What is a good tactic to..




Originally posted by ceix
voidie debuffing for chanters/mana elds could work, too bad interrupt system is a big pile of shit atm so around 99.99% time the debuffer or the pbaoers would be interrupted, thus making this plan utter bollocks

melee cant be interrupted :p

magic can, too easily if i may add

Come on the interrupt system while deeply flawed is not *that* bad. It should be quite possible to debuff for a pber, remember the debuff has 1500 range so you don't need to be standing toe to toe.


Originally posted by Novamir

since savages need only 1-2 seconds per mage.

I could go on for hours about different fight eventualities etc but you proly haven't even read this far so i won't bother :p

Basically, in any situation where there is 0 range, savages will win because of interrupts/huge instant melee dmg. When we do win.

The main problem in many head on fights is ichor. This RA is fucking uber.

In conclusion.. sometimes its impossible to win even when you have your best setup with most skilled/high RR players. This is because it takes a lot less skill to hammer instant ae CC moving at speed 6, and spam an assist macro with melee damage like the savage(+relics). Mid is definitely easy mode at the moment.

and albs cant run at spd 6?
oh so in ur conclusions there is sometimes impossible to win even when you have ur best setup with most skilled/high RR players?
Then the ones you think normally are most ksilled/high RR players are not... there is some good tactics vs mid groups.
But I agrre that savages needs a nerf. nerf the % of quad triple hits by a little. make no hp loss when self buffs and make the buffs not as good as they are atm.


Originally posted by Zoldot

Go away Zoldot, and come back when you actually got something constructive to say. :)

The strongest group atm is 3 healers, 3 savages, 1 skald and 1 shaman. Or some slight variations of this setup.

That group is gonna win more than loose, even by a good margin. I have seen no argumentation that shows otherwise.


Originally posted by Zoldot
and albs cant run at spd 6?
oh so in ur conclusions there is sometimes impossible to win even when you have ur best setup with most skilled/high RR players?
Then the ones you think normally are most ksilled/high RR players are not... there is some good tactics vs mid groups.
But I agrre that savages needs a nerf. nerf the % of quad triple hits by a little. make no hp loss when self buffs and make the buffs not as good as they are atm.

and Novamir is an alb :)

go away pathetic player .......lol


You can do what the hibs did yesterday in Odin's! Make a cg and spam "HELP AMG" whenever theres a decent fight!

Or you could just go in 2 groups! As the hibs also did yesterday!


any good alb grp SHOULD win with sos up and well used, atleast if they get the jump.. if they get jumped them selves, they need to wait for immunity timers to be active before firing sos.. pointless to sos if all of the grp just run around mezzed and cant hit :p

but with shaman changes in patch it became easier.. kill shaman, take out 1-2 light tanks, suggesting savages, then jump healers.. if shaman gets ress/PR, kill it again right away before it casts new buffs.


Originally posted by -nicolas-
1 Lurikeen s/s hero

what would be me kthx :D

too bad i block shit against savages (read guard) and they usally evade the first 2-3 slams with my 1818 1h WS


me thinks void eld is the key if they can pop moc at same time as a chanter and hope the savages r dumb enough to hang around


conclusion; nerf savages, then it will at least take less skills to kill an über mid tankgrp.


Originally posted by Subbiz
any good alb grp SHOULD win with sos up and well used, atleast if they get the jump.. if they get jumped them selves, they need to wait for immunity timers to be active before firing sos.. pointless to sos if all of the grp just run around mezzed and cant hit :p

but with shaman changes in patch it became easier.. kill shaman, take out 1-2 light tanks, suggesting savages, then jump healers.. if shaman gets ress/PR, kill it again right away before it casts new buffs.

When you go for the shaman, you got to go through a lot of instahealing and if just one of the healers are not getting interrupted add normal healing as well. SoS only last 30 seconds, there are pretty good odds for the shaman to be able to survive that - dont forget that healers have insta CC they can use to make sure that the enemy offense is reduced while they have SoS. And finally, should the shaman go down, the savages will just have to turn on their own personal end regen... untill the shaman gets PRed and they get new end bufs.

I dont think anyone is able to show how to take down that group fast.


Well, the Shaman is usually pretty easy to kill with SoS up...

Tbh, the first kill (in the first 5-15s) is usually the easiest because a lot of people have to 'adjust' to the initial 'shock' of finding another group to fight ;)

Might sound silly, but its true :p

As for debuffing for a pbaoe caster... Its hard... But yes, the ones you debuff go down... Very fast... Nothing can heal against 1000 damage hits every 1.5s, only reason you need more pbaoe'ers is because the large part wont survive (2-3 savages assisting will take down a caster after 1 pbaoe)... But you probably have to use MoC to debuff the savages and hope no one gets mez'd, stun'd, etc... (after you purge the initial mez/stun)

Its just a bit weird that in order to beat that group, you need all your RA's up... And that group can pretty much still win most fights even with most RA's down...

So much instant-cc, so much damage, so much healing...

Imho, the only way to survive is for your support to stay out of reach of the savages... Use SoS, use TWF, use Chanter-snare pets, Disease, Root, Mez, anything... And do this long enough so your damage dealers can kill their support... And you've won the fight ;)


imo get a RR10 elf to disease and snare the savages, and hope your druids can keep him alive while he kites them and you kill the mid support classes :p


1 minstrel
1 paladin
2 clerics
1 theurgist
1 armsman
1 merc
1 friar


1 bard
2 druids
1 warden
1 mana eld
2 hero
1 bm


What works well against the Mid Tank group is an Air Pet Spam on the healers (3 pets each). Usualy before you can get the 2e pet-spam off a savage has seen the tread and will kill you, but it effectivily removes a healer from the game for 20 sec (except insta's) without need of killing it. The continus interupt does enough.

After the healers are taken out (kept bisy) its a matter of fast killing the shaman and start to gank the tanks. But you defently need BoF for this.



Originally posted by Fagane
What works well against the Mid Tank group is an Air Pet Spam on the healers (3 pets each). Usualy before you can get the 2e pet-spam off a savage has seen the tread and will kill you, but it effectivily removes a healer from the game for 20 sec (except insta's) without need of killing it. The continus interupt does enough.

After the healers are taken out (kept bisy) its a matter of fast killing the shaman and start to gank the tanks. But you defently need BoF for this.


3 pets on each of the 3 healers is 9 pets. that each take about 3 seconds to cast, making 27 seconds...

If the savages havent spottet AND killed the theurgist in that time they suck.

And on top of that, pets are stunned for full duration of stun spell, so the 20 seconds can be reduced with 11 seconds. Add to that the travel time for pet to reach healer.

Why was it you want a theurg in the group?


1 Theurg can keep 2 healers bisy, not 3. And pets last 25 sec, I calculated 5 sec for travel time and casting. If I chain-cast pets, it takes 2 sec to cast 1 pet.

Also Theurg Pets can not be rooted, mezzed or stunned. Only 1 pet can be "ignored" becouse of the high miss chance for the to-hit, 3 pets will keep a caster interupted.

1 Theurg gives pbt (10 sec), earth buffs and swing speed buffs, desent DD and pet-spam. Also some low grade CC spells.

Not claiming a Theurg is uber, far from that, they are even prity lousy, but they do work very well against tank groups, poorly against caster groups when they got the drop.



Originally posted by Fagane
Also Theurg Pets can not be rooted, mezzed or stunned. Only 1 pet can be "ignored" becouse of the high miss chance for the to-hit, 3 pets will keep a caster interupted.

Theurg pets can be stunned, and since they have no resists, it will be for full duration. If you dont have max level petspell, your pets will be so low level that many of their attacks will not count as interrupts, you need highest petspell of a type to get interrupts.

Theurgist are a good allaround class imo, but when facing todays tough high-resists opponents they are just a deadweight in the group. You should consider rolling a determination tank instead or a cleric with BoF. :)


Originally posted by wolfen_rb
and Novamir is an alb :)

go away pathetic player .......lol

lol!? So novamir is an alb? ever read his sig?

and I'm a pathetic player rofl.
You are nothing more then a lame, rp horny, egostic etc etc alb.


Originally posted by Zoldot
lol!? So novamir is an alb? ever read his sig?

and I'm a pathetic player rofl.
You are nothing more then a lame, rp horny, egostic etc etc alb.
Tralala hey use e-mail / icq / personal message. Don't ditch your crap in my thread.

Imo give rights to topic starters to remove stupid flame replies like this.


Originally posted by stinkie
think Id go:

7xVP = instantly dead mids from bolt range.

Next Q. ?

hehehe :clap:


Originally posted by Ensceptifica
Tralala hey use e-mail / icq / personal message. Don't ditch your crap in my thread.

Imo give rights to topic starters to remove stupid flame replies like this.

LOL ur protecting an alb!?
He said I'm a pathetic player first! :p


Originally posted by Zoldot
LOL ur protecting an alb!?
He said I'm a pathetic player first! :p

Maybe you should go tell his mum! Shoo shoo

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