Well there was not many online when you took em? the day before you took em you had most keeps? mids had all day to take em back but they didn't? why cause they was no mids on? i rember night before we lost em the ac'ing crew camp bleed t1 until 4.30 am, i refused to go to bed till they was dead or loged, knowing what they was set on taking relics when mids loged. We had 6 mids deffending 2fg and we held them of till they logedThe raid was primetime from the start. Ok it finished a little late but the raid was well attended by all throughout with plenty of defenders the end.
The time a relic is taken is a difficult one, you could start a raid at 1pm in the afternoon which obviously isn't primetime, do all the groundwork and keep taking and finally capture the relic at 8pm. But just because the relic was taken in primetime doesn't make it a primetime raid.
I would say the only poor time for taking a relic is when there is no one online when you start and end the raid, i.e. 5am in the morning.