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FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Not these days. I haven't had a TV with access to tv shows for years(just for consoles).


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Warren Buffet said he pays less % wise than his housekeeping staff.


Part of the furniture
Jul 26, 2007
Don't be a dick ileks. I'm not an accountant. Even if you don't believe the 5% (and I couldn't give a fuck if you do either way) - my point about the rich avoiding taxes is still supported, not refuted, by Warren Buffet.

So, *there* is your evidence (which you evidently accept as you brought it up) - a rich man saying they don't get taxed enough and that it's not fair.

Considering you seem to think this is not the case - can *you* produce evidence to show otherwise?

I wish I hadn't mentioned Warren Buffet. I thought it would make you see how ridiculous the claim of 5% was but you have turned it against me and (i think) it's making you miss the point.

Buffet, along with I'm sure other private equity or hedge fund managers, pays capital gains ( I think I've mentioned this) tax rather than income tax on carried interest. This isn't some sort of tax loophole, it is the law. That's why Buffet is so open about it. You must see that these people ("earning" money through speculation) are the exception. I believe ( and if you prove this wrong, you kill my argument) that the vast majority of the wealthy are asset holders, not the people managing the assets. They pay the high tax rate you know about. The same goes for all the executives and partners working for large organisations across the UK. My evidence? Well it's the law (and I believe the majority do not break it), just googling tax revenue breakdowns from a progressive system should convince you the rich are coughing up their share. It's unfair to ask the person who doesn't beieve the conspiracy to provide evidence.

I clearly wasn't talking about fairness either- that's a different argument. The middle are squeesed yes, but they don't pay a higher proportion. They just don't have vast amounts left over afterwards to piss away as the rich do.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I understand the system available. I pay about 18-19% myself.

The poor clearly pay a higher proportion, even the rich are saying they don't.

Warren Buffet said he pays less % wise than his housekeeping staff.

How can you continue to say otherwise? Or, as you say "the rich are coughing up their share" - or "[the middle] don't pay a higher proportion" - when the rich themselves are saying they pay a lot less.

I pay a lot less. So I know it's true.


Part of the furniture
Jul 26, 2007
As I said, Buffet is the exception because he pays Capital gains on carried interest. It's nonsense to say the rich in general are saying "they pay a lot less" :p

Whatever it is that allows you (not everyone, and especially not the rich) to pay 18%, would it work if you doubled or trebled your income?

Just messing around with this proves the contractor theory wrong for higher earners, even with generous allowances for expenses.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Thread hijacked, no ransom demand, presumed dead, family informed.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
HMRC under gentle pr-related probing from MP's for letting multinationals pay fuck all tax. Like the last company I worked for, Barclays, which paid about 1%.

Margaret Hodge MP, chair of the public accounts committee, said: "This report is a damning indictment of HMRC and the way its senior officials handle tax disputes with large corporations.

And if they aint paying it, it's going into the shareholders pockets...

To be fair, it's such a non-story as anyone with a brain cell has known this malarky has been going on since, well, at least since I've been around. What'd be a story is if the government actually charged 'em the right tax - but they won't as it'll put their executive directorships under threat :(


Part of the furniture
Jul 26, 2007
And if they aint paying it, it's going into the shareholders pockets...

...which is then taxed at the same high rate.



Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
You're such a fucking n00b ileks

The deal struck with the Liechtenstein authorities in 2009 has already flushed out 1,721 people who have voluntarily admitted they hold untaxed money there.

Same scare-tactic thing they did with IR35 for contractors - which was an optional tax paid for by the dumb.

60,000 people admitted to having untaxed funds in offshore accounts. 60,000 people who voluntarily fessed up. I.E. Like the small number of retards who paid IR35.

HMRC are a bunch of incompetent retards who can barely find tax dodgers when they hold their own hands up.

The smart play the percentages and stay schtum.

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