what did you do before this game?



Originally posted by old.chipper
i occasionally sit down and read a book tv is shite and dont bother with that so not a complete geek AND IM NOT FAT OR SPOTTY OR WEAR GLASSES WOOHOO thats to those gits who stereotype geeks :p

is the book a star trek book? ;p


played D2 1year and after that the LoD expansion for a long time, then runescape(doh)..but i was pretty good pk :D
The summer of 2002 bought daoc and havnt regret it.
Also it was a better life before i got addicted to this daoc shit


I was/am addicted to many other thingies... nowadays i play less and pulled a bit back every addiction, working and studying sum and all ;P
But in the past for 3 years i played online/LAN games all the time i wasnt going out with my friends and stuff etc

Sleeping like 20hours/week, had lots a fun and experiences and was very unhealty, very very unhealthy.

that sums it up a bit.

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