What a fiasco.



Well supprise SUPPRISE the Website are not available the update Billing function is not available and guess what Shrouded Isle is not AVAILABLE!

I don't know what the hell are they playing at, this has to be one of the BIGGEST Cockups I have ever seen with an Online game. To say we all PAYED money to play a game which they say will be ready TODAY! then they turn around and blame the weather HA! what a JOKE!

I just wish I had gone with the USA Version god what was I thinking off.....

Oh well Good Luck to all on there Voyage of upgrading and God help you.


Best bit had to be them blaming Mythic.. hold on how long have GOA been planning this upgrade?

Oops we're missing some vital files, shit didnt anyone remember to get them off Mythic? damn that's Mythic's fault..


Hehe want to hear the best bit?

They've limited the subscription site to only 80 concurrent connections :(

so if it take 2 mins to activate....

18,000 (users) / 80 (connections) * 2 min

= 7.5 HOURS!!

good luck all :(


Originally posted by kameh
Best bit had to be them blaming Mythic.. hold on how long have GOA been planning this upgrade?

Oops we're missing some vital files, shit didnt anyone remember to get them off Mythic? damn that's Mythic's fault..

Or possibly...
Friday afternoon:

Hrm we found a bug in the client this morning - Bob can you send us the files to fix it.

Sure, I'll need to run some diffs and get the patch files to you - say monday morning?

Sounds great, gives us plenty of time.

Force Majeure is the term here...


Originally posted by old.Chronic
Well supprise SUPPRISE the Website are not available the update Billing function is not available and guess what Shrouded Isle is not AVAILABLE!

I don't know what the hell are they playing at, this has to be one of the BIGGEST Cockups I have ever seen with an Online game. To say we all PAYED money to play a game which they say will be ready TODAY! then they turn around and blame the weather HA! what a JOKE!

I just wish I had gone with the USA Version god what was I thinking off.....

Oh well Good Luck to all on there Voyage of upgrading and God help you.

Lol you should know by now that this was a big patch, and GOA plainly stated the servers would be down till the afternoon at least !!

The website was up (i accessed it numerous times)
Billing update was avaliable (i accessed my account)
SI not avaliable (damn wonder what I was playing last night then)
BIGGEST cockup ? nah ive seen alot worse.. hell even instigated some of them where i work.

Feel free to go play the USA servers instead if your not happy.


I thought it was more like 100,000 subcribers, and just because you are on servers does not mean you have managed to register SI.


I agree the whole thing was a complete shambles :(. As far as i know they did some testing on this, i'm sure i read somewhere they did a full test? For a major upgrade like this they should have completely replicated the current server and did the full upgrade. Anything short of that is just bad practice, and as you can tell they obviously didnt do a full test cos a fecking file or 2 was missing. They said they'd keep us posted with the situation but we went hours with no idea of what was happening. And lastly the stupid idea of limiting the amount of activators to 80, surely their system can take more than this? and if not why the feck not? I wouldnt have cared if it took 10 minutes from start to end but dont shut me out for hours, i know some people only just got activated this morning :(. The majority of people trying to access the website last night must have been trying to validate their accoutn so why limit it.


yeah they should have bought a new server farm just for the patch!

(oh wait they recently did... and used them to speed the upgrade)

and they should have known about the missing files

(oh wait, they did... and they were expecting them on Monday - 2 days of snow and they only delay for 6 hours... not bad going)


give the poor bastards a fucking break they have been up 24 hours plus to bring us SI they didnt just fuck off home they stayed until it was done. SI is up and running ive been playing it for almost 4 hours ive also accessed my subscription over 10 times in the last hour maybe just log off probably go to bed seeing as i bet some of u have been up all night camping the SUBS page.

and for those of u moaning about how the Europe version sucks go fucking play the US version.

Surely there must be something else you do in life? or do you just sit behind the pc all day.


They have test servers why would they need a new server farm? And sorry but testing 2 days before a big event like this is just downright dis-organised. If i'd fucked up like they had i'd work late too. It's not like they haven't had time to prepare. They should have been testing weeks ago, this is a massive commercial server they have pissed around with, maybe you think that is good practice but i work in the IT industry and would probably be sacked for that type of performance.


All this whining is sickening. Bite the bullet and have some patience!


Si is avalible but you need to activate, the site isnt avaliable becuase there are 10,000 people all trying to log in and activte SI so they can play, and is limited to 80 people at a time to stop their billing system crashing :)



Well I logged in after midnight and what did I find within seconds of logging on? A bug. The new command window had text missing off all but 4 buttons. Why bother with 2+ weeks closed "testing"?

If you arent testing with the exact same file setup that the final live server will have THEN YOU ARENT ****ING TESTING AT ALL!!!


i dont think is a bit, i_think_ you can drag things to it, like a command or macro
or it may depend in some setting or other.



Originally posted by CliffyG
And sorry but testing 2 days before a big event like this is just downright dis-organised.

Quite right - good thing they've been testing since 1.54 went live.

Sarum TheBlack

They know about the command window thing, and are looking into it.. and have been from the moment the servers went up almost. And it worked fine during testing apparently.. it's a bug with the latest binaries from Mythic or something I guess.

First rule of testing: You can never do enough testing.

Second rule of testing: If you don't do enough testing, things will go wrong.

General Summary: Things will go wrong and there is sweet FA you can do to prevent it half the time. I think GOA have done well to minimise the disruption certain factors apparently beyond their control had on patch day.


isnt 80 per go a slight issue...

say they have 50,000 subscribers and it takes 3 mins to do the actual process, thats 150,000 processing minutes, that means it will take 104 days for all the accounts to get on and swap over.... this is basically not gonna work, event if it took 1 minute to do the process it would be 30 days!

get a grip on commercial IT GOA!


Originally posted by Flimgoblin

Quite right - good thing they've been testing since 1.54 went live.

Well how did this missing file/files only crop up recently then? I just don't see howsomething like this would go un-noticed for so long.


80 connections at a time is a joke:

p100 with 32mb ram > GOAs IIS server

and dont get me started on there subscription team. 3days and counting for a password reminder. did they not think to automate this process?


Originally posted by CliffyG
Well how did this missing file/files only crop up recently then? I just don't see howsomething like this would go un-noticed for so long.
The testers used the SI client for the 1.57 testing, and there everything worked fine. However, I believe the issue is restricted to the classic client, and I assume the files that GOA is (still) missing pertains to this and not the new SI one.


I can't see the subscription and SI activation problem getting any better today to be honest. What we had yesterday were the people who pre-ordered SI trying to sign up, let's consider the fact a whole bunch of those folks would have a) not managed to activate yet and are still trying or b) didn't get their delivery until today so are now trying to activate. Will it get better? I doubt it, let's not forget that tomorrow it's available over the counter, if anything that will make things even worse.



Originally posted by CliffyG

Well how did this missing file/files only crop up recently then? I just don't see howsomething like this would go un-noticed for so long.

if you actually read the message in daoc`s main site. you`ll notice the files were not missing.. they were bugged. goa had to get the files re-compiled for patching which should have arrived on the monday. due to the bad weather in washington.. the files were delayed longer than expected. when goa recieved the files they found new bugs which had to be resolved first.. most important of those bugs was the charcopier. and im sure everyone wants there current chars intact.

so lighten up.

they did an excellent job and still released SI on the 19th.

they deserve a round of applause for getting the servers up and running after so many problems which had nothing to do with them.


Ive never seen so many people with such a shyte attitude b4.

If your not happy - Unsubscribe, de-install the game, and don't play it.


You've seen in the past that moaning doesn't really achieve anything apart from making others moan back.


Originally posted by CliffyG

Well how did this missing file/files only crop up recently then? I just don't see howsomething like this would go un-noticed for so long.

it's called finding bugs and getting patches from mythic...


This is software, this is running a MMORPG for an entire continent. Things like last night happen. Live with it. The endless whining about "I`m paying for this game FFS GOA y00 sux0rs" are so boring and ridiculous. You´re paying 10 Euros/month, i.e. appr. 33 Cent/day. One day Server Downtime due to PATCH (which is there to ENHANCE your fun of playing this game... remember?) is nothing.
SI has been scheduled months ago. The releasedate was being announced months ago. And GoA/Mythic *almost* made a point blank landing with their estimated release. One day after SI hit the shelves, you are now able to play it. Before you continue crying like kids, consider using this oddly shaped thing that´s located between your ears. GoA is in fact doing a GOOD job. If you don´t agree, then feel free to explore the epic world of Everquest patchdays.
And please please please...don´t use this silly stereotype "I´m paying lots of money" argument. You don´t. You´re paying a small fee and one day downtime means 3,33% of your monthly fee. Strange.. noone is complaining, that Febuary only has 28 days and wants his money back for the 2-3 lost days compared to the other months. :)


yeah the patch is ok i can play DAoC again, however theirs no way i can play SI i take it you havent got it yet but theres 80 slots on there site and there are thousands of people all over europe trying to register its going to take weaks to clear...


Originally posted by Desdecado-T30
isnt 80 per go a slight issue...

say they have 50,000 subscribers and it takes 3 mins to do the actual process, thats 150,000 processing minutes, that means it will take 104 days for all the accounts to get on and swap over.... this is basically not gonna work, event if it took 1 minute to do the process it would be 30 days!

get a grip on commercial IT GOA!

This is, of course, assuming that everyone is hammering the page for the next 104 days trying to register....more likely, the waiting times will decrease as more people register...

The diminishing returns on this process will speed things up substantially. Therefore: Who cares if they've only got 80 concurrent connections to the subscription server? It'll get faster as the day moves on.

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