What's the point in playing?



Originally posted by Edaudric
Different stories, yes, but basically, you do the same thing all the time.

There's a limit to what you can do in an MMORPG.
In a Pen and paper rpg, a few players are the focus of the entire game, so if you goto a dungeon, the GM doesn't have to consider any factors apart from the player's impact on the world.

With an MMORPG, when you design a game, you have to consider 3000+ potential players.
The scenario you showed as an example, the floor falling out of the Dungeon, it's not realistic to have that in DAOC, as it would impact on all the other players and it would be happening all the time.
Is it realistic at all to have monsters respawning constantly on the same spot and if you're careful you can kill their compatriots with them just standing around?

Honestly, you're just simply NOT gonna find that in a MMORPG.
Which is why if you want to experience the Roleplaying part of the game , then, as has already been stated, you gotta make it happen.

The Real Redi

Things like floor collapsing in barrows, in a game of this size, would border on an event, as it wouldn't only effect that one person who was bored knowing their way out of the place.

Matey, evertime someone has come up with a possible solution, or suggests a different tract, you shoot it down. You appear to be trying to convince yourself to not renew, and won't even accept that you've only seen a portion of what the game has to offer. I don't have a 50 yet either, i have a 44th merc, but i still enjoy the game!

If your actually looking for a way to stay in the game, and not just whine louder than everyone trying to help you, perhaps look out for some of the members of RP guilds? Order of the Knights Templar on Albion/Prydwen are the only strict one in Albion (and we are teh nicest :great: ), but from what i gather, you're playing mid. Basically, TRY, don't just sit and admit defeat! If you don't want to, don';t renew - simple as you... ;)


Why do all posts have to end up in random swearing and whining? EVERYTIME the same story... One asks something or says he dont like something and asks if nothing can be done about it. A few hour later the whole fucking thread is full of whines and yelling. Seems the only reason ppl come here nowadays is to whine and swear at others. Do u really get that much out of it? What do u do on your spare time? what did u do BEFORE you started coming here telling everyone what kind of idiots they are? Ran around on the streets, kicking and shouting at random ppl walking by?

Even this post will get quoted and yelled/spit/whined at. I dont give a damn, im used to it now. Guess we can start counting meaningless replies and yellings coming my way in about 10 minutes from now...

Wasnt this forum ment to be a place where DAoC player could meet up and chat and ask eachothers questions and tell they had drops for sale etc etc? Was it ment to be a place where ppl could come and yell and kick eachother in the teeth?

/Hiban lvl 50 uber with 72% Whine resist.


I understand what you're saying Hiban, but I have tried to be reasonable and coherent as possible without slagging him off.
In fact generally, I try to be civil here.


No, I'm not playing Midgard. I play Albion on Prydwen, but I the Berserker I have on my other account is Midgard on Prydwen.

People aren't trying to help (few of you might be), they're flaming me. Those are the ones I shoot down.

I am a game developer, so I can thank DAoC for showing me what not do do in an own game. It's not exactly an MMORPG, but we can get some juice in our quests :)

If my account was open, I'd go and make myself an Armsman. Haven't tried that one yet ^-^
Getting a good image of a saracen with a bill.


Hehe, hiban, think you just turned it into more of a whine thread than it was before!!! Now pls shut up and leave the flaming to us professinals LOL :p I see youre point, but putting it in the middle of a thread just makes you flame bait, and a whole load of ppl have said it all before, me included.

If you read all thats been said, he dont like the game, and asks why ppl play, then comments on that etc etc, thats called debate, heated it might be, name calling yes, its all part of this forum, so get used to it, its how its always been!

Now, back to the thread, ahh yes, there are limits on the sort of randoms dynamics that you want to see, games like NW and that dnt have the 3000+ ppl wondering their surfaces, creating huge demands on servers and such stuff. Yes a random "teleport to XXX" could be brought into play on mobs, like some have now, but there are too many limits to the random factors you ask for, and all games have those limits (so far).

Like i say, make the game what you want, suggest the ideas, post them here and on VN and to Mythic, you never know :p


I didnt whine.It was a question with so called question marks a little here and there. (Looks like: "?") :)

And HAHAH! Touché baphomet... Such a great thread ;)


Originally posted by Edaudric
No, I'm not playing Midgard. I play Albion on Prydwen, but I the Berserker I have on my other account is Midgard on Prydwen.

People aren't trying to help (few of you might be), they're flaming me. Those are the ones I shoot down.

I am a game developer, so I can thank DAoC for showing me what not do do in an own game. It's not exactly an MMORPG, but we can get some juice in our quests :)

If my account was open, I'd go and make myself an Armsman. Haven't tried that one yet ^-^
Getting a good image of a saracen with a bill.

hmm a spy then :m00:


Originally posted by hiban

And HAHAH! Touché baphomet... Such a great thread ;)

Hardly, maybe you ought to have a read of that thread and see the humor that I posted it and epople reacted to it.


8 months and only got to level 10? why do we play is not the question, the question is why YOU play?

If you cant level above 10 then dont expect to know everything about the game, since the furthest youve traveled is Mithra lol!


Originally posted by m4rk
8 months and only got to level 10? why do we play is not the question, the question is why YOU play?

If you cant level above 10 then dont expect to know everything about the game, since the furthest youve traveled is Mithra lol!

I have a Level 33 Paladin and a Level 31/33 Berserker

The Real Redi

Originally posted by Edaudric
I have a Level 33 Paladin and a Level 31/33 Berserker

then why not try for a 50th paladin? Head down DF with a decent group and train for a few hours - you'll be surprised how quickly you can train down there with a decent group. You can farm seals and buy decent armour down there, and it adds to the danger by being RvR dungeon - watch your backs, you might earn yourself some RPs, if your CCer is quick enough and you all know what your doing...

Alternatively, how about Lyonesse? have a bash at some pygmys with a nice PBAoE group or something...


THEN WHY MOAN, GO PLAY NWN OR SOMETHING! Yes, the game does start at 50, if you cant take levelling through the other levels to get there then _don't play_.

Fact is you have no level 50s, and until you do you are not in the position to say what does and doesnt happen in RvR.

BTW sounds like you really need to get a life, if you are questioning a game so deeply it must be mentally affecting you, its a game, if you dont have fun dont play it, no loss to us no loss to you.

note: excalibur isnt really a roleplay server, and as far as im conserned im glad, roleplay is dumb, acting like a character... - for what? no fun in acting like a tard. If you want roleplay go back to Prydwen


The Paladin is on Excalibur, and believe me, you don't want to be on Excalibur...
I play on Prydwen and the only roleplay there is is from new players that aren't in the Order of the Knight's Templar, and the Templar's themselves.
There is just as much thx and plz in Prydwen.
Only different form the two servers, apart from the huge roleplaying guild, Prydwen has fewer Wizards and Theurgists buffing the lower levels.

I'm waiting for my US copy, though. Probably go on the Co-Op server. got a friend there, and might get a few more.

Also, I don't play Neverwinter Nights roleplay because every darned character there have had their parents slaughtered, and they're now seeking vengeanc e(the characters, not their parents).
I don't really like NWN anyways. The animations are corny.


Not continuing with the enligtenment of our 'host', but an interesting observation none-the-less.

Isn't it amazing that these boards are so full of 'bah DAoC/Mythic/GOA suxxors', and yet just one poster complaining that he's bored with the game has brought out so many reminders of what is really good about the game?

Quite refreshing when you think about it!


I play because i like the RvR play (mainly the keep take/retakes :)). Getting to level 50 is also fun, exploring new areas and going on dungeon raids. There is always something you've never done, i doubt anyone could say they've done everything that DAOC has to offer.

If i get bored of PvE i go to RvR or tradeskilling or quests. There's alot of things to do compared to other RPG's around.


Originally posted by Solarius
Not continuing with the enligtenment of our 'host', but an interesting observation none-the-less.

Isn't it amazing that these boards are so full of 'bah DAoC/Mythic/GOA suxxors', and yet just one poster complaining that he's bored with the game has brought out so many reminders of what is really good about the game?

Quite refreshing when you think about it!

I've never said I disliked it..


I think its fair to say this game has changed a fair bit over time (hi just call me Captain Obvious). However one thing I have noticed on Prydwen server is..........well it just seems quiter in many ways than it used to be. I don't want to think whether things are better now than they used too be.......but my happy memories of the game were the hard slog to level 50, or exploring new areas like Barfog and Dartmoor........getting a group at Pygmy Goblins or Witherwoods, knowing each kill is getting you closer to level 50. All these spots are just full of tumbleweed now apart from the odd Cabalist/bollox or you get my drift etc etc.

And in a sense the main crux of this game is watching your character and grow and get new ablities/uber equipment. IMHO life doesn't start at level 50 in DAOC - the end game is a not what it should be. My main good thoughts of this game go back to the days when I wasnt level 50 and uber items and epic armour where just something to strive towards. Sure I have had some great RVR experiences but some of the best were before I was level 50.

old.Gombur Glodson

Originally posted by Myddrin
getting a group at Pygmy Goblins or Witherwoods, knowing each kill is getting you closer to level 50. All these spots are just full of tumbleweed now apart from the odd Cabalist/bollox or you get my drift etc etc.

It's a bit sad really :(

Sometimes I wonder if new players are gonna miss out on some of the exploring cause most of the lowbies are alts, who'll want 50 fast.


you have never had higher than lvl 10 and you are saying about how crap this game is? also low levels are really easy and 10 literally takes under 5hrs for me and most people i know.
I play the game because i like most of the people in it and have made some great friends, recently one of my mates from hib moved to alb and i found it hard to accept... know why?
cos he is a friend, and if you make enuf good ones on this game it makes it funner for you.
I also play the game to surpass other people, there you go thats my answer.


Actually its said in quite a few posts now, that he has got a few chars higher than 10...


Originally posted by Edaudric
Actually, this is the first time I've whined. Congratulations to DAoC on that :)

Also, those level 10's were created the last 2 weeks, not for the whole time I've played.
I've had at least 3, maybe 4 level 20's, but they've gotten deleted so I could make new character.
I'm a roleplayer, and I like to have many roles ot pick from.
And I try those characters out to find which suits me the best.

go take a Paladin then, nice Teamplayer


'It aint that hard to get a lvl 50.'


It is if you've got a life:p


Originally posted by old.Gombur Glodson
It's a bit sad really :(

Sometimes I wonder if new players are gonna miss out on some of the exploring cause most of the lowbies are alts, who'll want 50 fast.

people used to want 50 fast back in the old days too - e.g. massive queues at tanglers, not a soul in dartmoor :)

Incidentally the levelling from 1-50, exploring your character, gaining abilities, finding out what you can do, working with other people to see what you can do in groups etc. etc. is all part of the game. RvR is not the entirety of it - levels are not just there to get in the way and stop there being too many level 50s out there you know...

but if you don't like that then you don't like the game :) (Although there are other things you can do - e.g. crafting, although I've never yet been bitten by the green bar bug.... I quite liked doing consignments as a newbie to raise cash though)


Ive tried a few MMORPG's in my time including everquest and neocron but it has only been camelot that has kept my attention the longest. I cant seem to put my finger on why i have continued to play this game even when i have been playing for just under a year now. When i first started playing this game, the bg's didnt exsist and so i had no idea what RvR was like leaving me to enjoy DAOC purely by lvling. I guess it could be the vast community which these type of games rely on so much, or perhaps the nice graphics which so many mmorpgs lack.
Flimgoblin is right in saying that 1-50 shud not be seen as something put into the game to obstruct you until rvr. The new patches do offer attractive incentives for lvling with the bg's being one. Enjoy lvling and searching for new equipment, try and make your character uber at each lvl, its a challenge that has kept me interested even when i have been severly pissed off with daoc.
However, everyone knows that these games are treadmills that require masses of time, patience and effort. I do still believe that the majority of new characters in DAOC are in fact alts. In fact, contrary to what flim said, when i first started game there was an incredible number of new players who were new to the DAOC experience which made it even better for me.

Edaudric, i really do reckon you shud give the game one more chance. Why dont you try get to lvl 15 for the bg's and see what the whole essence of game is about? If you are mildly interested in mmorpg's, then this is by far the best.


Edaudric, the one thing that strikes me about the tone of your posts is that you seem to have no sense of belonging anywhere.

So, you want to be a roleplayer? There are quite a few roleplayers in Midgard/Prydwen now, and a couple of guilds who are pure roleplay.

I have this image of you wandering around Jordheim alone, attempting to roleplay with people who just havent got the time or who arent interested in roleplaying.

You say you arent sure which character to play? Well, it doesnt matter which class you are, which realm you are on, or which server. One toon can have any character you like, but you have to stick at it, or it never becomes "real". Real roleplay takes time to get into the character, to understand it and why it does what it does and says what it says.

If you havent already, find a guild that supports roleplaying, join it, choose ONE of your toons, decide who he/she is and WHY, and then STICK with him/her through all the levels until he/she pops out the other end , not only with level 50 under his/her belt, but with a fully formed character , the backing of a guild, and a circle of friends who have levelled up with you.

Put down some roots, Edaudric

DaoC was never meant to be AD&D , it was never meant to have huge depth, it's greatest asset has always been its social interaction. Thats why we have /s, /b, /y, /g, /c, /gu, /send, /whisper, /osend, /asend, /em, /<various emotes>

Use them , use them all :)


Honestly, do I sound like someone that would make friends in this game? ;)

There aren't many people I'd want to make friends with. Not of the ones I've grouped with.

I've had very bad experiences, i.e. teaming with one other fellow/fellowess leading us both to death, then he/she leaves without a word, me hugging the floor.

However, there are a few selection, a rare breed that acts mature. The breed I really like.

As odd as this sounds, I really like the game. May not always enjoy it, but I like it.
Before I used to stick with one character. Perhaps make an alt together with a guildmate when we're bored.

If I could just get this blasted money transfer to work I could be starting off again. Stupid credit cards.

My kind of roleplay is mostly just not talking about anythign not related to DAoC, and not using silly internet abbrevations (I said silly, not stupid.)

I've only had this problem with not finding the character I want until now. Probably because of all the slots you can have now.


I have also been playing for about a year. When i first started playing the game i really enjoyed exploriing and strangley enough i found leveling lots of fun. Now several characters and alot of lvls later i enjoy rvr, keep taking, hunts etc, i also have a thing for making a new alt every 2 seconds, and strangley i still really enjoy the game and do not see myself leaving for sometime. I dont agree that the game starts at 50, all thats starts at 50 is proper RVR in Odins and emain etc, which is about 40% of the game, but even at low lvls u can do RVR in the BG's which is also alot of fun. 60% of the game which starts at lvl 1!! involves leveling and grouping etc which is just as much fun as rvr just different.
If u dont enjoy any of these things m8 then there is not much that the game can offer u and i would advise going else where.

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