

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Cyfr said:
Weed is more dangerous then alchohol however you might not notice the effects.
Myself, I wouldn't touch it with a 50ft pole, however many of my friends are into it.
lol id rather get stoned then wake up the next morning with a hangover.. alas i dont get hangovers when drinking ;)


Dec 23, 2003
ok lets get this straight..

im aware alcohol and cigarettes are drugs, but i've got good reason not to ban them. for one, you couldnt... you simply couldnt even attempt it, they've been legal for so long, trying to ban something that has such a huge influence on our lives just woudnt work. plus, alcohol doesnt lead to anything worse than being a piss head. you dont get people going out mugging old ladies to get they're weekly beer intake do you? real drugs, such as weed etc does often lead onto harder drugs, and with it comes harder crime. i would LOVE to ban cigarettes, they make people stink.. and generally dont do much good, and i beleive they do lead on to people smoking weed etc, definatly. however, banning them is simply impossible, no point even trying.... you'd end up having to execute 3/4 of the worlds population.

and its not only about the effects of weed and other drugs on the body, its the effects these drugs have when being sold illegally. people are killed and robbed to pay for it, and alot of crime revolves around it. people say we should legalise it and sell it in chemists, for medical purposes. would that actually do anything to the current state of the matter? no, it'd just enable more people to use it, and encourage people to sell it illegally undercutting the chemists that legally sell it.

basically, i'm not a great fan of democracy... we should listen to what people in power tell us to do, and follow they're instructions. freedom of speach is bollocks, purely because the majority of people in britain are fucking idiots with no idea, THATS why we're in such a state at the moment. a few lefty pillocks poke they're noses in and comment on us not being nice enough to asylum seakers... the govornment wouldnt wanna offend any lefties, they know how fucking irritating they can be (climbing up trees and all that), so they just open the flood gates and let the bastards in willy nilly.

get rid of democracy, let the people that KNOW what they're doing run the country, not the fucking morons with 2 GCSE's, 8 kids and a pitbull named spike.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 19, 2003
Cyfr said:
Weed is more dangerous then alchohol however you might not notice the effects.
Myself, I wouldn't touch it with a 50ft pole, however many of my friends are into it.
Saying weed is more dangerous then alchohol is silly, weed has no physical addiction, only mental. Alcohol has a strong physical addiction.
Aslong as its used in moderation there is little or no danger.
Going around smoking weed all day long will fuck you up, smoking a joint when you get home from work wont hurt a fly

Every substance in the world is bad for you if you take to much off it, people have died from drinking to much water.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Karam_Gruul on Weed said:
so in short, imo, even if your dying of cancer, smoking weed is fucking wrong. nothing makes it right, nothing makes using or doing anything illegal right. if you say... but im dying of cancer i can smoke weed, then surely i can say... i fucking hate immigrants im gonna kill some ?

Karam_Gruul on Cars said:
of course motorbike accidents are worse, and more dangerous. thats why they're more fun.... as my friend said, its not our fault fun things are dangerous, its just the way it goes.

and.... i just cant seem to care if im endangering families by driving stupidly.. i really cant lol. its too much fun. if i do hit someone and kill um, fair enough it was they're time to go.. and mine probably lol. but i aint gonna be all gay and careful just because i might hurt someone.

Karam_Gruul said:
nuff has been said

Indeed there has.


Dec 23, 2003
nick said:
Indeed there has.

lol that post just shows you've got enough time to backtrack through my posts. sad ****.

plus, i still stand by my bike, i dont give a flying fuck if i kill someone on my bike, cos its fun. and i hate immigrants/drug people. nuff said.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
I smoked it throughout uni and I enjoyed it quite a lot. I was doing a subject that I knew quite a lot about so it didn't really affect me much. I carried on when I started working but realised that I just couldn't keep doing both. I'd find it hard to go to sleep and even harder to get up in the morning, I'd always have big dark bags under my eyes and generally looked like a zombie.

Eventually I decided that I had to stop and I did. I gave up cigarettes at the same time (which is actually quite easy to do - do a search for Allen Carr if you don't believe me ;) ). Now I occasionally smoke with friends when I'm out with them, but that's it.

I can honestly say that my life has only got better since I gave smoking up.

Still, I think that cannabis should be legalised, it is no worse than cigarettes or alcohol - all the statistics point to the same conclusion. Many of the UKs anti-drug laws date from the 70s when the government was trying to keep down the number of hippies around, but they have no place in today's societies (the laws - not the hippies! :p). Anyway, you british are far better off than us french, we've got some of the toughest laws about cannabis in the world here (and incidentally the biggest smoking population :p)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Karam_Gruul said:
basically, i'm not a great fan of democracy... we should listen to what people in power tell us to do, and follow they're instructions. freedom of speach is bollocks, purely because the majority of people in britain are fucking idiots with no idea, THATS why we're in such a state at the moment. a few lefty pillocks poke they're noses in and comment on us not being nice enough to asylum seakers... the govornment wouldnt wanna offend any lefties, they know how fucking irritating they can be (climbing up trees and all that), so they just open the flood gates and let the bastards in willy nilly.

get rid of democracy, let the people that KNOW what they're doing run the country, not the fucking morons with 2 GCSE's, 8 kids and a pitbull named spike.

this has to be the single most funniest comment ever. the bit about freedom of speech and ppl being idiots.... bit of irony ? ;)
cant u clock ?.... these people opinions are valued just as much as urs. nothing makes u better than them.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Karam_Gruul said:
we should listen to what people in power tell us to do, and follow they're instructions. freedom of speach is bollocks, purely because the majority of people in britain are fucking idiots with no idea,

Karam_Gruul said:
plus, i still stand by my bike, i dont give a flying fuck if i kill someone on my bike, cos its fun. and i hate immigrants/drug people. nuff said.

according to the people in power your not supposed to break the traffic rules, if you do you should be executed along with the stoners :rolleyes:

You should go live in north-korea, it will be a paradise for you: no one is allowed to say anything about the governement and if people dont listen they end up in some camp...



im sure you would love that country!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Karam_Gruul said:
basically, i'm not a great fan of democracy... we should listen to what people in power tell us to do, and follow they're instructions. freedom of speach is bollocks, purely because the majority of people in britain are fucking idiots with no idea,
ok then shutup plz:)


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Only...only...ONLY on the net can something as stupid as weed be so popular as a subject...

Goddamn potheads the lot of ya.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
i get asked quite alot y i smoke dope irl.. ppl mostly think i smoke it because its cool or the in thing to do .. tbh i think thats bollox i smoke dope because i enjoy it and it makes me happy strange but true i also enjoy life more because of it and all the shit ive gone through..


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Sigurd said:
You think cocaine doesn't fuck you up??

the women in Eastenders from ALONG time ago was a cocain baghead (druggy) and she had no middle of her nose, dirty scruff imo. Weed isnt bad as Cocain, weed isnt bad at all, you dont see people OD'ing of drugs, tbh you see MORE people dying off drink driving than you do off getting stoned out of your head.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
old.Tohtori said:
Only...only...ONLY on the net can something as stupid as weed be so popular as a subject...

Goddamn potheads the lot of ya.
heeeey somthing like 46//36% of the population have smoked it.
imo any drug is ok.. as long as u dont get addicted , as that sucks


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Shneddi said:
heeeey somthing like 46//36% of the population have smoked it.
imo any drug is ok.. as long as u dont get addicted , as that sucks

Was actually commenting on the thread as a whole, not the subject. The pothead comment was a joke, forgot my smiley. Go figure.

In what country by the way? UK? The world is hardly an option.


Dec 25, 2003
Shneddi said:
taken it ? :p and she OD's off heroin btw , though she is pretty messed up before that:)

Strangely nope, never taken any non-medical drugs... cocaine users do overdose, there's quite a high chance... I've heard many stories of it happening, and not just urban legends... from friends witnessing it happening. Thing is - it's not exactly hard to enjoy yourself without the use of drugs, so why do it?


Resident Freddy
Dec 23, 2003
Blondy said:
weed isnt bad at all, you dont see people OD'ing of drugs, tbh you see MORE people dying off drink driving than you do off getting stoned out of your head.

From what fucking planet are you?! "you dont see people OD'ing of drugs"
Drinking and driving is incredible stupid, and smoking weed is just as stupid.

I totaly agree with teh seel...
Only...only...ONLY on the net can something as stupid as weed be so popular as a subject...

Goddamn potheads the lot of ya.

and i didnt forgot the smiley.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Lakih said:
Drinking and driving is incredible stupid, and smoking weed is just as stupid.

erm do you mean that smoking weed and driving is stupid (I agree) or that only smoking weed is stupid (disagree - or agree with you if you think the same of just drinking alcohol and just smoking cigarettes...)?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
afaik only 2 people in the UK have ever died due to canabis. One was recently and the guy had smoked >20 joints a day for the last 15ish years so thats understandable.

The other one was a few years ago where a guy driving a truck crashed it and was crushed by the large amount of dope he had in the trailer


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Serbitar said:
afaik only 2 people in the UK have ever died due to canabis. One was recently and the guy had smoked >20 joints a day for the last 15ish years so thats understandable.

prolly died of lung cancer or some related disease and not actually to an overdose of THC (the active chemical in cannabis). Weed is much much worse for you in terms of tar and other c**p going into your lungs than cigarettes.

Serbitar said:
The other one was a few years ago where a guy driving a truck crashed it and was crushed by the large amount of dope he had in the trailer.

lol ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Ssera said:
prolly died of lung cancer or some related disease and not actually to an overdose of THC (the active chemical in cannabis). Weed is much much worse for you in terms of tar and other c**p going into your lungs than cigarettes.

The only reason this is worse is due to the fact that when you smoke a spliff you mix the dope with tobacco and naturally only use a roach (a rolled up piece of cardboard) as opposed to a filter. If you smoke bongs, pipes or 100% bush/skunk spliffs its actually a hell of a lot healthier


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Serbitar said:
The only reason this is worse is due to the fact that when you smoke a spliff you mix the dope with tobacco and naturally only use a roach (a rolled up piece of cardboard) as opposed to a filter. If you smoke bongs, pipes or 100% bush/skunk spliffs its actually a hell of a lot healthier

Do not try and fool yourself in thinking that smoking weed is "healthier" - it isn't.

Bongs are more healthy due to the fact that the water filters out most of the c**p in the smoke. If you roll a pure spliff (ie 100% weed in it) the same size as a cigarette, it will do your body a lot more damage than just smoking a cigarette (filter or no filter). A common point most researchers agree on is that smoking 5 or 6 joints in a day is about equivalent to smoking a pack of cigarettes in a day.

The reason why I think smoking weed isn't as bad as cigarettes though, is that when you smoke weed, you do it because you enjoy the effect it has on you. You can feel yourself float away on your little cloud and your perception of things changes as you smoke - generally for the better, especially if you are around like-minded people.

When you smoke a cigarette though, you think that it's having a good effect on you (reduces stress, makes you more confident etc) when in fact the ONLY thing it is doing is killing you.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
tbh i'm not concerned about the health thing anyway. I dont exactly lead a healthy lifestyle, too much beer, fags (although i am in the process of giving these up), dope, fatty foods etc... when i hit 30 i'll prolly treble my weight, but hey thats 7 years away ;)

I smoke dope cos i enjoy it, i smoke cigs cos i got addicted to them years ago, hence the giving up, yet i will still continue to smoke dope. Its nice to get out of work, skin up and chill out. I don't feel a need to have a spliff though i do for cigs, again another reason to give up. If one day i do feel the need for a spliff then i'll prolly give that up as well.


Resident Freddy
Dec 23, 2003
Ssera said:
erm do you mean that smoking weed and driving is stupid (I agree) or that only smoking weed is stupid (disagree - or agree with you if you think the same of just drinking alcohol and just smoking cigarettes...)?
Drinking = stupid
Drinking and driving = very stupid
Smoking = stupid
Smoking weed = very stupid

I do drink alkohol, not very often, but i do (as in getting drunk, not drinking a glass of wine while having dinner).
I for one (call me stupid if you wish) beleve that there is a reason behind weed beeing classed as narcotics while alkohol is not.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Sigurd said:
Strangely nope, never taken any non-medical drugs... cocaine users do overdose, there's quite a high chance... I've heard many stories of it happening, and not just urban legends... from friends witnessing it happening. Thing is - it's not exactly hard to enjoy yourself without the use of drugs, so why do it?

did it as a experience , the same way ppl travell the world u could say. Cocaine imo is safe to take , but i would not say it should be legal ( in our socity) as its addictive , would fuck up enough ppl


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Lakih said:
From what fucking planet are you?! "you dont see people OD'ing of drugs"
Drinking and driving is incredible stupid, and smoking weed is just as stupid.

I totaly agree with teh seel...

and i didnt forgot the smiley.

i meant u dont see people dying off weed :touch:

and no need for the abusive chat tbh...:eek:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Lakih said:
I do drink alkohol, not very often, but i do (as in getting drunk, not drinking a glass of wine while having dinner).
I for one (call me stupid if you wish) beleve that there is a reason behind weed beeing classed as narcotics while alkohol is not.

the reason being that you cant ban alcohol out of society, people have accepted the risk it brings and will keep using it. Weed hasnt been around our society as long as alcohol and therefore hasnt been accepted.
Also it happens that an user of weed jumps to worse drugs as heroin, but if you would legalise weed this might not happen as people who want to use weed wouldnt be in the same circuit as the heroin users.

And why is using weed so much more stupid than alcohol, what is soo bad about it that makes using it stupid (other than it being illegal in your country).


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Lakih said:
I for one (call me stupid if you wish) beleve that there is a reason behind weed beeing classed as narcotics while alkohol is not.

americans tried to ban it n00b if they had not failed prolly would be banned worldwide

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