What was your first noob question? ^^



lol not really a question but i was helped to 5, a chanter buffed me with dmg shield and told me 2 attack summit so i nuked one, it attacked and i didn't have a clue about f6.

being told 2 attack and im reading u dmg the xxxx for 6.

start saying but its taking dmg!! ( from the dmg shield) grrr bet that was annoying took me ages 2 realise i had 2 hit f6 :p


Hmm... well, I think I can paste this piece of log I have, it kinda reflecs teh noobishness :D

[00:34:43] @@[Party] Torgrird: "cant wait to go to Nisse's"
[00:34:56] @@[Party] Kallio: "me neither"
(cant find the best parts :()

but I do remember when me and Zordo went to spindel the first time... I was a level 12 2h thane, and he was like level 20! (so high) and there was some ~30ish people sitting in spindel, and killing mobs... oh my good that place was so cool!

Also, horil told me once that you should be /anon in RvR or your account details could be "sniffed" with some kinda program :p


My most memorable 'mistake' (As my first character) was when I was trying the riding thingie around level 2 or 3.
First it took me 1 hour to figure out how to get on that darn horse, then when I was riding, I noticed I could do as much right,left,forward,back as I wanted but horse kept going its own way.

I came to the conclusing that NOONE can get off these horses until it dropped you off where ever you bought a ticket to.

THEN I accidently pressed 'A' and whoa!! I was on the ground. In Text window it says 'You try to dismount'... I had tried and SUCCEEDED!

I was so proud over myself until I found out I had no clue whatsoever on how to get back on that horse who ran away.. So there I was walking on a road until an ugly crab finished me(near Atla)


I asked in grp chat what they meant by "panning the camera". I was lvl 50 already and grp went OMG. Well they explained and i was realizing how much easier things could have been for me if i knew that earlier.


Originally posted by Galiryn
well - asked a friend how to autorun a week after i got the game..

i still have nightmare of those times :(
Erm... i didn't work out that there was a autorun key until Acei was level 48...


Originally posted by fema
I asked in grp chat what they meant by "panning the camera". I was lvl 50 already and grp went OMG. Well they explained and i was realizing how much easier things could have been for me if i knew that earlier.

hehehe I remember the day I hit the camera key (that toggles from chase, fixed, first person) one day in Darkness Falls... I was running, camera wouldn't move. I was SO confused - had to relog and it reset, and it was a while after that I discovered what I did and how to fix it! hehehehe

I r teh n00b


another few things that i did, or didnt do, i never knew how to quit for ages so i always ctrl+alt+del and end the program.

also i never knew about tasks till about my 4th alt, so i solo'd and did quests all the way to level 13 then went parth farm and made some great mates, joined their guild at level 18 and levelled with them tilla bout level 30, was great fun :)


humm had loads of noob questions and did loads of noob stuff in the beta. Like the standars how to draw weapon, how to use styles... specced crush while using a sword, had no idea why i didn't get to level 6 when i was level 5 because i had all the bubbs but he didn't want to level up. and how ro use a horse, remember i tryed so much shit just to figure out how it worked like tryed to doubble klick the horse tho i figured out i had to buy a ticket then tryed to doubble klick the ticket. didnt get a horse that day tho :/
oh and ofc i was lost in Camelot Castle for about 2hours before i found a entrance but unlucky me i was only at the entrance i started. oh ofc i remember my first Gold i got from my IRL friend dvl was so happy i could buy myself everything i wanted!!


I remember my 1st char was a Rogue class, ran around fort atla for ages trying to figure out what i was supposed to do to lvl up, then a stranger handed me an Alb Medallion of Passage which confused the hell outta me for days, i kept it until i was lvl 4, then deleted the char and made a shaman which seemed a lot less confusing.


I read somewhere stealth had loads of cool abilities like climbing walls and dropping safely from heights... so when I was level 10 (15 months ago or so :p) I pm'd a 50 ranger to ask why I wasn't gaining any stealth abilities...

he said they'd been 'nerfed' and rangers 'didn't get any'

'nerfed? what's that?'

'yep, they used to but not anymore'


Still sad about that :p


Hehe Funny stuff and good Thread :D

First question's I remember anyway was not knowing how to quit and going up to Sir <Something cant remember name, the named guard outside pryd keep>

" How do you quit exactly ?"
"Hello, are you there ?"
" Are you There or afk or something"
*random guy walking past*
"hey there"
Random Guy" Hiya, whats up?"
" Well just wanna know how to quit, this fag wont tell me how"
Random guy "which fag ... ? ..... HAHAHAHHAA ...... err it's /quit and i think he's blind mate ;)"


Next day I was laughing my arse off about it 2 :D

Oh Those were the day's! :D


Lol! I had a similar one to that. I was running around Cam Hills somewhere and got attacked by a boar or something. I ran and ran and ran and was almost dead but somehow managed to find Cotswold Village. As I ran into the village, Sir "insert random guard name here" ran up and killed it for me. I was so happy I hadn't died, I did a send /sir blah blah "thanks!", and I got this pm back asking me what I was talking about. I said thanks for killing the evil monster that was about to kill me. He said something like "ohhh yeah np" and I went on my merry way. It was a few days later when it actually dawned on me that the Sir was an npc guard :(


I, on my first day of DAoC, tried to ask Cathabad what a bindstone was.........after waiting 10 seconds i realised he was an NPC :)

Sad, but true.


we had 4 guys and we always took horse to camp station where we ran to avalon marsh, because no1 of us knew how to jump of horse, but when 1 figured that out, we all cheered each other and said our n00b time is over, we know how to jump of horse and we also know 2 horse routes, we were lvl 5 to 7 every1.

hilarious times, amd i was 2nd pally on that group and i still sometimes figure the name of that pally, and it sometimes pops to me and sometimes it wont, but when i think it few mins, i can remember it.

Landrin was the name, i think, also Xandor and Tisme were on those days, and i never forget Tae, 12 ish year boy playing with his father, that 12 year old boy was 1 of the best players in Excal , DAOC , Albion, he knew HOW to play, he Knew how to Listen, and he learned thousands of things, and i never forget his attitude, his main goal was never to go as fast as lvl 50, his main goal was reach lvl 50 when he is rdy for it, sadly, his readiness came before lvl 50, but he still reached that lvl, and that was long before peeps even knew what ment FOTM.

still tears come to my mind when i think those n00b times, and same comes when i think every game what i have started as n00b, only few of them have given tears after u have ended playing those.

online games with Tears: steel panthers, Rogue Spear, Ultima online, DAOC

online games no Tears: Ghost Recon, Raven shield, EVE, E&B, colin mcrae rally 2, c&c + all variations, civilization, red faction 1 & 2 , anarchy online, 1942 + all varioations and about 15 others what i have tried less tahn 3 months.

Aule Valar

Originally posted by foolou
'How do you take screenshots ?'

lol i still got that screenshot with me asking that in group :)

yeah same here :)


when i start play in Daoc -

i always gived ticket to horse :D

i was sure - i can use horse after wrong place jumping (run behind and trying jupm at horse again :D)

i make 38 lvl Eldr and didn't use stun (didn't know diff between stunn and mezz... stun have low duration, so i mezz all :D)

and i remember one RR6 RM who didn't know how turn around camera.

yep - was nice time... all colours was so bright and Daoc-world was so new-clean -> everyday happened something new.


one of my most shameful noobish acts is not knowing about shift+I and because of that i didint know what taunt was until i found out about shift+I at lvl 48 about, so i did it on all my styles and found the taunt style lol, what an idiot


i remmeber seeing a gm first timein that diamond form, and asking if it was a mob too, (Zargar) actaully tried shooting it, and then found outhe was lvl 99 lol



Well i started a chanter as a first char and i always died while focuspulling. I asked another chanter and he asked me what i did.
I said, i sent pet in, cast focus and sit down. He began too laugh, hehe.. I said while sitting down i'm getting power back.
After he explained how focuspulling worked i felled like a real noob.

And even more recently i didnt know what those yellow thingies were on the mini grp screen (and i was 50) :d


I spent ages hitting 50 with my first char (Pally) because I spent so much time doing [pointless]
quests (shes done over 70) and also simply exploring (using maps.)

Always remember when I was a bub off 40 exploring Snowdonia for the very first time. I was always proud of the Pally Sprint and woot - here was a hastener too! Click Hastener, Press 7 (end chant) press CTRL (sprint) and run North.

Plummet 500 feet and find myself back at CU.


mine was "what the hells the point of speccing stealth it doesnt do anything"


Great thread. :)

Mine was, 'why do my quickcast roots never work?'





when i first started i didnt under stand the different syles, block reactive etc so used to use them whatever, i just thought the "you fail to perform the xxx perfectly" was because i was low level, thought i would get better at it like in everquest.


Originally posted by Ravenbourne
when i first started i didnt under stand the different syles, block reactive etc so used to use them whatever, i just thought the "you fail to perform the xxx perfectly" was because i was low level, thought i would get better at it like in everquest.

off topic slightly, raven msg me ingame u lucky bastard :(


i remember starting and asking 'is there any horses in this game' to which Bill (player that got me to start playing) replied 'yeah, pallies get em at level 40'

he also showed me how to kill a monster and i was amazed when i got a little bubble of XP at lvl 1 :D

i said 'so i just keep doing this?' to which he said 'yup'
so i continued to go up in bubs till i finally dinged level 2 (hooray).
i asked 'so now what?' to which he replied 'just keep doing that'...
.............joy :p

5 levels later i figured out that i could use styles instead of getting my arse handed to me every second fight by two dwarf brawlers in humberton valley :p. i then proceeded to spec my armsman very badly for the next 25 levels, such as about 15 in thrust, 10 in shield, 10 in 2 handed, 5 in crossbow and other various rubbish specs :p

then rerolled to an infiltrator and found the class much more enjoyable, plus i actually knew how to spec stuff by then :p (p.s. this was like a month just after live version launch, so no fotm crys please ;))


Originally posted by squalion
off topic slightly, raven msg me ingame u lucky bastard :(

its not for sale! :) 2 more items and i will be ready :)


i got a warden lvl 10 and it was soo cool cos i had spells and i could do styles. Then some dude gave me 1 g ( which was oh so much back then) so i went to an Armour merchant. I bought a yellow chestpiece cos i thought : Yellow is the best to wear. SAddenly enough it was cloth.....

When a blue con creamed my ward i asked some1 why?

Think my Brocade Woden Vest wass the anwser ;)


I'm not sure about my first n00b question, I think it was probably asked on IRC as I was introduced to the game by a friend (who no longer plays, of course) and couldn't work out how to reply to the messages he was sending me.

The first problem I had was really stupid though - being a former FPS player I assumed you had to press the 'attack' button (the one you press to go into melee) once for each time you wanted to swing your staff (elementalists rox in melee remember), so I was there bashing it over and over and my char was twitching like a parkinsons sufferer.

I also remember reading in the manual that the colour of a monster's name was related to its difficulty - so I looked at the colour of the name and they were all light blue! This was before /colornames remember - it didn't occur to me to look at the little window in the bottom corner. Died a fair few times cos of that.

Oh and at first I thought spells cost End to cast, cos it went down more than the Power bar.

three cheers for raw incompetence


yeah i didnt get combat mode either, i thought it was too simple that u just pressed 1 button and left them to it hehe

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