What was your first noob question? ^^



Originally posted by old.Wildfire

Oh and at first I thought spells cost End to cast, cos it went down more than the Power bar.

three cheers for raw incompetence

hehe i tought the same, i knew you could cast even after the end bar was gone since i did that once but I was pretty sure you nuked harder when you had end aswell so i allways rested when my end was out.


dont remember my first char but i remember how i was so excited to start a troll, so i started one exping outside galpen took me like 2.5h to get lvl2 after i dinged i just went to my trainer noticed i had got a point to spend on a skill so i went axe (since u get a training axe) and was amazed over how much faster it went to exp, well reached lvl 5 after several hours of deaths etc and decided to be a thane so i started to look for the trainer didnt find him asked some1 where he was and he showed me, I went there i was accepted to be a thane and then i noticed i got a hammer as a gift and i got so sad cause i had specced axe and i didnt know u could buy axes so i deleted that char started a new char think it was a skald ran around exping didnt know how to specc so specced in all weapons etc ran around in grey leather armor and wondered why i died so fast until like lvl 12 where i deleted that char and started a sm once again speccing in everything running around in grey armor :)

Hit ^_^

think i allso did the classic whit the /send thingy in the beginning.
nor did i know that you chould take the shortcut in camelothills going thrue the city. and instead i went around it.

was allso amaged in the release when a friend told me hes group has just found a Magical Mace that hit all by it self.
i later learned its called a Proc :p

still got a picy of my armsmans qbar from the beta. taken on a keep raid we did together whit hibs :> dident got to well tho. <= forces gathered. <= few mins later...


Mine was how do i heal even though i am a healer heheh


my 1st question was how do i get off a horse most noobish thing i done was when i first went into snowdonia and got killed by a Celt so i pm'ed him and asked why he killed me he laughed at me :)


i was with some of the highest albs on the server first months of release , at lvl 40+ , doing our first days of trees in lyon
i was lvl 42 or smt mincer

i asked finster : what is this protect tanks always talking about ? :(

i felt so stupid after he explained that and i didnt know it til that lvl


Two friends have just started playing the game so i`m getting reminded of all the noob questions again.Best one so far is when one of them a troll warrior was saying he needed new armor and i said the other person a norse skald who was higher would pass his on when he finished with it.

To which he replied "but wont it be too small?" :)

Urme the Legend

Me and my brother started this game at the same time, never had any problems with /send or that stuff though :)

Though I couldn't understand why I had to draw my weapon each time to kill something.. I wanted the sword to be drawn all the time but the character always went out of attack mode when he killed something :)

And I didn't know that the /sit command was bound to my keyboard so I always typed /sit until level 10-15 or something :)

Yeah and I bought cloth armor at the beginning because that was cheaper then the rest :)

I was a Warrior :)


In beta 1st day:

"OK, i found a creature, what next?"

2nd q:

"Whats release do?"


Originally posted by old.Wildfire

I also remember reading in the manual that the colour of a monster's name was related to its difficulty - so I looked at the colour of the name and they were all light blue! This was before /colornames remember - it didn't occur to me to look at the little window in the bottom corner. Died a fair few times cos of that.

three cheers for raw incompetence

yeah wondered why i got killed hitting blues( lol orange red and purple but didn't look at bottom righthand side)

constantly asking squal to help me level my ns in df .....squal he is still lvl 23


Originally posted by Bejeezus
Great thread. :)

Mine was, 'why do my quickcast roots never work?'




looool took me ages to figure that one out ;)

Think my first question was "how do i put things in the quick bar" :)


Originally posted by finbahr
yeah wondered why i got killed hitting blues( lol orange red and purple but didn't look at bottom righthand side)

constantly asking squal to help me level my ns in df .....squal he is still lvl 23



Originally posted by Whoodoo_RD
In beta 1st day:

"OK, i found a creature, what next?"

2nd q:

"Whats release do?"

lol still remember the release thingy :p first time i died i had no idea what to do to get up alive again, so i used the help manual did read it but didn't find anything about how to get up alive again :( so i just went up to get some food then came back and my fighter were alive standing in Humberton took me hours to understand this. also tought it was 1min more for every level u got before you auto released.


my first char was an Armsman called Hotmamma.

I started out in Humberton Village, calling my RL friend that plays aswell... 'How come I get killed by green con mobs?' ... he couldn't figure it out either, untill he saw me playing.

I kept hitting F6 every time I wanted to hit something :) .. so my log would have been pretty wicked .. spamming F6 ... hehehe :D

ooh yeah .. and my overpwrd Avalonian smite Cleric ... soooo overpwrd back in the days ;) .. I got so fast to lvl 34 that I PL'd the gimp that helped me with the 'F6' button problem, from lvl 23-25 .... that was sooo fun :)

Then someone told me about the gimpness of Avalonian Cleric's ... so I deleted him :( .. R.I.P Safekeeper (but now I made him Highlander ;))

can still remember back in the days, where forces joined up @ WD (West Downs) of 8 peeps, killing deep purple mobs like lvl 12 boars and stuff !!! ... that was back when there always was grp's @ WD .. now someone ruined the fun by bringing necro's and /level command ... and Im even using it myself ... lvl 5-20 is the funniest part to play imo :D ...

lol .. and Giants ... hihihihi .. was still in Salisbury Plains with my scout @ lvl 24 .. killing green/blue mobs :D


Originally posted by squalion

Claiming that there is such a thing as a Highlander Friar, oh, wait, that was Squalion today on /as :D


"Where is the West-exit?"

In Jordheim, wanting to get to Vasudheim - i think..


Originally posted by Faeldawn
Claiming that there is such a thing as a Highlander Friar, oh, wait, that was Squalion today on /as :D

that was a accdient :<


Hehe, my first question in the game was "How do i start a guild"? ^^

Had played everquest and anarchy for ages first though
Still remember start of everquest:

Me... run around, getting aggro and die to a "orc pawn"
/tell orc pawn Your mean! why did you kill me!??
~user orc is not online~
/tell Orc pawn Hey, your mean, why did you kill me!?
~user orc is not online~
/tell orcpawn ...

See my point, hehe :D


i remember trying to pm a underhill friend and trying to ask it why it wouldnt join my grp :<


Originally posted by Aussie-
i was pro from the start! :D

ya i am remember you on corner of PKB shouting

"i love you long time" still not sure you were worth $5 though


hehe I rember at lvl 10 or something when I was grouping on plains then the cleric got agro and suddenly he spammed the groupd chat like a mad man with "CLERIC UNDER ATTACK" and I was like wtf ? no one can type that fast how do u do that ?

then I started to make macros >D


Not so much a question but when Elbeek was about level 3 I got lost in Cammy Hills for about 4 irl hours^^. I kept seeing the sunken statue and was close to quitting the game!


Uhh, i remember playing my axe specced Skald ( First char ) and asked lots of people about when i was able to use 2 axes since i found a left hand useable axe.

Funny thing was that most i pm said they did not know :)

My IRL m8 who showed me the game first time was 42 and allways whined to me that his armsman could not solo anything, but then one day at a lan i noticed that he had very low con, and asked him why he told me he did not knew that he needed to restore it :p

i was still lowbie then so quite funny because suddenly his armsman wasent so gimped afterall :)

Dodgy Geeza

Originally posted by Easdown
one of my most shameful noobish acts is not knowing about shift+I and because of that i didint know what taunt was until i found out about shift+I at lvl 48 about, so i did it on all my styles and found the taunt style lol, what an idiot

So thats why you died so easily in duels! hehe
If you didn't delve your styles, you wouldn't know which style chained off the next =/



Originally posted by Dodgy Geeza
So thats why you died so easily in duels! hehe
If you didn't delve your styles, you wouldn't know which style chained off the next =/


heh, I never bothered to use taunt while exping, assault + icestorm did more damage so therefore I could keep aggro much easilly :p


Dident really ask as i started in Beta, but people asked me why i kept pushing left mousebutton when in comebat :>

And never figured out the con loss thing be4 last day.

After release i kept using QC on my RM be4 the mob got close cuz i thought it just casted faster :>

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