What's the point in playing?



I've been playing about 5-6 months since March 2001.
Every time I begin playing again, the game seems boring. Incredibly boring.
When I renewed this one 29th March, I didn't start playing for real until easter began (had a Level 1 Elementalist waiting).
Now I have 8 level 10 characters, and I see NO point whatsoever to play the game.

It's all hunting in the wilderness or in a tomb. It's all Quest for "xp".
I just sit here resting my head on my palm while twisting my chants.
I cleanse tombs that is there for no particular reason (who the hell can tell me what Mithra is there for except the town crier?)

The quests are boring and not worth doing at all.

There is no Keep taking. Nobody cares about taking over the other realm anymore. It used to be that way. Midgard practically owned all the lands of Prydwen back in March 2001 (or was it 2002. The first year with DAoC in Europe).
Maybe, just maybe 1 or two keeps is taken because people are a little bored.

Also, the other day, I met an old man outside Camelot gates. I spent about an hour talking to him, and he thought his disease was caused by the dragon in Dartmoor he was hunting 3 seasons ago.
I went to Camelot to ask a bit about the dragon, and I asked about it's color, if it was blue, and people thought I meant the "con" color, and when someone reminded them I might be on a roleplay quest, everybody lost interest.

Why on EARTH do you people keep playing? I assume most of you will say "because of the ppl", but me, I wont pay $10 a month to talk to people. I'd rather use IRC of some sort to do that.

And no "Stop negative thinking!", because I couldn't just find anything positive with DAoC. It's not even an MMORPG anymore. It've fallen in the gutter with the rest of the MMOG's.


I started playing the 2nd month of DAoC in Europe. I'm no newcomer.

old.Gombur Glodson

Noone is forcing you to play.
If you dont like it, then quit.

Wow, ain't it simple?


I suppose you missed my point. I'm asking why other people play, so maybe I can find out why the game is so supposedly fun.

The Real Redi

we get past 10th for a start.

Get up to 15th with an assassin or a paladin or something, then try out the new battle ground? Get 20th Thidranki is always busy

The aim of this game is to train until you are old enough to defend the relics and keeps, not train til 10th then moan...

old.Gombur Glodson

Other people obviously play because they enjoy the game?
I enjoy getting my char to 50, getting new shiny items.
And most important RvR.

But if you don't like the game in any aspect wth would other peoples opinion change about that?


I think some of the replies you have got show you what can be frustrating with the game - its all about the people that surround you. If your having a laugh then the game is ok - if you are surrounded by muppets, it can get very boring very quickly.


I forgot to add that I've gotten a 3X Berserker on my 2nd Account, and a 33 Paladin on this one.
It've always been the same, and people don't want you in RvR until you're level 50.

And yes, other people's opinions will help, because I may realize something I'm missing.


is this guy playing the same game as me?

how do you know about keep takes and rvr at level 10? get to level 24 and try battlegrounds then come back and we`ll talk

old.Gombur Glodson

Get to 50, try organising a steady PBAOE group.
Daoc really only starts at 50, or you can xp some twinks to 24 and have fun in thid.
Or you can just go exploring, try a different realm, join a roleplaying guild ect


I sorta got a bit bored with it, but then I started exploring the other possibilites of the game.

Like not just focusing on levelling.

Helping out your Guildmates.



Finding a Regular RvR group.

The social aspect of DAOC.

I'm sure there's lots more, I'm discovering more and more stuff.


So, I am going to have to pay over $30 to actually begin playing the game?

What I know about keep taking is that they're not being taken.
I've talked with people who have level 50 alternates, and they've all said the game's not about keeps anymore, it's about realm points harvesting.

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by Edaudric
I started playing the 2nd month of DAoC in Europe. I'm no newcomer.

8 l10's? Umph... I usually don't call people n00bs but go play Counterstrike again for fucks sake.

Looking forward to your next post...
"Why did 8 purple con Mids kill me in Forest Sauvage?"


I dispise CS more than anything, and it's people more.

I suppose that since the game is filled with people as these, there's definantley no point in getting to level 50.

Oh, by the way, I have 8 level 10's because I'm confused at what class to play.

old.Gombur Glodson

Ok, then stop playing?
It aint that hard to get a lvl 50.


But I'm so bored and there's no other games to play.
Morrowind's alone, and Neverwinter Night's is too slow.

And it is hard when you keep asking yourself if this is the class you should be playing.


Originally posted by Edaudric
So, I am going to have to pay over $30 to actually begin playing the game?
I don't get what you're saying here..

What I know about keep taking is that they're not being taken.
I've talked with people who have level 50 alternates, and they've all said the game's not about keeps anymore, it's about realm points harvesting.
Why should what other people's goals are in RvR effect how/what YOU do in RvR.
I have only fairly recently got into RvR, but, sometimes we go on patrols, sometimes stopping invasions etc...other times it's defending/attacking keeps.
Surely it's about what sort of groups you join..


I'm saying it'll probably take me 2-3 months to get to level 50, thus I have to pay $30 for 3 months. It's about $10 a month last time I checked.

old.Gombur Glodson

Ok, then try going outside, read a book, wash your car, write a letter, do work for the community.


Originally posted by Edaudric
But I'm so bored and there's no other games to play.
If DAOC really bores you that much and you can't be bothered to explore the possibilities. Then YES you ought to quit and find something else and hope it fulfills your expectations.

old.Gombur Glodson

Originally posted by Edaudric
I'm saying it'll probably take me 2-3 months to get to level 50, thus I have to pay $30 for 3 months. It's about $10 a month last time I checked.

So there is nothing that can be done to satisfy you.
Just dont play then fgs!

The Real Redi

Originally posted by Edaudric
So, I am going to have to pay over $30 to actually begin playing the game?

What I know about keep taking is that they're not being taken.
I've talked with people who have level 50 alternates, and they've all said the game's not about keeps anymore, it's about realm points harvesting.

Since Corpse Summoners arrived, it's been more about taking, reinforcing and defending a keep than ever before. The main reason, imo, that keeps aren't changing hands so readily as before is that there are now a hell of a lot more 50s than back in the day, which mean both taking and defending a keep have become easier, so keep takes are now serious things, which can last for days instead of hours, like they used to.

You'll rarely see the old Relic raid style of taking as many enemy keeps as you could, as quickly as you could, before hitting the relic keep - its not worth warning the enemy and besides, the amount of seasoned players there are, the guards are hardly a problem anymore for a full group, let alone a relic taking force.


Originally posted by Edaudric
I'm saying it'll probably take me 2-3 months to get to level 50, thus I have to pay $30 for 3 months. It's about $10 a month last time I checked.

Uh, well, I've been playing DAOC for about a year I guess.
I still don't have a lvl 50 (I do have a lvl 45 tho) character and I'm enjoying it.
You don't HAVE to reach lvl 50 to enjoy the game.
I recently generated a sorcerer and I'm loving it..


I don't mind XPing and questing, if you get bored theres always something else you can try. Stealth classes, casters, pet classes, tanks and healers are all very different styles of play each with their own interesting quirks, the quests have interesting stories behind them and you can get some nice XP and items from them especially the 40+ ones (you really don't have a 40 after all this time???) Sure you can chat to people on irc, but when you're exploring with other characters, taking on monsters that you wouldn't have a chance to do on your own, its kinda exciting. There must be plenty of places you haven't explored yet just because the monsters are deep purple to you at your levels.

Sure midgard "pwned" at the beginning of the game but generally RvR is fairly balanced now, in fact with the realm abilities available to alb and hib, middies have a tough time keeping up. No at 33 you won't be wanted in RvR, everyone else has managed to get at least one 50 by now and you're not even green to them (yellow with the new con system) you're a grey con and you know how easily you can take one of them out yourself. Get some decent groups, explore DF or other areas and get yourself into the 40s, where at least you have a small chance of fighting back, have a chance of going on on raids in the SI epic areas, and have quests that are well worth the time doing (haven't checked but with epic quests and midgard SI quests you can probably get 6 bubbles or so at 49, thats a lot of XP)


Originally posted by old.Gombur Glodson
So there is nothing that can be done to satisfy you.
Just dont play then fgs!

You need a neck massage.

Someone here said the game begins at level 50, meaning I be "wasting" time the 49 other levels (suppose starting RvR at level 48 shouldn't be that much of a problem).

old.Gombur Glodson

Then more xp and less moaning please.


-if you want to "pwn" dont play mid, go play hib or alb
-dont start playing now, and if you are get a fixed pbae group thatll get you to 50 in about a week. "normal" grouping is impossible since everyone's either getting pl'ed, exps with bot or has a fixed pbae group.
-dont judge the game until you're 50.
-the game as such is boring, thats why you need to know some people, which is impossible if you play another character every 15 seconds

and ps: keeptaking is boring

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