Don't be a dick ileks. I'm not an accountant. Even if you don't believe the 5% (and I couldn't give a fuck if you do either way) - my point about the rich avoiding taxes is still supported, not refuted, by Warren Buffet.
So, *there* is your evidence (which you evidently accept as you brought it up) - a rich man saying they don't get taxed enough and that it's not fair.
Considering you seem to think this is not the case - can *you* produce evidence to show otherwise?
Warren Buffet said he pays less % wise than his housekeeping staff.
Margaret Hodge MP, chair of the public accounts committee, said: "This report is a damning indictment of HMRC and the way its senior officials handle tax disputes with large corporations.
And if they aint paying it, it's going into the shareholders pockets...
The deal struck with the Liechtenstein authorities in 2009 has already flushed out 1,721 people who have voluntarily admitted they hold untaxed money there.