

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
ive seen first hand what weed can do to someones mental state

and it aint pretty.

both are bad but alcohol IMO is far less destructive in the long run, sure someone whos just got tanked up on stella might go and break some faces but someones who's developed a mental disorder from smoking too much weed can eventually flip and stab her own parents in the face.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Moo said:
ive seen first hand what weed can do to someones mental state

and it aint pretty.

both are bad but alcohol IMO is far less destructive in the long run, sure someone whos just got tanked up on stella might go and break some faces but someones who's developed a mental disorder from smoking too much weed can eventually flip and stab her own parents in the face.

You ever seen what a hardened alcoholic looks like, or does? That ain't pretty either. The weed itself doesn't make you go insane, it just acts as a catalyst to bring out any disorders you may already have (as most mental disorders are genetic and/or pushed to the surface by violent emotional shocks during your life).

Possibly why many weed smokers get the 'paranoid' feeling when they go out into the world while floating on their clouds ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Ssera said:
Possibly why many weed smokers get the 'paranoid' feeling when they go out into the world while floating on their clouds ;)
ahhh the life:)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Moo said:
ive seen first hand what weed can do to someones mental state

and it aint pretty.

both are bad but alcohol IMO is far less destructive in the long run, sure someone whos just got tanked up on stella might go and break some faces but someones who's developed a mental disorder from smoking too much weed can eventually flip and stab her own parents in the face.

That is a load of crap, my mates dad has been smoking it since he was like fourteen and now he's forty six!...he is like one of the most perfect dads i know, he's brilliant, he has a nice big house 2 Fiat Punto's one for him and one for his wife and i havn't ever heard of sombody turning around and stabbing there family in the face, i've heard of alcoholics turning around and throwing there 16y/o boy through a wall...but not weed, not weed ... but nice statement.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
If he's been smoking it for so long, he'll be feeling the mind numbing effects of it surely?. One of my RL friends has been on weed for maybe 2 or 3 years and he's not allowed to drive now. The stuff has made him unsafe to drive now. Great stuff i'm sure, not.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Vladamir said:
If he's been smoking it for so long, he'll be feeling the mind numbing effects of it surely?. One of my RL friends has been on weed for maybe 2 or 3 years and he's not allowed to drive now. The stuff has made him unsafe to drive now. Great stuff i'm sure, not.

you sure its the weed? I know people who have used it way longer than that and can still do everything fine (atleast when they arent under the influence of it), allthough I dont really know how often they use it.

The problem might have been laying dorment and when he started using weed it surfaced or maybe are you talking about him being under the influence of it and wanting to drive as that is as simple with alcohol, they dont mix.


Dec 22, 2003
sibanac said:
Saying weed is more dangerous then alchohol is silly, weed has no physical addiction, only mental. Alcohol has a strong physical addiction.
Aslong as its used in moderation there is little or no danger.
Going around smoking weed all day long will fuck you up, smoking a joint when you get home from work wont hurt a fly

Every substance in the world is bad for you if you take to much off it, people have died from drinking to much water.

Yes but water isnt proved to be addictive like this is, it talks aboit how adictive it is in the first post -_-

Anyway you can't win an arguement, prolonged use of weed is proved to be more dangerous then alcohol ^^


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Cyfr said:
Yes but water isnt proved to be addictive like this is, it talks aboit how adictive it is in the first post -_-

Anyway you can't win an arguement, prolonged use of weed is proved to be more dangerous then alcohol ^^

you sure?

Dont think anyone has really proven yet that prolonged use of weed lead to anything except possible mental(and physical?) addiction?


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 30, 2003
Vladamir said:
If he's been smoking it for so long, he'll be feeling the mind numbing effects of it surely?. One of my RL friends has been on weed for maybe 2 or 3 years and he's not allowed to drive now. The stuff has made him unsafe to drive now. Great stuff i'm sure, not.

Surely that kid was already fucked up before he started smoking weed, as Driwen said it may've just surfaced within those 2/3 years.

Been smoking it for past 6 year, I can drive fine (some might say otherwise ;) ) do most things fine. Guess all thats different now from when I started, is that the paranoia sets in alot earlier when smoking it.

Tbh I find skunk pretty useful to correct my screwed up sleeping patterns due to shift work ;)


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
What i mean is that as a result of the weed he's constantly drowsy and never fully alert at any time, so letting him drive would be a hazard to himself and others around him.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
b4 i smoked weed i was dopey paranoid etc etc.. weed didnt change that :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Vladamir said:
What i mean is that as a result of the weed he's constantly drowsy and never fully alert at any time, so letting him drive would be a hazard to himself and others around him.

sorry, but that isnt my experience with weed users so its probably nothing to do with using weed. However he might be using/have used weed as he was already like this.

I know enough people who have used weeds for more than 2-3 years and they havent any trouble with being drowsy/fully alert (they are one of the best players in our sport team even) so I dont think its the weeds fault. However him being like that might have driven him to use weed though(so he is using weed,because he is drowsy instead of him using weed so he is drowsy).


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
Look what you did now Dook .. 7 pages allready hehe

Come back to Mid i miss ya :(


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Vladamir said:
If he's been smoking it for so long, he'll be feeling the mind numbing effects of it surely?. One of my RL friends has been on weed for maybe 2 or 3 years and he's not allowed to drive now. The stuff has made him unsafe to drive now. Great stuff i'm sure, not.

Lol, he is a heavy goods vehicle driver, he drives with a metal shed attached to the back of him carrying 46ton :) He is on £1000 ish a week because he single mans it & gets double payed, thats 5 day a week, somtimes runs into 6 days ;) hes £££ loaded

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