Well Ailinne under atack

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Part of the furniture
Mar 14, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
Oh and next time don't post here when things are still in progress - as lame as you may think them to be, wait till the raid is over.

Can I ask why? I'm not questioning you, just wondered. Is it so that peeps don't use Fh to pass game-related time messages?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Javai said:
Bit sad this happened, was making plans for a prime time raid before Sunday.

We suicided at Ailinne at midnight, looked pretty safe at that point.

killed you the first attempt you did on the tower! :p

was a pretty strange and funny fight, and our conclusion to a nice evening of rvr :)


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
imo ban all spanish from eu servers will solve the problem in one go
yay all mid keeps lost port overnight.. again


Jan 28, 2005
Chronictank said:
imo ban all spanish from eu servers will solve the problem in one go
yay all mid keeps lost port overnight.. again

hehe yeah :) i hate when they luagh like zazazazza or xaxaxaxxa :twak:


Old and short, no wonder I'm grumpy!
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 14, 2003
kiliarien said:
Can I ask why? I'm not questioning you, just wondered. Is it so that peeps don't use Fh to pass game-related time messages?

Yup... dated as it may seem, the game code of conduct is against passing of information outside of the game. This is why, incidentally, you cannot talk to members of the opposite realm.

Basically, it's against the spirit of the game, so we'd prefer people to not post here until after the event.

Thanks :)


Fledgling Freddie
May 15, 2004
Gah was up to 2:30 am defending we finally kill all the albs, just knew as i logged that the buggers would be back and take them later even tho we took back the ailinne towers n cleaned up the mess. Was really enjoying defending those keeps/towers over the last couple days shame albs have to resort to waiting to early morning to finish the job.


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 11, 2004
Tiarta said:
fyi you have been doing the same before you got the relic last weekend.

just ask Don, Llavanna, Mimosa, Cenedra, Lick, Palmito, Komaha, Curou, Goir, Sylavina, Palmito (and others that i dont have the names on - was approx 2 fg hibs a couple of days before you raided last weekend)

its nothing new that realms try to relic raid at late hours.

and imo its perfectly ok to try to raid at those hours, aslong as you dont log in a zerg (gives the defending realm a chance to defend)

how many albs were on relic keep btw ?
Oh i did? Sorry then, i must have been playing in my sleep.. What are you dumb or something? nvm your just alb i guess.
And for the record, i dont give a rats ass if its the hibs mids og albs AC raiding, its still lame.


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 11, 2004
Jupitus said:
Yup... dated as it may seem, the game code of conduct is against passing of information outside of the game. This is why, incidentally, you cannot talk to members of the opposite realm.

Basically, it's against the spirit of the game, so we'd prefer people to not post here until after the event.

Thanks :)
Uhmm so maybe we should take a look at IRC? :D I mean, its not like they do fuck all, to uphold the CoC in the matter of passing on information. How about when theres a RR against albs, and when we get there, theres about 5fg albs waiting inside.. :eek7:
And when was the last time we heard about any of those spys actually getting cought and punished?


Old and short, no wonder I'm grumpy!
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 14, 2003
Ogen said:
Uhmm so maybe we should take a look at IRC? :D

Sure.... although make sure I'm not in the channel and op'd with a finger over the kick key :p


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 19, 2004
lol at Hibs and Mids whining at yet another Albion "Red Bull" raid.

Come on did you really expect the realm with the highest pop, with 10 and 20% relic bonus to take it from the realm with the lowest pop, no relic bonus, with honour, dignity and to perhaps show a little skill? No of course not.

Come on we all knew this would happen, we even (H&M) said we expected the Albs would do it when we all congratulated the Hibs on their primetime raid five days ago.... https://forums.freddyshouse.com/showthread.php?t=171688

To be honest I like the fact that Albion is the lowest of low realm and much the laughing stock for Hib and Mid, makes me proud to be a Mid :)


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 3, 2004
strong words...
but i think the prob is that albz can do a so called "Redbull raid" cause they got higher pop meaning if they can gather lets say 15-25 ppl that RvR at night mids/hibs usually can counter them with like 10-15 ppl max

and albz got few groups that r active mostly at night (like Onlyone group etc)


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Wow, this surely turned into a thread of gargantuan generalizations (Chronictank again taking the lead into stupidity). In fact, I'll go as far as to say that all people who generalize are idiots!

...oops. :p


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
Belomar said:
Wow, this surely turned into a thread of gargantuan generalizations (Chronictank again taking the lead into stupidity). In fact, I'll go as far as to say that all people who generalize are idiots!

...oops. :p
was trying to get some flame going but it didnt work, im losing my touch tbh :/


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Chronictank said:
was trying to get some flame going but it didnt work, im losing my touch tbh :/

is chronicpain your shammy? whats that new guild?

did you wajn at the savage that got left behind? :p


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
Vodkafairy said:
is chronicpain your shammy? whats that new guild?

did you wajn at the savage that got left behind? :p
Yes, Mjollner's Fury
technically a old guild restarted :)
givf back eos tbh :p


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
Petwick(Ebony Hand) said:
one word for the people who took Relic when 95% of hibs were asleep

Wankers :twak:


But i had no part in the fun last night :)


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 3, 2004
Calaclya said:

But i had no part in the fun last night :)

there is only u solution in your case then m8


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 23, 2004
Think what is so lame about this is that it's the same People who do these Redbull raids.

Obviously these Spanish Morons are in affect destroying Excal by doing this all time as Tbh I'm Sure there lot of People in Albion would like to take part in a Relic Raid but will never get a chance if these Children keep doing it in early Hours.

So Really albion people should be looking at these Morons and telling them that they Cocking it up for others to take part.

Relic Raids used to be a Whole Realm of involment but now sadly 1-2FG at Stoopid '0' Clock when enemy are in bed is Part of the Norm for these Spaniards.

From this Gathering of information it seems that Spaniards do not have the Balls to take an Enemy on and are trying to get a Reputation of a bunch of Backstabbers well in my eyes you Succeded.

I feel Sorry for all albs who play this game knowing they entertainment is being ruined as well as hibs / mids.

On personal note Sorry to Flim for starting this thread so early just that I wanted to go Bed and couldn't wait till 4 in morning.



Fledgling Freddie
Sep 21, 2004
Petwick(Ebony Hand) said:
one word for the people who took Relic when 95% of hibs were asleep

Wankers :twak:

And so were 95% of the alb population aswell x) That doesnt mean they can muster up a zerg of 5fgs anyway. So myah!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Ogen said:
Oh i did? Sorry then, i must have been playing in my sleep.. What are you dumb or something? nvm your just alb i guess.
And for the record, i dont give a rats ass if its the hibs mids og albs AC raiding, its still lame.

sorry i didnt mean you in person :p

when i said - "fyi you have been doing the same before you got the relic last weekend."

i meant that hibs had done the same (late night raids)

sorry for the for misunderstanding Myg, guess i could have expressed myself clearer :)


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
Soulja_IA_ said:
Think what is so lame about this is that it's the same People who do these Redbull raids.

Obviously these Spanish Morons are in affect destroying Excal by doing this all time as Tbh I'm Sure there lot of People in Albion would like to take part in a Relic Raid but will never get a chance if these Children keep doing it in early Hours.

So Really albion people should be looking at these Morons and telling them that they Cocking it up for others to take part.

Relic Raids used to be a Whole Realm of involment but now sadly 1-2FG at Stoopid '0' Clock when enemy are in bed is Part of the Norm for these Spaniards.

From this Gathering of information it seems that Spaniards do not have the Balls to take an Enemy on and are trying to get a Reputation of a bunch of Backstabbers well in my eyes you Succeded.

I feel Sorry for all albs who play this game knowing they entertainment is being ruined as well as hibs / mids.

On personal note Sorry to Flim for starting this thread so early just that I wanted to go Bed and couldn't wait till 4 in morning.


ok m8 where shall i start..

"Spaniards" & "Spanish Morons" - However Spanish the guild name sounds they are not ALL Spanish, even if they were your comments are racist and derogatory and i expect a retraction.

"Red Bull raid" - I know nearly all the players who compelted the "RB" type raids, a majority of them don't get to log on untill very late at night (12cet), so what do you expect them to do? They play the game the way they want and untill u pay their subs you are entitled to NOTHING from them. The same goes for anyone in any of the other realms. As long as they play within the CoC they are entitled to do ANYTHING they want at ANY TIME, the same as you are.

Overall i felt your post was ill advised and erronous, full of generalisation and racist comments towards our European brethren, not to metion by calling them "children" you are infact insulting a majority of them who I happen to know are mature adults whos lifestyle and work only allows then to play at and I quote "Stoopid '0' Clock". Just because you feel helpless i find it sad that you need to express your feelings in such an abusive and inconsidered manner. You could ofc present your opinions in a less insulting and racist way and find out a bit about your targets before making "silly" generalisations and spreading innacurate rumours.

Good day to you sir.
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