We're out!


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
So not attributed to the success of the SNP in the elections or are they diverting funds?

If Scottish Labour had been in power, then it would have been axed and the cash doled out to the freeloaders of society.


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
Personally I don't think that is the answer to our problem. Kids (I'll call them that due to my age) will find the money somehow.

Indeed, not to mention the implication on the Whisky industry which nets the economy a sizeable chunk - this chunk is expected to rocket given the demand for it in expanding middle classes across the world; they can't make enough of it to meet demand.


Can't get enough of FH
Oct 12, 2004
What has changed since the last election in Scotland? What things have improved and what has gotten worse for you as a citizen living in Scotland?

From my perspective as a taxpayer in their late twenties, not a great deal.

As has already been mentioned the replacement Forth crossing is going ahead, and I suppose the commitment to a free University education for Scottish residents is quite important to younger folk. My Mum is 60 in a few weeks so the free personal care for the elderly might be useful to her in a few years but all that aside, there isn't *really* a great deal of difference.

Oh, free prescriptions - I've benefited from that personally a couple of times.


Can't get enough of FH
Oct 12, 2004
Indeed, not to mention the implication on the Whisky industry which nets the economy a sizeable chunk - this chunk is expected to rocket given the demand for it in expanding middle classes across the world; they can't make enough of it to meet demand.

Nah, it's pricing per unit.

Whisky is a premium drink as it is, so minimal pricing per unit isn't going to make a difference to anything other than the cheap ciders and beers.


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
Indeed, not to mention the implication on the Whisky industry which nets the economy a sizeable chunk - this chunk is expected to rocket given the demand for it in expanding middle classes across the world; they can't make enough of it to meet demand.
Agreed, Scotland in MY eyes has to offer the following: Whiskey, Tourism and what is left of the North Sea Oil. Don't get me wrong I absolutely love Scotland and more importantly the people. Had many an exposure to them especially when Celtic vs Ranger was happening. Was warned about going out in Glasgow but told the Hotel staff to shush. That woke me up, this supposedly England vs Scotland divide does not exist.


Can't get enough of FH
Oct 12, 2004
Indeed, not to mention the implication on the Whisky industry which nets the economy a sizeable chunk - this chunk is expected to rocket given the demand for it in expanding middle classes across the world; they can't make enough of it to meet demand.

Sure, but you cannot build an economy on whisky exports.

Same with the oil - even if any spurrious claims about "Scottish territorial waters" are settled in favour of Scotland, it's all going to be gone in a couple of decades. Renewable energy admittadly looks like a genuine moneyspinner given the famous weather here but that still requires investment and by and large, there are no large-scale deployments of any 'new' renewables like wave and tidal power.


Can't get enough of FH
Oct 12, 2004
Was warned about going out in Glasgow but told the Hotel staff to shush. That woke me up, this supposedly England vs Scotland divide does not exist.

That's a sore one in this household.

My partner (soon to be wife in a few months) is from Sussex and she has experienced terrible anti-English sentiment in some places. Some it may have been due to where she was working previously (let's just say it was a state-owned bank) but still, it's there.

Personally I've not seen or experienced it but she had a horrible time of it.


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
That's a sore one in this household.

My partner (soon to be wife in a few months) is from Sussex and she has experienced terrible anti-English sentiment in some places. Some it may have been due to where she was working previously (let's just say it was a state-owned bank) but still, it's there.

Personally I've not seen or experienced it but she had a horrible time of it.
Could be a male or female thing? The following is true (swear on my Mum's ashes).

One night I went out in Glasgow to a pub, got seriously drunk. Left the pub cos it was boring and went walking for a new waterhole. Looked into a window and saw amazing totty. Went in. Was met with fucking tall fuckers, didn't bat an eyelid. Went to the bar and barged my way past Arnie (think muscle and height and I am 6ft 2"). He laughed at me. I ordered a drink and said to him "Don't fucking start on me else I will hurt you". He laughed. He bought me lots of beers that night. Little did I know that I was in the company of the Scottish Claymores.


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
Big G, I will never forget that night. I have also been out in Glasgow on football nights where the hotel staff were shit scared. Never ever experienced this "so called" England vs Scotland divide. Been to MaryHill and Loch Loman (sp?) on many occassions. Scottish people fucking rock.


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
Could be a male or female thing? The following is true (swear on my Mum's ashes).

One night I went out in Glasgow to a pub, got seriously drunk. Left the pub cos it was boring and went walking for a new waterhole. Looked into a window and saw amazing totty. Went in. Was met with fucking tall fuckers, didn't bat an eyelid. Went to the bar and barged my way past Arnie (think muscle and height and I am 6ft 2"). He laughed at me. I ordered a drink and said to him "Don't fucking start on me else I will hurt you". He laughed. He bought me lots of beers that night. Little did I know that I was in the company of the Scottish Claymores.
Btw, the pub in question turned out to Cafe Cini.


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
Big G, I will never forget that night. I have also been out in Glasgow on football nights where the hotel staff were shit scared. Never ever experienced this "so called" England vs Scotland divide. Been to MaryHill and Loch Loman (sp?) on many occassions. Scottish people fucking rock.

Have you been drinking? ;)

To be fair Deebs, our problem is not a "Scotland v England" divide, our problem is all around Sectarianism. It's a horrendous disease here, particularly in the west of Scotland. Glasgow has a massive Irish Catholic heritage and it has caused a massive divide that's out of control.


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
Have you been drinking? ;)

To be fair Deebs, our problem is not a "Scotland v England" divide, our problem is all around Sectarianism. It's a horrendous disease here, particularly in the west of Scotland. Glasgow has a massive Irish Catholic heritage and it has caused a massive divide that's out of control.
Sorry but the England vs Scotland divide has always been there way before my drinking habiits. I was warned about it 15 years ago but never experienced it.


Part of the furniture
Dec 20, 2008
Don't get started on the England vs Wales divide then.
It exists. I've been on the receiving end of it... right up until I tell them,
"Mae'n ddrwg gen. Dw i'n Cymraeg. Dw i'n byw yng Gymru, ond dydw i ddim siarad cymraeg, o'r gorau?"
It shuts them up, and lets them know that I understood what they said about me in welsh, thinking I didn't know what they were saying about me welsh. :)

On the original subject of the thread, it's going to take a while for the dust to settle. I'm reminded of Hugh Grant...

View: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6ouyeycWk8


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Never had a problem with Scots, either in England or Scotland, found them to be a friendly bunch. Cunts on the other hand are cunts the world over.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Reading the comments from european leaders and I know they're media picked soundbites, but they were said..calling the PM a weakling, Europe will be better off without the UK, Jesus it's like six year olds in the playground.
They're fucked, just quite simply fucked and they want us to help them do it.
No-one want to bail them out and six out of the eight major and emerging trade nations are commonwealth, we should just let them carry on and hang themselves.
The economics are irrelevant, too random for anyone to guess the endgame, it simply won't work for all the reasons it never has unless one country takes over the rest.


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
Pictures speak a thousand words:
What makes you think that you are so special just because you're not part of the Euro? Denmark has it own currency as well fyi


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Do you not agree though, Europe can go fuck itself.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
What makes you think that you are so special just because you're not part of the Euro? Denmark has it own currency as well fyi

But compared to the UK a tiny financial services sector.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
That's a sore one in this household.

My partner (soon to be wife in a few months) is from Sussex and she has experienced terrible anti-English sentiment in some places. Some it may have been due to where she was working previously (let's just say it was a state-owned bank) but still, it's there.

Personally I've not seen or experienced it but she had a horrible time of it.

Weird isn't it? I've been in Ireland 3 years and haven't come across a single instance of anti-English sentiment addressed at me. Which I find amazing tbh as I'm a right cunt.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Weird isn't it? I've been in Ireland 3 years and haven't come across a single instance of anti-English sentiment addressed at me. Which I find amazing tbh as I'm a right cunt.

Yeah, but the reason you're in Ireland is because you experienced so much anti-cunt sentiment from the English, eh? :p


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
ok, so the City of London does 37% of world trade and 80% of European trade, so they came after it with a big tax stick.
Tax being all they know, and that would have made the city what on the world markets?
Irrelevant overnight.
Oh let's invest through London, then we can contribute to the Greeks sitting on their asses.
They'd be queing up I presume


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 15, 2004
sarkozy and merkel must have been planning this for a long time i think they are using this to try force the UK out of europe they knew we would never go for it and as such have alienated ourselves, they are now in a position to bolster the rest of europe to attempt to force us out of the EU or at least turn us into a 2nd rate nation in the EU. its a win win really for germany and france, if they force us out of the EU it may let them establish themselves as financial and trade leaders in europe which in my oppinion is their long term goal, dirty politics.


Dec 26, 2003
Even if we left the EU we'd still be in the single market since we are net importers from there so would hurt them more to kick us out.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
sarkozy and merkel must have been planning this for a long time i think they are using this to try force the UK out of europe they knew we would never go for it and as such have alienated ourselves, they are now in a position to bolster the rest of europe to attempt to force us out of the EU or at least turn us into a 2nd rate nation in the EU. its a win win really for germany and france, if they force us out of the EU it may let them establish themselves as financial and trade leaders in europe which in my oppinion is their long term goal, dirty politics.

I think it's more likely that they thought the UK would do what it's done for the last few decades, and just go along with it, grumbling all the way. I'd guess they're genuinely shocked that Cameron said no.

The goal has always been a large euro federal state. They're all running around like headless chickens now, because it appears that their dream is going to be a lot more difficult than they ever thought.

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