Coldbeard said:No, the warder zerg now being the unicorn knight zerg doesn't matter at all. Really, not at all. Noone is disputing the skill > realm rank story, but still the easymode of getting RPs have made it easier for some people to win merely because of being able to dump iwin abilities. People that suck on positioning now just fire moc and do their thing etc. My point being that it's easier joerandom to pwn now, not because he have improved playstyle wise and adapted to the game, but because he got way more abilities to tool around with.
Or you can turn it around and it means LeetpimpRReightteendaddy can now get more RPs for farming the zerg.
People wanted more even fights, disliked the fact that new players couldn't get started because they will meet rr11-12 groups, now those people can get some essential abilities to amplify their playing style thus evening the odds and it's all of a sudden not fair anymore? please..