at the Templars. but personally, I prefere to use ":)" rather than "<smiles>", unless it's done in a specific manner, like <smiles kindly> or <grins evily>.
I've seen a few Griffons, a few of the Senate and very few form Utopia (if I remember correctly, their website once said they were dead?).
I've played with two lads from Virtuto Et Armis (don't hit me if that's not correct), and they were both good.
They said some of their high members made an alt just so the guy would have a guildmate to play with.
I like how the guild sounds like, and dispite it roleplaying or not, I might concider it.

I've put down the advices that've been said with anger. I don't take angry advices :)

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