wekest RvR class



Originally posted by Olgark
Hunters are the worst off in RvR. But I still like to play mine, just hope Mythic fixes them with the same evades are the scout and ranger and a revamp on our spear and beastcraft skills.

Never pray for mythic to "fix" your class, they try, then nerf it next patch just for the hell of it and yer worse off that when you started. THEN they try and fix it again and do a shoddy patch-up job that turns your class into ubergimpinneedofrespecstone.

Better the devil you know imo.


Originally posted by finbahr
i'm a low rr warden rr3l3 i took aug acuity and mcl 1 & 2 saving for purge so as soon as pbt goes down when mezzed or stunned i become usless to the grp i always cast grp bubb before hand and have damage add running but don't hit hard don't heal well i'm an annoyance nothing more

also don't want massive damage don't want uber heals but a bit better in both would help as the warden community seems to be diminishing

Looks like my skald exactly.. :) Don't hit hard, don't have any defence, don't have any offence (ok, spec 50 sword, and I'm still outdamaged by a shaman) and don't have anything to offer a grp except speed and interrupts on healers/casters..

Blazor Meneth

After reading this I decided to lvl a warden on pryw :D
Spec will be:
39 Blades
45 Nut
16 reg
Rest parry (About 23)

Going into rvr grp with this char. What do you guys think, how will it work out?

Cya on pryw :great:

Weeping Willow

39 blades seems like a awful waste of points to me.

I would still go 49 nurture.

Perhaps mistar Sheph could trow in some input on this.

Blazor Meneth

Yeah tell him to read this someone :)
This spec I got from a rr10 warden on US.

So wonder how a high rr on this erver got :p


give hib blades/blunt lines some luv and wardens are just fine


Originally posted by schinkaar
Why on earth do you want 23 parry?

Ever seen a savage trying to hit a guarded warden with 60+ effective parry, mob 3 and pbt up? No? It's funny really, hits for about as much as I do against him :) 100ish damage/hit and that's if they're lucky and double/triple/quad hit a lot.


So what's the secret to a good warden? I've got a baby warden in the BG playpen and do a lot of healing / rezzing / fighting, which is great fun... but how does it go at 50?

Also there's a lot to buy with only 1.5x spec points :( Is 38 Nurt enough for more parry or is the 45 pbt really needed? Are 49 nurt resists really needed? I can see that parry is really good for staying alive (so keeping pbt / buffs up, enemies wasting more time trying to kill you etc) but I can't seem to squeeze more than 24 to 33 parry out of the points available... what does a dependable warden spec look like?

Thanks :)


Originally posted by finbahr
i'm a low rr warden rr3l3 i took aug acuity and mcl 1 & 2 saving for purge so as soon as pbt goes down when mezzed or stunned i become usless to the grp i always cast grp bubb before hand and have damage add running but don't hit hard don't heal well i'm an annoyance nothing more

Everyone is useless when mezzed. A warden however can supply everyone with resists that help shorten mez/stun length (seeing as most CC is body/spirit/matter afaik)

lol old thread, replied the same thing before, didn't notice ( ;


Originally posted by aginamist
39 blades seems like a awful waste of points to me.

I would still go 49 nurture.

Perhaps mistar Sheph could trow in some input on this.

Makes no difference. He could be specced 50 Nur, 50 Parry and he could still be RR10.


I wish people would realise it doesn't matter how you spec your char, as long as you have fun then that's what matters.


Salemsaberhagen Lvl 24 Caba
Magicafratryll Lvl 41 Necro
Fløytefinn Lvl 23 Mincer
Sigvart lvl 23 Reaver
Robinofloxley 21 Scout
GroundKeeperWilly WeaponC
CheifWiggum ArmrC
ClintEastwood SpellC
Gunnarstaalseth 23 clerick BB
KjellMagneBondevik 23 Clerick BB



Originally posted by old.Kerosene
Makes no difference. He could be specced 50 Nur, 50 Parry and he could still be RR10.


I wish people would realise it doesn't matter how you spec your char, as long as you have fun then that's what matters.

WTF! How did you know my spec if wardens would get more specpoints??

and that's the right answer, the 2nd one :)


Originally posted by greenfingers
must have been some low RR gimps U beat the crap out of ... and w/o SC'd armor etc. ;)

no :p

Colin Bass

Originally posted by Flimgoblin
but yer a hell of a lot better at healing than a hero :p and you can tank better than a druid ;)

Errr nope, Druids with buffs up can do more damage unspecced, seen proof of it manys a time, we can take more damage 1v1 on most single weaponed chars, with PBT up, but as for damage output, Druids beat Wardens, and I have had my warden Battle Specced, thats why I changed it for a more group orientated role.

Wardens are gimped yes, but fun to play, they really do need alot of loving from Mythic, but they have said in the past that they are happy with the way the warden is.

We will have to live in hope.

Lanvar (Using someone elses account here)


Have you at all read the comments in this thread? =)
Warden does NOT really need alot of loving.
I think Thane is in more need of that then warden, And I also think that most of the ppl agree's with me on this one.


Originally posted by Zoldot
according to this idiot you can't compare SB to infil.
Then we can't compare savage to BM/merc so stop calling for nerf, idiots (according to him ur idiots since you compare savage to BM's)
I compared Sb to infil he says I'm an idiot.
"you have to compare realm v realm..."

You cant even start to compair the SB with the Infils. The infils for a start have more spec points that the Nightshade and Shadowblade. So if anything the Nightshades are closer to the SB than the Infils.

Nightshade and Shadowblade get 2.2 skill points per level.
Infiltrators 2.5 skill points per level.

And they have the same amount of skills to train just like the shadowblades. Not sure on the Nightshades.


uh? ofc we can compare sb to infil, they're both assasin and they have pretty much the same target's in rvr.
and you didnt read it all?
so if we can't compare sb to infl then we cant compare BM/merc to savage wich was the point.


Thane/Champion/Mentalist/Necromancer/Cabalist/Bone Dancer seem to be the common things mentioned when peeps get back to the thread..

and dont even mention ToA master levels to me.. grrr!

Wardens aint weak at all.. so stop the whining.

classes listed above are....

sadly :(


Originally posted by ilaya
Thane/Champion/Mentalist/Necromancer/Cabalist/Bone Dancer seem to be the common things mentioned when peeps get back to the thread..

and dont even mention ToA master levels to me.. grrr!

Wardens aint weak at all.. so stop the whining.

classes listed above are....

sadly :(

Champions, mentalists and bonedancers are a few of the strongest rvr classes.


Originally posted by Ensceptifica
Champions, mentalists and bonedancers are a few of the strongest rvr classes.

Maybe... I wouldnt say champs are uber though. If I were to get tanks for a fg Id invite bm's and heros before considering champs. Why? because when I get mezzed and my purge is down I stand still for a loooong time, relying on bard to demezz me or druid to fire gp. This is a det-game and tanks with det will always have a big advantage over the non-det tanks in rvr. This is really a pain in big fights when u get stunned/mezzed over and over or when facing good fg's

Oh.. and add to that hybrid ws/hp

Then we have "valor" which is good.. but really.. if the assisttrain is on someones tail.. me str/con debuffing the target doesnt mean much.. snare and dd is good for disturbing healers/mages though.


Originally posted by hrun
Maybe... I wouldnt say champs are uber though. If I were to get tanks for a fg Id invite bm's and heros before considering champs. Why? because when I get mezzed and my purge is down I stand still for a loooong time, relying on bard to demezz me or druid to fire gp. This is a det-game and tanks with det will always have a big advantage over the non-det tanks in rvr. This is really a pain in big fights when u get stunned/mezzed over and over or when facing good fg's

Oh.. and add to that hybrid ws/hp

Then we have "valor" which is good.. but really.. if the assisttrain is on someones tail.. me str/con debuffing the target doesnt mean much.. snare and dd is good for disturbing healers/mages though.
Aye, lack of determination is frustrating. So take a warden in your group for some nice resists :p

As for that last bit you said, I agree... champs are more suited for different roles in a group than bm's and heroes. Champ snare does help vs the assist train, and you can also take 42 shield for slam ( ;


Originally posted by Ensceptifica
....and you can also take 42 shield for slam ( ;

or get 50lw and annihilate4tehwin /flex :p


simple question
simple answer

The class that i play seems to be the weakest class in RvR


Originally posted by Olgark
You cant even start to compair the SB with the Infils. The infils for a start have more spec points that the Nightshade and Shadowblade. So if anything the Nightshades are closer to the SB than the Infils.

Nightshade and Shadowblade get 2.2 skill points per level.
Infiltrators 2.5 skill points per level.

And they have the same amount of skills to train just like the shadowblades. Not sure on the Nightshades.

Sbs have plenty more hp FYI.


Originally posted by vintervargen
cant say matter caba ffs, thats liek saying "menta mentalist" or "parry thane"




sorry but whay are shadowblades and infils even being mentioned in this post yes we know sb's have been hit hard with the nerf bat they are about on an even keel with ns atm and defo not a weak class

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